mark fearing


mark fearing
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  • Tim Cook rumored to be meeting with Donald Trump for dinner on Friday

    darbus69 said:
    anyone who kisses the orange monsters ring is not doing the world any good, no matter what, period.

    I would rather pay more for my all my creepy capitalistic goods than bow down to him.

    I agree but the industrial entities always cave to fascists first. Germany, Italy, they fall in line.
  • Kuo again predicts doom for new iPhone because of order cuts

    At this point does anyone NOT believe that these 'analysts' are simply working to manipulate the market? Sell, buy, sell, buy. Liquidity for funds that needs monthly income. It's a near completely corrupt system. It's manipulation and if they ever cracked down on these grifters the market would be 'less liquid' which means financial institutions wouldn't manufacture profit for themselves as easily.
  • Trump says Tim Cook complained to him about the EU

    I really doubt that...Tim may as well reach out to me to complain about it. While there is a legit issue here, Trump inserting himself into it now is ridiculous. 
    ssfe11Oferdanoxspheric12Strangerswilliamlondonjeffharris9secondkox2Bart Ybaconstang
  • Apple Intelligence will face a big uphill battle to launch in China

    At some point none of the tech will be working across the world. Each country freaked out by other countries tech. This will have a huge impact on world economies. Maybe the end of these huge multinational tech corporations.
  • Apple Vision Pro sequel stalls as work on cheaper consumer headset continues

    I find it hard to believe that Apple thought that this first version would sell like gangbusters. They MUST have people connected to the real world who realize a $3,500 toy is off limits to the majority of the population. So I take it they went the Mercedes route - knowing they would sell less (Than Ford), but still have a good idea of how many would sell. Now the bigger question is - does anyone care about goggle based VR? And having tried them out for many years, I suspect it's a really tough sell to the vast majority of people. And the device rather quickly becomes an afterthought.  But hey, I'm open to being wrong here. I don't know. But my guess is Apple MUST have had a pretty solid idea on sales and that the 'shifting' to a cheaper set isn't a sudden thing, but part of the plan. 