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  • VW chief 'not afraid' of 'Apple Car' entering the market

    oberpongo said:
    These statements from VW CEO are very similar to what the CEOs of Nokia, Blackberry and Microsoft said about the iPhone when it was unveiled in 2007. time will tell if VW will be as forgotten as Nokia and Blackberry. 
    It almost seems like he must be aware of the history of similar comments and is just trolling us to watch the reaction.
  • Apple debuts $699 5.4-inch iPhone 12 mini

    It looks like a legitimate successor to the original iPhone SE1. Having FaceID and MagSafe added helps to justify the price increase, not to mention the OLED screen and performance improvements. It would be nice to get hands on at an Apple Store but this is almost certainly a compelling “proper size” iPhone.
  • China sees no reason to keep iPhones if WeChat is banned

    red oak said:
    It’s a matter of time before Apple pulls out of China.   And all that manufacturing, developer, retail, and R&D investments can find a new home 

    And it will signal to the rest of the world that China is now closed for business

    Once Trump moves from the WhiteHouse to the BigHouse, none of that will be necessary.   The Trump made crisis will be over.
    I wish your assessment were correct, but I suspect the widespread damage will take many years if it is even possible to rectify. The US has shown that it is a comletely unreliable partner: withdrawal from the Paris accords, scrapping multi-nation Iran treaty, defunding the WHO during a global pandemic, erecting damaging tariffs on allies and adversaries alike, denigrating the NATO alliance and our European allies, the list just keeps going on.

    The rest of the world has learned there is a bewildering more than a third of the electorate who will enthusiastically support a historically dishonest and incompetent demagogue as our president. Even if Trump loses (not assured because even before Trump the GOP has done a good job of voter supression) and even if he faces consequences for flaunting the laws, why would we suddenly be considered a nation to be trusted to lead? We have many fences to mend (and Mexico won’t pay for it).
  • APHL partners with Apple, Google and Microsoft on national COVID-19 Exposure Notification ...

    Finally some good news about doing more than just trying to avoid Covid-19. I agree that in the short run there are not good prospects for sufficient adoption but given present leadership we sadly may have plenty of time for adoption to grow while the threat continues to be a fact of life (in the US).

    As indicated by previous individuals, anyone with a cellphone is continually sharing identity and position in order for the phone to function. This protocol shares neither identity nor position. It is just about notification of possible exposure and thus is much more privacy protective than the billions of cellphones in use.
  • Contact tracing app vetted by Apple found to share data with Foursquare and Google

    Well now it has just veered into the bizarre. I suppose I should have said well established contact tracing rather than ‘traditional’. Also the example of Hong Kong gives considerable credence to the notion that essentially universal use of face masks is another option that has proven to be remarkably effective (but sadly not an option for us). Also it was reported yesterday that Germany and several other countries have announced they will be incorporating the Apple/Google protocol in their efforts.

    My motivation for speaking up here was in response to comments that appeared to question whether Apple/Google exposure notification would actually deliver without compromising privacy. Response delivered and now it seems to be going off into the weeds so I will get off your lawn.