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  • Kendrick Lamar to headline Apple's 2025 Super Bowl half-time show

    mpantone said:
    Taylor Swift isn't going to play the Super Bowl halftime show. She rightfully believes that artists should get paid; currently the NFL does not pay halftime entertainment talent.

    And in past years, many of the Super Bowl performers have been formerly top-tier performers have seen a dip in popularity.

    Taylor Swift does not need any more exposure or "free publicity". She doesn't really gain much from playing a 75,000 seat stadium full of football fans for $0.00 when her own shows hold 90,000 of her own doting fans (who buy tickets starting at $200 and also shell out tons for merch).

    The problem with country music is that the NFL is trying to broaden interest in the league internationally. Country music popularity is limited to the USA, Canada, and maybe a little of Australia. Hip hop/rap actually has a much bigger footprint worldwide than country music. Country music is fine as the lead music style for the NFL regular season but if the league really wants to expand interest abroad, they will need to rein in the country music. Trust me, Garth Brooks won't be touring Seoul or Rio de Janeiro anytime soon.
    And if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl again she'll get plenty of air time all while enjoying herself.
  • The Observatory is Apple Park's picturesque new event space

    mpantone said:
    While I haven't yet been in this venue I always hesitate about these Apple architectural projects.

    As far as I can tell, there's a lot of -- how do I put this? -- outright dismissal/ignorance for decent acoustics.

    A lot of Apple Stores have horrible acoustics and now I realize it's a major reason why I can't willingly stay in an Apple Store more than 10-15 minutes. Too many hard surfaces, too many sharp angles, almost no textiles. Visually a lot of these Apple spaces are striking but the acoustical properties in these locations are appalling.

    Note that I feel the same way about a lot of non-Apple locations including some horrific places that were designed for performances. Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall -- home to the San Francisco Symphony -- debuted with heavily flawed acoustics. I'm not singling out Apple here, it's just that a lot of these sites with modern aesthetics are atrocious for sound. Davies Hall was notorious in that many of the symphony musicians couldn't hear some of their fellow musicians because of the terrible sound on stage.

    After a couple of renovations, the acoustics at Davies Hall is now acceptable but it will never be a world-class venue for sound.

    I've just been in too many buildings like Apple Stores or modern-ish performing arts centers that suck acoustically.
    I agree with you. Visually they are great, but they are to be experienced in person, not in a photo/video, so a good designer should consider everything. It would be amazing if the could engineer a material or noise canceling technology that would allow the stores to be a more soothing experience.
  • Kendrick Lamar to headline Apple's 2025 Super Bowl half-time show

    nubus said:
    It is odd to take profanity loaded Lamar after he recently went so very low against Drake's family.

    Taylor "NFL" Swift, Miley Cyrus, and/or her/his godmother, the all-American icon, Dolly Parton. None of them have performed. Would have been nice to see some positive energy on stage.
    Even if I suggest the feud between Lamar and Drake was started the latter, I do agree with you on picking Lamar right now. The show won't have profanity. I mean, it is a live show so anything can happen, but the rules will be no profanity. I would also venture to say they made him agree not to talk about Drake either directly or indirectly.

    I don't see why Swift would do it. What's the upside for her to perform a free concert right now. This is better set when your fame has fallen off and you're trying to get some free advertising. Then again, I wouldn't think Lamar would need it either.

    PS: Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus have plenty of songs with so-called profanity in them.

    PPS: Even former Disney kids use cursed words....

  • Kendrick Lamar to headline Apple's 2025 Super Bowl half-time show

    ITGUYINSD said:
    Xed said:
    M68000 said:
    Rap “artist” ?  Oh yeah,  that is somebody yelling profanity and has little to no musical talent.  That is what passes for music today.  If I watch the Super Bowl I wont’t be watching that garbage and will do something else in the meantime. I would rather have real music or entertainment on the TV.
    OK, boomer.
    Number one, the Super Bowl is watched by every age group.  The last what, 3 or 4, Super Bowl Half-time shows has been hip-hop or rap artists.  There are other genres of music -- why they've been concentrated on one or two similar genres is disappointing.  There are plenty of artists that appeal to all age demographics -- hip-hop and rap are not one of them.

    Number two,  "OK boomer" is derogatory and rude to people older than you.  Try to use better words.
    "OK boomer" is derogatory but the OP has nothIng but dipshit talking points other than to suggest "rap is crap", claim that it's not actually music, and the genre is just a vehicle for profanity *clutches pearls*? Makes sense. 

    BTW, it's been a bona fide music genre since the 1970s. You don't have to like it, but don't act like that because you don't like what is popular so you decide to get offended because some band that hasn't released any new material in decades isn't coming together to perform a half dozen partial songs for you. It's funny how this only seems to be an issue with this genre of music with a certain type of person. Calling someone a boomer as the most polite way I could frame it.

    If the Super Bowl Halftime Committee (or whatever they call themselves) decided that Skrillex* and other Dubstep musicians were the best fit for the Super Bowl halftime show then you can decide to watch it or not depending on your interest. They area business trying to attract as many viewers as possible which likely won’t be done with having, say, the Eagles play some tired songs with no new material on the ready. Usually they pick artists that have a solid discography and that are promoting a new album. Either way just fucking deal with it and stop whining.

    * Extreme example
  • Kendrick Lamar to headline Apple's 2025 Super Bowl half-time show

    M68000 said:
    Rap “artist” ?  Oh yeah,  that is somebody yelling profanity and has little to no musical talent.  That is what passes for music today.  If I watch the Super Bowl I wont’t be watching that garbage and will do something else in the meantime. I would rather have real music or entertainment on the TV.

    OK, boomer.