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  • Apple Pay now available in Lowe's home improvement stores


    2) I don't see Google Pay and Samsung Pay noted.

    3) I hope Home Depot follows suit soon.
  • Apple hardware execs discuss 'profound' changes in chip business

    sirdir said:
    h4y3s said:
    The incredible vertical alignment that Apple is able to achieve is going to lead to superior products, and the "It just works" principal for years to come. We should feel lucky to live in such an age
    Still I‘d say you can have an experience that is almost as good today with a windows PC, something that wasn’t possible 20 years ago.
    What vertically integrated device does MS sell?
  • Apple hardware execs discuss 'profound' changes in chip business

    h4y3s said:
    The incredible vertical alignment that Apple is able to achieve is going to lead to superior products, and the "It just works" principal for years to come. We should feel lucky to live in such an age
    It is amazing. I wish we saw this with more companies.
  • Apple offers publishers millions to train AI on archives

    danvm said:
    Xed said:
    danvm said:
    danox said:
    track_trk said:
    danox said:
    Xed said:
    jacob_rad said:
    Though I praise the ethical stand point that Apple has taken, doing so will ensure their loss. The data that these companies will provide will be infinitely smaller than the huge mountains of data that companies such as OpenAI and Google have.

    Also, having to rely on third parties will only slow them down. There are claims that regulations will be passed which may hinder companies such as Google which is scraping the internet for data, I assure you nothing like that will happen in the states. Currently, the world is in a race and no country can afford to be behind, no government (barring EU, duh) is foolish enough to hinder this fledgling field.

    Also, Apple is a hardware company unlike Google which is a true software company, they have more areas to integrate and monetise AI.
    Google has more money than Apple?

    Apple isn't a "true" software company is what respect? Because they also design HW?
    Both of them don't have a big difference in revenue generated, I don't think money is a problem to either of them.

    Isn't Apple more akin to Samsung which sells hardware, and makes software to go along with that? Whereas, Google focuses on software and also has divisions such as Google Deepmind which is the leader of AI research, also possessing the world's fastest quantum computer.
    Apple executes on a far different level than Google, Apple in the last 25 years has been far more effective building profitable new ecosystems, however the huge loads of money spent by the Googles (me too) follies is far beyond Apple. Most of it was spent on bribes, kickbacks and short-term tech flops. 
    Well, Apple is twice as old as Google as a starting point. Also, don't forget the bad phase Apple had to go through when it was almost going bankrupt.

    I understand the love for Apple on an Apple site, but the creator of YouTube, Google maps, Google search, Gmail, Chrome, Google photos is more than the creator of a me too product.

    Also, dare I say Google has played such a significant part in the creation/implementation of most modern web protocols to the point they are the reason the web exists in its current form. Their work in AI is also highly appreciated by the industry, most of which they have open-sourced.

    I would personally not insult Apple because I respect them, but they aren't exactly the shining bastion of morality, as we have been finding out in recent times.
    Aside from search everything Google does is me too and unusually they do it badly with short term focus.....The same applies to Microsoft and Samsung since 2007.
    Maybe you haven't noticed, but Apple also have a list of "me too" products and services.  Some of them are Pages / Numbers / Keynote, iCloud, HomePod, Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade / Apple TV as a gaming console.  Is should include Siri on the list.  At the end, no company is perfect, including Apple. 
    1) What OS came with a full fledged digital
    personal assistant before Apple integrated Siri.

    2) What digital media streaming appliance did Apple ape back in 2006? I remember Apple doing a demo with the then named iTV (which they knew wouldn’t fly because of the BBC’s copyright). Before iOS it was based macOS Leopard(?) and Intel and only having Disney-owned content as a  promised partner for its 2007 launch for rent or purchase. This was an obvious ploy to get other content owners to team up with Apple so that TV Shows and Movies could be had without a disc or tape. It was very slow going as they feared about pirating but the Apple TV was by far the most secure appliance. Apple won in the end but the appliance struggled because of this security reluctance. This was long before steaming services took root as a replacement to cable and satellite.

    3) what would become Apple’s “iWork” app start back in 1982. A year before MS introduced what would become Word and had a spreadsheet app in the Apple ][ by1984, 3 years before Excel launched. Obviously long before Google existed. Spreadsheets apps existed before that. Even mainframes and mini computers had them decades before, as ai recall. 

    4) iCloud came from the failed MobileMe (which I fully blame Jobs’ for a litany of reasons that all come down to hubris), which came from .Mac, which was a branding of the amazing iTools which started in 2000. So tell
    me, what did Google have on the market that competed with iCloud when Google was a mere 15 months old.
    1.  From that POV, agree.
    2.  My post mentioned Apple TV and Apple Arcade as a gaming console.
    3.  As you said, there were word processors and spreadsheets before AppleWorks / iWork.
    4.  Google didn't had them, but MS and other companies did.

    Again, my point still that Apple has some me too products and services, same as Microsoft, Google, Samsung and other companies.
    Based on your comments you see the first A19/E26 LED smart bulb and claim it's a "me too" product because  A19/E26 LED light bulb had existed for years, and that those are also "me too" products because A19/E26 incandescent light bulbs existed for a 100 years, and that those are also "me too" products because the light bulb had already existed years before that. Probably not, but only because Apple doesn't make light bulbs.
  • Apple offers publishers millions to train AI on archives

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    "Apple's attempts to keep up with the rest of the AI field has seen some surprising success. It has already implemented a lot of machine learning elements in iOS and other platforms, and on December 19, it published a paper on rapidly creating 3D avatars of humans from brief video clips."

    Creating 3D avatars probably isn't significant in terms of 'keeping up' and its ML efforts have consistently seemed to get marketing attention after industry has already moved ahead from them. 

    It was only really this year that ML got any major attention (WWDC2023) . It's been around on its phones since 2017 but until this year not much was really pushed and that's because up to recently perhaps it just wasn't being used as much as it was on competing phones. 

    You and I have been watching very different keynotes. Apple has been mentioning ML(Ai) in every keynote since they added the neural engine to their SOC. ML has been a staple of iOS and Watch updates for some time. 
    Let me repeat something you may have missed:

    "It was only really this year that ML got any major attention (WWDC2023) . It's been around on its phones since 2017 but until this year not much was really pushed and that's because up to recently perhaps it just wasn't being used as much as it was on competing phones. "

    NPUs first appeared on phones in 2017. It was only this year that Apple made it a major focus. 
    That’s some bullshit. One’s inability to notice something doesn’t mean it hasn’t existed. I recall Eddy Cue and others talking about Apple’s ML efforts since at least 2017. Personally, when you make ML tools for developers and you design into your chips and build apps around iit you are giving it major attention  

    What you and others always fail to understand is that Apple tends to focus on marketing the user experience, not simply trying to make you focus on what a great potential widget something could be without a real follow through on utility that serves a need.

    Has Google been focused on it since then or earlier? I don’t know, but you won’t hear me claiming they weren't because I don’t know.