Finally, some progress. And admission that: "we all know it could be better?"
That's just the point, Apple should already know this, and they should have added two physical buttons and just be done with it. If you think this mouse will change much in the next few years then you're living in the clouds. Apple thinks they "get mice", but they so do not. They are misguided when it comes to mice. But be sure I love many of their other products. We're talking about the Magic Mouse though, so why would I need to "show love".
I get that you don't like much about Apple products, but you are fooling yourself if you think you are just "being critical in a good way". You position most rebuttals to your posts as "fanboy-ism" or people "worshipping Apple," because that makes your arguments seem as if they are reasoned when they so obviously are not.
You post some of the most opinionated and negative things to this forum and most of it doesn't seem to be based on anything but your own preferences. It's easy to call other people Apple worshipers or fans, but a lot harder to see your own biases isn't it?
Your comment about adding the two physical buttons is priceless in that regard. I bet you are unaware of the research behind Apple's decisions re: one button or two button mice, almost entirely. You phrase it as if it's an obvious objective fact that two buttons are better than one and imply without saying so that Apple just does this to be perverse or that there is no objective reason behind it.
In fact, almost every word you write on this forum is dripping with personal bias, yet *you* are the one that most often calls others names and infers that bias in others. Funny how that works.
This amazes me. An article is published about Apple doubling its market share after the introduction of a new product. We then get 3 pages of flame wars (from Apple fans, no less!) about it being a POS and how everyone hates it! (I know not everyone says they hate it, but enough for me to generalize and not be exaggerating too much.) Maybe you guys should be frequenting an HP or Dell blog instead.
You see the thing about this forum, at least for me is it gives me a chance to be honest. You're not saying we have to love every Apple product to use AI are you? If you are then I really do pity you. I may post a lot here but I have managed to keep my own opinion without letting Mr. Ego, i.e. Steve Jobs cloud my vision. Apple make great great products, but Apple don't make great mice. In my view when you compare their mice to some other great mice they very quickly looks like "terrible mice". In my view Apple make some of the best keyboards, and some of the worst mice on the market. Deal with them Apples.
I get that you don't like much about Apple products...
We are talking about one product in particular, why don't you seem to get that? I love my iMac, I love my Air, but I hated my Magic Mouse. Please excuse me for being passionate, it's just who I am.
there are more. note this is for both mice, uncomfortable POSs. im not going to clog up the forum with more links as they are quite easy to find. and with the way you talk about jobs being so great, you praise him too.
big companies are always under the microscope. its part of it. i will praise apple when they deserve it. they do not deserve it on their mice. they have always been uncomfortable to me for extended use.
Your dismissed Sir .... Steve Job's brought Apple back from the brink of destruction, Steve also infused back his discipline into the company and brought back the culture we knew and loved..... Steve and Apple acted Fast when Environmentalist blamed Apple for polluting the Environment now Apple leads the industry in GREEN products.... Apple with the Help of Steve evolved online music and video distribution through iTunes, and the iPods..... The 2006 WWDC brought the very first G5 Tower that was competitive to the industry, and phil schiller personally showed spec for spec how the G5 was more affordable then dell.... Not to mention the Mag Safe connector apple invented (so peoples laptops would stop flying around when they tripped on the cord) iSight, Magnetic Latch system, OS X , and much much more .... STEVE IS THIS YEARS DECADE CEO AND IN MY BOOK HE'S BEEN THAT SINCE THE 1976 when Apple Launched. AND WHEN HE WAS AT NEXT, OH AND DON'T FORGET PIXAR AND HOW THE MOVIES OF ANIMATION WERE ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF TOY STORY.....Lets go ZEP lets Talk about what more APPLE HAS DONE, iCan go all day.
Your comment about adding the two physical buttons is priceless in that regard. I bet you are unaware of the research behind Apple's decisions re: one button or two button mice, almost entirely. You phrase it as if it's an obvious objective fact that two buttons are better than one and imply without saying so that Apple just does this to be perverse or that there is no objective reason behind it.
Most personal preference would have 2 buttons over one. The mouse has been the single greatest bane to the Apple platform (only one click? hockey puck? even Apple apologetics agree). While the Magic Mouse is a great improvement, its unusable for some things like gaming for instance where you constantly keep your finger resting on both sides and when you constantly have to lift you finger to r-click repeatedly it gets tiring and painful.
Hopefully its fixable via software, that is one of the biggest gripes i have...i could get over the shape if it didnt require considerably more effort to use...those swipes just dont work for me at all unless i take my hand off completely and swipe to page back or forth.
Your dismissed Sir .... Steve Job's brought Apple back from the brink of destruction, Steve also infused back his discipline into the company and brought back the culture we knew and loved..... Steve and Apple acted Fast when Environmentalist blamed Apple for polluting the Environment now Apple leads the industry in GREEN products.... Apple with the Help of Steve evolved online music and video distribution through iTunes, and the iPods..... The 2006 WWDC brought the very first G5 Tower that was competitive to the industry, and phil schiller personally showed spec for spec how the G5 was more affordable then dell.... Not to mention the Mag Safe connector apple invented (so peoples laptops would stop flying around when they tripped on the cord) iSight, Magnetic Latch system, OS X , and much much more .... STEVE IS THIS YEARS DECADE CEO AND IN MY BOOK HE'S BEEN THAT SINCE THE 1976 when Apple Launched. AND WHEN HE WAS AT NEXT, OH AND DON'T FORGET PIXAR AND HOW THE MOVIES OF ANIMATION WERE ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF TOY STORY.....Lets go ZEP lets Talk about what more APPLE HAS DONE, iCan go all day.
For all that praise and him actually making the GUI for modern computers...they still cant get the mouse right?
When I say FULL MULTI TOUCH MOUSE, I mean FULL MULTI TOUCH MOUSE. Show me a mouse you can do finger gestures/swipes on??... SHOW ME!!??
Jeepers, you really are pathetic. A computer mouse is a computer mouse. You trying to segment the market into tiny chunks to praise Apple is just pathetic.
I could accomplish everything and more that the Magic Mouse does 10 years ago on a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Yay, the Magic Mouse lets we swipe instead of clicking a button. So what? Feature-wise, it's the same. Except the Microsoft mouse had more features like easily reassigned buttons, the scroll wheel button and an actual ergonomic shape. More features at a lower price.
what does not having to grasp the idea behind the magic mouse have to do with it being uncomfortable? nothing. it is impossible for you to see the bad in apple.
I would say this was Apple's only bad, BUT ..... AND IT'S A HUGE BUT..... People didn't see the evolution of this design, which became the Mac Mini.... Steve Himself realized that you people were behind in the times of his artistic creation.....
" No Artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it's just that others are behind the times." - Martha Graham
Jeepers, you really are pathetic. A computer mouse is a computer mouse. You trying to segment the market into tiny chunks to praise Apple is just pathetic.
I could accomplish everything and more that the Magic Mouse does 10 years ago on a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Yay, the Magic Mouse lets we swipe instead of clicking a button. So what? Feature-wise, it's the same. Except the Microsoft mouse had more features like easily reassigned buttons, the scroll wheel button and an actual ergonomic shape. More features at a lower price.
Your just not as passionate for Apple as the rest, you don't appreciate quality, I'm so glad that mouse you said you could things on 10yrs ago is still around today Thats real innovation right there, create something and POOF gone in 10 years ... don't make me laugh...
I'm also not segmenting anything, Apple has created a new category and it turns out there the only ones who are in that category. It's really that simple.
This has nothing to do with praise, iDont praise Apple guys, I'm just a passionate supporter in what they do, and their views are very similar to my own especially steves
And I thought Quadra 610 was annoying in his Apple praise...
He's not annoying, he and a few others actually appreciate good design and innovation from a company.... Like I said iDo get on Apple when there wrong, but thats a rarity so when they do I'm extremely relaxed on them. Plus APPLE ADMITS There wrongs when they are.... Heck even Steve Jobs admitted it was his fault during the who'll stock scandal. Thats a REAL CEO RIGHT THERE!!!! INDUSTRY TAKE NOTES
Your just not as passionate for Apple as the rest, you don't appreciate quality, I'm so glad that mouse you said you could things on 10yrs ago is still around today Thats real innovation right there, create something and POOF gone in 10 years ... don't make me laugh...
I'm also not segmenting anything, Apple has created a new category and it turns out there the only ones who are in that category. It's really that simple.
This has nothing to do with praise, iDont praise Apple guys, I'm just a passionate supporter in what they do, and their views are very similar to my own especially steves
Saying that someone isn't passionate for Apple because they disagree with what you think is a good mouse is just dumb. I've used every Apple mouse since the one click bricks and none of them compare to the simplicity, functionality, and ergonomics of the Kensington mouse I've had for five and a half years.
Just because Apple makes it does not make it gold.
Saying that someone isn't passionate for Apple because they disagree with what you think is a good mouse is just dumb. I've used every Apple mouse since the one click bricks and none of them compare to the simplicity, functionality, and ergonomics of the Kensington mouse I've had for five and a half years.
Just because Apple makes it does not make it gold.
No but you haven't called it a POS and Crap and degraded it
My last and only BMW was a 2003 745i with the 1st generation iDrive controller installed. It took me a few days to become used to it as it was the first mouse-like controller interface designed for cars to eliminate dozens (and dozens) of buttons. For years and years I've seen nothing but negative feedback from automotive journalists of how "bad" that system was. I didn't have a problem with it after a few days worth of orientation while keeping an open mind during the process. The system was not perfect and was improved upon over time and now has been "adopted" by a wide range of manufacturers for premium, feature-rich automobiles.
After using a bunch of different mice, and a Mighty Mouse (BT) for the last 2 years, I have bought an MM because of multi-touch. I had gone thru a similar adaptive process for about two weeks. Now, going back to the Mighty Mouse (or any other mouse) feels cumbersome and unintuitive when compared to the MM. BT connectivity is more robust and batter life is improved. The lack of moving parts (save for the on/off switch) is also welcome.
I have downloaded the new Preferences app for it, but I have only enabled two other feature. I'd like to keep it simple and user-friendly, which is why I purchase Apple products.
So I would highly recommend this mouse to anyone willing to make an adjustment in exchange for a superior mouse experience afterwards.
I don't know why all this trash talk, but I find the mouse very precise and comfortable.
Agreed. I am very pleased with mine as it would appear so are many others looking at the sales. I have about ten mice to choose from here in my studio and it is by far the best - and no, not all are Apple.
The Guys over in GIZMODO
A windows mindset Perspective from CNET:
Trends Review
Please notice their "BAD" comments are due to there lack of being able to grasp the new frontier in which the Magic Mouse will evolve into.
If you want to read a decent Magic Mouse review read this.
Finally, some progress. And admission that: "we all know it could be better?"
That's just the point, Apple should already know this, and they should have added two physical buttons and just be done with it. If you think this mouse will change much in the next few years then you're living in the clouds. Apple thinks they "get mice", but they so do not. They are misguided when it comes to mice. But be sure I love many of their other products. We're talking about the Magic Mouse though, so why would I need to "show love".
I get that you don't like much about Apple products, but you are fooling yourself if you think you are just "being critical in a good way". You position most rebuttals to your posts as "fanboy-ism" or people "worshipping Apple," because that makes your arguments seem as if they are reasoned when they so obviously are not.
You post some of the most opinionated and negative things to this forum and most of it doesn't seem to be based on anything but your own preferences. It's easy to call other people Apple worshipers or fans, but a lot harder to see your own biases isn't it?
Your comment about adding the two physical buttons is priceless in that regard. I bet you are unaware of the research behind Apple's decisions re: one button or two button mice, almost entirely. You phrase it as if it's an obvious objective fact that two buttons are better than one and imply without saying so that Apple just does this to be perverse or that there is no objective reason behind it.
In fact, almost every word you write on this forum is dripping with personal bias, yet *you* are the one that most often calls others names and infers that bias in others. Funny how that works.
This amazes me. An article is published about Apple doubling its market share after the introduction of a new product. We then get 3 pages of flame wars (from Apple fans, no less!) about it being a POS and how everyone hates it! (I know not everyone says they hate it, but enough for me to generalize and not be exaggerating too much.) Maybe you guys should be frequenting an HP or Dell blog instead.
You see the thing about this forum, at least for me is it gives me a chance to be honest. You're not saying we have to love every Apple product to use AI are you? If you are then I really do pity you. I may post a lot here but I have managed to keep my own opinion without letting Mr. Ego, i.e. Steve Jobs cloud my vision. Apple make great great products, but Apple don't make great mice. In my view when you compare their mice to some other great mice they very quickly looks like "terrible mice". In my view Apple make some of the best keyboards, and some of the worst mice on the market. Deal with them Apples.
I get that you don't like much about Apple products...
We are talking about one product in particular, why don't you seem to get that? I love my iMac, I love my Air, but I hated my Magic Mouse. Please excuse me for being passionate, it's just who I am.
you really are a piece of work.
fine. you want some facts from review sites since you have never backed any of your praise of apple being amazing for society.
there are more. note this is for both mice, uncomfortable POSs. im not going to clog up the forum with more links as they are quite easy to find. and with the way you talk about jobs being so great, you praise him too.
big companies are always under the microscope. its part of it. i will praise apple when they deserve it. they do not deserve it on their mice. they have always been uncomfortable to me for extended use.
Your dismissed Sir .... Steve Job's brought Apple back from the brink of destruction, Steve also infused back his discipline into the company and brought back the culture we knew and loved..... Steve and Apple acted Fast when Environmentalist blamed Apple for polluting the Environment now Apple leads the industry in GREEN products.... Apple with the Help of Steve evolved online music and video distribution through iTunes, and the iPods..... The 2006 WWDC brought the very first G5 Tower that was competitive to the industry, and phil schiller personally showed spec for spec how the G5 was more affordable then dell.... Not to mention the Mag Safe connector apple invented (so peoples laptops would stop flying around when they tripped on the cord) iSight, Magnetic Latch system, OS X , and much much more .... STEVE IS THIS YEARS DECADE CEO AND IN MY BOOK HE'S BEEN THAT SINCE THE 1976 when Apple Launched. AND WHEN HE WAS AT NEXT, OH AND DON'T FORGET PIXAR AND HOW THE MOVIES OF ANIMATION WERE ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF TOY STORY.....Lets go ZEP lets Talk about what more APPLE HAS DONE, iCan go all day.
Your comment about adding the two physical buttons is priceless in that regard. I bet you are unaware of the research behind Apple's decisions re: one button or two button mice, almost entirely. You phrase it as if it's an obvious objective fact that two buttons are better than one and imply without saying so that Apple just does this to be perverse or that there is no objective reason behind it.
Most personal preference would have 2 buttons over one. The mouse has been the single greatest bane to the Apple platform (only one click? hockey puck? even Apple apologetics agree). While the Magic Mouse is a great improvement, its unusable for some things like gaming for instance where you constantly keep your finger resting on both sides and when you constantly have to lift you finger to r-click repeatedly it gets tiring and painful.
Hopefully its fixable via software, that is one of the biggest gripes i have...i could get over the shape if it didnt require considerably more effort to use...those swipes just dont work for me at all unless i take my hand off completely and swipe to page back or forth.
Your dismissed Sir .... Steve Job's brought Apple back from the brink of destruction, Steve also infused back his discipline into the company and brought back the culture we knew and loved..... Steve and Apple acted Fast when Environmentalist blamed Apple for polluting the Environment now Apple leads the industry in GREEN products.... Apple with the Help of Steve evolved online music and video distribution through iTunes, and the iPods..... The 2006 WWDC brought the very first G5 Tower that was competitive to the industry, and phil schiller personally showed spec for spec how the G5 was more affordable then dell.... Not to mention the Mag Safe connector apple invented (so peoples laptops would stop flying around when they tripped on the cord) iSight, Magnetic Latch system, OS X , and much much more .... STEVE IS THIS YEARS DECADE CEO AND IN MY BOOK HE'S BEEN THAT SINCE THE 1976 when Apple Launched. AND WHEN HE WAS AT NEXT, OH AND DON'T FORGET PIXAR AND HOW THE MOVIES OF ANIMATION WERE ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF TOY STORY.....Lets go ZEP lets Talk about what more APPLE HAS DONE, iCan go all day.
For all that praise and him actually making the GUI for modern computers...they still cant get the mouse right?
When I say FULL MULTI TOUCH MOUSE, I mean FULL MULTI TOUCH MOUSE. Show me a mouse you can do finger gestures/swipes on??... SHOW ME!!??
Jeepers, you really are pathetic. A computer mouse is a computer mouse. You trying to segment the market into tiny chunks to praise Apple is just pathetic.
I could accomplish everything and more that the Magic Mouse does 10 years ago on a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Yay, the Magic Mouse lets we swipe instead of clicking a button. So what? Feature-wise, it's the same. Except the Microsoft mouse had more features like easily reassigned buttons, the scroll wheel button and an actual ergonomic shape. More features at a lower price.
what does not having to grasp the idea behind the magic mouse have to do with it being uncomfortable? nothing. it is impossible for you to see the bad in apple.
I would say this was Apple's only bad, BUT ..... AND IT'S A HUGE BUT..... People didn't see the evolution of this design, which became the Mac Mini.... Steve Himself realized that you people were behind in the times of his artistic creation.....
" No Artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it's just that others are behind the times." - Martha Graham
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
And I thought Quadra 610 was annoying in his Apple praise...
Yay, the Magic Mouse lets we swipe instead of clicking a button. So what? .
Multi-touch on a mouse is a very big deal. We're seeing the results of it now. Read the article.
You can also accomplish nearly the same things on Windows as you can on OS X. But thre's a reason we choose OS X.
Anyone can shove "features" onto a device.
Jeepers, you really are pathetic. A computer mouse is a computer mouse. You trying to segment the market into tiny chunks to praise Apple is just pathetic.
I could accomplish everything and more that the Magic Mouse does 10 years ago on a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Yay, the Magic Mouse lets we swipe instead of clicking a button. So what? Feature-wise, it's the same. Except the Microsoft mouse had more features like easily reassigned buttons, the scroll wheel button and an actual ergonomic shape. More features at a lower price.
Your just not as passionate for Apple as the rest, you don't appreciate quality, I'm so glad that mouse you said you could things on 10yrs ago is still around today Thats real innovation right there, create something and POOF gone in 10 years ... don't make me laugh...
I'm also not segmenting anything, Apple has created a new category and it turns out there the only ones who are in that category. It's really that simple.
This has nothing to do with praise, iDont praise Apple guys, I'm just a passionate supporter in what they do, and their views are very similar to my own especially steves
And I thought Quadra 610 was annoying in his Apple praise...
He's not annoying, he and a few others actually appreciate good design and innovation from a company.... Like I said iDo get on Apple when there wrong, but thats a rarity so when they do I'm extremely relaxed on them. Plus APPLE ADMITS There wrongs when they are.... Heck even Steve Jobs admitted it was his fault during the who'll stock scandal. Thats a REAL CEO RIGHT THERE!!!! INDUSTRY TAKE NOTES
Your just not as passionate for Apple as the rest, you don't appreciate quality, I'm so glad that mouse you said you could things on 10yrs ago is still around today Thats real innovation right there, create something and POOF gone in 10 years ... don't make me laugh...
I'm also not segmenting anything, Apple has created a new category and it turns out there the only ones who are in that category. It's really that simple.
This has nothing to do with praise, iDont praise Apple guys, I'm just a passionate supporter in what they do, and their views are very similar to my own especially steves
Saying that someone isn't passionate for Apple because they disagree with what you think is a good mouse is just dumb. I've used every Apple mouse since the one click bricks and none of them compare to the simplicity, functionality, and ergonomics of the Kensington mouse I've had for five and a half years.
Just because Apple makes it does not make it gold.
For all that praise and him actually making the GUI for modern computers...they still cant get the mouse right?
Can you?....... I guess you'd just cave and say " ifail "
The Mouse will evolve People just be patient .
Saying that someone isn't passionate for Apple because they disagree with what you think is a good mouse is just dumb. I've used every Apple mouse since the one click bricks and none of them compare to the simplicity, functionality, and ergonomics of the Kensington mouse I've had for five and a half years.
Just because Apple makes it does not make it gold.
No but you haven't called it a POS and Crap and degraded it
After using a bunch of different mice, and a Mighty Mouse (BT) for the last 2 years, I have bought an MM because of multi-touch. I had gone thru a similar adaptive process for about two weeks. Now, going back to the Mighty Mouse (or any other mouse) feels cumbersome and unintuitive when compared to the MM. BT connectivity is more robust and batter life is improved. The lack of moving parts (save for the on/off switch) is also welcome.
I have downloaded the new Preferences app for it, but I have only enabled two other feature. I'd like to keep it simple and user-friendly, which is why I purchase Apple products.
So I would highly recommend this mouse to anyone willing to make an adjustment in exchange for a superior mouse experience afterwards.
Just my 2 cents.
Can you?....... I guess you'd just cave and say " ifail "
The Mouse will evolve People just be patient .
Shouldnt need to wait for it to should be here already
I don't know why all this trash talk, but I find the mouse very precise and comfortable.
Agreed. I am very pleased with mine as it would appear so are many others looking at the sales. I have about ten mice to choose from here in my studio and it is by far the best - and no, not all are Apple.