Palm CEO, former Apple exec says he's never used an iPhone



  • Reply 81 of 259
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Absolutely agree with everyone here. This guy is totally lying, and it is hard to think that this guy gave us iMac and iPod. He is in for a talking with a board of Palm, at least I hope he is. With speeches like that Palm won't have a sucessful turnaround, which was the reason to hire this guy in the first place. There are probably people in the amazon rain forest who have used an iPhone, and if he didn't he is practicing escapism. That is if you ignore the problem (iPhone) the problem will go away. One problem though this is not true and it won't go away.

    I guess some people need a good team to be productive.

    All in all I think Ruby's comments mean comparatively little in the grand scheme of things. At most, they're an indication of the discomfort everyone else competing in the same space as Apple is feeling. Palm is making its last stand with AT&T and Verizon, and making those relationships work is their top priority, I imagine.

    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    I hope Palm doesn't die. His statements seem a bit silly but Palm's WebOS seems like a better mobile OS than Android.

  • Reply 82 of 259
    Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post

    You know you just make the OP look better right? I get you like Apple products, but you are taking this to another level. People come here to discuss Apple products and competitive products. No one is going to respect you or care what you have to say if you keep this fanatical attitude. You going to flame me because I prefer my xbox360 as a media center over an Apple TV, my hackintoshed netbook (and no, I did not pirate OSX, I went and bought it for 130$) over my macbook pro in certain situations, or the fact I'd prefer to get a Zune HD over an iPod touch? Take a step back dude, if you want to be part of this community you have to get along.

    Fanatical Attitude??

    I call it passion man!! Real appreciation for the company that revolutionizes and innovates behind its great leader Steve Paul Jobs.

    XBox 360 is a gaming machine (first and foremost) ... BTW the 1st parts used to make the XBox actually came from products Apple disregarded (for good reason) and I'm not bashing XBOX (for the crazy gamers on here)

    Apple TV is a HOBBY media Hub for your personal use at home with family/friends on your TV

    How do you compare Apple TV to XBOX is my question??

    Keep your POC hackintosh, the Apple Tablet will kill off that market or would be copiers

    Good for you and your Zune "HD".... Though spec for spec And feature for feature & multiple funtionality APPLE still reigns supreme... Zune exist cause of APPLE and Bill Gates even admitted it during a D5 Conference with Steve Jobs right next to him.

    You come at me trying to put me down and your just looking like a person who has no serious argument or facts to prove me wrong..... Quadra and myself are the Only Passionate Apple members here and I'm glad to say that despite our "fanatical" approach (as you put it) we show facts!!!
  • Reply 83 of 259
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    What? How does a hardware guy with no vision get a product past Jobs then?

    He didn't. Jon never got products passed Steve.

    Steve gets products passed Steve based upon Steve's specs.

    The only guy that Steve implicitly trusted, after several successive products is Jonathan Ivy.

    Rubinstein was a workstation/server man at HP [Apollo], the same with the NeXTStation and his title as iPod VP was one of oversight, not implementation and design. He did a fine job assembling the staff [mainly already existing] and making contacts in the manufacturing industries to help drive it. Behind the scenes is his domain.

    Jon is a stiff guy in public, personable one-on-one. Too bad Apple has never been serious about blades and data center server solutions. He would have excelled at driving that division.

    Rubinstein never made a splash at the several places he drove as startups. You either are a visionary or you are not. He's a manager type personality that excels behind the scene, not in front of the press.

    I believe this is his 3rd CEO position and the most visible one to date. I don't foresee him making another go as a CEO, but as a VP at some other firm attempting to break through into a young industry.

    Personally, I'd love to see Jon work on broader issues revolving around the National Infrastructure and Power industries. That will never happen, but his background and connections would be quite valuable.
  • Reply 84 of 259
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Made another killing in January! I will short PALM down to $1.

    You mean down to $5, right?

    / just wanted to throw that in there. be careful trying to short below $5
  • Reply 85 of 259
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    He didn't. Jon never got products passed Steve.

    Steve gets products passed Steve based upon Steve's specs.

    The only guy that Steve implicitly trusted, after several successive products is Jonathan Ivy.

    Rubinstein was a workstation/server man at HP [Apollo], the same with the NeXTStation and his title as iPod VP was one of oversight, not implementation and design. He did a fine job assembling the staff [mainly already existing] and making contacts in the manufacturing industries to help drive it. Behind the scenes is his domain.

    Jon is a stiff guy in public, personable one-on-one. Too bad Apple has never been serious about blades and data center server solutions. He would have excelled at driving that division.

    Rubinstein never made a splash at the several places he drove as startups. You either are a visionary or you are not. He's a manager type personality that excels behind the scene, not in front of the press.

    I believe this is his 3rd CEO position and the most visible one to date. I don't foresee him making another go as a CEO, but as a VP at some other firm attempting to break through into a young industry.

    Personally, I'd love to see Jon work on broader issues revolving around the National Infrastructure and Power industries. That will never happen, but his background and connections would be quite valuable.

    Perfectly explained man!
  • Reply 86 of 259
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Fanatical Attitude??

    I call it passion man!! Real appreciation for the company that revolutionizes and innovates behind its great leader Steve Paul Jobs.

    XBox 360 is a gaming machine (first and foremost) ... BTW the 1st parts used to make the XBox actually came from products Apple disregarded (for good reason) and I'm not bashing XBOX (for the crazy gamers on here)

    Apple TV is a HOBBY media Hub for your personal use at home with family/friends on your TV

    How do you compare Apple TV to XBOX is my question??

    Keep your POC hackintosh, the Apple Tablet will kill off that market or would be copiers

    Good for you and your Zune "HD".... Though spec for spec And feature for feature & multiple funtionality APPLE still reigns supreme... Zune exist cause of APPLE and Bill Gates even admitted it during a D5 Conference with Steve Jobs right next to him.

    You come at me trying to put me down and your just looking like a person who has no serious argument or facts to prove me wrong..... Quadra and myself are the Only Passionate Apple members here and I'm glad to say that despite our "fanatical" approach (as you put it) we show facts!!!

    AppleTV is a JOKE- who are you fooling? It's time has come and gone. Blu ray machines now do practically everything that it tried to accomplish.

    There's [passionate and then there's delusional- it a very thin line. Quadra at least makes sense.
  • Reply 87 of 259
    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    AppleTV is a JOKE- who are you fooling? It's time has come and gone. Blu ray machines now do practically everything that it tried to accomplish.

    There's [passionate and then there's delusional- it a very thin line. Quadra at least makes sense.

    Your delusional ... I said "APPLE TV is a HOBBY thats only used for personal use with your friends and family "


    Hobby means beta you dip stick

    WTFreak MAN, you call yourself stumping me and you can't even read comments correctly
  • Reply 88 of 259
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    He didn't. Jon never got products passed Steve.

    Steve gets products passed Steve based upon Steve's specs.

    The only guy that Steve implicitly trusted, after several successive products is Jonathan Ivy.

    Rubinstein was a workstation/server man at HP [Apollo], the same with the NeXTStation and his title as iPod VP was one of oversight, not implementation and design. He did a fine job assembling the staff [mainly already existing] and making contacts in the manufacturing industries to help drive it. Behind the scenes is his domain.

    Jon is a stiff guy in public, personable one-on-one. Too bad Apple has never been serious about blades and data center server solutions. He would have excelled at driving that division.

    Rubinstein never made a splash at the several places he drove as startups. You either are a visionary or you are not. He's a manager type personality that excels behind the scene, not in front of the press.

    I believe this is his 3rd CEO position and the most visible one to date. I don't foresee him making another go as a CEO, but as a VP at some other firm attempting to break through into a young industry.

    Personally, I'd love to see Jon work on broader issues revolving around the National Infrastructure and Power industries. That will never happen, but his background and connections would be quite valuable.

    Didn't Jonny design the Hockey puck mouse and the godawful Mighty Mouse? He's a designer - Rubinstein is not. You're comparing apples with Lemons.
  • Reply 89 of 259
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Your delusional ... I said "APPLE TV is a HOBBY thats only used for personal use with your friends and family "


    Hobby means beta you dip stick

    WTFreak MAN, you call yourself stumping me and you can't even read comments correctly

    HOBBY is what Steve told you it was and you would never challenge Steve- right?

    He also told you Blu-ray is a bag of hurt and you believe that to, right? LMAO!!!
  • Reply 90 of 259
    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    HOBBY is what Steve told you it was and you would never challenge Steve- right?

    He also told you Blu-ray is a bag of hurt and you believe that to, right? LMAO!!!

    Yup.. Why would I ?? He knows what's best for Apple (He created it) , why go against the creator?

    Who else would I believe?? You?? ....

    Apple TV is a Hobby and APPLE MAKES THAT CLEAR TO EVERYONE.... They enhance the Hobby each year to get user reactions... Apple even did a survey about what users wanted to see from Apple TV in September 2008. Its a HOBBY DEVICE .... again HOBBY

    Steve said that Blu Ray is great for Media entertainment but as far as having it in his Apple products "It's a Bag of Hurt" due to licensing complexities, and Apple is just waiting for that to clear up. he said this Oct 2008 READ HIS COMMENTS YOURSELF

    Where's your agrument???............. oh yeah thats right you have none
  • Reply 91 of 259
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    He should have used one and realized that his phone is no where near the numbers of iPhone.
  • Reply 92 of 259
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Your wasting your time with that clown, add him to your ignore list and move on. Hes like another version of Teckstud but even more stupid

    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I really apologies man if I rubbed you the wrong way. I get passionate about Apple.. SERIOUSLY I APOLOGIZE, I KNOW THIS ECONOMY IS ROUGH

    .................................................. ....

    Now let me correct you or should I say help you and maybe you can be the voice for your department for more divers computing environment.

    First for iPhone user experience! Palm actually made the list toooo bad they didn't even meet the Avg.

    I will also say the "SOFTWARE ONLY" FOR WINDOWS IS MUTE TO SOME DEGREE ALSO.... Apple has Boot Camp (Built In) and theirs always parallels/VM WARE (as much as I hate that windows can run on a mac) It actually works for others ...... Apple has an enterprise market and would be glad to educate your company on the myths and show you the Apple is the way to go. ESPECIALLY FOR SERVER SOLUTIONS!!!!

    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I don't care if your around, you obviously have some sense to own a Touch (and yes I did miss that). Your "cost conscious" argument is mute because an Apple refurbished machine is better then any PC in regards to price you could buy... You just sound like the type that really wants an apple product, but are blind by the "cool" factor others betray thus you miss the true investment one gets when purchasing an Apple product (THATS ANY APPLE PRODUCT) .. It's understood also you would want a Palm Pre cause of work incentives on a hardware or even a payment plan discount... Though I must say the iphone is now $99 so the "expensive" iPhone argument is thrown out of the window also... You obviously also want a PC but it sounds like you need a Mac, Safari is much better then chrome check out the link ... and iWork is much better the the stolen code Word suite.... You PC users are so jealous can't see that Apple is just much more ORIGINAL, INNOVATIVE, MORE ENJOYABLE , EFFICIENT FOR PRODUCTIVITY OF ANY TASK... Then windows ...iPhone sales speak for themselves.. Palm wanting to always sync with itunes should tell you that even your precious palm with its hardly ZERO apps and stupid management LOVES apple business model.... ohh and BTW WEB OS is actually 6th best or lower buddy and according to this recent Dec 2009 Markert share isn't even listed

    Jury says................................... WEAK ARGUMENT...... TIME TO MOVE ON BUDDY ... GRAB YOUR TISSUE ON THE WAY OUT

    Now let me correct you. If you are going to blast someone with your logic and clearly biased opinions, make sure the words you are using are correct.

    I would have let it go if I saw it once but not twice.....

    The word is MOOT, not mute.

    Since you don't know the word you intend to use is MOOT, YOU....should be MUTE.

    And last, but not least....the proper way to use the contraction for "you are" is "you're", not your.

    Kaspar, as a service to those posters who rely on their computers, rather than their education, to sound intelligent, perhaps you can add a language model to the forum's spellcheck.

    Eye have a spelling chequer,

    It came with my Pea Sea.

    It plane lee marks four my revue

    Miss Steaks I can knot sea.

    Eye strike the quays and type a whirred

    And weight four it two say

    Weather eye am write oar wrong

    It tells me straight a weigh.

    Eye ran this poem threw it,

    Your shore real glad two no.

    Its vary polished in its weigh.

    My chequer tolled me sew.

    A chequer is a bless thing,

    It freeze yew lodes of thyme.

    It helps me right all stiles of righting,

    And aides me when eye rime.

    Each frays come posed up on my screen

    Eye trussed too bee a joule.

    The chequer pours o'er every word

    Two cheque sum spelling rule.

    The original version of this poem was written by Jerrold H. Zar in 1992. An unsophisticated spell checker will find little or no fault with this poem because it checks words in isolation. A more sophisticated spell checker will make use of a language model to consider the context in which a word occurs.
  • Reply 93 of 259
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I don't care if your around, you obviously have some sense to own a Touch (and yes I did miss that). Your "cost conscious" argument is mute because an Apple refurbished machine is better then any PC in regards to price you could buy... You just sound like the type that really wants an apple product, but are blind by the "cool" factor others betray thus you miss the true investment one gets when purchasing an Apple product (THATS ANY APPLE PRODUCT) .. It's understood also you would want a Palm Pre cause of work incentives on a hardware or even a payment plan discount... Though I must say the iphone is now $99 so the "expensive" iPhone argument is thrown out of the window also... You obviously also want a PC but it sounds like you need a Mac, Safari is much better then chrome check out the link ... and iWork is much better the the stolen code Word suite.... You PC users are so jealous can't see that Apple is just much more ORIGINAL, INNOVATIVE, MORE ENJOYABLE , EFFICIENT FOR PRODUCTIVITY OF ANY TASK... Then windows ...iPhone sales speak for themselves.. Palm wanting to always sync with itunes should tell you that even your precious palm with its hardly ZERO apps and stupid management LOVES apple business model.... ohh and BTW WEB OS is actually 6th best or lower buddy and according to this recent Dec 2009 Markert share isn't even listed

    Jury says................................... WEAK ARGUMENT...... TIME TO MOVE ON BUDDY ... GRAB YOUR TISSUE ON THE WAY OUT

    You've been going a bit overboard lately. I can't tell if it's your tone, the full caps, all the emoticons, etc. You usually have several things going on all at once in your posts. Just chill.
  • Reply 94 of 259
    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    Now let me correct you. If you are going to blast someone with your logic and clearly biased opinions, make sure the words you are using are correct.

    I would have let it go if I saw it once but not twice.....

    The word is MOOT, not mute.

    Since you don't know the word you intend to use is MOOT, YOU....should be MUTE.

    And last, but not least....the proper way to use the contraction for "you are" is "you're", not your.

    Kaspar, as a service to those posters who rely on their computers, rather than their education, to sound intelligent, perhaps you can add a language model to the forum's spellcheck.

    Eye have a spelling chequer,

    It came with my Pea Sea.

    It plane lee marks four my revue

    Miss Steaks I can knot sea.

    Eye strike the quays and type a whirred

    And weight four it two say

    Weather eye am write oar wrong

    It tells me straight a weigh.

    Eye ran this poem threw it,

    Your shore real glad two no.

    Its vary polished in its weigh.

    My chequer tolled me sew.

    A chequer is a bless thing,

    It freeze yew lodes of thyme.

    It helps me right all stiles of righting,

    And aides me when eye rime.

    Each frays come posed up on my screen

    Eye trussed too bee a joule.

    The chequer pours o'er every word

    Two cheque sum spelling rule.

    The original version of this poem was written by Jerrold H. Zar in 1992. An unsophisticated spell checker will find little or no fault with this poem because it checks words in isolation. A more sophisticated spell checker will make use of a language model to consider the context in which a word occurs.

    okay you get on me for my grammar, but make no statement about the facts I provided?? what makes you different then ifail??
  • Reply 95 of 259
    I don't put labels on people based on what they post, just HOW they post. All I'm pointing out is that you'd SOUND a lot more intelligent if you'd kick up your proper use of the English language a notch.

    I come to AI for a bit of news, rumors and education. No offense but how can I hold the facts and opinions within this forum with any value when the person posting it sounds like an idiot?
  • Reply 96 of 259
    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    I don't put labels on people based on what they post, just HOW they post. All I'm pointing out is that you'd SOUND a lot more intelligent if you'd kick up your proper use of the English language a notch.

    I come to AI for a bit of news, rumors and education. No offense but how can I hold the facts and opinions within this forum with any value when the person posting it sounds like an idiot?

    I post facts behind my statements... Besides my grammar what makes me a so called idiot??

    You just enjoy attacking people cause you have yet to dig up something that I mentioned was false... You sound like you can only attack my grammar, what about my facts??

    Forum doesn't go they way you want and you cry & make personal attacks??
  • Reply 97 of 259
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    He didn't. Jon never got products passed Steve.

    Steve gets products passed Steve based upon Steve's specs.

    The only guy that Steve implicitly trusted, after several successive products is Jonathan Ivy.

    Rubinstein was a workstation/server man at HP [Apollo], the same with the NeXTStation and his title as iPod VP was one of oversight, not implementation and design. He did a fine job assembling the staff [mainly already existing] and making contacts in the manufacturing industries to help drive it. Behind the scenes is his domain.

    Jon is a stiff guy in public, personable one-on-one. Too bad Apple has never been serious about blades and data center server solutions. He would have excelled at driving that division.

    Rubinstein never made a splash at the several places he drove as startups. You either are a visionary or you are not. He's a manager type personality that excels behind the scene, not in front of the press.

    I believe this is his 3rd CEO position and the most visible one to date. I don't foresee him making another go as a CEO, but as a VP at some other firm attempting to break through into a young industry.

    Personally, I'd love to see Jon work on broader issues revolving around the National Infrastructure and Power industries. That will never happen, but his background and connections would be quite valuable.

    Ivy only designed products (make them look good) and Rubinstein assembled the goodies inside them to make it work. Both need to pass Jobs approval. Iirc he did have a pretty big role in the iMac as well before heading up the iPod.

    As for him being a CEO, i believe he was bought out of his position because his companies were bought out and not that they failed. He's not as charismatic as Jobs (not that i find any man to be charismatic but still) but he is a man who knows what he's doing.

    While you might not agree that he's a visionary which i think he IS but not to the extent of Steve Jobs, its very easy to see his influence already at work at Palm, WebOS and the Pre. While i cant agree with the slider personally or keyboard, keeping those god awful keys like some kind of homage to previous Palms was a huge mistake.

    Anyways 2010 is going to be Palms expansion year. Getting out on VZW and AT&T and build some home sales while releasing the GSM Pre to a few more carriers out in Europe. By the end of 2010 Palm should be coming out with a new headset model. They are making good inroads now with opening up their platform for development. They're putting good foundations down.

    While Palm is in serious hot water, Rubinstein is definitely one whom can pull them out. Just looking over Palms quarterly releases, Rubinsteins product has definitely had a major impact on them. Q2 in 09 Palm lost an astsounding 500 million (a bit more), Q2 2010 they only lost 86 million. That comes after the small release outside the US (canada and some of the UK)
  • Reply 98 of 259
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    This interview has no basis in reality. No viable technology company can hope to compete for market share these days without at least the consideration of where their competitors sit relative to them in the market.

    No-one can claim that the iPhone is not worthy of attention. The iPhone commands attention because it is one of the rare products where the user interface has been allocated more than a few minutes of consideration!
  • Reply 99 of 259
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    I don't put labels on people based on what they post, just HOW they post. All I'm pointing out is that you'd SOUND a lot more intelligent if you'd kick up your proper use of the English language a notch.

    I come to AI for a bit of news, rumors and education. No offense but how can I hold the facts and opinions within this forum with any value when the person posting it sounds like an idiot?

    Like you, I too come here to read and be informed.

    For almost a year I've been interested in the news from AI and the comments it generates, however, I'm unable to let your comment 'get by the keeper' (a colloquialism used in my part of the world)

    1). 'I don't put labels on people'

    Your willing to apologise, up-front, with the oft used 'no offence' and then continue on to do exactly that.

    2). I noted you 'edited' your post

    Was that to make you 'SOUND a lot more intelligent' or maybe correct your use of the English language?

    3). Please don't post on forums if it is to denigrate others, you may end up proving how apropos your 'handle' is.

    p.s. I did indeed look up the spelling of apropos
  • Reply 100 of 259
    Originally Posted by OzExige View Post

    Like you, I too come here to read and be informed.

    For almost a year I've been interested in the news from AI and the comments it generates, however, I'm unable to let your comment 'get by the keeper' (a colloquialism used in my part of the world)

    1). 'I don't put labels on people'

    Your willing to apologise, up-front, with the oft used 'no offence' and then continue on to do exactly that.

    2). I noted you 'edited' your post

    Was that to make you 'SOUND a lot more intelligent' or maybe correct your use of the English language?

    3). Please don't post on forums if it is to denigrate others, you may end up proving how apropos your 'handle' is.

    p.s. I did indeed look up the spelling of apropos

    No, my edit was to add the last line of my post, as it was an afterthought, not a correction.

    I said 'no offense' because I wasn't attacking his intelligence. He makes some good points and arguments so I was only providing constructive criticism to someone who posts good points and arguments. I'm just trying to convey to MobileMe that by demonstrating a lack of English language skills, he diminishes the value of the point he's trying to make, IMHO.

    FYI: My name is Richard and my trade/occupation is printing, hence the 'handle' Dickprinter.

    Nothing wrong with a little proofreading, is their? (sic)

    Having said that...


    1). 'I don't put labels on people'

    Your willing to apologise, up-front, with the oft used 'no offence' and then continue on to do exactly that.

    It would also be apropos to use the correct contraction while correcting me and my intentions.
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