Steve Jobs disparages Google, Adobe at company meeting - reports



  • Reply 181 of 247
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I read this article which makes some interesting points about the 4:3 choice for iPad

    I agree with that reasoning. I wish I'd get my 4:3 notebooks back form Apple but that clearly happen.

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I just switched to syncing my iPhone to my MBP from the previous syncing with my IMac. Mostly so that I would have syncing available away from home. I think for many younger Mac users, the notebook is their only Mac so for the near term an optical drive is still needed.

    I don't understand how the ODD made this better? You burnt DVDs, copied DVDs? If all your syncing was does between a MBP, iMac and iDevices then shy not just use the inherent network connections? They are faster and with less fault. Sounds lke you just needed to move the Mac's iTunes folder to the MBPs iTunes folder and import.
  • Reply 182 of 247
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    It's a rather boring copy of something done years ago for the iPhone, the person who came up with it didn't even have the creativity to come up with something original, like a stick.

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't know if you created this but it's so not funny.

    I don't mean that in the sense that i'm offended, but in the sense of actual criticism of the humour (or lack of it) involved. The list of items is irrelevant to both products, the date of the "stone" is off by about 39,900 years or so, and it's just inaccurate in any case. The stone can't "multi-task" at all, and the iPad actually can. To be funny it would have to be kind of ironically true in some sense, and this just isn't.

  • Reply 183 of 247
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    If Apple, other consumer electronics companies, and the movie studios were to get together, come up with a single industry wide movie format that would not tie you in to a single company and you give you import rights, DVDs would start to be phased out like CDs were. However, the greed by the movie studios, Apple, and the other device makers is too great. They want you re-buying everything and being locked into their devices.

    First of all, this single, industry-wide movie format you speak of is called DVD. The new industry-wide movie format is called Blu-ray and contrary to what some might think, it's actually doing ok. To expect not to be tied into a single company who owns the rights to said technology is unrealistic. They're all out to make money and invariably a few of those companies will come out on top with their technologies and that's what we'll end up using. And to speak of CDs being phased out in the past tense is a bit premature. Yes, it's been declining for years, but it certainly hasn't been phased out yet.
  • Reply 184 of 247
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    For me, 1 in 50 DVDs show up damaged or cracked. I haven't received any damaged blu-rays yet though. Scratch-wise, everything seems to play just fine.

    This info has been interesting for me to read. I currently do not get Blu-ray Discs from Netflix, although I could. More to the point, I have watched the DVD discs I am receiving decline in their playability due to major scratching. I mean really, I watch at least 3 DVD's per week and that's the plan I am on. Wouldn't logic say that I should receive at least ONE out of the hundreds I have received, played and returned be fairly new with few or no scratches? When I first signed up, years ago, I received many more DVD's that were "fresh". Now, some of them I receive simply won't play at all, even with a good cleaning. And, most of the discs I receive have scratches way beyond normal. Unless, or course, you consider buffing a DVD surface with a brick to be "normal".
  • Reply 185 of 247
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Nah, he just stole it from one of many variations doing the rounds.

    Interesting from a historical perspective this example dates from the Nocopypastus, Nonmmsian, Lackavideo era predating the current Nomultitaskian and Lackaflashian era.

    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    great picture No really, it's so obviously not hyperbole. Did your mommy make it for you?

  • Reply 186 of 247
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Blu-Ray software is a mess, and Apple will wait until sales really start to take off before implementing it.

    Blu-ray Disc Association Welcomes Apple to Its Board of Directors:

    Since Apple is on the board of directors, why doesn't Apple do something to fix this "mess" instead of just bitching about it?
  • Reply 187 of 247
    I was at that meeting and i can tell you the air was blue.

    However i wish to remain anonymous and no my name isn't really Mr Underhill. Jeeezzus!!
  • Reply 188 of 247
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't understand how the ODD made this better? You burnt DVDs, copied DVDs? If all your syncing was does between a MBP, iMac and iDevices then shy not just use the inherent network connections? They are faster and with less fault. Sounds lke you just needed to move the Mac's iTunes folder to the MBPs iTunes folder and import.

    That is what I did when I got my 3GS. I'm just saying to work with iTunes, ripping cds dvds etc you need a drive and many people don't have a desktop machine so they need a ODD in their notebook.
  • Reply 189 of 247
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    This info has been interesting for me to read. I currently do not get Blu-ray Discs from Netflix, although I could. More to the point, I have watched the DVD discs I am receiving decline in their playability due to major scratching. I mean really, I watch at least 3 DVD's per week and that's the plan I am on. Wouldn't logic say that I should receive at least ONE out of the hundreds I have received, played and returned be fairly new with few or no scratches? When I first signed up, years ago, I received many more DVD's that were "fresh". Now, some of them I receive simply won't play at all, even with a good cleaning. And, most of the discs I receive have scratches way beyond normal. Unless, or course, you consider buffing a DVD surface with a brick to be "normal".

    I'm not sure why it is that you're getting so many scratched and unreadable discs. Believe me, though, that I haven't had a bad disc in months. Maybe it's a disgruntled postal worker in your area who likes to beat up Netflix discs for fun. But seriously though, what happens when you get new releases? Are they really beat up too? Some of the Blu-rays I get look brand-new and all play just fine. How close is your local Netflix distribution hub? Mine is about 50 miles from my house. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of DVD player(s) are you trying to play these discs on?
  • Reply 190 of 247
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    So you are whining about buying peripherals?

    Don't buy any, then you won't need to connect them.

    Originally Posted by LuisDias View Post

    Do you have to buy those peripherals? Seems that way. How much will it cost? And why should I have to buy a peripheral in the first place, it's just stupid...

  • Reply 191 of 247
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    Honestly I never understood people like you. If you are seriously still using a G4 then just buy an new MBP and stop waiting. Even if they update it 2 days later the current MBP will perform leaps and bounds over a G4...

    Apple products cost money, people don't have infinite money, staying with a Powerbook G4 is smart until i5 Macbook Pros come out, because it drops all the prices on new and used Core 2 Duos MBPs.

    [QUOTE=TheToe;1564018]All for-profit corporations (including Apple) exist for one thing. To make a profit./QUOTE]

    Correct! A vendor, with products to sell. Just ask 'do no evil bs' Steve Jobs.

    Originally Posted by smeagol View Post

    I agree wholeheartedly about Adobe being lazy, I use their crappy software all day and it certainly is buggy....

    As for Blu-ray, I wish they would just put those bloody drives in the Mac, ...Blu-ray is superior in every way...

    Blu-ray can potentially store 50GB on dual-layered discs; depending on the title of course, but that means lossless audio and richer quality video.

    Originally Posted by Mystic View Post

    Apple should just buy Adobe.

    Now we're talking.

    Originally Posted by IHateRegistering View Post

    No way will A4 processors show up in Macs.


    I'm looking forward to Macs becoming more iPad-like.

    Apple produced a multi-core CPU/SoC (system on a chip), which is an underplayed watershed event. No, they can't compete with Intel on scale, so I agree. Also, iPad-like is the way of the future.

    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Blu-ray Disc Association Welcomes Apple to Its Board of Directors:..

    Good point, and Apple is behind the HTML5 standard also, with Google.

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    ...Adobe has some core software on the Mac, but it's all shite. It's written poorly, it's coded using tools from decades ago, and it's buggy and slow. There are two guys who have already written an almost complete replacement for Photoshop for instance all by themselves called Pixelmator. Two guys! Steve is right that Adobe with all it's thousands of employees is just lazy in that they haven't found the time to do this themselves.

    You're right. Times have changed, during the rise of DTP (desktop publishing), Adobe software running on Macs was THE reason to own a Mac (my opinion). Nowadays Apple calls the shots.

  • Reply 192 of 247
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Thirdly, Adobe has some core software on the Mac, but it's all shite. It's written poorly, it's coded using tools from decades ago, and it's buggy and slow. There are two guys who have already written an almost complete replacement for Photoshop for instance all by themselves called Pixelmator.

    I'm sorry, what? Pixelmator can not open a RAW file, work in CMYK mode, and a host of other things. Pixelmator is a nice app, but not an almost complete replacement for Photoshop.

    That said, Adobe seriously needs to think about updating the app and removing the bloat. No argument there.
  • Reply 193 of 247
    News flash!!!! Previously not known! Dog growls at cat!!!!!
  • Reply 194 of 247
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I read this article which makes some interesting points about the 4:3 choice for iPad

    Well that's kind of awful. They make it sound like 1024x768 is some kind of Mac thing. They completely fail to mention that it's the XGA standard and has been around for 20 years or so.
  • Reply 195 of 247
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Some technologies are positioned so well that when they start rolling the momentum will not be stoppable.
  • Reply 196 of 247
    Apple should remember that Adobe basically saved Apple a number of years back. If Adobe would have abandoned the MacOS during the dark days of Apple, we would all be using Windows (or some Linux for many of us) today.

  • Reply 197 of 247
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

  • Reply 198 of 247
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Nah, he just stole it from one of many variations doing the rounds.

    Interesting from a historical perspective this example dates from the Nocopypastus, Nonmmsian, Lackavideo era predating the current Nomultitaskian and Lackaflashian era.

    LMAO. Your in-depth 'historical' analysis of an anti-Apple joke is somewhat reminiscent of the arabs overreacting on the Mohammed cartoon
  • Reply 199 of 247
    eluardeluard Posts: 319member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Do antitrust ties go with antitrust suits?

    For anyone who had any questions about why Apple should not and will not acquire Adobe, Steve's remarks about them should be Exhibit A.

    This is the writing on the wall, I agree. But just think what Apple could do with Adobe if they DID own it. An Apple run Adobe would be an amazing company!
  • Reply 200 of 247
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    Adobe is a really sad company, cant believe they're going to just sit on flash as it is currently, its an old archaic technology that needs serious revamping.

    Well, I agreed that Flash is crap and usually that crashes my Mac.

    But Adobe is king when it comes to design apps. (Illustrator, Photoshop, AE, InDesign, etc)

    Since I make a living using them, I hope they can get their stuff together and have a good relationship with Apple. It would be devastating to the creative industries if they stop supporting the Mac.
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