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  • Apple kickstarted 5G and now 2 billion smartphones have it

    I’ve adopted two 5g iPhones, but not sure I’ve ever been on a 5g network even in rare trip to big city. 
    I can't say that I've ever noticed 5G on my iPhone either. I'm also perfectly fine with my 4G speeds and wonder if 5G would even affect the overall speed of the services/app/websites I use.
    watto_cobranubusking editor the gratejony0
  • Apple is hardening iMessage encryption now to protect it from a threat that doesn't exist ...

    1) Great article.

    2) I appreciate Apple being proactive here. Just this last week I was explaining what HNDL was.
  • How to create a PDF from images & web pages in macOS Sonoma


    Combining multiple PDF files into a single document is a straightforward process in macOS Sonoma, thanks to the Preview app. Start by opening the first PDF in Preview, then drag and drop other PDF files into the sidebar to merge them.


    Don't forget, you can also drag one or more pages of a multi-page PDF off of the Preview sidebar, onto the desktop, in order to save, distribute, and/or mark up just certain pages. Then of course you can also combine these separated pages into another PDF document.
    If I had to name a "killer app" in macOS it's Preview.  It offers so many tools built into a single app that would require many free and possibly paid tools if you tried to do it in Windows.
  • Apple faces 500M euro fine following EU music probe

    Since apple hasn’t broken any laws that they could use against them, they just INVENT some. It’s criminal

    Waiting for the USA to finally step up and go to bat for American companies operating overseas. 

    Otherwise this kind of extortion will continue everywhere unchecked. 
    This line of dumb questioning by ignorant grandstanders in public office happens in the US, too. How many times has Cook (and many others from Apple and other tech companies) been before Congress and the Senate to answer foolish inquires? Remember, these are the people that don't want E2EE in iMessage and would love to be able to force Apple to put a backdoor into their OSes.
  • India's government wants answers about iPhone hack alert

    "There's a tendency in any platform to deny the existence of vulnerabilities."
    And yet this is now an issue because Apple informed journalists that their devices had been compromised.