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Is it just me? Why pay for on-line news subscriptions services?
Real world predictions for those who understand apple. 1. Apple will not steel the thunder of the iPhone launch by announcing both products this fall. So chances of 7" iPad this year is very remote. Next Spring odds go up. Please note that a…
Competition brings innovation faster, so this is good. But there is a reason why, at least today, apple market cap is 424.34B and Microsoft is 251.30B. The reason is better products that people want to buy.
I have banned all Apple products until they build a Genius Bar in my home and staff it.
Quote: Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer NS does not stand for NeXStep. NS represented the next phase, OpenStep. Prior to the OpenStep initiative it was (NX) which stood for NeXT, It was NXString, NXDictionary, etc. The switch to OSString, OSDicti…
I agree, very interesting read. When programming objects I still see NS nomenclature that originated with NextStep. The NextStep prefix (NS) is used extensively on MacOS and even iOS programming. Such as NSStrings, NSDictionary, or NSUrl. The lis…
Not saying i believe this rumor, but you know if att/verizon continued to play hardball on a phone that can transfer from one network to another, I would do stuff like this to show them who is boss.
Wow! how stupid. They have this great brand name. Technology would allow them to integrate the services like they are currently doing. But now they want us to go to two different websites and have two different logins. This makes no sense!
Quote: Originally Posted by stelligent I don't think they have been mum. I believe they have made it crystal clear is that METRO is part of Windows 8 but will not be standalone. True, some have questioned the feasibility of this. And I agree w…
Quote: Originally Posted by wildag 7) Steve Jobs is a master of the red herring argument. The truth is that Flash runs very well on iOS. Many of the top games and business apps in the App store today are written in flash! And they're indistinguis…
Quote: Originally Posted by stelligent This is interesting or perhaps strange. On one hand, it seems like Microsoft has seen the *light* and will forsake Flash. But what of Silverlight? Regardless, Metro does not come alone. It is part of Win…
Quote: Originally Posted by stevetim What I have heard about windows 8 is that the desktop version and the mobile versions will be the same, but I must be missing something. Oh I get it now. This is from PC World You'll still be able to view c…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross You missed what was said. On Metro, on tablets, and I assume still with WP 7 and what will come after, on their phones, MS will not support plug-ins, and so no Flash. That doesn't mean that current use preclu…
MS didn't jettison anything. The first website you go that has flash will ask you to download it. A VAST majority will click the button and then you will have flash on the browser.
As a Marketeer myself I'm always amazed that when dealing with computers, Units are the measurement standard. I have always been more interested in dollars sold. Dollars sold is a much fairer comparison. In all other business that I deal with …
If they keep their vomit green color I will never go in.
It is doubtful to me that Apple would give phones away ... even for 2 year contract ... It cheapens their brand. They MAY sell to ATT/Verizon at a discount and let them give it away, but even that is doubtful as they protect their product brands…
Quote: Originally Posted by TBell That is BS. Toyota and Honda build cars here,. They don't build here, they assemble here .... big difference.
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider Apple is expected to buy some $7.8 billion in components from Samsung this year. 8 bil is not chump change. You would think they would want to play ball with apple.
Quote: Originally Posted by EmperorsNewClothes Get yourself a Dropbox account. I have one. I cannot open for example open keynote for iPad files on the iPad. I have to sync via iTunes. Keynot let's you open mobile me files and WebDAV accounts.…