Consumers reluctant to spend above $700 for Apple tablet - study



  • Reply 41 of 162
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Not at all. The market, or rather hypothetical market, for this device is quite clear. It's not a replacement for either of the major gadgets, computer or smartphone. It's an inbetweenie, that can do many things that the other two cannot. Without knowing a thing about it, we can still accurately pinpoint what it will do, and what it might do....


    No, you absolutely CAN NOT accurately pinpoint anything.. You can guess what it may or may not do, that's about it..
  • Reply 42 of 162
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    These kind of surveys are absolutely worthless and completely non-scientific. They are not worth the e-paper they are printed on and not worth discussing.

    If people don't see the huge logical flaws involved in asking these kinds of questions, in the way that they are being asked, at the time that they are being asked, then they need their heads examined. Useless survey, producing useless data that has no probative value.

    "Not worth discussing?"

    You just did. So, what's up with that?
  • Reply 43 of 162
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Here's the way I see it. If it's too big to fit in my pocket, then I'll have to throw it in a briefcase or bag. And if I need a bag to put it in, why wouldn't I just bring along my 13" MacBook Pro?


    Because maybe it does things that your MacBook Pro can not or does not do..
  • Reply 44 of 162
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    If were Apple, I would be interested in making this new creation affordable, BECAUSE, they already know they'll have a tremendous amount of padding from App store sales that this thing will help drive. When the iPhone launched, and even the 3G, they had no idea exactly how successful it would be. Now they have that established and growing, perfect time to spur the success with very desirable and affordable product that can take further advantage of all that has become the App store.

    That's why Apple should want to make it reasonable.
  • Reply 45 of 162
    Originally Posted by skiracer1987 View Post

    little hard to say how much a device is worth without knowing what it does

    Oh go ahead, everybody else is.

    I don't know what a McGuffin is, but I know exactly how much it's worth.

    (Whoever gets the reference, wins a cookie. No fair looking it up.)
  • Reply 46 of 162
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    No, you absolutely CAN NOT accurately pinpoint anything.. You can guess what it may or may not do, that's about it..

    1. It will play music, video, audiobooks, and other iTunes media.

    2. It will feature ebook reading.

    3. It will be multi touch.

    4. It will utilize Flash storage, one model will be 64 gb.

    5. It will run App store apps.

    6. It will feature other desktop apps ported to the multi touch UI.

    Come back next week and tell me if this was not accurate "guess work"
  • Reply 47 of 162
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    These people who responded to the survey know nothing. They will want and they will buy exactly what Steve Jobs tells them to. There's no escaping.

    They won't even know that they want it until Steve shows it to them.
  • Reply 48 of 162
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    1. It will play music, video, audiobooks, and other iTunes media.

    2. It will feature ebook reading.

    3. It will be multi touch.

    4. It will utilize Flash storage, one model will be 64 gb.

    5. It will run App store apps.

    6. It will feature other desktop apps ported to the multi touch UI.

    Come back next week and tell me if this was not accurate "guess work"

    The only thing you are accurately pinpointing is the rumors you've been hearing for the past 24 months.

    We all knew the iPhone would make phone calls and double as an iPod, but there was a heck of a lot more about the iPhone that we could not "accurately pinpoint" than there was that we could.

    Basically, without official facts, you can not accurately pinpoint anything. You can make a guess based on rumors, and some of them may turn out to be true, but guessing is all that you are doing..
  • Reply 49 of 162
    They have got to get the price in below the cost of a Mac Mini, so sub-$549.
  • Reply 50 of 162
    ronsterronster Posts: 153member
    ...more than likely it will be $399 Subsidized by either Verizon or AT&T (2 or 3 year contract). $700 un-subsidized.

    Could they also make a non 3G Tablet selling around say $600? who knows?
  • Reply 51 of 162
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    They have got to get the price in below the cost of a Mac Mini, so sub-$549.

    Why? The Mini has no screen, for starters.
  • Reply 52 of 162
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    The only thing you are accurately pinpointing is the rumors you've been hearing for the past 24 months.

    We all knew the iPhone would make phone calls and double as an iPod, but there was a heck of a lot more about the iPhone that we could not "accurately pinpoint" than there was that we could.

    Basically, without official facts, you can not accurately pinpoint anything. You can make a guess based on rumors, and some of them may turn out to be true, but guessing is all that you are doing..

    No sir. Rumors are abundant. Those are my estimates based on a lot of knowledge of a company with whom I invest. I know nothing of this product beyond what Apple tells you with other products. Apple has already told us at least this much, listed above, through their real world practice and current product lines.

    It's not all guesswork. There are many things that Apple might do, but a select few they wouldn't. My list are givens that Apple would not exclude.
  • Reply 53 of 162
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    They have got to get the price in below the cost of a Mac Mini, so sub-$549.

    Really, this, really?

    That's about all I can say to that post.
  • Reply 54 of 162
    Maybe you guys can help jog my memory here.

    Was it in 2008, after Apple reported quarterly sales figures, that they said they were going to do something in the future that other competitors wouldn't be able to match?

    They kind of downplayed future profits because of this "something". I think it was 2008 because i looked out for it in 2009 and they didn't bring anything out that couldn't be matched in price.

    Was i imagining this?

    My point is though maybe this something was the tablet and maybe the plan was to release last year but didn't for one reason or another. So if it was the tablet they were talking about then maybe the price will be lower than some of us might be thinking.
  • Reply 55 of 162
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    Anyone with an understanding of Strategic Pricing knows the key pitfall of asking customer's what they are willing to pay (WTP) which is:

    Buyers are not usually honest about how much they are really willing to pay.

    The price given by customers is often what they would like to pay, not what they are WILLING to pay.

    Studies like the ones referenced in this report are not very useful in my view because they do not capture the VALUE of a product or service. Strategic Pricing is all about the value proposition. Apple is value-focused company. They are all about delivering perceived value to the customer and price their products accordingly.

    The Tablet will be priced higher than most people expect, you'll see this next week followed by the subsequent questions of "why is Apple pricing it so high?" The average critic simply doesn't understand or grasp pricing strategy.
  • Reply 56 of 162
    Originally Posted by skiracer1987 View Post

    little hard to say how much a device is worth without knowing what it does

    Very true. We probably waste a lot of time on the question of whether we'd buy it or not based on unknown specs and unknown prices.

    Originally Posted by Zep View Post

    i think people taking part of the poll assumed it was similar to a netbook, except its all touch.

    thats more or less what i equate it to and i figure other people have a similar idea.

    Probable. Many expect a cheap laptop without keyboard running iPhone-like apps and a few more powerful apps.

    But it may be much different to that.

    Originally Posted by Hal 9000 View Post

    NO feature spec is worth more than $700. For just a few hundred more you can get a Macbook for crying out loud.

    Is there a real gap that this would fill that can be worth more than $700?

    REMEMBER THE NEWTON and how it flopped almost exclusively because of price.

    I do want to see cheap as Apple can - with money made elsewhere (MobileMe subscriptions, content subscriptions,... I don't want another phone contract though)

    But there is room for something more expensive. How much is the stuff that this tablet will do worth that a Macbook can NOT do?

    Patently Apple has a great (if slightly hard to read) article putting together all the Apple patents for tablet technologies. Well worth reading:

    If it does half of what Apple has patented there'll be some really unexpected great stuff.

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    If were Apple, I would be interested in making this new creation affordable, BECAUSE, they already know they'll have a tremendous amount of padding from App store sales that this thing will help drive. When the iPhone launched, and even the 3G, they had no idea exactly how successful it would be. Now they have that established and growing, perfect time to spur the success with very desirable and affordable product that can take further advantage of all that has become the App store.

    That's why Apple should want to make it reasonable.

    AND they want as many people owning these as they can churn out. They need the users to drive the developers. And the developers to drive the users. They need to set a price that starts off this upward spiral of success.
  • Reply 57 of 162
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    No sir. Rumors are abundant. Those are my estimates based on a lot of knowledge of a company with whom I invest. I know nothing of this product beyond what Apple tells you with other products. Apple has already told us at least this much, listed above, through their real world practice and current product lines.

    It's not all guesswork. There are many things that Apple might do, but a select few they wouldn't. My list are givens that Apple would not exclude.

    Has Apple released any official statements regarding this future product?? NO?? Then you are guessing, that is all there is to it.. Call it an educated guess if you must.. It's still guessing.

    Guessing is also sometimes known as assuming, and you know what they say about people who assume.
  • Reply 58 of 162
    Ah got it. In 2008 Oppenhiemer said “not leaving an umbrella so big as to leave an opportunity for our competitors,”

    I think analysts predicted lower priced Macbooks or an introduction of a netbook in 2009. We got neither,in fact 2009 was a fairly disappointing year for innovation IMO. So was he talking about the tablet?
  • Reply 59 of 162
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    $700 = exact amount of Apple gift cards I have!

    I dont' know 700.00 seems low to me. At 700.00 this would tell me this is nothing more then a larger version of an iPod Touch seeing the 64gb version of the Touch goes for 400.00.

    Even the new netbook Windows based Tablets with a 10.1 screen are going for 550.00.
  • Reply 60 of 162
    It seems that the tablet has to be priced between the 64GB IPT at $400 and the Macbook at $1,000. For the first revision of the tablet hardware, I don't think that or $500 is realistic given Apple's generally higher margins, but I don't think it's ridiculous to assume that it probably won't broach the $750 price point for the low end for two reasons.

    1) Apple will want heavy proliferation/ adoption of the product and as the price goes up, adoption goes down. I think adoption is important in this case, unlike Apple TV. Unlike the iphone it seems most people can't imagine needing one therefore it's important to keep the price low (possibly ditching features) so that "everyone" can see what make the tablet so great. It's another "in addition to" Mac computers device and unless it's entry point is low

    2) A second higher end model at $999 (with some added features and not just added capacity) would be best for the release of V2 of the tablet rather than releasing a 2nd model at $999 with simply more capacity, a better GPU and/ or CPU. I'm not sure what kind of features it could have at $1000 but it better "rub tired weary feat" because at that point most people would buy a laptop.

    My best guess would be $650, $750 and $850 with 3 capacities or $750 and $850 with 2 capacities either will probably receive subsidies subsidies. $250 more than the IPT on the low end and $150 less than the Macbook for the high end.

    If it were $650 for the low end model they'd fly off the shelf.
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