Magic Mouse helps Apple double share of market in 8 weeks



  • Reply 201 of 202
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    What Logitech? What Microsoft, poor douche-bags?

    Read it well: There. Is. Nothing. Like. Magic. Mouse. In. The. World.

    After folks've discovered how to wake up the entire power of multitouch mouse surface, you just can't call anything else a "computer mouse".

    Sure, you have to buy rechargeable cells at $15 more to compensate Apple's clumsiness in batteries of everything, which is narrower, than 10" of screen size. But that's what's called going really green.
  • Reply 202 of 202
    Apple's new Magic Mouse helped Apple see a twofold increase in its share of domestic mice sales last month, AppleInsider has learned, garnering the Mac maker a double-digit slice of the market for the first time ever.
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