Apple to target iPad at business users through new features - sources



  • Reply 21 of 282
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    So how do you like yours? I'm still waiting to get mine.

    On a job interview most of the time you get asked how well you can multi-task. So if the company wants its employees to multi-task we can assume they also want them to have a device and can do the same.
  • Reply 22 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Maybe I can try - the vision to be able to hold something in your hand that has a useful screen size which can easily be taken into meetings to make notes, to check email, to connect to a projector, to look up reference material and to have a working day battery life, while being light enough to be carried in your standard briefcase without having to lug around a second case for your laptop all day.

    You just described a netbook or ultra-small laptop. Except that either of those can do all those things at once, instantly switching between them. Can you imagine taking notes while the boss speaks, and then wanting to instantly bring up a web page to illustrate a point? Bye bye note taking...

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    The vision that all of this is costing only $10 more than a kindle DX, and costs less than a blackberry or iPhone on contract, so small companies can make savings and let their employees have cheap cell phones with cheap price plans, further saving costs.

    The kindle DX is unsuited to business computer use. The iPad has no phone. Few businessman will want to carry around a big device AND a shitty cheap cellphone everywhere they go.

    I see the device as a cool toy to surf the web while sitting on the ... couch. Except that without flash, it is a crummy way to surf the 'web.
  • Reply 23 of 282
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    So how do you like yours? I'm still waiting to get mine.

    Most elegant 'put in place' I've seen in a long while. Gave me a right chuckle.

  • Reply 24 of 282
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Microsoft Office inside is what is needed. Compatible with Mac, of course. And starting with PowerPoint for presentations. The standard is PowerPoint, not Keynote, even being the former much better and intuitive that the latter. Those are the real facts!

    For two frickin' YEARS I've seen you post the same thing over and over and over - Apple's tablet MUST have the ability to present NATIVE Keynote files and connect to a projector. It MUST.

    Well, now it does, and all you can say is that it has to be PowerPoint. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND! Hey, question for you - do you recall which division of Apple is responsible for porting Office to the iPad?
  • Reply 25 of 282
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by palple View Post

    This needs an usb port without a card adapter. This needs to access users's files, movies, pictures from usb storage devices and must also write on them. That's one of the main use that people do of their netbooks. And also, it needed an isight from day 1 since people mainly buy netbooks for messaging purposes too.

    Why does it?

    I haven't transferred a file using a USB port. Ever. I have a computer here with wireless networking built it. Why does it need a camera from day one. I don't care what people buy netbooks for, this isn't a netbook. That's a bit like saying that the 'pad needs ABS from day one, as all new cars have it. I'll say it again, just to try and get this point home. This isn't a netbook, it's not a laptop, it's not a desktop, it's not designed to replace workhorse computers.

    You can listen to music while you read an ebook, you can browse the web, you can check your email and look at your family photos.

    That's what this iteration of this device does, that's what it was designed to do.

    The kindle dx doesn't have a camera either you know, or N networking, assisted GPS (shall I go on?). And the 'pad is only $10 more.

    As far as the camera is concerned, I don't want people looking up my nose when I'm talking to them thank you very much. No doubt a good peripheral will turn up that will hold the 'pad at a good angle for video chat and introduce a camera to the equation.

    What is great is that niche markets are already being catered for - I can take this out on the road and use the SD card adapter to transfer images from my Canon EOS, or plug the camera directly into it using the USB adapter. My existing blue tooth keyboard will work with it (should the need arise) With accessories and functionality like this in place before the device is even launched, the sky really is the limit (given a little imagination). But for serious work, well, that's what I've got a laptop and desktop for.
  • Reply 26 of 282
    Originally Posted by tjboucher View Post

    I need to confirm three things, and then this is my new work device.

    1) I can present out that VGA port so I can hook it to a projector.

    2) Exchange Email works just like it doesn on my iPhone, which my employer is actually moving us to off of blackberries.

    3) It connects to a cisco VPN just like my iPhone.

    That is 95% of what I use my laptop for, and I'll personally buy my own iPad to get rid of that stupid thing.

    The icing on the cake would be the ability to print things to a networked printer occasionally.

    1) As you could see in the keynote, presenters had a line-out from the iPad to the projector.

    As for the rest, they are confirmed/supported in this article itself, the iPad web site on features, specs, iPad video, etc., including printing to a network printer via Wi-Fi.
  • Reply 27 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    The ball is in your court to explain your statements as you proclaimed them to be fact before all else.

    Stop lying - my statements of opinion are still up there for everyone to see. No proclamations that they are "fact before all else" (whatever the heck that means...)

    Perhaps you missed the "I think" and I was surprised"?

    Or maybe your knee jerked, and you decided to give a canned answer in an inappropriate context? Twas ever thus.
  • Reply 28 of 282
    oneof52oneof52 Posts: 113member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The 'Pad is a toy. It is not suited for heavy-duty use. I think that emphasizing business use is a huge mistake. I was very surprised when iWork was emphasized, given that the device has dodgy input and output, and no ability to multitask.

    I set a Touch up for my father to give presentations (using movies and photos). It was much easier for him to operate the Touch than his MacBook. He just pugs it into a customer's TV rca jacks.

    The iPad will be so much better for this. I'm getting him one as soon as they come out.

    And with Keynote, we will now have more presentation options.

    This has some real possibilities.
  • Reply 29 of 282
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Originally Posted by palple View Post

    This needs an usb port without a card adapter. This needs to access users's files, movies, pictures from usb storage devices and must also write on them. That's one of the main use that people do of their netbooks. And also, it needed an isight from day 1 since people mainly buy netbooks for messaging purposes too.

    Has it escaped your notice that this is not a netbook? Perhaps the lack of keyboard is a clue?
  • Reply 30 of 282
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Are you implying that my surmises are not justified? Please go on.


    Hardware-wise, aside fromt he beauty of its design, it's not really a game-changer. It's a slightly reworked iPod Touch. Which in and of itself a successful design.

    Software-wise, it's a TOTAL game-changer. Developers will make this thing shine.

    And did I mention it looks absolutely gorgeous?
  • Reply 31 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by surferfromuk View Post

    Most elegant 'put in place' I've seen in a long while.

    Seemingly, you ain't seen much...
  • Reply 32 of 282
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Interesting article. It doesn't have a camera (which you would expect if they were targeting it at kids/teenagers) but it does have iWork. Maybe they are sick of people treating their hard work as toys.
  • Reply 33 of 282
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    My accomplishments and expertise are important only if you desire to employ an argument from authority, which is an unreliable method.

    Why not consider the message, and not the messenger?

    And from what high authority are you carrying the message from?

    You are not the messenger. You profess to be the authority.
  • Reply 34 of 282
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    And WRT to multitasking, you are correct. The hardware is capable. The problem is not the hardware, or the iOS itself, but instead, Apple's policy of not allowing customers to get the most out of their devices.

    I think by projecting your perceived shortcomings onto all of us in regards to what the iPhone OS can and can't do is where most of these arguments fail.

    Maybe you don't get the most out of YOUR Apple devices, but I do, in which case I wonder why you or anyone else on here bashing Apple products continues to buy them. I am absolutely positive that there are other products that may fully meet all of your porn-watching needs (flash).

    I do not fully understand how other smartphone OS's work but I have done some investigation into them, as any good consumer should. The way I understand, say Android's multitasking functionality, is that its not exactly all it is cracked up to be. Admittedly, from what I have seen, WebOS and their card system seems to work well, but I have not researched it fully to give an opinion.
  • Reply 35 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    You can listen to music while you read an ebook, you can browse the web, you can check your email and look at your family photos.

    That's what this iteration of this device does, that's what it was designed to do.

    I agree. I too am quite disappointed with the lack of innovation and capability of the device.

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    As far as the camera is concerned, I don't want people looking up my nose when I'm talking to them thank you very much.

    Canned answer No. 862:

    It is better that such a capability is missing.

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    But for serious work, well, that's what I've got a laptop and desktop for.

    Wow. That's what I said up above.
  • Reply 36 of 282
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    My accomplishments and expertise are important only if you desire to employ an argument from authority, which is an unreliable method.

    Why not consider the message, and not the messenger?

    Have you ever thought about the MILLIONS of execs who currently have laptops who may better enjoy a Desktop and an iPad - or even those who have laptops and don't want to take them on long trips or home every night?

    iPad offers;

    1) Native access to email, contacts, calendar, browsing and Office suites

    2) RDP client to 'base Computer' if need to access something on their iPad in the field that isn't supported

    3) 140K Apps ( some are even considered productivity apps!)

    Sounds like a good productivity tool -

    And though a little left field but just for fun ;

    No corporation in the world would risk letting their execs put games (shall we call them non-business related entertainment apps ?) on company laptops but really, it's absolutely not a problem on an iPad is it since it does not constitute a viral/spyware or security issue. It's probably worth $499 to stop them going nuts in hotel rooms with the mini-bar whilst away on business!
  • Reply 37 of 282
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    1) As you could see in the keynote, presenters had a line-out from the iPad to the projector.

    They are always presented with a line-out. The presentation is mission critical... so risk minimisation is key.
  • Reply 38 of 282
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    You just described a netbook or ultra-small laptop. Except that either of those can do all those things at once, instantly switching between them. Can you imagine taking notes while the boss speaks, and then wanting to instantly bring up a web page to illustrate a point? Bye bye note taking...

    Nope, we're going to disagree on this point. YOu can instantly flick between applications - i watched this happen. I can do it on my iPHone, so why not the iPad - the other app is sat there, simply waiting as i'd left it. So yes - taking notes, switch to a web page, switch back. I did not describe a small laptop or netbook - those both do much more than the 'pad and also run a full operating system, which the 'pad does not. They also take three minutes to start up and have an average 2/3 hour battery life as they have a lot more to power than the 'pad.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The kindle DX is unsuited to business computer use. The iPad has no phone. Few businessman will want to carry around a big device AND a shitty cheap cellphone everywhere they go.

    The iPad has no phone. That's correct. It also doesn't have a food processor. It's not a phone (or hadn't you noticed) Why on earth would you want to hold this up to your ear? LMAO.

    This isn't a big device and nor is it heavy. Many businessmen currently carry around a laptop which does nothing all day except check email and also a phone - I can only see advantage for those users. No, it's not all users. The user who needs that laptop is already catered for. Hence the need for a new product category.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I see the device as a cool toy to surf the web while sitting on the ... couch. Except that without flash, it is a crummy way to surf the 'web.

    Yes, it is a cool toy to surf the web while sitting on the couch. And that is one of the big markets for this device. Another is for those who want something that will fit in their man bag and run presentations and take notes at work while checking email.

    Open your mind.

    re. Flash - Adobe need to hurry up and sort out their proprietary technology - that the flash plug-in on the Mac platform (windows also in my experience) is unstable and processor (not to mention battery life) hungry has nothing to do with Apple - go shout at Adobe. Although, I've had click to flash for a year now and don't miss a single piece of flash content, and enjoy a much more stable browsing experience.

    Also as head of a large web and graphics consultancy, we don't create anything in flash as we prefer standards compliant, accessible, fast loading, stable work. Time to move forward, not get stuck in eight year old technology which has failed to keep up with the times.
  • Reply 39 of 282
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The least you could do "Prince" is time the thing yourself, before claiming under 15 seconds. The iPhone has a stopwatch you know.

    16.5 seconds. I timed it.
  • Reply 40 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    1) As you could see in the keynote, presenters had a line-out from the iPad to the projector.

    Har! They were "screen-syncing", and not presenting live. At one point (I think it was when the games guy was on) the big screen started turning before the guy had turned the device.

    I was impressed that the other presenters seemed to get the timing down perfectly. He was the same guy who looked at the big screen during the demo, implying that the small screen was inferior. He needed more rehearsals.

    And BTW, does anybody think that they were downloading webpages live? The whole of the internet slowed down during the presentation, but the web pages loaded as fast as pages from a cache. Yep.
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