Google Nexus One vs Apple iPhone 3GS



  • Reply 21 of 234
    Very informative and mostly unbiased post, despite what I assume is your obvious preference for the iPhone, but you misspelled the word "supported" in the last row of the matrix comparing the three devices.

    Personally, I look forward to information on how Google plans to beef up the UI in future versions of Android (beyond 2.1). You didn't mention that multi-touch is there in the Eris and glossed over why that feature is supported in the OS but not used in apps/interface in 2.1. That was a great note about the trackball getting in the way though.

    One thing that I don't think you gave enough weight to is that while the iPhone might be a little more attractive to app developers in some ways (like not having to worry about different screen resolutions), the Google brand and the massive amount of time and effort that they've been putting into their OS will probably pay off in the end because they have an open platform and the number of apps they have will eventually exceed the iPhone's list, even though it won't happen for a few years. How Apple could come back from that is to start running OS X on the iPhone (or possibly the "iSlate mini") and let it just be a small, touchscreen version of the normal "Mac". Of course the latter would mean that OS X app developers would need to program to much lower resolutions than they are used to.
  • Reply 22 of 234
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    A bit of comic relief (might contain objectionable language):

    Love it!

    very funny...the urination part...
  • Reply 23 of 234
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by csimmons View Post

    I thought it was very objective, and spot on as well (as Prince McLean / Daniel Eran Dilger's articles usually are). seeing as I've tried out every device mentioned in the article except the Zune HD (which isn't available in Europe).

    and YES, the HTC device which was rebranded by Google as the Nexus One has been available here for a few weeks.

    Why don't you point out the specific parts of the article that aren't true and maybe you'd have a valid point.

    Well said. To be fair. He did say something about OLED working well in daylight to his credit, but that is just one thing. I don't have personal experience with oled, mostly cause I have a touch and was no intrigued to even check out zune HD. Next time you discredit the whole article though you need a few more points.

    I think that Nexus One is just another android device. Maybe it will sell as many units as Moto Droid, but seeing as it is T-Mobile only, which does not have a very big network coverage it might sell even less. So far android is a disappointment, as I expected it to be a SINGLE os for ALL devices. It would not matter what the manufacturer is, as long as it runs android it should be compatible with all the apps and have the same features (hardware permitting, just like iPhone and Touch can run same apps, but without GPS some would not work). Instead this is turning into Symbian, with different looks, feel, compatibility for different phones. As well as different manufacturers now slapping their own UI on top, which could make it hard to upgrade to the next version of android. Expected much more out of google.

    Final thought, Nexus one could probably have killed the very first iPhone (web apps only), maybe been a bit better then the original 3G (after we were given native apps). And is actually worse (in terms of usability not hardware) then 3GS.
  • Reply 24 of 234
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by markb View Post

    And how much did you pay for your subscription? Um...this is a free site. Caveat Emptor.

    So if it's free it can be crap?
  • Reply 25 of 234
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
  • Reply 26 of 234


  • Reply 27 of 234
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    kitty poo
  • Reply 28 of 234
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Wow, i just wasted my time to read that, it wasn't even objective at all. I suppose i shouldnt expect that much from a fansite though where no one has even TOUCHED it

    Edit: I owned a Zune HD and its screen was no worse than my Bold or my girlfriends iPhone in daylight. I cant speak for the Nexus One but the Zune HD visibility was fine in broad daylight, and believe me i live in Florida (its snowing right now!) and even MacRumors squashed this awhile ago...

    Now its off to bed, ive been up well over 24hours to see a few sprinkles of snow lol

    I love the little zingers such as: "OLED / poor in daylight" or "most aimed at 320 x 480". And then MULTITASK category? What the heck. I love the iPhone, but the device CANNOT MULTITASK. And under this category, they list Bundled Apps, Voice and Data???
  • Reply 29 of 234
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    So if it's free it can be crap?

    That's kind of Google's motto.
  • Reply 30 of 234
    Originally Posted by TheShepherd View Post

    Why come to appleinsider for a review comparing a competitor's product to Apple?

    That's like going to to review the new Chevy Pickup..

    No it's not. It's like going to appleinsider to review apple products and the competition. This isn't, which if THEY were advertising something to do with a Nexus One, I would see unfit, and your example would then make sense.
  • Reply 31 of 234
    I have a Nexus One and the screen is fine during daylight. As for saying the 5mp camera is too much for the chip is absurd, the pictures come out clear without any grain and the video capture is really good. I also don't know who at engaget reviewed the speech to text feature, maybe they had a lisp or mumbled a lot, because I have only had it miss words a couple times and have been using it extensively to text, email, and search. The Nexus One uses micro usb, not mini usb. The statement of a vague promise of delivering the Nexus One to Verizon is silly, on the Nexus One page it says "Spring 2010" which is a lot less vague than rumors of the iPhone making it to verizon.
  • Reply 32 of 234

    odd odd article

    a mis mash of 1/2 baked themes that abruptly end and go now here else

    Yet a calm re write and expanding this article to 4 pages would make a great piece to show us why ,where and how google is out doing MSFT in the asshole dept.


    google is a way way over priced one horse monster

    Google faces a threat from 2 or 3 million 14 yr. old kids writing code for the FIRST time and seeing this world from a new angle . Just like Skype one day will kill the carriers.

    Remember, JD?? trading at $95 a share at its peak ?? well at its meteoric rise was going on and they were laying uncounted miles of un lit fiber and the canadian gov;t them selves said it's a good buy at $60 A share >> Millions of Canucks put their life savings in J D and walked away. Safe in their long term buy .

    AT 65 a share a SW code demon warned that his new code would compress fiberoptic data at a 10 to one ratio . NO one blinked . The stock rose to $95 a share . THIS was 10 yrs. ago or more . 10 to 1 means stop laying cable right now . over saturation>>LOOK in those days no one streamed movies >>data was just data

    Maybe an odd email with 1 raw pic.They did not stop laying cable .

    The market promised that all this fiber would bring us movies on demand and the whole LIB.of congress in 18 minutes . The world has changed now, We are NOW short of lit cable if any is left at all. BUT back then 90 percent of all fiber optic cable remained buried and DARK. To light the cable was expensive back then .,

    WHAT caused J. D. UNI to go from 95 to $5 a share . ALSO a dozen other companies were laid to waste over this .


    the code rider == HE >>> LIED

    IT was not 10x to 1 data compression >>it was a 100x to one and then up to 1000x to 1 compression / JD CRASHED

    JD STOCK FELL TO 3 BUCKS A SHARE AT ONE POINT wiping out billions of Canuck retirement money among other investors who also lost ,

    All that cable was never needed at all back then .

    GOOGLE FACES THE SAME THREAT a RICH CODE WRITER CAN KILL OFF GOOGLE THE SAME WAY / rich means A kid that can;t be bought off and who see,s the world in a clear level playing field way .

    that is why i am not surprised at their shabby phone deals and ill thought out conflicting market plans

    they have one stream of money from one source ./

    the market needs 50 small googles who do not bow down to the chinese and help the commies abuse their own people

    GOOGLE IS SCARED and has no morals at all

    i would sell goog right now

    Insightful post. I'm amazed at the 'free ride' Google has had with the press and punters because of...what? A search engine? It doesn't really stack up compared to all the things Apple does. It aint even a fair comparison. Apple wins hands down.

    Apart from their one trick pony revenue from Advertising, what is Google?

    OS? Where?

    Phone? A me-too phone. That it? Oh yeah, a higher mega pixel on their camera. Whoop. Can't see apple catching that up in June, eh?

    Chrome? Whoop. There's Firefox and there's Safari. I need Chrome, why?

    Interface. Where? Poor wanna be M$ interfaces.

    App store? Crushed by Apple's.

    Music? Crushed by Apple's iPod and iTunes.

    Office apps? I haven't heard why I'd choose Google's free online apps (and the risk to my data) over iWorks.

    Intuitive ease of use. Shrugs. What hardware and software combos do they make? Don't HTC make their phone? So, no, they don't make the whole widget?

    Mail? I don't use their mail? I should because..?

    If Apple writes a search engine. I'd go there. Right away. And so, I suspect would 30-40 million Mac users with 50-100 million iPhone/Touch users. Just do it, Apple. Say the word. And Google can go fcuk themselves.

    Google? What a load of hot air. Most over valued company in brand, product and 'innovation'? Barren.

    In a straight fight? Apple. They'll pay for their treachery with Eric on Apple's board.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 33 of 234
    I have used my old iPhone 3G and my friends' new Droids and IMHO, I would easily select the old iPhone 3G over the new Droid if both phones were available from the same carrier. This is not to say that the Droid is worst in every way, just that even the old iPhone is clearly superior over all.

    Ecosystem aside, the iPhone features are more usable and perform better overall and the UI is way better. While the Droid has a faster processor, I find the iPhone UI more predictable and more responsive over all.

    I am looking to forward to upgrading my iPhone this Summer.

    AT&T or Verizon: May the better network win.

    I thing the AT&T network will be faster with 7.2Mbit/s HSDPA.

    Plus simultaneous voice and data is important to me.

    Time will tell.
  • Reply 34 of 234


    They're thrashing about for an exit strategy. If someone writes a search engine to 'Yahoo' them out the market? They're finished.

    I'm surprised it's taking so long.


    Lemon Bon Bon.

    Mind you. Apple's building a data centre...
  • Reply 35 of 234
    Originally Posted by ekeefe41 View Post

    P.S. When ever people say "Lacks multi-touch" i wish they would follow it by "because they are respecting Apple's patent". (no one else does)

    Android 2.0 is multi-touch enabled, google apps don't use it. Download the Dolphin browser which is mutli-touch, gesture and social network enabled. It also has tabs instead of windows.
  • Reply 36 of 234

    Ecosystem aside, the iPhone features are more usable and perform better overall and the UI is way better. While the Droid has a faster processor, I find the iPhone UI more predictable and more responsive over all.

    You nailed it. Apple's core strength. UI is Apple. Simple. Elegant. Responsive. Human. Better. Whole widget kind of better.

    Apple can think different.

    Google can only copy M$'s old dogma.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 37 of 234
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Dan's review might have a couple of misstatements about product details. but the important and insightful core of it is about how the Nexus fits into Google's overall Android strategy and platform evolution, and that was really good. no other "pundits" really do that as well.

    one very minor edit needed i can't resist mentioning: Dan writes "... leaving Apple, RIM, and Palm unique in pushing one single OS." well, three separate parties can never be "unique." just one. a correct word would be "apart."
  • Reply 38 of 234
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    They're thrashing about for an exit strategy. If someone writes a search engine to 'Yahoo' them out the market? They're finished.

    I'm surprised it's taking so long.


    Lemon Bon Bon.

    Mind you. Apple's building a data centre...

    twin mega data data centers

    open to all

    for a price

    apple will be a gatekeeper soon enough

    goodbye google goodbye verizon

    wipes spit from face


  • Reply 39 of 234
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Insightful post. I'm amazed at the 'free ride' Google has had with the press and punters because of...what? A search engine? It doesn't really stack up compared to all the things Apple does. It aint even a fair comparison. Apple wins hands down.

    Apart from their one trick pony revenue from Advertising, what is Google?

    OS? Where?

    Phone? A me-too phone. That it? Oh yeah, a higher mega pixel on their camera. Whoop. Can't see apple catching that up in June, eh?

    Chrome? Whoop. There's Firefox and there's Safari. I need Chrome, why?

    Interface. Where? Poor wanna be M$ interfaces.

    App store? Crushed by Apple's.

    Music? Crushed by Apple's iPod and iTunes.

    Office apps? I haven't heard why I'd choose Google's free online apps (and the risk to my data) over iWorks.

    Intuitive ease of use. Shrugs. What hardware and software combos do they make? Don't HTC make their phone? So, no, they don't make the whole widget?

    Mail? I don't use their mail? I should because..?

    If Apple writes a search engine. I'd go there. Right away. And so, I suspect would 30-40 million Mac users with 50-100 million iPhone/Touch users. Just do it, Apple. Say the word. And Google can go fcuk themselves.

    Google? What a load of hot air. Most over valued company in brand, product and 'innovation'? Barren.

    In a straight fight? Apple. They'll pay for their treachery with Eric on Apple's board.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    please add apple owns filemaker pro .powerful data based SW

    eric has already been found out to be a nexus six android

    blade runners are closing in right now

    kicks a can

    thank you LBB

  • Reply 40 of 234
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Exactly. You do, however, expect someone to edit the piece before it goes live, right? THAT clearly didn't happen... Seemed like there was a glaring editing oversight just about every other paragraph. It got quite distracting!

    Being the expert that you profess to be, perhaps you could direct us to your review, or at least, expound the 'oversights' that you found so distracting.

    By your count, there are about twenty out of the 40 paragraphs that fit your criteria and you should be able to address them quickly.
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