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  • Apple Vision Pro early review: a peek into the future of computing

    Respite said:
    Good luck fitting an M2 and fan in a contact lens at any time in the near future.
    1) Why must you always make contumelious comments?

    2) Based on the patent and how I think that tech would evolve I'd expect the processing to be elsewhere, perhaps even in an iPhone, Watch, or some other wearable, with the data streaming to your lens, which means it's effectively a wireless display.

    Xed said:
    Apple is already at work on a contact lens version
    In 2016, Apple was talking to a smart contact lens company. Nothing seems to have come of it yet, but it seems inevitable and not soon at the same time.

    Thanks for the link. I had forgotten about this patent.
  • Apple Vision Pro early review: a peek into the future of computing

    Apple is already at work on a contact lens version
  • Apple Vision Pro is motivating a giant California health provider

    am8449 said:
    Wow, this seems like quite a big investment they’re making, given that the Vision Pro is not yet a mature platform. 

    IRC, the iPad didn’t make its way into the hands of doctors and nurses until a few years after its debut. 

    If this kind of interest in adopting the Vision Pro spreads across other fields of work,  this may be Apple’s most successful launch of a new product category to date. Exciting to think about!
    1) It's been out less than a week so it can't be a mature platform. The iPhone too about a decade to get to a point where rapid YoY advancement started to plateau. That's abut when I stopped buying a new iPhone every year and when I think it became mature. 

    2) It only took one calendar year before the typical slow moving FAA authorized a charter company to replace the paper charts and manuals with an iPad, but I wouldn't have called that mature at the time. the iPad did mature and plateau much faster than any other Apple product since much of it was a lateral move — I doubt we'll see that again.


  • Apple Vision Pro is motivating a giant California health provider

    MS has HoloLens 2 and plenty of healthcare partners, but I don't they sought out MS or if MS sought them out to try to force-legitimize the platform.


    What I haven't seen —and maybe I simply missed it — is anyone looking at Meta Quest in the sam way.

    It'll take many years, but this will get integrated into many industries  in ways that I don't think we even guess at this point.
  • Morgan Stanley dubs Apple Vision Pro a 'free call option on spatial computing'

    tht said:
    Morgan Stanley currently forecasts that Apple's headset business will "conservatively" ramp up to $4 billion per year in revenue after four years. In theory, this would be below the product ramps of the Apple Watch and AirPods in their post-launch timings.
    $4b per year is 1.1m units at $3500 in the 4th year of sales? Yeah, conservative. They may be able to do that in year 2 or year 3.

    As a contrast, Meta's Reality Labs division has never made $4b per year. Here's Reality Labs' financial performance:

    This is amazing, and speaks to Zuckerberg's absolutely control of Meta. That operating loss line continues to scale with the revenue line. This implies that if Meta sells more Quest units, they will have more operating losses. IOW, for every Quest sale they have at $500, they lose about $2500.

    A normal CEO would have stopped this a year ago, at least. That loss line has to stop getter bigger. There has to be projections in Meta when the Quest ecosystem can pay for itself, and it looks very far away. 

    Would be interesting to see what the AVP financials are like.
    AVP in the market will help Quest (and others) sell more units. Apple has brought legitimacy to the VR market. You can look at Blackberry's sales after the iPhone was announced to see how that worked out for Blackberry nee RiM in the short and long term. Maybe Meta will figure out how to hold their own in the market since this isn't Meta's main product/service, unless Blackberry. I guess we'll see in a few years.