Apple to target iPad at business users through new features - sources



  • Reply 81 of 282
    If it works as advertised, the iPad is certainly going to replace my old PowerBook G4, which I keep only for travel and presentations.
  • Reply 82 of 282
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Microsoft Office inside is what is needed. Compatible with Mac, of course. And starting with PowerPoint for presentations. The standard is PowerPoint, not Keynote, even being the former much better and intuitive that the latter. Those are the real facts!

    A nice welcome would be a keynote reader app for Windows that could run off a pen drive. That way we could make Keynote presentations available in their native format. I´m sick of having to export to Quiktime in order to keep transitions similar to the Keynote experience.
  • Reply 83 of 282
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Har! They were "screen-syncing", and not presenting live. At one point (I think it was when the games guy was on) the big screen started turning before the guy had turned the device.

    I was impressed that the other presenters seemed to get the timing down perfectly. He was the same guy who looked at the big screen during the demo, implying that the small screen was inferior. He needed more rehearsals.

    And BTW, does anybody think that they were downloading webpages live? The whole of the internet slowed down during the presentation, but the web pages loaded as fast as pages from a cache. Yep.

    Yes, I do think they were downloading web pages live - and if screen synching was being used (unlikely) don't you think it would have been type-o free with zero glitches?
  • Reply 84 of 282
    Originally Posted by tjboucher View Post

    I need to confirm three things, and then this is my new work device.

    1) I can present out that VGA port so I can hook it to a projector.

    2) Exchange Email works just like it doesn on my iPhone, which my employer is actually moving us to off of blackberries.

    3) It connects to a cisco VPN just like my iPhone.

    That is 95% of what I use my laptop for, and I'll personally buy my own iPad to get rid of that stupid thing.

    The icing on the cake would be the ability to print things to a networked printer occasionally.

    YEP! printing would be a clear advantage for th iPad!
  • Reply 85 of 282
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Hal 9000 View Post

    A nice welcome would be a keynote reader app for Windows that could run off a pen drive. That way we could make Keynote presentations available in their native format. I´m sick of having to export to Quiktime in order to keep transitions similar to the Keynote experience.

    I'd wager that will address that in some regard.
  • Reply 86 of 282
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    What do you use your USB port for? There is a USB port btw, an inexpensive adapter - I can't think of a single use for it in a device with 3G and wireless networking though? I do use one of the USB ports on the back of my imac, this is for an external HD - why is this a necessity for a business tablet device?

    And don't dismiss the device because of a guess on your part - "if you can't even have a documents folder that syncs with your desktop computer then it's totally a non-starter for me. " - Who has stated you can't sync your documents folder with a desktop computer?

    What are the restrictions of the form factor?

    I heard issues like this when mac removed the ADB port, then removed the floppy disk, next the DVD slot will go - people will be up in arms, but in five years people will ask what they were ever used for. It's called progress, and progress is good.

    Dude, I'm just commenting on what the article says. The bit I quoted implied it was going to sync documents to iTunes. What I said essentially is that, if true, then it's a non-starter.

    I currently work in tech support at a large concern and everything connects by USB and (ancient) VGA. I know there are adapters for both, but adapters are not the best solution by any means. We (literally!) have plastic buckets full of Apple adapters (usually about ten to twelve different types), that we have to keep around to support all the other hardware that just connects using standard connectors. It's a huge hassle.

    The only justification for it is that Apple's devices are usually so small that custom ports with adapters are necessary. Even the MacBook Air has legitimate reasons for not having enough ports and needing an adapter or two.

    However, the tablet has about 15 or 20 inches of "edge real estate" that would make it possible to have USB and display ports, but it doesn't. They left it out for no reason other than aesthetics and usage design. It's not the end of the world, but yeah, if this is supposed to be a "business" machine" it should have those ports since there is no physical reason why it can't.
  • Reply 87 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Yes, it is a cool toy to surf the web while sitting on the couch.

    The form factor is good (except for the ugly bezel) but the device only will access a subset of web pages.

    I guess "good enough" is subjective. I expected much more from the device. I'm still waiting for a cool tablet that fits my desires. I was stoked that it had finally arrived, only to be disappointed that the device is so limited and dumbed down.
  • Reply 88 of 282
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Are you implying that my surmises are not justified? Please go on.

    Are you implying that you're so mentally disorganized and uncertain as to require verification from others? Not good.
  • Reply 88 of 282
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    you don't even know what multi task means

    time to shut up and learn about a product your whing about

    explain exactly asshole what mutli tasking things you would do on the ipad



  • Reply 90 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by AndreH View Post

    As soon as a large-screen version of Citrix is available, this will fit right into the corporate environment - plus for bedside care in hospitals, carrying around a warehouse, etc.

    Yes. It might fit well for certain niche uses.
  • Reply 91 of 282
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Yes. It might fit well for certain niche uses.

    "niche" seems to be the last bastion of the padophobes.

    the iPad MIGHT fail and MIGHT be a crappy product, but "stock answer #whatever" seems to be "niche niche niche niche" as though this product does something so esoteric.

    This product will not "fill a niche." It will succeed (like iPod/iPhone) or fail (like Apple TV seems to be doing)
  • Reply 92 of 282
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Dude, I'm just commenting on what the article says. The bit I quoted implied it was going to sync documents to iTunes. What I said essentially is that, if true, then it's a non-starter.

    I currently work in tech support at a large concern and everything connects by USB and (ancient) VGA. I know there are adapters for both, but adapters are not the best solution by any means. We (literally!) have plastic buckets full of Apple adapters (usually about ten to twelve different types), that we have to keep around to support all the other hardware that just connects using standard connectors. It's a huge hassle.

    The only justification for it is that Apple's devices are usually so small that custom ports with adapters are necessary. Even the MacBook Air has legitimate reasons for not having enough ports and needing an adapter or two.

    However, the tablet has about 15 or 20 inches of "edge real estate" that would make it possible to have USB and display ports, but it doesn't. They left it out for no reason other than aesthetics and usage design. It's not the end of the world, but yeah, if this is supposed to be a "business" machine" it should have those ports since there is no physical reason why it can't.

    I see where you're coming from - but this device is about the future, not about legacy offices. It's time to upgrade - I'm sure the macbook Air would be no use in your set up either. I do understand financial pressure on business - I run my own;However I suspect that this device simply isn't for you, which is fine. Doesn't mean that many businesses, both uptodate technologically and new start ups won't find many uses for this.

    I'd like to know what these new features aimed at businesses are though...

    Also, it's a bit silly to say that because there's physically room for something on the outside of the case that it means something can be added - if that were the case, why doesn't my macbook pro case have each edge smothered in ports? We haven't seen inside this thing yet...

    Physical connection is pretty dead. An SD card slot would be sweet, but not essential (hence it being an adapter). I have to question your 10 - 12 apple adapters kicking around - what on earth are you doing in the office?! I can think of no reason for that. You need to adapt from the display port to your projector/external monitor, I get that - but what else is there?!
  • Reply 93 of 282
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Are you implying that my surmises are not justified? Please go on.

    At this point in time... no... your surmises are just that... surmises. You have nothing to go on, other than a short presentation yesterday. That's all... and certainly not ALL of what this device will do in the FUTURE!
  • Reply 94 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by surferfromuk View Post

    Which by applying your logic laterally means we should all at least try the iPad hands-on before we dismiss it as unsuitable?

    I'm sorry. I don't understand what it means to "apply logic laterally" Can you explain?

    And I never thought that "we all need to try the iPad hands-on before we dismiss it". I see that as similar to saying that one must try a Hummer before concluding that a compact car might be more suitable.

    Originally Posted by surferfromuk View Post

    People can at least buy it on the Apple 14 day money back return and make their mind up at home right? Your not suggesting that business and home users shouldn't even try it - risk free are you ?

    No, I never ever thought that or suggested that. Why do you ask?
  • Reply 95 of 282
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    Are you implying that you're so mentally disorganized and uncertain as to require verification from others? Not good.

  • Reply 96 of 282
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The form factor is good (except for the ugly bezel) but the device only will access a subset of web pages.

    I guess "good enough" is subjective. I expected much more from the device. I'm still waiting for a cool tablet that fits my desires. I was stoked that it had finally arrived, only to be disappointed that the device is so limited and dumbed down.

    A subset of web pages? Don't be ridiculous. That's a stupid statement. At some point the Adobe will sort their software and it will be fit for use on Apple portable devices. But web pages that don't use flash are not a "subset". That's simply nonsense.

    Maybe you'd like it to be as fully featured as a macbook, with a physical screen attached. Oh wait - that already exists, it's called a, ermmm, a Macbook...
  • Reply 97 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Oh dear.

    How would you hold it in the cup of your hand without obscuring the screen if the bezel was any smaller?

    Watch the presentation video. The bezel is much wider than it needs to be.

    Originally Posted by surferfromuk View Post

    I'm sorry you don't see the innovative nature of a device designed for a very focussed set of tasks that starts up in 16 seconds and has a ten hour battery life, weight one and a half pounds, will drop into your man bag, is smaller than a laptop and replaces the laptop/netbook for those that don't need the additional functionality, all for a price $10 more than the kindle.

    It is both more expensive and less capable than most netbooks. That is why I don't see the innovation. It seems like the only innovation was to take the iTouch and increase the screen size. I thought it would be very cool, but instead, I find it rather meh.
  • Reply 98 of 282
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    you don't even know what multi task means

    time to shut up and learn about a product your whing about

    explain exactly asshole what mutli tasking things you would do on the ipad



  • Reply 99 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    You have to be able to hold the device comfortably without tapping onto touch-enabled areas and inadvertently activating something. You don't hold the device with your fingertips. This isn't an iPhone. The bezel area seems just right for a comfortable grip.

    Too bad they couldn't find an innovative way to allow a comfortable grip and good looks at the same time.
  • Reply 100 of 282
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Nope, that isn't what he's claiming. He's suggesting that it's a great device for those who don't need a laptop and carry it around everywhere only to check email and do the occasional bit of surfing. Some people don't need a laptop on the road, but could with being in touch online.

    Yes. For that niche, it seems adequete. It certainly is no laptop replacement.
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