Microsoft Pink-Zune details emerge alongside Windows Phone 7



  • Reply 21 of 120
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Holy God, dude, just cutting and pasting a list of every piece of software MS makes doesn't make any kind of point, unless you want us all to contemplate some of the terrible items on that list, or the ones that are obvious "me too" products that have never come close to competing.

    Or maybe we're to attend to the topic headers like "all Mac software" or "all hardware." I mean, at least you could pick out some of the ones you actually think are good.

    if you can name a single product that even adequately competes with exchange then you may have a point. Lock is not the reason for exchange penetration. Nothing else out there, proprietary or otherwise comes within a country mile. Don't even bother bringing up iCal.
  • Reply 22 of 120
    giosacconegiosaccone Posts: 121member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    I found a solution for myself by not being a Microsoft customer. But society would be much better off if MS did a better job. They are a sad, sad, company. It's shocking there has not been a shake-up there. Balmer should be the first to go.

    I fully agree!!! Unfortunately, even if Steve Ballmer jumps, Microsoft does not shake up...

    I hope that many continue to leave Windows for Mac...
  • Reply 23 of 120
    jcsegenmdjcsegenmd Posts: 105member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Comparing MS and Apple, MS can't get their act together and Apple is more focused. MS needs a major shake up staring from the top. Maybe Apple, Pixar and Disney can buy MS??

    Apple is way too smart to buy a white elephant like MS; It's merely a waiting game. Five years ago, MS had 97% of the market and Apple 2.5%. Today apple has about 5% globally by being clear about its goals and pursuing uncompromising quality. MS is trying to sell products that even they don't understand and appear to be fighting in-house over which platform to support; WIndows mobile is doomed

    And apple picks its battle. The way apple played the Palm challenge was nothing less than genius. Palm was like a mosquito; Every time they enabled iTunes, Apple swatted at them. Eventually they became irrelevant. Palm stock topped at $17, now it's at $5 and likely to continue sliding. Apple saw no need to launch the lawyers?But for Google?

    No one can extricate MS from its mess except MS and for that you need leadership, not a monkey bouncing on stage like Tom Cruise. I heard someplace that the boy is a coke-head
  • Reply 24 of 120
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    if you can name a single product that even adequately competes with exchange then you may have a point. Lock is not the reason for exchange penetration. Nothing else out there, proprietary or otherwise comes within a country mile. Don't even bother bringing up iCal.

    Sigh! He didn't make any statement about MS not having successful or having good products, just that listing everything MS makes hurts his point.
  • Reply 25 of 120
    knightlieknightlie Posts: 282member
    Wow, that phone looks..... completely the same as loads of others. The interface is cluttered and confusing, so a typical Microsoft offering then.

    I'm underwhelmed, as usual with Redmonds output.

    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    It is not easy to manage all of this and be profitable in this economy. Microsoft is a respectable, profitable american company and the whole world should be grateful for...

    I threw up about there. The idea that Microsoft is in anyway "respectable," or that their continuing profits stem from anything other than their customers having no choice but to pay ever-increasing license fees each year, is laughable. Take the rose-tinted spectacles off.

    Yeah, Active Directory and Exchange are market leaders. They are also products that end users don't generally have to interact with directly - you think Outlook is as good as Exchange? Microsoft products that people actually have to (try and) use to get their jobs done are unstable, insecure, confusing and difficult to operate. Sadly, they are also forced on a great many people, though fortunately only in their working lives - it's Friday, and I'll happily leave here tonight safe in the knowledge that I don't have to put up with this Microsoft crap for two days.

    I for one am NOT grateful for Microsoft and their compendium of junk in any way, shape or form, and I'll add this crappy phone to the list.
  • Reply 26 of 120
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    Microsoft writes some of the best business software in the world. Ever heard of Exchange and Active Directory? These two pieces of software alone are the best of their kind and run in virtually every corporation in the world. It is not easy to manage all of this and be profitable in this economy. Microsoft is a respectable, profitable american company and the whole world should be grateful for it's existence.

    I'm sorry, but that is some of the most dogmatic twaddle I have ever read on this forum.

    Exchange is good, but it's not that impressive. It's only has such a large install base because most organisations use Windows based systems. This is because they are cheap.. thus Windows based networks become the default option.

    As for your last sentence. Microsoft, due to their enigmatic monopoly, have been responsible for some very sluggish technical development over the past couple of decades. Microsoft have never been innovators, they are technology adopters and therefore heavily rely on other, smaller, less resourced organisations to move technology forward. Microsoft, with all their resources, should have been pushing the boundaries in the same way Apple do. But they never really have.

    Grateful, for Microsoft? You daft buggar!
  • Reply 27 of 120
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    You obviously do not know much about Microsoft product. Take a look below or go to and click on all products to read up on them.

    Microsoft writes some of the best business software in the world.

    Why does my brand new HP laptop provided and maintained by my employer (runs Windows XP) crash every single day if this is best software in the world? Employer has huge staff maintaining Windows on destop/laptop.... seems like a HUGE expense.
  • Reply 28 of 120
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This isn't accurate. They've sold 75M iPhone OS-based devices as of the last earning's report, but that isn't the installed base. Surely it's lower than 75M. qualifying it with "up to" or "possible" would be technically accurate.

    well, that's an interesting question - how many 1st gen iPhones and touches are no longer being used and are no longer part of the "installed base." but they are still all less than three years old. i doubt very many have been junked. most get handed down i bet to other family members. my old 2G is evolving into a really nice all purpose remote control around the house - new and better apps for this keep being released. i need to try those walkie talkie apps too, then my wife can nag me without having to come downstairs.

    since it's been a month since that earnings report and a few million more have been sold, i betcha the 75 mil total really is accurate.
  • Reply 29 of 120
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Six months after Microsoft's Danger subsidiary suffered a massive cloud services failure that lost data for its T-Mobile Sidekick users, new information has...

    I'm pleased to say I recognised the author half way through this first sentence

    That's some strong bias there. Too strong for me to have interest unfortunately.
  • Reply 30 of 120
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Originally Posted by Dorotea View Post

    Why does my brand new HP laptop provided and maintained by my employer (runs Windows XP) crash every single day if this is best software in the world? Employer has huge staff maintaining Windows on destop/laptop.... seems like a HUGE expense.

    My work Windows machine with crashes really regularly. My home Windows machine never crashes. Why? Because my work machine is loaded with all kinds of corporate shit that doesn't work properly and it runs an outdated, unpatched version of Windows. Windows isn't the best software in the world but Windows 7 is good enough for most needs and doesn't crash unless 3rd party software is behaving in a very naughty manner.

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    well, that's an interesting question - how many 1st gen iPhones and touches are no longer being used and are no longer part of the "installed base." ...

    since it's been a month since that earnings report and a few million more have been sold, i betcha the 75 mil total really is accurate.

    I'd say that there's a fair few iPhones and iPod touches which have been taken out of circulation. You'd be surprised at the number of people who put their iPhone through the washing machine or break the glass screen and throw it out, rather than getting it repaired.
  • Reply 31 of 120
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    You obviously do not know much about Microsoft product. Take a look below or go to and click on all products to read up on them.

    Microsoft writes some of the best business software in the world. Ever heard of Exchange and Active Directory? These two pieces of software alone are the best of their kind and run in virtually every corporation in the world. It is not easy to manage all of this and be profitable in this economy. Microsoft is a respectable, profitable american company and the whole world should be grateful for it's existence.

    The bulk of their profits come from Windows, Servers, Developer tools and Office. The rest is a pathetic excuse for a product.
  • Reply 32 of 120
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Dorotea View Post

    Why does my brand new HP laptop provided and maintained by my employer (runs Windows XP) crash every single day if this is best software in the world? Employer has huge staff maintaining Windows on destop/laptop.... seems like a HUGE expense.

    That would be due to a hardware issue on the laptop, or a faulty install of XP, have you actually talked to someone about it, it is very hard to believe that a new machine would crash everyday with there being another underlying issue.
  • Reply 33 of 120
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    . . . but it will continue to atrophy at an accelerating rate from increasing numbers of switchers, as long as Apple maintains its innovation and correct strategies.
  • Reply 34 of 120
    dsectdsect Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by Jon T View Post

    "Maybe Apple, Pixar and Disney can buy MS?"

    And do what with it? Microsoft has become an irreconcilable, irreversible, idiotic joke.

    Burn it down, then spread salt on the ground.
  • Reply 35 of 120
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    . . . but it will continue to atrophy at an accelerating rate from increasing numbers of switchers, as long as Apple maintains its innovation and correct strategies.

    as it's been said, you do not need to innovate to be profitable...and microsoft is still profitable despite being a "me too" company

    i would love to see shots of their scottsdale arizona shop to see how many zunes they're selling over there
  • Reply 36 of 120
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    You obviously do not know much about Microsoft product. Take a look below or go to and click on all products to read up on them.

    Microsoft writes some of the best business software in the world. Ever heard of Exchange and Active Directory?

    These two pieces of software alone are the best of their kind and run in virtually every corporation in the world.

    It is not easy to manage all of this and be profitable in this economy. Microsoft is a respectable,

    profitable american company and
    the whole world should be grateful for it's existence.

    Do I 'want' or 'need' to know much about the mcrosft product?

    Not in the most recent of the past 32 years I've been maintaining

    Apple based IT at our Mechanical Engineering company.

    Why would I go to, we don't have any ms software.

    In those past 32 years I know of hundreds of people (business and friends)

    who have 'switched' and are a great deal more thankful for Apple's existence,

    in particular Steve Jobs.

    Can you say the same for switchers to ms and Ballmer
  • Reply 37 of 120
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    well, that's an interesting question - how many 1st gen iPhones and touches are no longer being used and are no longer part of the "installed base." but they are still all less than three years old. i doubt very many have been junked. most get handed down i bet to other family members. my old 2G is evolving into a really nice all purpose remote control around the house - new and better apps for this keep being released. i need to try those walkie talkie apps too, then my wife can nag me without having to come downstairs.

    since it's been a month since that earnings report and a few million more have been sold, i betcha the 75 mil total really is accurate.

    Yes indeed, I write this note on my wife's old iPhone 2g now my 'Touch' by simply using airplane mode.
  • Reply 38 of 120
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,524member
    I will not believe that this story is true unless I actually see these phones for sale. It just can't be true because it would imply that MS upper management is totally dysfunctional. If MS were to do something this dumb it would be ground for firing Balmer.
  • Reply 39 of 120
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This isn't accurate. They've sold 75M iPhone OS-based devices as of the last earning's report, but that isn't the installed base. Surely it's lower than 75M. qualifying it with "up to" or "possible" would be technically accurate.

    I'm not sure how (or why) anyone would argue with this. There is a very simple formula:

    Installed base = units sold - x

    As no-one knows the value of x, other than it is greater than zero, it is impossible to produce a definitive figure. We do know that Apple products tend to have good longevity, as is to be expected from a premium brand, so it is safe to assume that x is a relatively low proportion.

    Microsoft do sell good mice (mouses?) and make hilarious commercials, albeit the latter is unintentional.
  • Reply 40 of 120
    reliasonreliason Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Comparing MS and Apple, MS can't get their act together and Apple is more focused. MS needs a major shake up staring from the top. Maybe Apple, Pixar and Disney can buy MS??

    Nah, Apples and "Cheese Food Product".
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