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Quote: Originally Posted by davesw Sounds about right. Apple?s creation story epitomizes the humble garage origin of its technology ? not unlike the humble manger of Jesus? birth. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is perceived as a messianic leader who …
This thread is absolutely hilarious if you read the one about Android beforehand.
Quote: Originally Posted by Firefly7475 Hey AI... the main article probably needs an update. It looks like Gwydion was right. Feel free to gloat if you must. The Apple fanboys don't care about that update. They just want something so they…
Quote: Originally Posted by StLBluesFan Verizon purchased Alltel after the first iPhone came out and that alone boosted their subscription base 20%. For several quaters now data has shown AT&T growth higher than that of Verizon. Verizon act…
Quote: Originally Posted by brucep you can build towers inside almost any building billboard or structure. in nyc verizon has towers and repeaters every where . when they fight verizon verizon moves 8 blocks a way and builds in it there quiet…
Quote: Originally Posted by Magic8Ball The ultimate fanboy Hours before Apple's iPhone 4 press conference, we pointed to a YouTube video of "The iPhone Antenna Song", a humorous two-min…
Quote: Originally Posted by souliisoul Firstly not going to say to you that 0.016% is BS, let you use that inaccurate rate, but what is the total number of iPhone 4 vs. Droid Eris. Understand data before you use it in argument, it is not good …
Quote: Originally Posted by chronster And so have the diehard fanboys around here. Lets ignore the fact that the issue is far more exaggerated in the iphone4 than other devices, and instead point out how when you squeeze ANY phone the signal deg…
Quote: Originally Posted by Qualia I agree. Anybody who acts as if Apple doesn't make mistakes and that all this hoopla was only by whiners (a lot of might have been, but there clearly were people who actually did own the phone who actually did h…
Quote: Originally Posted by davesw absolutely agree. If you agree, why do you go around posting videos of phones no one on this forum cares about to make a case that "other phones do it too"?
Quote: Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum First: Others have said that it, likely, would take several days to test each phone-- some tests run for 24 hours. Second: What Apple showed at the press event was fair, but fairly innocuous. It sho…
Quote: Originally Posted by Quadra 610 Except the issue isn't nearly as substantial as the tech media make it out to be. Give it a few weeks and it'll all be forgotten. Even bad PR blows over pretty quick when we're talking Apple gear. …
Quote: Originally Posted by davesw yeah right....."self-censored"...he accidentailly damaged the phone. haha. right... how about the videos for Droid Incredible? EVO? the Nexus One? I said all phones have the issue, do you read? Really, c…
Quote: Originally Posted by davesw There is an issue. Verizon PR and Marketing folks in action. Why was the video CENSORED??? here it is again. I think it was self-censored. So…
Quote: Originally Posted by davesw Death Grip on DROID X Well i watched that expecting it to be a video of the droid x not working…
Quote: Originally Posted by SendMe What is the difference? The 3GS is the best phone out there except for the 4. I would ask where you're getting your information but from your posts you seem like the DaHarder of the apple side.
Quote: Originally Posted by justflybob To mis-qoute Yoda: "The answer you seek may be in the forum name. Yes, it is." True. Quote: Originally Posted by rorybalmer no Apple used examples to show that this ISN'T an apple specific problem…
Quote: Originally Posted by SendMe Steve quoted the ATT data. The iP4 has fewer dropped calls than any other phone except the 3GS, which is the second-best phone on the market. And compared to the 3GS, the difference was hardly worth mentioning…
Quote: Originally Posted by SendMe The iPhone has the best reception of any cell phone, bar none, unless you hold it in the same way that makes every other cellphone lose signal. Its that simple. Their design DOES make better reception then a…
Quote: Originally Posted by Surf Monkey I don't see any evidence to back up this assertion, and plenty of evidence that contradicts it. Near as I can tell, the iPhone 4 exhibits behavior that is essentially the same as what is observed on many ot…