Nintendo profits freefall as iPhone cuts into portable game sales



  • Reply 161 of 204
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    In case you haven't noticed, the whole freakin' world seems to be in a recession right now .... or hasn't it hit your street yet? Plus I see that the Japanese Auto makers managed to more or less keep their marketshare using the same exchange rates that nintendo uses.

    No it hasn't hit my street.

    But the japanese auto markers are having the same issue, and the other Japanese electronic manufactures are having this issue as well, and actually a tonne of other countries are having the same issue when the value of their currency rises compared to the US$, when you convert it back, you don't make as much.

    US$1 will only get you 91 yen at the moment, a little while ago it was over 120 yen
  • Reply 162 of 204
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    So, because your son is uncoordinated with slow reflexes, that means all little kids are also? I see teens, young and 30+ adults on the train all the time playing games on their iPod touch or iPhone. Used to see more PSP's and Nintendo DS, still see them, but not as much. I see more girls/ladies with a Nintendo DS these days, but even those numbers are less. All based on my daily train observations.

    No disrespect to your son, not here to attack a child. But to say a kid, your kid, thinks an iPod touch is too hard to control is like saying for anyone 35-45+ thought Dragon's Lair or Sega or Q-Bert or Pitfall on Atari was too difficult to control. Any game or system is easy to control if the person practices, isn't lazy, has real interest, and good motor skills. If little kids can write iPhone Apps, learn to code JavaScript, use a computer in detail, tinker with taking apart radios, build model planes and cars, and more... they can damn sure use an iPod touch.

    To me your argument makes no sense, or just from someone who has a grudge or personal dislike towards Apple.

    What a stupid post, you attack the coordination of my kid because he prefers the controls of a Ds over the lack of controls of a Touch? We have them both for different reasons and like them both. It's obvious that you have such a hard-on for Apple that you can't see both sides and base your argument on train rides.

    Look, to compare the touch controls to a Ds or PSP is crazy, two completely different things. I for one hate having to tilt the screen and shake it like rolling a dice to get games to respond. The touch is an obvious success, but nowhere near a real portable gaming system, at least not typical 5-10 hr game.
  • Reply 163 of 204
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    I'm guessing you're not a parent...

    You should stop guessing, you're not very good at it...

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Facts are facts... kids want hand held game systems and parents or generous uncles will usually/eventually buy them. Then with any of the card based games they want to bring one or more to school and yes it is quite common for them to disappear without a trace and at 25-35 bucks each that's a problem.

    I don't know where you are from, but I am not buying my kids a US$500 handheld toy, and neither will their generous uncles. If they want a portable console at that price, they can buy it themselves.

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    The iPod Touch lessens the potential loss... and before you say 'someone can just steal the iPod... well yes and someone can just steal the DS and all the kids games and what the hell his sneakers and baseball cap too...

    How exactly does it lessen the potential loss?

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Kids will generally understand the value of a game player and will talk to someone in authority if some bully tries to steal it... but if 'ALL THE KIDS' are loaning out their games then so will your child and generally will not make a huge deal if some go missing... I'm speaking from a certain level of confidence on this issue since I was talking to my brother just the other day and he brought this exact issue up..

    Oh, you have a level of confidence as you were talking to your brother...

    At the end of the day, if someone wants to steal an iPod touch/PSP/NDS off a kid, they will, as a parent it is your responsibility to lessen any risks your child may have, no matter what brand of device they are carrying around.
  • Reply 164 of 204
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don?t see the relevance of that statistic. If we take the iPod, Apple has sold 220M. I figure about half have been sold in the US. That makes the number of iPods sold in the US higher than the number of subscribers on AT&T?s network, 81.6M.

    It's not relevant.
  • Reply 165 of 204
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    With all due respect, Apple could care less about the 'hard-core' gamers.

    They're a nice niche market for anyone who wants to play there, with a lot of money to be made.

    But no where NEAR the money to be made from people with real lives who want to play engaging games on a commute, relaxing from school or a job, or any other activity that doesn't require immersing one's 'life' in a complete alternate reality.
  • Reply 166 of 204
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    And yes, ask a "gamer" which "game" machine he wants, and it may well be a DSi. Ask anyone else what single device (for music, movies, and games) they'd prefer to carry day-to-day, and it will probably be a Touch or an iPhone.

    And for most people, if you have one game device, that's also your music and media player, that's with you 100% of the time, then why are you going to want another special-purpose device that requires expensive games, yet another charger, and takes up more room in your backpack?

    Like it or not, Apple is a player in the space...

    I think this is it. Dedicated devices may be better for a given task than a multi-purpose device, but if you have to carry around dedicated devices for everything you want to do, then that's a lot of crap to haul around. In that respect, I think that's where the market is going, especially when anything can have a good chunk of graphics power.
  • Reply 167 of 204
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think this is it. Dedicated devices may be better for a given task than a multi-purpose device, but if you have to carry around dedicated devices for everything you want to do, then that's a lot of crap to haul around. In that respect, I think that's where the market is going, especially when anything can have a good chunk of graphics power.

    Absolutely, it's all about device convergence. The market is definitely headed in this direction. In fact it has been headed in this direction for a while now. The iPhone chnaged the whole game and now here we are.
  • Reply 168 of 204
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by travisc77 View Post

    To me it seems unlikely that iPhone or iPod Touch had that much of a significant impact on Nintendo's portable sales. Another example of Apple cheer-leading by AI.

    What does seem likely is that we are 1) in a recession 2) somewhat stale hardware 3) everybody and their brother already has a Ds. Sure some impact from the touch, but I have yet to any kid dropping the Ds for the games on the Touch.

    I've even asked my 9-yr old about the Touch, and he said it was too hard to control compared his Ds or PSP.


    You are absolutely right.

    The only thing that cuts Nintendo's profit numbers (and some others) is new slim PS3. That little one jumped PS3 sales from number 3 underdog to number 1 Alpha dog.

    Unless, of course, iPhone/iPod sales are not killing desktop consoles sales as well - I wouldn't be surprised to hear that around here as well

    Having both iPhone and PSP, I think that as they are right now, they are in completely different leagues and not competing at all. Yes there are some brilliant games on iPhone, but most extremely casual fun-on-the-run games, and no one is buying PSP for another version of Airfield or iShotgun type of fun. On the other hand, games people buy PSP for - like God Of War, Gran Turismo PSP, all the Ratchets and Dexes... still don't exist on iPhone. And I'd say iPhone hasn't got any Mario, Wario, Luigi... sort of fun.

    Not to mention that I can't think of a parent who would get iPhone to his kid instead of DS. When you buy DS, you know what you get - kid-friendly game console. When you buy iPhone, you get device capable of full Internet exposure - all the Facebooks, MySpaces and other "social" sites in the world. Hardly kids stuff.
  • Reply 170 of 204
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Having both iPhone and PSP, I think that as they are right now, they are in completely different leagues and not competing at all.

    If people are choosing an iPhone/iPod over a PSP/DS (for whatever reason), then they're competing, regardless of how different we think they are in principle. And it looks increasingly like that's what's happening.
  • Reply 171 of 204
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its good to read more then Just Appleinsider. Unless Hitachi and NEC are being dragged down they the iPod Touch this entire AI article is BS. LOL redefining handheld gaming. Your funny.

    "The mixed results at Japan's major technology companies underline not only the hardships of the global economic slump but also differing success in achieving a recovery"

    Look ma, I can cherry pick quotes too!

    "Profit outlooks with the exception of Nintendo were unchanged or a little less pessimistic."

    Except that mine actually show that your link doesn't show what you want it to English also not your native language?
  • Reply 172 of 204
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    The only thing that cuts Nintendo's profit numbers (and some others) is new slim PS3. That little one jumped PS3 sales from number 3 underdog to number 1 Alpha dog.

    There's been a lot of pent up demand waiting for the PS3 to drop prices. I expect another uptick on black friday.


    Unless, of course, iPhone/iPod sales are not killing desktop consoles sales as well - I wouldn't be surprised to hear that around here as well

    As a parent and as one of two tech givers among a dozen nieces and nephews my budget for big ticket items are limited. The kids want iTunes gift cards rather than DS or PSP games.


    Having both iPhone and PSP, I think that as they are right now, they are in completely different leagues and not competing at all.

    Just like the Wii and the PS3. But sales of one can hinder the sales of the other. The Wii is an upgraded game cube but sold like gangbusters. The iPod touch is much better at multimedia than either the PSP or DS and plays casual games.


    Yes there are some brilliant games on iPhone, but most extremely casual fun-on-the-run games, and no one is buying PSP for another version of Airfield or iShotgun type of fun. On the other hand, games people buy PSP for - like God Of War, Gran Turismo PSP, all the Ratchets and Dexes... still don't exist on iPhone. And I'd say iPhone hasn't got any Mario, Wario, Luigi... sort of fun.

    They have some. And you see interest from folks with solid franchises. Myst, NFS, MGS Touch, Assassin's Creed, Spore, Tiger Woods, Sonic (which sucked), Resident Evil and some interesting titles like Dragon Hunter (Diablo clone) and Glyder.


    Not to mention that I can't think of a parent who would get iPhone to his kid instead of DS. When you buy DS, you know what you get - kid-friendly game console. When you buy iPhone, you get device capable of full Internet exposure - all the Facebooks, MySpaces and other "social" sites in the world. Hardly kids stuff.

    Depends on the age of the kids. Besides, the PSP isn't any more kid friendly and the target demographic is "casual gamer" not "kid gamer"...
  • Reply 173 of 204
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member

    A little more than "fun on the run."

    Games in the App Store are getting more complex, detailed, graphically impressive and immersive as time goes on.
  • Reply 174 of 204
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    I don't know where you are from, but I am not buying my kids a US$500 handheld toy, and neither will their generous uncles. If they want a portable console at that price, they can buy it themselves.

    iPod touch 8GB/64GB $199-$399

    PSP/PSP 3000/PSP Go $$135-$249

    $500? Where the heck are you from? Buying an iPod Touch is about $50 more expensive than a PSP or PSP Go.
  • Reply 175 of 204
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    For the record, Nintendo's Q1 2010 briefing did not mention Apple in the Q&A. Note that these are not the full transcripts which I couldn't find.

    Apple is dismissed in the May 8 Q&A.
  • Reply 176 of 204
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    For the record, Nintendo's Q1 2010 briefing did not mention Apple in the Q&A. Note that these are not the full transcripts which I couldn't find.

    Apple is dismissed in the May 8 Q&A.

    Could be in the most recent transcript. Alacra offers only a preview of it. It's $54 or so.
  • Reply 177 of 204
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Maybe I should just say that you must be slow if you can't tell the difference in lag? See, it can go both ways.

    Wow, you really showed me. Now I need to do some soul searching! There is a funny joke in what you said, but I'll leave it alone. You clearly missed the point to my argument, so I'll leave it at that. \ Have a great weekend everyone, go Cowboys!
  • Reply 178 of 204
    I am actually sure that the floundering wii sales are to blame not the iphone.
  • Reply 179 of 204
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    If people are choosing an iPhone/iPod over a PSP/DS (for whatever reason), then they're competing, regardless of how different we think they are in principle. And it looks increasingly like that's what's happening.

    I afraid from past history on this site, you cannot say two devices are competing if their primary market is different.
  • Reply 180 of 204
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    iPod touch 8GB/64GB $199-$399

    PSP/PSP 3000/PSP Go $$135-$249

    $500? Where the heck are you from? Buying an iPod Touch is about $50 more expensive than a PSP or PSP Go.

    Apple NZ, iPod 8GB/64GB: converted to US$ at 73.1 US cents to the NZ$ just so you can compare

    US$255 - US$511 (and I wouldn't buy the 8GB model)

    PSP 3000 with GT PSP: US$239

    PSP Go: US$ 386

    The US price doesn't reflect the international prices...
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