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  • Apple, 67 other businesses file against North Carolina's HB2 'bathroom' law

    Screwed up my own numbering. Last three sections should say:

    (8, 9, 10, and 13)
  • Apple, 67 other businesses file against North Carolina's HB2 'bathroom' law

    (1) Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

    (2) Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Not A Civil Rights Issue


    (4) Jerry Springer-I'm Happy I Cut Off My Legs!

    (5) Adult Gender Identity Disorder (GID) Can Remit

    (6) Transsexualism, Dissociation,and Child Abuse

    (7) The frequency of personality disorders in patients with gender identity disorder

    (8) Personality Disorders in Persons with Gender Identity Disorder

    (9) Increased Gender Variance in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    (10) Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Common Causal Mechanisms?

    (11) A Follow-up Study of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder

    (12) Psychiatric Comorbidity of Gender Identity Disorders: A Survey Among Dutch Psychiatrists

    (13) Psychiatric Axis I Comorbidities among Patients with Gender Dysphoria

    TL;DR: 1. Coming to this part proves you don’t give a fuck. 2. Yes.

    Tallest skil, I would have expected you to think twice before posting these garbage links again, but here we are. Let's take a look, shall we?

    (1 and 2): These are both conservative media, which (before you pound out GENETIC FALLACY) doesn't mean they aren't worth considering. It does, however, lend to an argument that you are presenting a biased consideration of evidence.

    (3): This is a clinical study that actually concludes with the opposite of your point: "Psychological evaluation has shown that sex reassignment increases the well-being of transsexuals, but it should not be considered as a cure-all; it is rehabilitative relieving gender dysphoria, but some transsexual subjects may still experience other problems (e.g. comorbid psychiatric problems, social isolation, troubled relationships, prejudice, and discrimination)."

    (4): An absurd video to be sure, but I shouldn't need to tell you this is anecdotal.

    (5): Broken link, this was also broken last time. Thought you would have removed it.

    (6): This is an unusual study to say the least. A sample size of only 45 patients, done outside of a clinical setting. Where is your academic rigor?

    (7): A medical journal published by the Islamic Republic of Iran—not saying  it isn’t worth considering, but it is important to consider the source. The actual conclusion of the study is similar to 8, 9, and 11--see below.

    (8, 9, and 11): The conclusions of these studies broadly support the argument that patients with gender dysphoria have other mental health conditions at a higher rate than the population at large. Unfortunately, this isn't the argument you are making, and correlation does not imply causation, so using this to claim that gender dysphoria results from a separate mental illness is shaky at best. So if you wanted to make the argument that people with gender dysphoria should be in therapy and evaluating a range of treatments based on their overall mental health, I would agree with you.

    (10): This study concludes that signs of transgender identity can often be seen in childhood, and there are statistically more transgender people with a bisexual or homosexual orientation. Unless you’re arguing homosexuality is also a mental illness--I assume you are, but let's stay on topic--this doesn’t really relate to your point.

    (11): Conclusion: “These data suggest that there is little consensus, at least among Dutch psychiatrists, about diagnostic features of gender identity disorder or about the minimum age at which sex reassignment therapy is a safe option. Therapy options proposed to patients with gender identity disorder appear to depend on personal preferences of psychiatrists. These results underline the need for more specific diagnostic rules in this area.” Sure, more research is a great idea and can only lead to better treatment.

    In case anyone is wondering how someone like Tallest Skil could find the time to put together all these resources, apparently without reading them, this is the page where they were copy/pasted from. The name of the thread is "Need Anti-Tranny Material," with the original post: "I need anti-tranny material for an upcoming argument. Sources needed. Please try to link more scientific studies with peer reviews and shit but a little more shady shit and maybe some particular stories of them being disgusting welcome."

    I'm not sure if Tallest Skil reposting these sources repeatedly counts as SPAM at this point, and I assume there probably aren't any rules against behavior like this, but it's certainly something that readers of these forums should be aware of.
  • Steve Jobs tasked Apple to fix healthcare and Apple Watch is part of the answer

    This is a goal truly worthy of the company's attention. I count eliminating the need to pilot a vehicle as another such goal
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook, other tech leaders call on North Carolina to repeal anti-LGBT law

    londor said:
    jet23 said:

    Or are you just going to paste the same sentence 6 more times?
    Copying and pasting is the only thing he seems capable of because it's clear he doesn't understand the things he's posting.
    So, I just googled some paragraphs from tallest skill's rants and it turns out almost everything he said was actually plagiarized from other parts of the internet.

    Here is the source of his off-topic essay about libertarianism (CMD F "The fact of the matter is that libertarians can’t admit that their ideology is dying"):

    And here is the source of his "The words “gender” and “sex” have been skewed by feminists" rant:, in addition to the list of all of the sources he posted on page 2 as his evidence (this explains the general poor quality and broken links).

    The name of the thread is "Need Anti-Tranny Material," with the original post:
    "I need anti-tranny material for an upcoming argument. Sources needed. Please try to link more scientific studies with peer reviews and shit but a little more shady shit and maybe some particular stories of them being disgusting welcome."
    Of course his information about David Reimer was copied from Wikipedia. I don't think he was trying to hide that.

    Amusingly, his (I assume auto-biographical) short story about wanting to be Napoleon appears to be original.


    tallest skill, you got an F on the paper. You also got kicked out of school.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook, other tech leaders call on North Carolina to repeal anti-LGBT law

    jet23 said:

    ...a fallacious premise (i.e. the man was not actually transgender)

    HE. IS. THE. REASON. THAT. TRANNIES. ARE. GIVEN. ANY. AMOUNT. OF. TIME. AT. ALL. The fallacious premise is that trannies are sane. The fallacious premise is that trannies are normal. The fallacious premise is that trannies are healthy. ALL OF WHICH ARE BASED ON LIES TOLD ABOUT HIS LIFE AND EXPERIENCES.
    I can see my words are still going over your head. You are building a straw man. You are misrepresenting and drastically simplifying the history of the transgender rights movement in order to make an argument from fallacy, which is also a fallacy of the single cause. Saying the same thing over and over again does not make it right. That's an argument from repetition. Claiming that others have failed to prove their claims when you have demonstrably failed to provide sufficient evidence of your own is an argument from silence. Seriously, someone could write the textbook on you