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  • Apple Vision Pro won't break 500k sales in 2024, even with international expansion

    Forgive me if this was already mentioned, but I seem to recall that Sony could only produce about 400k display units the first year which means AVP 200k units were expected to be sold at max. So, it's up to 250%  more than previously expected which seems pretty damn good for that product. How many HoloLens 2 or Meta Quest Pros are being sold?
  • How the BBC used the iPhone in hundreds of locations to cover the UK election

    Tangent: As an American, I’m amazed at how other countries can call for an election, have it, and count the votes in a short amount of time. I’ve been led to believe all my life that it takes years of planning. Maybe things would be better if we didn’t try to make it into entertainment or maximize on it’s capitalistic requirements with years advertising and promoting costs.
  • Apple Watch SE may switch to an all-plastic chassis to lower costs

    I find that even the higher end Apple Watch options — not including the luxury bands options — are well within a reasonable price, but I'm glad if Apple makes it even easier to have an excellent wristworn communication device and health monitor. 
  • Advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features are hitting some roadblocks

    flydog said:
    Xed said:
    Or pay Masimo licensing fees. 
    1) Masimo's patents have been shown to be invalid and except for one juror holding out this would've been settled long ago.

    2) How exactly does Apple paying a company for invalid patents for O2 monitoring somehow invent noninvasive glucose monitoring or engineer sleep apnea monitoring via a wristwork device? 

    3) With that kind of logic you could be a lawyer for Masimo.
    Complete bullshit. The Massimo patent that prevents Apple from measuring blood oxygen saturation was not invalidated. 
    I didn't say they were. In fact I very clearly noted that they would've been except for a single juror. What I said is that they've been shown to be invalid. While I'm not a patent lawyer I have looked at the evidence — if that was the same evidence shown to the jury I'd have sided with Apple in that case. There are plenty of times when I feel that Apple should just pay the royalty or simply buy the company... this is not one of those times and I think eventually Masimo will lose.
  • Advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features are hitting some roadblocks

    Or pay Masimo licensing fees. 
    1) Masimo's patents have been shown to be invalid and except for one juror holding out this would've been settled long ago.

    2) How exactly does Apple paying a company for invalid patents for O2 monitoring somehow invent noninvasive glucose monitoring or engineer sleep apnea monitoring via a wristworn device? 

    3) With that kind of logic you could be a lawyer for Masimo.