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  • Apple shuts down Epic Games developer account

    johnbear said:
    30% tax on the AppStore. 
    $1000 monitor stand!
    Wait till next year when the gov will step in to control these unscrupulous companies.
    Nobody has to buy the $1,000 stand. There’s plenty of competition. And if the 30% genuinely wasn’t worth it there would be no apps in the store as it wouldn’t be worth developers time writing them for “only” 70% - they would focus their efforts on more open platforms instead.

    Many people buy iPhones over the vast competition because they want something that works the way it does. These customers are the same ones who are willing to pay for apps so even with the 30% cut it’s still makes sense for developers to address that market. 
  • Apple releases macOS Catalina 10.15.5 with new battery health management feature

    Really hope “Fixes a stability issue with uploading and downloading media files from iCloud Photo Library while your Mac is asleep”
    Is a euphemism for fixing the completely fucked sleep/wake mechanism which has made my MacBook Pro appear a total lemon since I bought it. Would have downgraded to Mojave if that was an option. 
  • Lawsuit alleges Apple involved in 'flagrant' music piracy on iTunes

    "The scope and flagrant nature of Defendants' piracy cannot be understated,"

    And I could care less.
  • Final 'big four' Australian bank folds, announces Apple Pay rollout by mid-2020

    I haven't had to use a bank card anywhere for a couple of years now. Public Transport/Drivers Licence is the last remaining hurdle for most. But I just keep those cards with my phone. 
    Not sure what city you’re in, but in Sydney you can now use credit-card/ApplePay on all state-run transport. Plus you can get a valid digital driver’s license on your phone as of about a month ago. Police have to accept it - not every business might recognise it yet. 
  • Apple's iOS 13.2 release bricks HomePod for some users [u]

    Actually, it would appear you’re correct according to National Geographic:

    The odds of becoming a lightningvictim in the U.S. in any one year is 1 in 700,000. The odds of being struck in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000
    That doesn't seem right. If an average lifespan is 100 years and the first figure is correct, then you'd expect chances of being stuck to be no more than 100 in 700,000 or 1 in 7,000 (and really a bit less). has a one-year chance of one in 1.2 million and a lifetime chance of one in 15,000 with an estimated lifespan of 80 years. At least this is internally consistent.

    NatGeo might need to hire someone with statistics training.