RIM, Nokia respond to Apple's "Antennagate" press conference



  • Reply 161 of 547
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Can anyone find these pictures? Anyone?

    Ha! I saw one with a big yellow sticker. It was on the back of the phone and there was this recessed brass screw.

    I think it was posted to the official Nokia Blog that made fun of the iP4 grip of death

    But if you google around: image nokia antenna warning,,,

    There are some links, but they seem to have been taken down!

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  • Reply 162 of 547
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Can anyone find these pictures? Anyone?

    RIM and Nokia probably had them all removed.
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  • Reply 163 of 547
    Nokia and RIM are simply replying that "we spend more resources with antenna design, etc." blah blah blah. No explanation, just like a typical company's PR. They don't want to admit they have the same problem (which is blatantly true now), which is their only edge over the iPhone 4.
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  • Reply 164 of 547
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by dougaa View Post

    It's hard to know how many phones were added to AT&Ts network, since no doubt many iPhone 4s are replacing older iPhones or other phones on AT&T.

    Where do you think all the old iPhones go?
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  • Reply 165 of 547
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Ha! I saw one with a big yellow sticker.

    But if you googols around: image nokia antenna warning,,,

    There are some links, but they seem to have been taken down!

    I can't find anything.

    If they've all been taken down (was it on a Nokia website?), can you link to the Google cache please?
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  • Reply 166 of 547
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    funny how RIM and Nokia are not denying their phones suffer from the death grip as well
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  • Reply 167 of 547
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    Great post.

    This is Apple's "Toyota Moment". They set themselves up as infallible (which nobody is), then utterly blew their management of a PR debacle.

    And in the worst of things, even Toyota didn't resort to putting themselves on par with their competition (i.e. "But GM and Ford cars have problems too!").

    Anyway I fully agree: face up to the problem, fix it, and get on with life. Don't cop out by lowering yourself to the rest of the industry.

    Except the issue isn't nearly as substantial as the tech media make it out to be.

    Give it a few weeks and it'll all be forgotten.

    Even bad PR blows over pretty quick when we're talking Apple gear.

    - Google Voice

    - Macbook Pro/Nvidia issues

    - Adobe Flash


    This is nothing.
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  • Reply 168 of 547
    tripotripo Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by Isomorphic View Post

    My wife has a Nokia E71. We get 5 bars at our house. With all 5 bars showing, if you grab the E71 in the same way as the iPhone 4 deathgrip, the signal meter on the phone drops to either 1 or no bars. This is 100% reproducible.

    Nokia needs a nice, warm cup of STFU.

    Hell yeah !
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  • Reply 169 of 547
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    yeah right....."self-censored"...he accidentailly damaged the phone. haha. right...

    how about the videos for Droid Incredible? EVO? the Nexus One?

    I said all phones have the issue, do you read? Really, calm down. You don't need to lay your campaign to prove apple's point and protect them on me. And btw, I'm pretty sure Apple is perfectly capable of defending itself, as they did in their conference, without your little personal campaign.

    And of course it was self-censored, do you really think Verizon would have the guy simply put some crappy annotations on top of it if they wanted it taken down? The video simply would have been taken down. Apparently somehow the guy damaged the phone. Regardless, as I said, "all phones get some sort of loss, video isn't really necessary to prove it." The amount of loss due to human contact can significantly vary by the phone, however.
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  • Reply 170 of 547
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Except the issue isn't nearly as substantial as the tech media make it out to be.

    Give it a few weeks and it'll all be forgotten.

    Even bad PR blows over pretty quick when we're talking Apple gear.

    - Google Voice

    - Macbook Pro/Nvidia issues

    - Adobe Flash


    This is nothing.

    Well, I don't think the Nvidia issues are as much of a "non-issue"... Maybe that's just me.
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  • Reply 171 of 547
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Where do you think all the old iPhones go?

    To the land of misfit toys of course.
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  • Reply 172 of 547
    Is it me, or does the Apple anechoic chamber look like a bathroom aboard the Death Star?
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  • Reply 173 of 547
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by st3v3 View Post

    What would have been useful was the amount lost in dbm for each phone. This would result in greater or smaller effect depending on the phone. This kind of test would have been much better as opposed to simply touching on using the death grip, which I doubt anyone would ever use. Also, the thresholds for the amount of bars for each phone would have been useful. Another thing to be noted is whether this is before or after apple updated their algorithm, since that makes a difference in how the bars appear to decrease.

    First: Others have said that it, likely, would take several days to test each phone-- some tests run for 24 hours.

    Second: What Apple showed at the press event was fair, but fairly innocuous. It should be pretty easy to duplicate what you saw without raising challenges.

    If Apple were to do a thorough test of each phone measuring results on a common scale-- yes it would be useful. They may already have done this.

    But, if Apple were to publish the results. it would open itself to all sorts of bad PR, criticism, lawsuits, for example:

    -- How come you measured the old XYZ and not the New XYZ Plus

    -- Your figures are totally wrong

    -- your methodology is skewed to make the iPhone look better

    -- prove your results

    -- you don't understand the first thing about RF, signal strength, attenuation

    -- how come you touched me here, you were supposed to touch me there

    -- Your inaccurate numbers have had a negative effect on our sales

    Can you imagine the firestorm if Apple did this-- bigger than Antennagate, Obamagate and BPgate combined.

    What should happen is that an independent or regulatory organization should perform these tests to a common standard and publish the methodology and results for all to see-- no evaluation, no allowed to sell phone.

    Are you listening CR? FCC?

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  • Reply 174 of 547
    applebookapplebook Posts: 350member
    Check this out:


    AT&T (SURPRISE!) Captivate is death grip problematic, while the others are apparently not. The tester doesn't hold onto the other phones long enough though, as he death-grips the iPhone 4 nearly two times longer than average.
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  • Reply 175 of 547
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by sky_ozone View Post

    i Think apple is trying to deflect the actual issue here, yes death grip is real for every other phone, but because of death grip, call drop is only unique problem with iphone 4. more call drop is real problem with iphone 4,not just bar dancing.

    It's not clear that the death grip and/or number of bars is directly (or the only thing) related to call drops.

    People have reported being able to make calls without dropping with 0 bars on the iP4) while they could not even make the call on the 3GS,

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  • Reply 176 of 547
    Originally Posted by rorybalmer View Post

    It's obviously doomed.

    I mean before this all happened their was 2 week waits to get one.. and now there is only.. hmm three week waits...

    That's odd cause for a second there I thought you weren't just a complete retard who makes fun of people for posting on forums that you clearly read and post on.

    Let's get something straight: I am a retard. Why? Cause I bought an iPhone 4. That's why.

    Thanks to the brilliant Apple design team, ALL of us who use apple products are now regarded as retards. Not only by our Windoze brethren, but by the rest of the normal world too.

    Second, I don't read the articles, I usually just read the last few pages of comments. I have a LIFE so that's all I have time for.

    Thirdly, the point I wuz trying to make, twenty more posts later, is this: steve mobs told you how it is, in living color and surround sound. No cryptic email that may or may not be real.

    You heard God Almighty himself tell you there ain't nuthing wrong with the iPhone 4.

    So what in blue blazes are you all fighting a out? If you have a phone then enjoy it. If your a fence sitter, get out your Amex and get busy. Cause if you don't have an iPhone 4 then you're never ever going to get laid!!
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  • Reply 177 of 547
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    First: Others have said that it, likely, would take several days to test each phone-- some tests run for 24 hours.

    Second: What Apple showed at the press event was fair, but fairly innocuous. It should be pretty easy to duplicate what you saw without raising challenges.

    If Apple were to do a thorough test of each phone measuring results on a common scale-- yes it would be useful. They may already have done this.

    But, if Apple were to publish the results. it would open itself to all sorts of bad PR, criticism, lawsuits, for example:

    -- How come you measured the old XYZ and not the New XYZ Plus

    -- Your figures are totally wrong

    -- your methodology is skewed to make the iPhone look better

    -- prove your results

    -- you don't understand the first thing about RF, signal strength, attenuation

    -- how come you touched me here, you were supposed to touch me there

    -- Your inaccurate numbers have had a negative effect on our sales

    Can you imagine the firestorm if Apple did this-- bigger than Antennagate, Obamagate and BPgate combined.

    What should happen is that an independent or regulatory organization should perform these tests to a common standard and publish the methodology and results for all to see-- no evaluation, no allowed to sell phone.

    Are you listening CR? FCC?


    Very true. Not to mention that if Apple did share that information it probably wouldn't mean a thing to the average consumer.
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  • Reply 178 of 547
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    So Dick, since you presumably live in the East Bay, does that make you an Athletic supporter?

    Are you making fun of my nickname or the picture?

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  • Reply 179 of 547
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Detuning an attenuation are not the same thing. They said bumpers until September 30th because they'll change the antenna in some way by then. I can wait, and I will.

    Yes I'm well aware of that, which is why I posted a link explaining the differences.

    The only way to avoid attenuation effects of your hand is to move your hand away from the antenna, which the bumper effectively does. Now, to do that without a bumper, you need to be looking at moving the antenna, which I don't see them doing.

    They can however do something about the de-tuning effects without changing the outward appearance of it.
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  • Reply 180 of 547
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Cause if you don't have an iPhone 4 then you're never ever going to get laid!!

    Now there's a concept for Apple's next iPhone ad. Starring the Old Spice guy.
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