Steve Jobs calls Flash a 'CPU hog' in meeting with WSJ - rumor



  • Reply 161 of 291
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    Sure it's a CPU hog when it's running on the underpowered devices like the iPhone, iPod Touch and the mere 1 Ghz iPad which Flash wasn't designed to run on.

    Flash was designed with the increase of processor performance on computers in mind, not these underpowered hand held devices.

    outside of video, Flash really hasn't changed since the days of a 800Mhz cpu and 256MB Ram on a windows 2000 or Mac os9/SX10.1 laptop. Most cell phones now have that horse power of those old ass PCs and if the video its self can be played by the phones hardware, then the flash encapsulation is not a big deal.

    Lets face it, it plays annoying ads and uses action script to disguise IE generated pop outs to look like Symantec AV windows so hyjackware can jump in, it is the nut cancer of the internet and if Mr Jobs can kill it, he will have the eternal gratitude of this guy who makes his living supporting and deploying Windows in huge corporations.

    edit to be more specific about my claim: the actionscripts just make the windows look like a stand alone app. a link within the app calls an Activex script to install the malware payload. But other than huklu, thats the only real innovative use of flash ive ever seen, Can some one show me an example of flash making information easier to access and not just hiding the information behind visual noise that isnt needed?
  • Reply 162 of 291
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: How did your troll math come out to a 51% gross margin?

    PPS: Don't be jealous of my mad business skills.

    Maybe he read this:
  • Reply 163 of 291
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Yeah iPhone battery life sucks already even without flash. Its about 3 hours if your using the web. Fact is Apple hardware performance has always sucked compared to what the reast of the world is using. The fact their iMacs just now have quad cores speaks for itself.

    I could see your point when it comes to the iPhone or any smartphone but there is no reason why a multi function Tablet can't run Flash. That is just a joke. This has very little to do with Flash and alot to do with Steve Job simply screwing his customers because he wants to try and prove a point. The fact is you should be able to decide if you want to add a plugin or not, everything should be made available to you.

    When is that vacation occurring that we keep hearing about every other post?

    I guess he can't travel with that eMac he uses that can't play flash!
  • Reply 164 of 291
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    Sure it's a CPU hog when it's running on the underpowered devices like the iPhone, iPod Touch and the mere 1 Ghz iPad which Flash wasn't designed to run on.

    Flash was designed with the increase of processor performance on computers in mind, not these underpowered hand held devices.

    Wrong. Flash worked back in the old days on the 225 Mhz 604e. The problem is that Flash has not progressed at it's core in 10+ years. Steve is right, it is a processor hog. Because it is old technology. Like the floppy disk. And Apple was the leader in killing that worthless technology, just as they will be in killing Flash.
  • Reply 165 of 291
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    He doesn't get that it's Apple's device and they don't want to support something that degrades the UX.

    I don't know why you're bothering to argue with these guys. Almost everyone on this thread is just a troll or a hater and you are arguing with three at once.

    While I admire the effort, it's not likely that the likes of "Angus Young," "DaHarder," "extremeskater," "grking," "teckstud" or "TEKSTUD" will ever change their spots. These guys only come here when there is some sh*t to spread, or someone to laugh at. They are all exclusively concerned only with their own flapping gums and none of them could argue their way out of a paper bag. Most of them have no experience in the field, no knowledge of what they speak and certainly nothing new to say IMO.

    Total waste of time arguing with those guys.
  • Reply 166 of 291

    "We're totally open to hearing feedback like that," Lynch said. "And that's one of the really important things to do in a situation like this, when people are complaining about something -- not going into internal mode, or whatever, (but) really listening to what people are saying. We do that with our customers, we do that with our critics, and often there are kernels in there that we ought to do something about, and so we are."

    Then why the hell is there and entire site, if not multiple sites saying the exact opposite and showing evidence the opposite is true?

    For the record, Steve Jobs is not exactly a saint, but he is more than correct when it comes to adobe. They are one trick ponies remembering those good ol high school days when they got high in the garage, rather than making something new, or even fixing what they got.
  • Reply 167 of 291
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't know why you're bothering to argue with these guys. Almost everyone on this thread is just a troll or a hater and you are arguing with three at once.

    You're absolutely right, but I'm stuck waiting for a flight and pushing the ignorant TSA's buttons isn't exactly a smart move, so I'll push the buttons of even less perspicacious people.
  • Reply 168 of 291
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Not a troll at all. At my lab, which is all mac, I probably own $25-30K worth of Apple computers. I have an iPhone, and have had several iPods in the past. I like their products. That doesn't mean I have gone down the Rabbit hole where SJ's word is gospel.

    LukeSkyMac said that the reasons, in his opinion, that Flash has to go are that it is proprietary, closed and a resource hog. Those are of course legit criteria for getting rid of code. OTOH, it is not correct to cherry pick when to apply those criteria and when not too. iTunes on a windows machine sucks. It is bloated, slow, and inefficient. It is pretty clear that iTunes code has not been optimized for Windows, even Windows 7. These are all the arguments that get leveled against Flash on the Mac.

    It is simply a double standard to say that Flash has to go because it is does not work well on the Mac, but that it is fine that iTunes can exhibit many of the same behaviors on a Windows machine.

    I don't care how much money you have, you are behaving like a troll and all we have to go on is your behaviour so ... ipso-facto you're a troll as far as I'm concerned.

    Even if I agree with your assertions about the performance of iTunes on Windows (I don't, I think you are wildly exaggerating, and I think there is ample evidence out there that you are), there is a huge logical flaw in your assertion that iTunes on Windows is essentially the same situation as Flash on the web. I'm not going to point it out to you because it's so f*cking obvious. If you don't see it, then you are really not the computer genius you are making yourself out to be are you?

    Whatever "qualifications" or credibility you think you have, all I've seen from you so far, is that you come here when there is a contentious issue like this and just dump all over everyone who doesn't agree with you in a very aggressive fashion. You don't engage others in debate, and you always think you are 100% right and never back down even when it's obvious you are not. You also make many provocative posts that are basically just insults.

    So even if you are some rich fancy-pants in real life with some expensive "lab" that you own ... here, you are still just a disagreeable troll poster revelling in what you perceive as Apple's failures and doing nothing constructive.

    Take a long look in the mirror, Troll.
  • Reply 169 of 291
    It's about time someone called out Flash for being the crash-prone, bandwidth and resource wasting bane of the Internet that it is. 99% of Flash is used for insipid advertisements that I don't want clogging my system and and don't want to pay for. On the rare occasions that Safari hangs, it's due to Flash. Flash also completely crashes Firefox on both my Macs and PCs. Bang, crash, sorry but Firefox has experienced a problem. Firefox isn't easy to bring down but Flash does it with ease, to the point that my IT department is on the verge of blocking Flash plug-ins completely.

    Sure Flash advertisements are slick-looking... oooh look at the nice flowy, spinny graphics and fuzzy fade ins. Wow aren't those Flash animators clever. They scream LOOK AT ME!!!! Who wants that garbage?

    Flash adverts are nothing but Web narcissism - when's the last time you've clicked on a Flash advert that grabbed your attention anyway? Google gets it - clean, simple ads that actually work. All Flash has done is to steer me away from web sites that use too much of it.

    Flash is the graffiti of the Internet. It's visual and resource-environmental pollution. The faster it disappears, the better off we'll all be.
  • Reply 170 of 291
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I could see your point when it comes to the iPhone or any smartphone but there is no reason why a multi function Tablet can't run Flash. That is just a joke. This has very little to do with Flash and alot to do with Steve Job simply screwing his customers because he wants to try and prove a point. The fact is you should be able to decide if you want to add a plugin or not, everything should be made available to you.

    I still can't believe Steve Jobs actually had the chutzpah to go the Wall Street Journal and troll them to get rid of Flash. As if they would care that less then 10% of users can't utilize their content and that they should change it for them.

    And it's hysterical he got Punk'd by that WSJ reporter for his trolling!
  • Reply 171 of 291
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    Isn't that the truth. A puny large iPod hand held mobile device that runs iTunes Apps only?

  • Reply 172 of 291
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I still can't believe Steve Jobs actually had the chutzpah to go the Wall Street Journal and troll them to get rid of Flash.

    However, Steve is right. Flash is a CPU hog.

    This isn't an Apple-Adobe thing. The Mozilla folks dumped Flash support shortly before releasing Firefox Mobile for Maemo.

    Flash sucks. Not just Flash on Mac OS X. Not just Flash on iPhone OS. Flash sucks pretty much all around, regardless of platform.
  • Reply 173 of 291
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I am not a programmer but my understanding is that mac has a unix kernel so the port to linux would not be that big a deal iwould think.

    However it may (or may not) be a big deal to optimize for he mac and have worry about how it affects windows performance

    You're right. You're not a programmer. The messaging systems between the XNU Kernel and the traditional monolithic based Linux Kernel are different.

    However, this is the least of the issues.

    The APIs in OS X are mature and Adobe knows what they are, but they refuse to fork and make a 64 bit clean solution until they have no choice.

    Linux ABI has been in flux for 10 years. Adobe spent the past 5 years whining about it to the point that on the Penguin.SWF blog even Linux Developers are sick of reading about the excuses that it's hard to develop for OS X and Linux.
  • Reply 174 of 291
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't know why you're bothering to argue with these guys. Almost everyone on this thread is just a troll or a hater and you are arguing with three at once.

    While I admire the effort, it's not likely that the likes of "Angus Young," "DaHarder," "extremeskater," "grking," "teckstud" or "TEKSTUD" will ever change their spots. These guys only come here when there is some sh*t to spread, or someone to laugh at. They are all exclusively concerned only with their own flapping gums and none of them could argue their way out of a paper bag. Most of them have no experience in the field, no knowledge of what they speak and certainly nothing new to say IMO.

    Total waste of time arguing with those guys.

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't care how much money you have, you are behaving like a troll and all we have to go on is your behaviour so ... ipso-facto you're a troll as far as I'm concerned.

    Even if I agree with your assertions about the performance of iTunes on Windows (I don't, I think you are wildly exaggerating, and I think there is ample evidence out there that you are), there is a huge logical flaw in your assertion that iTunes on Windows is essentially the same situation as Flash on the web. I'm not going to point it out to you because it's so f*cking obvious. If you don't see it, then you are really not the computer genius you are making yourself out to be are you?

    Whatever "qualifications" or credibility you think you have, all I've seen from you so far, is that you come here when there is a contentious issue like this and just dump all over everyone who doesn't agree with you in a very aggressive fashion. You don't engage others in debate, and you always think you are 100% right and never back down even when it's obvious you are not. You also make many provocative posts that are basically just insults.

    So even if you are some rich fancy-pants in real life with some expensive "lab" that you own ... here, you are still just a disagreeable troll poster revelling in what you perceive as Apple's failures and doing nothing constructive.

    Take a long look in the mirror, Troll.

    I think this sums up what I was going to say and totally agree. I read all the discussions thread and certain people (mentioned above) only post , when have a negative opinion on Apple. Please I not saying Apple is all GREAT and glorious, but do not post like everything is the opposite as well.

    P.S. You forgot iGenius
  • Reply 175 of 291
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't know why you're bothering to argue with these guys. Almost everyone on this thread is just a troll or a hater and you are arguing with three at once.

    While I admire the effort, it's not likely that the likes of "Angus Young," "DaHarder," "extremeskater," "grking," "teckstud" or "TEKSTUD" will ever change their spots. These guys only come here when there is some sh*t to spread, or someone to laugh at. They are all exclusively concerned only with their own flapping gums and none of them could argue their way out of a paper bag. Most of them have no experience in the field, no knowledge of what they speak and certainly nothing new to say IMO.

    Total waste of time arguing with those guys.

    [CENTER]The issue with this little tirade/temper tantrum is that...

    It appears that anyone who does not completely and unquestioningly conform to some fan(atically) Apple ideal is automatically labeled a 'troll' in this forum, when it's really just case of those who have elected themselves the AI Elite being intollerant of opinions different than their own.

    Some see issues with the manner in which both Apple and Adobe are behaving regarding Flash, and are posting opinions accordingly.

    If the aforementioned opinions/posts are so troubling to you, then there's always the [IGNORE] option.[/CENTER]
  • Reply 176 of 291
    When Steve Jobs is angry, outcome is not good.

    Microsoft crossed SJ and Apple targeted it for some years. Now, MS is irrelevant. MS is only dominant on Desktop market but cannot penetrate any other market. Apple killed MS's other businesses.

    Now, Apple can divert its resources to handle Adobe. Adobe used to ignore the Mac but Apple could do nothing because it was fighting a World War with MS and need 110% of its resources. Given that MS is no more relevant, Apple can divert its attention to Adobe now.

    Adobe could have treated Apple better in the past and SJ would have embraced it. But that is not the case. Now, Adobe has to face the consequences for offending SJ.

    Any other company who still treat Mac like dirt, such as AutoCad, beware.

    Good luck with Adobe.
  • Reply 177 of 291
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]The issue with this little tirade/temper tantrum is that...

    It appears that anyone who does not completely and unquestioningly conform to some fan(atically) Apple ideal is automatically labeled a 'troll' in this forum, when it's really just case of those who have elected themselves the AI Elite being intollerant of opinions different than their own.

    Some see issues with the manner in which both Apple and Adobe are behaving regarding Flash, and are posting opinions accordingly.

    If the aforementioned opinions/posts are so troubling to you, then there's always the [IGNORE] option.[/CENTER]

    Yet everyday the AI elite see FLASH up and running on AI itself!
  • Reply 178 of 291
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The rest of the world could care less if HTML5 or Flash is used as long as their video works.

    One of the best comments on Apple Insider for some time.

    And if extremeskater would have written, "The rest of the world couldn't care less" it would even be correct!

    As written, the rest of the world does care somewhat because they have to care somewhat in order to care less than they do now
  • Reply 179 of 291
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    When is that vacation occurring that we keep hearing about every other post?

    I guess he can't travel with that eMac he uses that can't play flash!

    Not sure where he was going on vacation but I think they sent him back. They didn't want him either.
  • Reply 180 of 291
    Originally Posted by satcomer View Post

    Flash wasn't a hog on my Macs until Adobe took Macromedia over Flash went down hill fast. Plus take a look at the news about Adobe's Flash/Acrobat bugs. This proprietary format needs to go and HTML5 (demonstrated in the Sublime HTML5 video) for video ASAP.

    Sublime demo looks interesting. But when I went to see the CPU load, I was surprised to see it in the 110% to 140% range on both Firefox and Safari on G5. That's not much better than Flash!
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