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  • Epic Games & Spotify unsurprisingly unhappy with Apple's latest DMA update

    gatorguy said:
    Xed said:
    gatorguy said: Apple develops iOS for hardware, which they monetize to the tune of $Billions every year. It's not essential to apps except for the need to enable install and run on an Apple mobile device. With generally minor changes, the apps as a rule could run on top of any OS and in many cases do. What can't operate without iOS is an Apple mobile device, which is the reason the OS exists.
    Other way around: Apple develops the hardware to run the software. Operating systems are obviously the highest bar to clear when it comes to development and commercial viability. Apps are a dime a dozen by comparison. There's a reason that the EU considers the mobile OS market to be a duopoly: no one else has succeeded at that type of software product to any significant degree. Thousands of companies succeed with apps. Apple is doing the heavy lift commercially, not Epic or Spotify. 
    Maybe Gatorguy hasn't seen this quote before...

    Steve Jobs Quoting Alan Kay
    Apple's goal from the beginning was inventing consumer hardware devices.
    ... to run SW.
  • Steve Jobs' mega yacht bashed a billionaire's boat in Italy

    Somebody is going to be dusting off and updating their resume. 
    I think multiple people will be let go after that.
  • Steve Jobs' mega yacht bashed a billionaire's boat in Italy

    "Salinas asked his followers to buy Apple products via the Group Elektra retail chain that he owns, so Powell Jobs could pay for the damage." 😆
  • Epic Games & Spotify unsurprisingly unhappy with Apple's latest DMA update

    gatorguy said: Apple develops iOS for hardware, which they monetize to the tune of $Billions every year. It's not essential to apps except for the need to enable install and run on an Apple mobile device. With generally minor changes, the apps as a rule could run on top of any OS and in many cases do. What can't operate without iOS is an Apple mobile device, which is the reason the OS exists.
    Other way around: Apple develops the hardware to run the software. Operating systems are obviously the highest bar to clear when it comes to development and commercial viability. Apps are a dime a dozen by comparison. There's a reason that the EU considers the mobile OS market to be a duopoly: no one else has succeeded at that type of software product to any significant degree. Thousands of companies succeed with apps. Apple is doing the heavy lift commercially, not Epic or Spotify. 
    Maybe Gatorguy hasn't seen this quote before...

    Steve Jobs Quoting Alan Kay
  • Epic Games & Spotify unsurprisingly unhappy with Apple's latest DMA update

    nubus said:
    Xed said:

    There are major costs associated with SW and I'm afraid of how IOS, Xcode, App Store and all those advancements we see each year at WWDC could hurt users if companies like Epic and Spotify keep making all the rules.
    This is a tax on those creating great products and on those handling customers on their own platform. Apple is giving the platform away to banks, agencies, and all the companies offering free apps. Those failing to create great apps pay less. I don't see forced corporate socialism and taxing success as American values.

    Both the illegal anti-competitive kickbacks Apple took from Google and the handling of App Store indicate that something is rotten with Apple Services. We could see Apple banned from distributing apps.
    It sounds like they're allowing startups and home-brew developers to gain a foothold with the only requirements being having access to a Mac and a $99 developer program account. The same cost all developers have, from you building an app that might attract a few hundred people to Google or TikTok with potentially billions of users. Do you really think you should be charged tens-f-thousands of dollars just to put an app on the App Store when you will have so little revenue and cost so little in effort and traffic from Apple? Can you imagine what the App Store would be if it were like Playstation's devkit cost?