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  • Apple could completely ditch Qualcomm's 5G modems by 2027

    YP101 said:
    If Apple can pull off 5G modem than we will see new era of Apple products. All Apple products will have 4/5G modem in it.
    No longer need sim card. All products will be control by e-sim.
    Finally, we may see iPad and Mac line up without Wi-Fi only.
    Do you really want the expense of paying for a cellular modem in every device? I don’t, especially when have had easy tethering to an iPhone for such a long time that I can’t tell you how long it’s been since that feature was added to macOS. 10 years? 15 years? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    (Written from my Mac tethered to my iPhone)
  • Apple could completely ditch Qualcomm's 5G modems by 2027

    tht said:
    Apple likely moved past the 5g minefield by developing a 6g modem and will license 5g patents for a limited time. 

    In 2027, it will be time for a new standard, with 5g having lasted  a year or more longer than 4g as the top dog. 

    Can’t wait. Tired of Qualcomm’s tech stifling innovation. 
    Kuo is directly saying “5G” modems, and, isn’t 6G still 5 to 10 years out? Then, is there anything interesting with 6G at 500 MHz to 5 GHz frequencies?

    For me, I’d like to see more power efficient wireless connections and ubiquitous coverage. Bandwidth isn’t a big feature anymore. So, if Apple can produce highly efficient 5G modems that supports networks everywhere, that’s good enough. 
    5G makes sense. Apple bought all those Nortel 5G patents. It's the 4G that they probably have the biggest gap in terms of efficiency in design and highest licensing fees with Qualcomm.
  • Apple could completely ditch Qualcomm's 5G modems by 2027

    It is funny… at least for me. Although this came out of my head… someone could check.

    For the last years… just the day before the launch of a new iPhone… Kuo launches a ‘news’ about the next year's cellphone!
    Now… he is getting bolder… because it ‘announces’ something for 2047.

    Long ago… some Apple Silicon Design's team said that they… ‘fixed the requirements for the design of the chip… three years in advance.’
    We are in 2024… plus 3 years… 2027!

    But it is funny how Kuo and Gurman… build up expectations… specially when there are no new news…
    I'd argue that he's getting less bold if he's making a claim so far out that even Apple, assuming Kuo has sources and they're legit, knows if they will or won't be able to produce working modems for a 2027 release. In other words, it's bold to make very specific claims right before a release but to claim something years away means he has a lot of wiggle room to say that Apple canned this or changed direction on that as dates approach.
  • How to use Apple's Dictionary app on its own, and in Look Up

    bonobob said:
    If only Apple would provide a dictionary app on iOS/iPadOS to allow similar
    access to the dictionary that’s been on those devices for years. 
    It would be nice if that were a standalone app.
  • How to use Apple's Dictionary app on its own, and in Look Up

    I love Dictionary. I keep in my Dock. That said, I do wish Apple would finally  include an audible pronunciation button. Even if it requires an active internet connection, it would be nice to have without having to use alternate sources.