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  • Amazon plans over 3000 'Project Kuiper' satellites to spread global broadband

    Oh, great. The creepy company that abuses monopolistic power, keeps unsecured personal information on their servers (including from facebook), has a poor reputation on privacy, is connected to an incredibly partisan newspaper, and has connections with the cia, is going to have an earth-wide network that has the capability to track anyone that uses it (and probably many that don't).

    What could go wrong?

  • A public reluctant to use Apple Pay is being enticed by the Apple Card

    tjwolf said:
    I had only used Apple Pay once because I accidentally left my wallet at home and I needed gas badly at that moment. Credit cards are still my go-to payment method even my "Wallet" app has all the cards in there. This is more of a habit that I'm used to. Not to mention when pumping gas, who wants to walk all the way in the store just to use Apple Pay when the pump accepts only cards.
    More pumps are being modified to take payments right at the pump, including Apple Pay. This is starting to rollout at Costco gas pumps, for example.
    I've been curious about this for awhile - as I've begun to see wireless payment options on gas pumps.  How does it actually work, though?  I mean, in a typical ApplePay (or credit card) transaction, you pay *after* receiving  the product or service.  But on gas pumps, you need to authenticate - usually by sliding your cc - before you can even begin to pump.  Does an ApplePay accepting pump basically do two transactions?  One with "zero" amount to authenticate and then another once you've pumped?
    I presume the series of two authentications would remain. First, swipe the Costco card then pay after.
    When I buy things at walgreens it goes very smoothly. Tap my watch the first time (no card selection needed), and my walgreens card is inputted automatically. Tap my watch the second time for the payment and it defaults to the default credit card. No physical cards needed. It's great.
  • A public reluctant to use Apple Pay is being enticed by the Apple Card

    This is so brilliant. I've been so frustrated with the lack of merchant adoption of Apple pay, but this should make up for it and then some. (It's still absurd that Apple says, what is it now, 80% adoption? Nope. Not in sit down restaurants, bars, most gas pumps, most supermarkets, home depot, lowes, etc.)

    I will definitely be signing up, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Maybe for credit card whizzes it's not the best deal (so long as you don't care about privacy), but I'm guessing I'm in the majority: even as a pretty successful/resourceful person, I still have a lot of difficulty keeping up with all the details of credit card stuff, and I'm sure I'm getting ripped off.

    Now, with people carrying their (freakin' awesome) Apple Card around with them, they're going to be asking merchants, "wait, is this a regular credit card or do you take Apple Pay (so I can get my 2%)."

    In addition, putting the daily cash into the the Apple Pay Cash card will 1) make it very clear that they will be getting rewards (instead of it just being put back into the credit card balance with minimal psychological impact), 2) incentivize further Apple Pay use, and 3) incentivize more person to person transfers.

    The more people use Apple Card/Pay/Cash the more influence Apple will have to convince banks/merchants to make the process even better (eg eliminate signing, pins, etc).

    Win, win, win, win, win...
  • Leak claims to show schematic for 2019's upcoming 'iPhone XI'

    Makes sense. As soon as I saw the previous rumor I felt it was legit. I’m sure an equilateral triangle camera setup will be very helpful for photo computation. Also, it’s going to look very nice, and very purposeful in its rightful place in the corner with a clean, ss raised border.
  • The Wall Street Journal reportedly joins Apple News service, NYT and Washington Post decli...

    13485 said:

    Lol. Here you go not making sense again. Trump has *lost* over 1 billion $ since taking office. Look it up. In addition, he donates 100% of his presidential salary. The members of his family who are official paid advisors also donate 100% of their salary.

    Sucking up to dictators? Lol. You mean being the first person to bring peace to the Korean peninsula in decades? What a terrible accomplishment!

    Didn't have to talk about what during the Obama years?? You mean when Lybia was destroyed and the arab spring was started, leading to deaths and chaos, and leaving jihadist slave traders in Libya right now? Didn't talk about the creation of ISIS under Obama's watch? Btw, Trump has now defeated ISIS, which no longer holds any territory.

    I could go on to even further debunk every one of your false statements, but you seem like you're mostly emotionally driven and aren't able to see things objectively, so I'll just stop here for now.

    Lost a $ Billion? Look it up where, exactly, since he doesn't publish his alleged net worth. 

    First person to bring peace to Korea? HA! Truce since 1953. Name a military parameter that has changed since the North started their nuclear program. Fewer troops--no. Fewer weapons of mass destruction--decidedly no. Dismantling of nuclear development bases--no.

    Sucking up to dictators? Yes, every time: Putin ("I believe him" [on everything]), Bin Salman ("I believe him"), Duterte (“He has a very high approval rating in the Philippines.”), Kim Jon-Un (I fell in love", “At a very young age, he was able to assume power...So obviously, he's a pretty smart cookie.”).

    Trump, Obama and ISIS: ISIL (the correct acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) was founded in 1999. Obama was elected in 2008. 

    Really, you couldn't even debunk your own mythology. Maybe you have the same disease pathology as Trump. 

    What?? This is just straight up delusion. Your post is both bizarre, and sad. 

    Look it it up as in google it. It’s a fact. Don’t blame me if you don’t know how to search for things on the internet. 

    Yes. Peace in Korea. How can you be so delusional about this. Even the last administration said NK was the biggest threat. There were constant missile tests, nuke tests, hostages, etc during the previous administrations. Now there are no missle tests, no nuke tests, hostages have been returned, soldiers remains have been returned, and peace talks are ongoing, with both sides stating a goal of denuclearization. 

    Sucking up to putin? Um, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Putin is not exactly happy with trump. Trump strengthened nato, opposes Russia’s pipieline for fossil fuels that goes through Germany, is supporting Ukraine, etc. But you’re not happy because trump won’t publicly insult him and call him a liar? That is such a childish, myopic stance to take. Meanwhile, Obama did virtually nothing to protect Ukraine, and was caught on a hot mic telling the Russian president, “I’ll have more flexibility after the election.” You can’t make this stuff up!

    Thank you for corrcting me on isil or whatever lol. And thank you for that helpful info on its founding date. However, none of those fun facts you blessed us with changes the fact that isil or isis gained tremendous territory during Obama’s tenure, including expanding their practice of systematic child rape, and it didn’t improve until trump came along and wiped them out.

    Got any more selective facts that prove nothing lol? (Other than proving you having a strange aversion to reality.) Care to share what you mean by “disease pathology.” I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you’re not a doctor. 