Official AppleInsider Political Affiliation Poll



  • Reply 20 of 177
    from northern california.

    of the american political parties to have made blips on my radar screen to date,

    the republicans are right up there with the buchananites on the list of "evil people who in their despicable views should be exterminated with flowerful love power"

    the democrats are on the list of "people who in their corrupt and untrue ways should be exterminated with flowerful love power"

    and the greens just need a reality check
  • Reply 22 of 177
    [quote]Originally posted by wired:

    <strong>Hmm...that's right, Bush was elected four times last fall so he can't run again. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Really? I don't seem to remember anybody counting ALL the votes.


    Stupid lying media. This week, the front page of my newspaper announced, "Bush won media recount." I open the newspaper and read the article. They counted the votes in 7 different ways. Turns out that Bush only came out ahead in 3 of those 7 methods, while Gore came out ahead in 4 of them.

    A statewide recount is required by Florida law in all races that have results within a 5% margin. This was never done. If the law of Florida had been followed properly, Al Gore would have come out ahead by some 171 votes. &lt;/rant&gt;

    Don't believe the media's lies. They're covering up the greatest hijack of democracy that's ever taken place. George Bush did not win that election. He is not our legitimate president.
  • Reply 23 of 177
    I personally lean pretty far to the Conservative side. Pscates is put it pretty well. I will vote for the best man, regarless of his affiliation, if I agree with his view that's what matters so....go fig.

  • Reply 24 of 177

    No political affiliations

    [quote]Stupid lying media. This week, the front page of my newspaper announced, "Bush won media recount."<hr></blockquote>

    For the record, mine said Gore. Why the hell they thought Nova Scotians (in general) actually want that on the front page is far beyond the scope of this thread.
  • Reply 25 of 177
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac The Fork:

    <strong>For the record, mine said Gore. Why the hell they thought Nova Scotians (in general) actually want that on the front page is far beyond the scope of this thread.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The NY Times had the same "Bush" headline. Unbelievable! We have to go to Canada* to find a newspaper that doesn't lie!

    (* No offense intended to Canadians. I lived in your country for several years and enjoyed it greatly.)
  • Reply 26 of 177
    daverdaver Posts: 496member

    I do not respect any of the political parties here.
  • Reply 27 of 177

    Independent. Usually vote to keep more of my damn hard-earned money so I can buy a house soon. Can you imagine how nice it was to earn a living in pre-1913 income tax! Calculate that folks: on average most peeps would earn another 30-40%!

    Moving on, most would consider my views libertarian, however I usually vote for the GOP. I'm not excited about Dubya, but I would have feared Bore and his left-wing BS. I'm believe a woman should have the right to kill an unborn baby (don't euphemize). I support the 2nd amendment as all the other amendments.
  • Reply 28 of 177
    American (until I own enough land to secede)

    registered Libertarian (in an ideal world I'd be an anarchist, and when I've recently had contact with "average" Americans I tend to lead more towards communism :eek: )

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: nonhuman ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 177
    I live in the U.S. and I am an Independent.
  • Reply 30 of 177


    The only reason I'm not a registered Green Party member is I refuse to align myself with a particular group. If I had to choose, though, I'd go Green. More subsidized social services, campaign finance reform, gun control, and instant runoff elections like in Ireland!!!

    And by the way, Ralph Nader is one of maybe five honest, noble, virtuous, sincere politicians we have left. *ducks to avoid bottles and rotten fruit*
  • Reply 31 of 177
    Connecticut Yankee (American)

    Pro-Life, anti-death penalty;

    Libertarian on issues like taxes, drugs;

    registered Republican - make that "Broken Glass Republican" (I would have crawled over broken glass to vote for Bush.)

    There aren't too many of us conservatives here in New England. We could probably meet in a phone booth.

    Earth First! We'll strip mine other planets later.

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: roger_ramjet ]</p>
  • Reply 32 of 177
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac Guru:

    <strong>BTW, jhtrih... You of course realize that being pro-Blair that you are for Labor, while at the same time, you're pro-big business which is anti-labor... how are you still able to think straight...[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Mac Guru ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You obviously haven't caught on to the change within the Labour party in the UK: Blair has refashioned the party "New Labour" which certainly seems to be pro-big business to me. jhtrih is certainly not contradicting himself when he claims to be pro-Blair and pro-big business.

    Personally I think Blair looks a bit like a woodchuck in a windtunnel at times. Then I look at Bush. Can there be no hope? I have grown less and less confident in organised politics in general.
  • Reply 33 of 177

    Non-aligned lurkers party
  • Reply 34 of 177

    Anti Bush - I just love the way he is going back on so many things that he supported or was against on his platform when running for prez.

    DOJ and Supreme Court are also a joke IMHO.
  • Reply 35 of 177
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Europe and USA


    Anti-Bush (the guy is damn retard... thank god he has capable people around him)
  • Reply 36 of 177
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Moderate Republican (oxymoron?)

    If I had to use smilies to sum up my political views, it might look something like this: <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 37 of 177
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    American/ French citizen, dual

    Liberal in terms of need for infrastructure.

    Anarchist: in terms of civil liberties: absolutley, victimless crimes are the problem of the individual perpetrating them:

    (NOTE: you cannot be a pro-life libertarian, that makes no sense, either you believe in individuals choice or you don't (unless you think that a fetus, though it has no language or identity and no real human capacities for living without the mother can be ranked at the same level as the mother)

    Lifestyle choices are all acceptable unless they interface with the freedoms of others negatively.

    I am also a Liberal that believes in the right to bear arms --I just think that there should be a liscensing procedure: akin to getting hunting liscences, but with in depth background checks.

    Drugs should be legalized (I'm with WFBuckley, and many Libs here) but with a hierarchy based on social detriment and addictiveness.

    More government funding of research into non-military issues: alternative fuels, alternative means of transportation etc.

    I think that noone ever went broke from taxes.

    Poverty is real and is not always the fault of the poor (as many of us may find in the near future) and there should be a 'safety net' but with programs for jod training.... and not permanent handouts.

    more will come from me later as I'm sure many of you are woefully aware....

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: pfflam ]</p>
  • Reply 38 of 177
    [quote]Originally posted by pfflam:


    NOTE: you cannot be a pro-life libertarian, that makes no sense, either you believe in individuals choice or you don't (unless you think that a fetus, though it has no language or identity and no real human capacities for living without the mother can be ranked at the same level as the mother)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The same can be said about a 6 week-old child. Do you believe in infanticide? I know that's a radioactive question but I'm serious. The implication of your parenthetical remark suggests that an infant has no right to life either.

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: roger_ramjet ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 177
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    OK, that's Canuckdians, Britons, and Americans. Any other nationalities registered in AI? Come on, gimme an Italian or a Frenchman!
  • Reply 40 of 177
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    good point Ramjet, however I think that the ability to survive ot of the womb, which is really very early during a pregnancy (at this minute I shoud know) and general human features is more to the point of what I am talking about . . . at least with respect to "ability to survive"
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