Will this finally mean that I can fullscreen videos in while they're playing with Quicktime in Safari?
You know, for the life if me I can't figure out why there are hardly any Logic benchmarks, even though many AU developers may not have a 64 bit version out, I can hardly find any for 32 bit either. Second to Pro Tools for the pro, many pros use both yet you can find lots of benchmarks for Cubase, Sonar, Nuendo. For audio users and video, you will tend to see something like " I have a 8 core AMD machine and I can run 25 instances or virtual plug ins by how high the CPU runs. Which does matter now.
The faster the fsb and CPU means more plug ins at a certain buffer rate like 256ms and 25 plug ins, with no pops or crackles", yet I can't seem to find logic benchmarks.
Even at the logic forums there aren't that many and now that the OS is 64, one would think there would be more benchmarks, esoecially due to the higher number of consumers who dabble in it. Of course the most talked about is how many frames per second at a certain resoution and if they (PC), user, overclocked their system or not.
The spike in benchmarking just isn't there yet. Why is that other than the mac user just wants to "use" their system. I'm talking about music websites. You rarely see Apples Logic benchmarked.
He's not necessarily wrong at all, this still doesn't prove that the problem is with Apple. Other browsers might deal with Flash's inability to do what it is supposed to in a different manner to Safari. Either way, Flash is an incredibly poor piece of programming.
I don't know all the programming differences, but if one browser deals with it to the point where it doesn't take down the browser then it is most certainly the best user experience way to deal with it and I would point a finger at the particular browser that doesn't handle it that way as being a problem too.
I don't know all the programming differences, but if one browser deals with it to the point where it doesn't take down the browser then it is most certainly the best user experience way to deal with it and I would point a finger at the particular browser that doesn't handle it that way as being a problem too.
No, not at all. Flash needs to disappear from the web entirely. It is absolutely unacceptable to have such a juvenile and hogging piece of programming that really ruins the web experience for a lot of people. Flash is garbage, no matter how you slice it, and there are better alternatives for everything it supposedly does. (Actually, all it does is hog your CPU and make consumers think their computer is out of date and slow).
Any word on whether or not this brings back an option to have Exposé work as well as it has for the last 7 years? I know some people like the new 10.6 implementation, but many people feel it was more efficient before the change and want it back the way it was.
I personally find it ridiculous: almost 700 MB update and basically just one QT update, the rest is only for those who use Logic software. Why not to make a patch aside: download it only if you use it?
Also those downloadable updates are huge especially if u compare it to the size of the OS.
Here's a changelog from a few weeks ago, just a little bit more than QT update.
LLVM update and proper OpenGL 3.0 implementation will be a huge boon for getting PC games working properly in wine also. Not to mention native Mac OS games and apps in general will see a nice speed boost.
Wow! Some of these QT X comments are so incredibly incorrect. QT has always been powerful, but QT X takes it to a whole notha level. And what's with this odd desire expecting Apple to support and every codec when Perian does that in one nifty app?
Here's a changelog from a few weeks ago, just a little bit more than QT update.
Here is the change log / Release Note:
Mac OS X 10.6.3 build 10D522 Seed Note
Nice! Usually I don't care for posts that copy/paste large lists but in this case it appears to be needed. Some of these posts are so out in left field that it's hard to tell if they are trolling of simply stupid.
Flash is a disgrace on OSX right now. Abode should be mortified by this fact and I'd say that Abode are ignore Mac flash at their peril. Once it's gone from Youtube, the rest of the industry won't be far behind implementing Html 5 native movie streaming.
Then Flash will just be like Real media - a brief moment in internet history.
To those holding off using click-to-flash - don't! It really works - non-invasive and a joy not having tons of stupid Ad banners randomly lurching into your eyeline! Also, the ENORMOUS bonus of Click-to-Flash is that it has a setting which will auto-load the H.264 version of the video on Youtube - why would you want flash after that!
TRIM is already obsoleted by firmware upgrades that do what TRIM is supposed to do. Garbage Collection is a bit pejorative of a name, but if you aren't running a drive over about 80% full, a bad best-performance practice anyway, GC will do what TRIM does. Only GC works when the drive is idle, rather than at block delete time on the backside of a write.
I hope Apple fixes the problems with iChat: Video but no audio.
And fix the problem with burning DVD's with Toast 10.
I keep getting:
interface error: 5 the connection is not stable.
It's a shame... never had these problems with 10.5....
Regarding iChat that I personally have tracked down with two colleagues which should be addressed involves networking between 3 different networks [our case: Verizon FiOS, Qwest and Comcast]:
With Comcast acting as the middle man [owning the video conference] both FiOS and Qwest manage to connect via video/audio and work seamlessly.
With either FiOS or Qwest being the middle man Comcast continues to act as a clean client via its network but then either FiOS or Qwest crashes the session as being the client.
After much network testing between router rules we discovered a need for rules to be equivalent between FiOS and Qwest in order for video chat conferencing to work with either FiOS or Qwest serving as the middle man.
The information and test scenarios were forwarded to a long outstanding bug which either will be resolved in 10.6.3 or 10.6.4.
It should make iChat Video conferencing more robust and account for the differences between networks and how differing Router rules must be addressed.
Nice! Usually I don't care for posts that copy/paste large lists but in this case it appears to be needed. Some of these posts are so out in left field that it's hard to tell if they are trolling [or] simply stupid.
The first thing I'd haveto ask is which GPU is causing you so much trouble? My early 2008 MBP has been fairly decent under SL. However I've seen some interesting reportage on the web that highlights your point. Linux GPU drivers often perform better. Now that hurts. I'm really hoping that when the next release comes out we will see the bench marking crowd tear into SL again. Because right now GPU usage is a mixed bag.
Mac Pro 2008 dual 2.8. 16gig ram, nVidea 8800gt video. Leopard is on the stock HDD, bought a 10k rpm Velociraptor drive for snow leopard.
Leopard out performs SL in almost every situation, except for osx GUI.
There are no video card upgrades for SL. You can buy more expensive cards, however, they run at about 33-35% of their potential because SL is beta garbage and Apple ripped me off $30.
My recommendation to my clients is still 'Do not install'. With Apple complacent to be a complete joke when it comes to video drivers/options... I don't see this next patch changing my recommendation.
I hope Apple fixes the problems with iChat: Video but no audio.
And fix the problem with burning DVD's with Toast 10.
I keep getting:
interface error: 5 the connection is not stable.
It's a shame... never had these problems with 10.5....
Toast 10 from what I've read is junk, so I haven't bothered to upgrade. I'm still on 8, which works fine in SL. However, I did need a new DVD drive from AppleCare on my MBP, although that's another story altogether.
As for iChat, there are multiple places for preferences, especially audio and video between OS X and iChat. Have you checked the audio preferences in iChat itself to be sure your microphone is properly selected?
Since you don't say what you've tried to fix it, I'm only offering some advice. Perhaps it is SL that is the source of your issues, but I've been running it for quite a while and the only issues I've had with video chats or screen sharing have been preference errors easily rectified when you know what you're looking for.
Will this finally mean that I can fullscreen videos in while they're playing with Quicktime in Safari?
You know, for the life if me I can't figure out why there are hardly any Logic benchmarks, even though many AU developers may not have a 64 bit version out, I can hardly find any for 32 bit either. Second to Pro Tools for the pro, many pros use both yet you can find lots of benchmarks for Cubase, Sonar, Nuendo. For audio users and video, you will tend to see something like " I have a 8 core AMD machine and I can run 25 instances or virtual plug ins by how high the CPU runs. Which does matter now.
The faster the fsb and CPU means more plug ins at a certain buffer rate like 256ms and 25 plug ins, with no pops or crackles", yet I can't seem to find logic benchmarks.
Even at the logic forums there aren't that many and now that the OS is 64, one would think there would be more benchmarks, esoecially due to the higher number of consumers who dabble in it. Of course the most talked about is how many frames per second at a certain resoution and if they (PC), user, overclocked their system or not.
The spike in benchmarking just isn't there yet. Why is that other than the mac user just wants to "use" their system. I'm talking about music websites. You rarely see Apples Logic benchmarked.
He's not necessarily wrong at all, this still doesn't prove that the problem is with Apple. Other browsers might deal with Flash's inability to do what it is supposed to in a different manner to Safari. Either way, Flash is an incredibly poor piece of programming.
I don't know all the programming differences, but if one browser deals with it to the point where it doesn't take down the browser then it is most certainly the best user experience way to deal with it and I would point a finger at the particular browser that doesn't handle it that way as being a problem too.
I would love to see an update that allows QTX to play .m4v/.mp4 files that have a AC3 soundtrack.
This is long overdue.
Such a sloooooooooooow transition to 64 bit, methinks.
I don't know all the programming differences, but if one browser deals with it to the point where it doesn't take down the browser then it is most certainly the best user experience way to deal with it and I would point a finger at the particular browser that doesn't handle it that way as being a problem too.
No, not at all. Flash needs to disappear from the web entirely. It is absolutely unacceptable to have such a juvenile and hogging piece of programming that really ruins the web experience for a lot of people. Flash is garbage, no matter how you slice it, and there are better alternatives for everything it supposedly does. (Actually, all it does is hog your CPU and make consumers think their computer is out of date and slow).
I personally find it ridiculous: almost 700 MB update and basically just one QT update, the rest is only for those who use Logic software. Why not to make a patch aside: download it only if you use it?
Also those downloadable updates are huge especially if u compare it to the size of the OS.
Here's a changelog from a few weeks ago, just a little bit more than QT update.
Here is the change log / Release Note:
Mac OS X 10.6.3 build 10D522 Seed Note
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
Known Issues
- Applications may not be updated if they had been moved from the default location.
- Displays Preferences profile may show duplicate entries.
- ITunes May Hang when playing a web stream.
- The ColorSync Utility Filters tab may cause unexpected results.
Focus Areas (Changes in 10D522):
Account Preferences
- Accounts Preferences Fixes an issue when there is more than one account.
Address Book
- Fixes an issue with updating when Duplicates Review cards.
- Resolves issues with importing vCards.
- Resolves an issue when resizing cards.
- Resolves finding people with birthdays via an automator action.
Address Book Framework
- Resolves crashes in Mail when using the Address Book Framework.
- Resolves the issue where the wrong mail name is displayed.
- Resolves to copy and paste issue.
- Resolves an issue NSFileWrapper.
- Fixes some crashes AppKit.
- Resolves an issue autocorrect spelling.
- Improvements to spellchecking.
- Resolves some graphics corruption issues when converting to a TIFF to PICT.
- Resolves some crashes in WWANd.
- Resolves some issues when Establishing connections with a WWAN device.
- Resolves a crash in AppleScript when running in 32-bit mode.
- Resolves an issue with BBEdit recording of scripts.
Apple Software Restore
- Resolves an Apple Software Restore crash.
- Resolves Font issues after logout or reboot.
- Resolves an issue with applications with # or & symbols in its filename.
- Resolves coreservicesd crashes.
- Resolves TextEdit permissions issues.
- Performance improvements with save panels.
- Addresses compatibility issues with Wiki Server.
- Resolves crashes related to canceling a request in progress.
- Cookie fixes to broken websites.
- Resolves Exchange account authentication issues.
- Resolves a crash when a PDF document uses DeviceRGB.
- Resolves an issue where selected with Color Displays Pref unexpectedly crashes.
- Improvements to USB Ethernet adapter behavior.
- Resolves issues with AudioUnit metering.
- Resolves crashes when opening some CoreAudio AUNetSend in 64-bit mode.
- Resolves some crashes in HTTP SpectralBandReplication when playing live stream.
- Resolves CoreData-store model mismatch issues.
- Resolves crashes in GarageBand.
- Fixes an issue in MPEG surround handler.
Core Foundation
- Resolves some Photo Booth, iChat, and Safari crashes.
- Resolves issues with audio streaming.
- Resolves a number of crashes in CoreMedia.
- Resolves some playability issues of movies in Safari.
- Addresses compatibility issues with MTS formatted files.
- Addresses compatibility issues with MPEG4 files with AC3 tracks.
- Resolve issues to export. M4v movies.
- Resolve screen recording issues.
- Fix issues with figplayL subtitle rendering.
- Fixes issue with an H264 decoder video_range bit.
- Resolves an image iMove through built-in iSight stuttering / tearing issue.
- Improvements to CoreMedioIO graph topology.
- Resolves some display resolution and screen recording issues.
- Performance improvements when opening large PDF files in Preview.
- Resolves some crashes with iMovie in CoreText.
- Resolves some crashes with PhotoBooth in CoreText.
- Addresses issues with variation font support.
CoreServices, CFNetwork
- Resolves a crash in CoreServicesUIAgent.
- Resolves issue with Safari SSL certificates.
- Resolves a crash when creating pixel buffers simultaneously.
- Resolves some crashes in CVPixelBuffer.
- Resolves some cupsd crashes.
- Fixes an issue with the "Resume" button when printing.
- Resolves crashes some supply levels.
- Resolves some issues side-channel request.
Date & Time Prefs
- Resolves an issue with ticking clock after daylight savings.
- Resolves some crashes in DataDetectors.
Desktop Services
- Resolves hangs with NSOpenPanel in Desktop Services.
- Resolves to Flash CS4 hang when clicking the "browse" button.
- Resolves some hangs and crashes in Finder and Folder Actions Setup.
- Resolves issues in the home folder Go To window of the open / save panel.
- Resolves issues last opened folder.
- Resolves issues Spotlight query.
- Time Machine search Resolves issues.
- Resolves issue with a file copy error -36.
- Resolves issue an error -47 when user is doing to move replace of a bundle.
- Resolves issues for UI layout language specific settings.
Application Dictionary
- Resolves some crashes when using Dictionary.
- Resolves some issues Dictionary Panel.
Directory Service
- Resolves deadlock issues.
Disk Management
- Resolves diskutil some errors.
- Resolve issues diskutil unmount.
Disk Utility
- Resolves issue with restoring disk image checksum.
- Resolves a crash in Disk Utility with a missing external drive.
- Resolves momentum scrolling issues.
- Resolves some dock crashes.
- Resolves some issues notification Exposé.
- Resolves an issue with auto-join network after sleeping EAP-FAST/WPA2.
- Resolves issue to launch restriction.
- Resolves issue with Safari bookmark.
- Fixes a number of crashes for Portable Home Directory users.
- Fixes an issue with Portable Home Directory on NetApp SMB.
- Fixes a performance issue with NFS logins.
- Resolves to SystemUIServer performance issue.
- Resolves to FileSyncAgent performance issue.
File Systems
- Fixes a corruption issue with m4a files.
Fonts, FontParser, PSFontSupport
- Resolves some crashes in FontParser.
- Fixes some font spacing issues.
- Improvements to embedded fonts and accented characters.
- Improvements to Traditional Chinese characters.
- Resolves some crashes in FontParser, PSFontSupport.
- Resolves an issue with NSFileHandle.
- Resolves to panic in GraphicsDrivers.
- Resolves crashes in HIServices.
- Improvements to GetIconFamilyData when accessing large icons.
- Resolves issues drag and drop.
- Fixes an issue with horizontal slider thumb drawing.
- Resolves some crashes in HIToolbox.
- Resolves some issues incorrect blank menus.
- Resolves issues cocoa palette.
- Resolves issues with Dock Exposé.
- Resolves an issue with drag & drop between MLTE controls.
- Fixes issues candidate window.
- Resolves issues meeting location.
- Fixes to iCalServer issues.
- Improvements to performance on servers.
- Resolves meeting mismatch issues.
- Improvements to attendee availability issues.
- Resolves some issues syncing iCal.
- Fixes iCal changing timezone issues.
- Resolves an issue with saving events to Exchange calendars.
- Resolves some iCal crashes.
- Resolves issues reading LX3. RW2 as raw.
- Fixes a crash in DVD Studio Pro libJPEG.dylib
- Improvements to Inkwell.
- Resolves some panics with ATA kexts.
- Resolves DVD mounting issues with FireWire drives.
- Resolves crashes while accessing files on Xsan volumes.
- Resolves kernel panics due to locked buffers.
- Resolves some crashes in launchd.
- Resolves a race condition that causes the Dock to appear unresponsive.
- Improvements to CompositeIconRef.
- Resolves an xlocale crash in multithreaded applications.
- Resolves segmentation faults.
- Resolves some compiler crashes.
- Improvements for OpenCL and OpenGL.
- Performance improvements with loginwindow.
- Resolves some crashes in Mail
- Improvements to Exchange Web Services.
- Performance improvements to Mail, when deleting and adding To Dos.
- Resolves issues filtering junk folder.
- Resolves an issue when renaming a mailbox resorts it alphabetically.
- Improvements to Mail Notes.
- Improvements to mDNSResponder.
- Resolves a buffer overflow issue.
- Resolves to hang deadlock issue.
- Resolves some DNS issues.
- Resolves sleep / wake issues.
- Fixes a crash in MediaKit.
- Fixes a corruption issue when resizing partitions.
- Allow asr to resolve images with highly fragmented catalogs.
- MeshKit framework improvements.
- Cisco VPN Client Resolves issues.
MobileMe, MobileMe Sync Manager
- Resolves some issues with syncing MobleMe.
- Resolves excessive memory consumption.
- Resolves Mingle ISyncSessionCancelled failures.
- Performance improvements to MobileMe syncing.
- Resolves a crash in Navigation dialog.
- Resolves some panics in networking.
- Resolves some Back to My Mac wake from sleep issues.
- Resolves some PPP crashes.
- Resolves OpenCL some compiler issues.
- Resolves OpenCL some conversion issues.
- Fixes some crashes OpenCL.
- Resolves some issues OpenCL Framework.
- Resolves issues hyperlinked text in Preview.
Photo Booth
- Resolves some issues when copying photos from Photo Booth.
- Resolves a Photo Booth crash.
Power Management
- Resolves some sleep / wake issues.
- Fixes a timestamp issue with supply levels in the Print window.
- Resolves some issues with printing setup print / fax devices.
- Improvements to printing memory of last printer used.
- Fixes some crashes in Printing.
- Resolves a crash in python.
- Resolves a crash in Mesh Filter.
- Resolves a performance issue in Quartz Composer.
- Performance improvements when drawing short strings.
QuickTime Player
- Resolves some QuickTime Player crashes.
- Resolves screen recording issues.
- Resolves an issue HDCP audio movie.
- Resolves issue with filename.
- Fixes an issue when opening. Mov files in either QuickTime Player 7 or Quicktime Player X.
- Improvements to QuickTime Player movie actions.
- Resolves issues with AAC streams in the movie inspector window.
- Resolves an issue with subtitles movie when layers are flipped.
- Implemented some performance improvements to QuickTime.
- Resolves some issues when importing movies into iMovie Pro Res.
- Resolves issues with optimizing videos.
- Resolves some crashes QuickTime.
- Fixes an issue with 802.1X System Profile export.
- Resolves a crash in Rosetta.
- Fixes a memory corruption in Rosetta.
- Resolves some crashes in Screen Saver.
- Resolves some issues when using images with iPhoto Screen Saver.
Screen Sharing
- Resolves screen sharing some crashes.
- Fixes issue with screen sharing in View when the display is detached during an active session.
- Resolves some thread safety issues so that SSL clients can function more reliably.
- Resolves a crash in scripting Bridge.
Simplified Chinese Input Method
- Improves frequency order of dictionary contents.
- Resolves an issue with saving files via SMB.
- Resolves issue with filename case.
- Resolves issue clear text password.
- Resolves SMB to hang when deleting folders.
- Resolves crashes in Software Update.
Spell Checker
- Improvements to automatic spell correction.
- Fixes some crashes in Spotlight.
- Performance improvements with Spotlight.
Sync Services Engine
- Resolves crashes in Sync Services.
- Resolves issue merge contact MobileMe.
- Improvements to iCal and MobileMe syncing.
- Resolves to login crash.
- Resolves issues at unmount sleep.
- Resolves SystemUIServer crashes.
- Resolves to panic in System Migration.
- Update to the latest versions for Chinese Word Dictionary.
- Resolves to SIG_TERM issue.
- Resolves a printing issue with Terminal.
- Resolves a crash when using NSAttrString.
- Update time zone data.
Traditional Chinese Input Method
- Fixes space issues with Traditional Chinese Input Method.
Voice Over
- Improvements to VoiceOver.
- Resolves an issue when activating fonts.
- Resolves an issue when duplicate fonts exist on a system.
- Resolves some issues with writing data to an external USB drive formatted in FAT32.
- Resolves some NFS hangs when attempt to launch new applications.
- Resolves some kernel panics.
Here's a changelog from a few weeks ago, just a little bit more than QT update.
Here is the change log / Release Note:
Mac OS X 10.6.3 build 10D522 Seed Note
Nice! Usually I don't care for posts that copy/paste large lists but in this case it appears to be needed. Some of these posts are so out in left field that it's hard to tell if they are trolling of simply stupid.
.....hard to tell if they are trolling of simply stupid.
Have your coffee before or while browsing through the comments. Not everyone knows how their computers work.
Have your coffee before or while browsing through the comments. Not everyone knows how their computers work.
My large iced coffee from McDonald’s is well settled, thank you very much.
I don’t see how those posts are objective queries or concerns about how computers work. They just sound snide and disparaging remarks.
Wow! 665+ megabyte! So Snow Leopard isn't really out of beta yet.
almost 700 MB update and basically just one QT update.
Then Flash will just be like Real media - a brief moment in internet history.
To those holding off using click-to-flash - don't! It really works - non-invasive and a joy not having tons of stupid Ad banners randomly lurching into your eyeline! Also, the ENORMOUS bonus of Click-to-Flash is that it has a setting which will auto-load the H.264 version of the video on Youtube - why would you want flash after that!
Vote with your mouse!
And fix the problem with burning DVD's with Toast 10.
I keep getting:
interface error: 5 the connection is not stable.
It's a shame... never had these problems with 10.5....
How long before TRIM support for SSD's?
TRIM is already obsoleted by firmware upgrades that do what TRIM is supposed to do. Garbage Collection is a bit pejorative of a name, but if you aren't running a drive over about 80% full, a bad best-performance practice anyway, GC will do what TRIM does. Only GC works when the drive is idle, rather than at block delete time on the backside of a write.
I hope Apple fixes the problems with iChat: Video but no audio.
And fix the problem with burning DVD's with Toast 10.
I keep getting:
interface error: 5 the connection is not stable.
It's a shame... never had these problems with 10.5....
Regarding iChat that I personally have tracked down with two colleagues which should be addressed involves networking between 3 different networks [our case: Verizon FiOS, Qwest and Comcast]:
- With Comcast acting as the middle man [owning the video conference] both FiOS and Qwest manage to connect via video/audio and work seamlessly.
- With either FiOS or Qwest being the middle man Comcast continues to act as a clean client via its network but then either FiOS or Qwest crashes the session as being the client.
After much network testing between router rules we discovered a need for rules to be equivalent between FiOS and Qwest in order for video chat conferencing to work with either FiOS or Qwest serving as the middle man.The information and test scenarios were forwarded to a long outstanding bug which either will be resolved in 10.6.3 or 10.6.4.
It should make iChat Video conferencing more robust and account for the differences between networks and how differing Router rules must be addressed.
Nice! Usually I don't care for posts that copy/paste large lists but in this case it appears to be needed. Some of these posts are so out in left field that it's hard to tell if they are trolling [or] simply stupid.
They are "simply stupid trollers."
They are "simply stupid trollers."
The first thing I'd haveto ask is which GPU is causing you so much trouble? My early 2008 MBP has been fairly decent under SL. However I've seen some interesting reportage on the web that highlights your point. Linux GPU drivers often perform better. Now that hurts. I'm really hoping that when the next release comes out we will see the bench marking crowd tear into SL again. Because right now GPU usage is a mixed bag.
Mac Pro 2008 dual 2.8. 16gig ram, nVidea 8800gt video. Leopard is on the stock HDD, bought a 10k rpm Velociraptor drive for snow leopard.
Leopard out performs SL in almost every situation, except for osx GUI.
There are no video card upgrades for SL. You can buy more expensive cards, however, they run at about 33-35% of their potential because SL is beta garbage and Apple ripped me off $30.
My recommendation to my clients is still 'Do not install'. With Apple complacent to be a complete joke when it comes to video drivers/options... I don't see this next patch changing my recommendation.
I hope Apple fixes the problems with iChat: Video but no audio.
And fix the problem with burning DVD's with Toast 10.
I keep getting:
interface error: 5 the connection is not stable.
It's a shame... never had these problems with 10.5....
Toast 10 from what I've read is junk, so I haven't bothered to upgrade. I'm still on 8, which works fine in SL. However, I did need a new DVD drive from AppleCare on my MBP, although that's another story altogether.
As for iChat, there are multiple places for preferences, especially audio and video between OS X and iChat. Have you checked the audio preferences in iChat itself to be sure your microphone is properly selected?
Since you don't say what you've tried to fix it, I'm only offering some advice. Perhaps it is SL that is the source of your issues, but I've been running it for quite a while and the only issues I've had with video chats or screen sharing have been preference errors easily rectified when you know what you're looking for.