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  • Rivian adds Apple Music, but won't consider CarPlay

    foobar said:
    "We recognize that it'll take us time to fully capture every feature that's in CarPlay, and hopefully, customers are seeing that," he added. "I think [CarPlay] often gets more noise than it deserves."
    He doesn't get why CarPlay is a big deal. It's not about features. They aren't that great indeed. It's about integration and the ecosystem.
    If he thinks they can equal that, I don't know what he's smoking.

    Every company and service has an iOS app. Making one for a few Rivians isn't on anyone's roadmap. You'll maybe get Apple Music, Spotify and one crappy podcast app and that's it. The maps aren't that great, but calendar events are integrated, Find My is integrated, and any app can just provide a destination with the share button. Even if you get everyone to port their apps. Are you logging in each driver to all those services? What about renting a car? Does the car need its own data plan?

    Even if you "fully capture" everything in CarPlay … It's just so incredibly messy compared to just plugging in your phone that already has everything.

    And to what end? Will you sell even one extra car by not having CarPlay as an option?

    You know what? About that Mac/Windows example? Macs were really successful when they also started booting Windows. It didn't hurt OS X and it didn't hurt Mac sales. Probably even more people made the jump to OS X because they knew Windows was still an option on the hardware. Apple also believed they could do better than Windows, that's why they didn't mind supporting it.
    They will not. They will, however, lose sales because of this (case in point, me). Although I'd also argue that's probably not enough to warrant the expense of making their infotainment system CarPlay-ready, especially when you add in the revenue they'll get from selling user info which they can't do with CarPlay superseding most of the infotainment options.

    At least it comes with SiriusXM. I think only the last couple years of the Tesla Model S had an option for SiriusXM. Everyone else had to connect their smartphone to the built-in audio system and stream it via cellular, which defeats a huge benefit for having SiriusXM in a vehicle.
  • Rivian adds Apple Music, but won't consider CarPlay

    TimJobs said:
    These dudes still just don’t get it. I don’t want to use their coming-along infotainment systems. I don’t want to use a Rivian mapping app. I want to use the polished one I already use every day, that is feature-rich, and integrates with my devices and events. 
    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
    They do get it. They don’t want to use apples proprietary software when trying to have you navigate the functions of the car. Why do you think Tesla hasn’t enabled android or CarPlay? Because these companies are putting the entire settings into the screen
    You know as much about how CarPlay and Android Auto work as you about formatting a reply on a text forum. CarPlay isn't installed into the vehicle so they aren't using it. They are merely allowing a connected iPhone to send the CarPlay UI via USB or WiFi to a vehicle's display. It's effectively allows the iPhone to have a second display with a UI and some tie-ins to some basic controls.

    When I rent a car I don't have to figure out how to use their clunky infotainment system, I simply plug in my iPhone and I get a system I recognize with addresses via typing or Siri that aren't being saved into the car, all of which adds safety and security for the driver.

    Android Auto works the same way for most people, but I think Android has partnered with at least one automobile makers to supply the infotainment system, too.
  • Apple keeps pushing AI industry forward with more open-source models

    Max_truth said:
    Google, Meta, Microsoft, Mistral and tons of other companies, both American and Chinese, are making open models and all of those are better than Apple's models, yet this site is saying that the famously proprietary supporting company is doing anything that would let them steer a field where they are the worst at. 

    Meanwhile, Apple's LLM can't even say who Obama is. 
    They are famously proprietary as they are open source. Getting yourself butt hurt because Apple doesn't license iOS the way Alphabet licenses Android does not a valid argument make.

  • Jake Gyllenhaal's 'Presumed Innocent' gets renewed for a second season

    (AI edited out the spoiler from Pema’s harebrained post that revealed the ending, thankfully)
    I flagged his comment a couple days ago. I've never flagged anyone that wasn't trolling or spamming, but this was a special case. Unfortunately I can't unread what I read, but I'm glad others will be able to enjoy the series.
  • Is Apple finally serious about gaming after its latest push?

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