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  • mlnjr, Network Port Configurations: Internal Modem Built-in Ethernet Airport All checked "on" Network Status: Airport (green "light" - identifies network to which we are connected) Internal Modem (red "light" - identified as not se…
  • mlnjr, We never reached that point. The Comcast person tried to connect the cable modem to our mac via ethernet to get the pc light on the modem to light up, with the expectation to input the necessary ISP info afterwards. We never achieved the…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Masker: Did it ever occur to anyone thatthe low end Power Mac might be less than the upper end iMac? As in $500 less? MSKR Ok, I forgot that the imac would have the superdrive and the tower would have only CD-RW…
  • Ok - the least capable tower has the same processor as the upper level imac (apparently stripped of its L3 cache also), no superdrive, no lcd, but it does have a faster (but smaller) hard drive, perhaps a better graphics card, and expansion capabili…
  • You all know that JYD is just yanking your collective chains, right? This is a spoof. danho
  • [quote]Originally posted by KidRed: Not earth shattering when for $200 more you get an iMac/superdrive with a 15" LCD. THese are good specs, but not over the top good, as I said-reasonable. yes, you get the 15" lcd, but you seem to be ignori…
  • "Whats going to sell the tower now that the iMac's a G4? " Assuming minimal speed bumps, no faster busses, RAM, etc, DUAL processors across the tower line would differentiate the tower from the new imac. Apple could price the low end tower at ar…
  • Suppose that the rumor is true; i.e., that the new towers will range from 867 - 1000 MHz (G4), with perhaps no mods to the bus speed, etc. IMHO, I expect these machines to be all duals, as this is the only way that Apple could differentiate them…
  • I still think there is more to the story. As I wrote a while ago, a CompUSA person told me the imacs would have G4s (looks to be true), there will be G5s (TBD), and possibly G5s in powerbook (looks like ibook is being updated). There is more - h…
  • I hope this is not true - a 750 Mhz G3 imac (even with a flat panel display) is not going to rev many engines. I'm still going with G4 imacs and G5 powermacs - otherwise this has the potential to be a disappointing MWSF (especially with Apple going…
  • I think Apple will deliver "big time" at MWSF for the following reasons: 1. Apple must be painfully aware of the buzz about G5, LCD/G4 imac, etc; i.e., they know what people are expecting. 2. I suspect that the combination of buzz and no deni…
  • The prediction about not selling dual 800 setups at CompUSA et al. It makes more sense if it is interpreted to mean that there will not be MP configurations at your typical retail stores.
  • [quote]Originally posted by danho: Here is a summary of what a CompUSA person told me would occur at the upcoming MWSF: Less speculative: 1. G5 towers 2. G4, flat panel imacs 3. Dual 800 towers no longer available through stores like CompU…
  • Here is a summary of what a CompUSA person told me would occur at the upcoming MWSF: Less speculative: 1. G5 towers 2. G4, flat panel imacs 3. Dual 800 towers no longer available through stores like CompUSA 4. AMD manufacturer of G5 chip …
  • Just visited my local CompUSA. I asked the manager about new mac systems. Aside from the flat panel Imac, he stated Apple was coming out with a dual 1Ghz tower, with 512 MB ram, 120 GB hd, lots of software - for about $3500.
  • For what it's worth: According to CompUSA sales person, he saw the order form for G5s from an Apple rep. Also, the chips will be made by AMD. No spec info
  • Wormboy, My point was NOT that the game would not play well on a MP/800. Rather, it was that for gamers (again, NOT me) there are not sufficient incentives to switch to Mac from PC. So what? It is my belief that this is a large, untapped m…
    in G5 Rumors Comment by danho November 2001
  • Here is my reply to the "Mhz Myth", etc. I'm not trolling, as we have 3 macs on our wireless network at home. There is a large, untapped market for Mac - gamers. To attract this population, Macs need to become faster and cheaper. Consider …
    in G5 Rumors Comment by danho November 2001