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  • The next state to get Apple Wallet driver's licenses is probably California

    1) I can't wait until this is all 50 states.

    2) Does anyone know how it transmits data via the device? Is it NFC? Are all state licenses using the same foundation?
  • New Macs in 2025 rumored to get at least one major design refresh

    Fred257 said:
    I won’t update from my M1 air until they get rid of the notch on pro models.  I hate the notch..
    I was also going to mention the notch. I don't hate the notch, but I hate that it's there for no purpose. If they want to shrink down FaceTime components into that thin lid then I'm all for them keeping the notch, but it's been years with no movement on that front. 
  • Butterfly keyboard MacBook owners compensation payments are arriving

    motif88 said:
    Nothing fake about it… I had my butterfly keyboard replaced twice. Did you try and type on that POS for 2+ years? I did.

    Just received my well earned $395 check today.
    AppleInsider tried to assess what the repair rates were for the MBPs with butterfly mechanisms. Their final conclusion was that MAYBE the 1st year of MBPs with that mechanism had higher repair rates. That was about as definitive as it ever got. And you have to remember that the MacBook got the butterfly mechanism a year earlier than the MBP and didn't generate complaints. 
    I owned several MBPs during that transition in and out of the butterfly keyboard and I was still able to get work down. It wasn't great experience to use, but it did work. 
  • Hands on: Siri starts to get better thanks to Apple Intelligence

    elijahg said:
    Xed said:
    elijahg said:
    Xed said:
    Maybe it is too late… but we must recognize that the pre-AI Siri was more of a Voice User Interface than an ‘assistant.’ With your keyboard and mouse you search and receive web info! (Web browsers only remember you thru tracking ads!)

    Now… or in a near futue… AI-Siri will become a real ‘assistant.’
    The best part is that it will preserve your privacy… like a real personal assistant. When your assistant does not know the answer… he/she/it will go to the library or the encyclopedia… well… to ChatGPT by now…
    Siri was using AI even before Apple bought it. It is a project developed by the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center. Simply because the needle of what we expect from AI in the Real has moved considerably doesn't mean that AI wasn't being utilized.
    Recent versions of Siri don't use AI in any sense. It has got worse over time because it has had extra actions added with zero upgrades to its language processing. It simply picks out keywords from what you say, likely weights them for importance, and works out which of its predefined actions has the most hits for the words it deemed important. And seems to add in some entropy to guarantee asking the same exact same thing every day will occasionally result in it interpreting wrong. And if it's on a Homepod, it often tries and fails to contact the attached phone to do the actual work, so fails anyway. Its "AI" is way too basic to be labelled that. Even the most novice coder could improve on its interpretation engine,.

    Siri doesn't understand what you say at all - that is really one of the key definitions of something being AI.. You can miss out words and it works still even if those words are critical to getting the action right. In fact works better if you say the absolute minimum as there's less for it to judge wrongly. "Siri, music" for example. 

    It used to use Wofram Alpha if it didn't understand, but Apple apparently abandoned that way back in about 2015. You could ask complex things like "how many busses does a whale weigh" and it'd give you a correct answer. Now it's just a glorified web search for anything it needs "intelligence" for - which is even worse for small or no screen devices. "I can show you that on your iPhone"... great.
    It's still AI. It clearly uses machine learning to cater the results to the user, which you seem to admit. 
    What? It clearly doesn’t. If it did, asking it to “add tomato sauce to my shopping list” wouldn’t keep randomly choosing between adding “tomato” and “sauce” separately vs adding “tomato sauce” as one item since I’ve told it to correct that 500 times. 

    A list of commands isn’t AI. AI by definition is supposed to learn, AI abilities aren't preprogrammed as they are with Siri. Otherwise you could call displaying a letter onscreen as someone types AI, because it is a list of preprogrammed actions.  
    The definition of AI isn't "everything works like in some near future sci-fi movie I watched last night."
  • Hands on: Siri starts to get better thanks to Apple Intelligence

    elijahg said:
    Xed said:
    Maybe it is too late… but we must recognize that the pre-AI Siri was more of a Voice User Interface than an ‘assistant.’ With your keyboard and mouse you search and receive web info! (Web browsers only remember you thru tracking ads!)

    Now… or in a near futue… AI-Siri will become a real ‘assistant.’
    The best part is that it will preserve your privacy… like a real personal assistant. When your assistant does not know the answer… he/she/it will go to the library or the encyclopedia… well… to ChatGPT by now…
    Siri was using AI even before Apple bought it. It is a project developed by the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center. Simply because the needle of what we expect from AI in the Real has moved considerably doesn't mean that AI wasn't being utilized.
    Recent versions of Siri don't use AI in any sense. It has got worse over time because it has had extra actions added with zero upgrades to its language processing. It simply picks out keywords from what you say, likely weights them for importance, and works out which of its predefined actions has the most hits for the words it deemed important. And seems to add in some entropy to guarantee asking the same exact same thing every day will occasionally result in it interpreting wrong. And if it's on a Homepod, it often tries and fails to contact the attached phone to do the actual work, so fails anyway. Its "AI" is way too basic to be labelled that. Even the most novice coder could improve on its interpretation engine,.

    Siri doesn't understand what you say at all - that is really one of the key definitions of something being AI.. You can miss out words and it works still even if those words are critical to getting the action right. In fact works better if you say the absolute minimum as there's less for it to judge wrongly. "Siri, music" for example. 

    It used to use Wofram Alpha if it didn't understand, but Apple apparently abandoned that way back in about 2015. You could ask complex things like "how many busses does a whale weigh" and it'd give you a correct answer. Now it's just a glorified web search for anything it needs "intelligence" for - which is even worse for small or no screen devices. "I can show you that on your iPhone"... great.
    It's still AI. It clearly uses machine learning to cater the results to the user, which you seem to admit. 