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  • Hands on: Apple takes aim at PC users with 9.7" iPad Pro

    From the article;
    Interestingly, Apple configures the 9.7 inch Air 2 and Pro models with different capacities, making it more difficult to directly compare the two. iPad Air 2 is offered in 16 and 64GB versions, while the new iPad Pro comes in 32, 64 and 256GB editions. The Air 2 is now priced starting at $399, while the 9.7 inch Pro is $200 more and the 12.9 inch Pro carries yet another $200 premium. That's about as simple of pricing differentiation as one could ask for.
    The new 9.7 inch iPad Pro comes in 32, 128 (not 64GB) and 256GB editions.
    Because none of the storage configurations are the same the price differentiation with the Air 2 is not simple.
    9.7 iPd Air 2 64 GB $499
    9.7 iPad Pro 32 GB $599
    9.7 iPad Pro 128 GB $749.

    Frankly because the Air is a lot cheaper and if someone does not need the Pencil or the keyboard connector (and considering that the Air 2 is close in speed to the new IP Pro), the Air 2 will be the better deal for a lot of buyers.
  • Apple's 9.7-inch 'iPad Pro' to bring flagship glory back to full-size form factor

    pmz said:
    davygee said:

    I hope it ends up looking like this:
    12.9" iPad Pro starting at $799
    9.7" iPad Pro starting at $499
    9.7" iPad Air 2 starting at $399
    7.9" iPad Mini 4 starting at $299
    7.9" iPad Mini 2 starting at $229

    It won't. That is not how Apple rolls. They view the 9.7" iPad Pro as a value-added proposition, not the new baseline for an iPad. It will start at $599 minimum.
    Of course several of us are aware of how the MacBook Air has stagnated and that the new MacBook 12 inch (with the retina screen upgrade) is more expensive then the 11.6 inch MacBook Air. We understand that Apple often wants to charge more for new versions of similar products. * It is just that some of us were hoping that the iPad Air 2 replacement/update, the 9.7 inch iPad Pro, would be at the same price. Wishful thinking? Probably. But some of us can dream.
  • Apple's 9.7-inch 'iPad Pro' to bring flagship glory back to full-size form factor

    Steve said "If it needs a stylus, you've failed."

    Now it seems the 9.7" iPad needs a stylus to rescue it.

    Oh, the irony!
    The "irony" is that your comment does not make much sense. Before iOS, a complex mobile operating system like Windows Mobile needed a stylus to work. That was what Steve Jobs was talking about. iOS introduced a complex finger touch mobile OS which does not need a stylus to work. That is true of the iPad Pro. * As for the Apple Pencil, its purpose is for drawing. There has been a drawing stylus from 3rd parties for iOS for many years. Apple has just improved on that idea with the Pencil.
  • What to expect from Apple's 'let us loop you in' event today

    Blaster said:
    appex said:
    Bring a true real Mac tablet.
    Apple can't do that because they would appear to be backtracking on their whole "refrigerator wth toaster" argument against full OS X on touchscreens -- not to mention all the Apple cheerleaders who would also have to change their story in order to remain lock-step with Apple.  So instead of touchscreen iMacs and MacBooks, Apple decides to start propping up the iPad to make it look like a laptop which happens to have a touchscreen.  It reminds me of Mac haters who proclaim they will never buy a Mac, but then they go and buy PC laptops which look like obvious imitations of Mac laptops.  And then they install Apple desktop backgrounds on those PC laptops, and install GUI skins on top of Windows to look like OS X.
    Once an Apple product line is introduced, updates are evolutionary and not revolutionary. Apple will slowly evolve iOS (iPhone / iPad) to become more capable. At the same time OS X will evolve to interact better with iOS and look more like iOS. We can imagine that some day Apple will converge iOS and OS X but they are in no hurry to do so in the foreseeable future.
  • Review: Apple Smart Battery Case for iPhone 6 & 6s

    "Too expensive for included features"

    It fits with the prices of the Mophie cases. 
    Also, Apple accessories can cost more than 3rd party options. 
    But with this case the customer gets more; a Lightning connector and a very easy to use design. 

    "May be ugly to some"

    That can be said about every piece of tech ever created. 
    One of the silliest comments in a professional review imo. 

    "No external LED or controls"

    Considering the very nice battery tracking software for this case, I don't see this as a major problem.
    Also without external controls/LEDs, the Apple case has a simpler, more rugged exterior design. 

    "Makes 3.5 port incompatible with some accessories"

    This is true of many 3rd party iPhone cases, including the one that I use on my phone.  
    - If it's that big of an issue, get an adapter. 
