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  • EU hits back at Apple withholding Apple Intelligence from the region

    What's anti-competitive about NOT offering a brand new feature in a particular region? That makes no sense at all.

    Apple is not retaliating. They are proceeding with caution. Two very different things. The regulations are currently full of holes that could result in unfounded fines. Better to play it safe. Good on Apple.
    It's anti-anticompetitive, so the EU wants to charge them double for not competing enough.
  • EU hits back at Apple withholding Apple Intelligence from the region

    avon b7 said:

    "Specifically, we are concerned that the interoperability requirements of the DMA could force us to compromise the integrity of our products in ways that risk user privacy and data security," said Apple. "We are committed to collaborating with the European Commission in an attempt to find a solution that would enable us to deliver these features to our EU customers without compromising their safety."

    And then this:

    "From previous statements including ones to AppleInsider, it's known that Apple has been continually working with the EU on its responses to the DMA, so it's reasonable to assume that will continue.

    Leads to the question: Why even bother putting the subject into the public domain if communication and clarification are ongoing? 

    Far better to say as little as possible until things are clarified. All it takes is clarification and all for a roll out that isn't even planned for this year! 

    Basically FUD on Apple's part and Vestager has a valid point in her response to a question that wouldn't have been asked if it weren't for Apple. 
    This isn't about clarification if the EU can simply choose to fine Apple even when Apple is following the law to a tee... which we've already seen the EU do with Apple. Apple communicating as to why the can't reasonably and safely include Apple Intelligence while the EU are playing games is about as far from FUD as you can get.
  • New leaked illustrations claim Apple Watch X has a bigger screen than Apple Watch Ultra

    dutchlord said:
    “Dramatically changed” is an overstatement due to lack of innovation and/or compelling features. 
    What current smart watch has innovation and compelling features that you wish Apple would include into their Watch?

    While I disagree that the Watch lacks compelling features seeing as it's my second most utilized Apple device that I own (the Mac being the first), I would love for miniaturization to allow Satellite SOS to find its way into the Watch. 
  • Glued iPhone batteries may be a thing of the past, if this new tech works out

    A simple fastener will do.
    That will work, but it also means the battery will need to have some sort of encasement or frame that will allow for a fastener to hold it. The benefit of the adhesive strips is that they are strong yet thin and lightweight. I don't think simply sandwiching the power source between other components is good enough from a safety perspective.
  • New leaked illustrations claim Apple Watch X has a bigger screen than Apple Watch Ultra

    mac_dog said:
    Xed said:
    Xed said:
    miiwtwo said:
    bored design, even better the ultra 
    Bored design? What do you mean by that?
    I believe that it means they're sharing a personal opinion and have nothing to contribute to a conversation.
    My personal opinion is that Apple got it right out of the gate and while I'm enjoying my Ultra if they do offer a larger display and Tandem OLED I will probably upgrade this year.
    Which has nothing to do with design. 
    Sure it does. The components used affect how it will work and function which affects how it will look. That is design.