Apple has pre-sold "hundreds of thousands" of iPads



  • Reply 161 of 219
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I think someone already posted a version of this recently, but here's how it goes:

    Prerelease, meh, it sucks, won't sell, Apple gets taken down a notch serves them right.

    First numbers, look good, probably Apple propaganda or someone pumping the stock.

    Subsequent numbers still good, fan boys will buy anything their lord and master orders them too.

    Ongoing strong sales, Apple is the master of marketing and mind control.

    Other manufacturers begin to follow suit, including some of the general strategies that made the Apple product so stupid in the first place, mass amnesia that Apple pretty much created the segment and a great deal of smirking about how rival products have better specs or features and the Apple product is declared "tired."


    It's really quite nauseating to read the posts of people who would "disagree" that this is exactly what happens.

    Other manufacturers are so desperate for even some of the interest level that Apple garners, they had to come out before Apple and say, "We're gonna make tablets too, we have to wait and see what Apple does."
  • Reply 162 of 219
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    It's really quite nauseating to read the posts of people who would "disagree" that this is exactly what happens.

    Other manufacturers are so desperate for even some of the interest level that Apple garners, they had to come out before Apple and say, "We're gonna make tablets too, we have to wait and see what Apple does."

    Clueless. PC makers have been making Tablets for years and years well before Apple. Look at the reviews on the right does there appear to be a shortage of tablets on the market?
  • Reply 163 of 219
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by iLuv View Post

    That article claims that as of now, less than 2 hundred thousand have been sold.

    That can't be correct. Apple has sold "hundreds of thousands' of iPads.

    Let's walk through it:

    200,000 is the estimate through the Apple Store online.

    In addition, customers were able to reserve iPads to pick up at their local Apple Store. These do not appear in those numbers - and estimates say that the number is similar (another 200,000).

    Then there are the business accounts which also don't appear in the above number. No one outside of Apple has any idea what that number is, but it's certainly greater than 0.

    So total sales are 200,000 plus 200,000 plus some unknown number. Sounds like 'hundreds of thousands' to me.
  • Reply 164 of 219
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Let's walk through it:

    200,000 is the estimate through the Apple Store online.

    In addition, customers were able to reserve iPads to pick up at their local Apple Store. These do not appear in those numbers - and estimates say that the number is similar (another 200,000).

    Then there are the business accounts which also don't appear in the above number. No one outside of Apple has any idea what that number is, but it's certainly greater than 0.

    So total sales are 200,000 plus 200,000 plus some unknown number. Sounds like 'hundreds of thousands' to me.

    Then we have to consider the potential buyers that don't care to order ahead of time but will gladly walk into an Apple Store, partner shop or buy online when they are available immediately. I don't think $1M units in the first month would surprising, especially with the 3G version coming only a couple weeks after the launch.
  • Reply 165 of 219
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Already to point #3.

    Yeah, it's like the first 4 of the 5 stages of grief. Most of them never reach the 5th. Many of them are stuck forever in the earlier stages. Extremeskater never seems to get past denial ("There are tablets all over the place. HP Slate! HP Slate! No! Windows tablets are not dead!"), teckstud in his various guises, is stuck in anger ("Suckers! No Blu-ray no buy! Do the math! Apple sucks!"), a few move on to bargaining ("Other tablets, better than the iPad, will be out real soon now."), and we wish they would all just reach depression and go away.
  • Reply 166 of 219
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The top netbook manufacturers are shipping around 2 million units per quarter and the price is around $299. If the HP Slate spec is good, it will stand out well against other netbooks.

    well that's netbooks, and while i have seen plenty of those in the wild...i have yet to see a tablet pc in the wild and the one time i have it is an illustrator friend who opted for that after being tired of standing at his 24 wacom sketch monitor screen. I am in field that's merging classic art mediums into technology. I have been dying for a tablet I can literally do some serious sketching/designing/layout/painting. I know there are plenty of other illustrators and designers waiting for the same thing. While the ipad currently probably wont solve that..a serious digital sketchpad that would also run some version of Aperture, sketching and photo manipulation/graphics programs has me salivating.

    I understand I am asking for niche product, but i would love to see apple put out the Ipad Pro and besides being a media consumption device it can also produce media. I am sure Jobs and his team of artist's are seeking or presumably have already discussed this idea. My speculation is that they are going to turn the ipad into a household name and then come out with a more powerful version, why else develop the first of many mobile low power processors to open the door to more efficient and powerful silicon, for all their mobile devices, iphone, touch and ipad..
  • Reply 167 of 219
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    And for some the better user experience could be having a full OS. Its all based on need which in most cases it appears yours is always very basic.

    as it has been pointed out numerous times...a tablet running a full OS have been out for years and i have yet to see any media hype or any serious sales numbers yet that would even rival the PRE-ORDERS of the ipad...

    why dont you buy one of those and be on your merry way? or do you think your unsolicited technical advice is going to sway apple to include to what they have probably have thoroughly researched?
  • Reply 168 of 219
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Clueless. PC makers have been making Tablets for years and years well before Apple. Look at the reviews on the right does there appear to be a shortage of tablets on the market?

    you used that link to show there are better examples of tablets and you wonder why the apple is going to outsell them all and most likely in 3 months?

    those things are atrocious and running VISTA?! and XP? are you freakin kidding me? that is a pro? and those things use a pen stylus...never meant to be multitouch, and never will...

    who wants to lug a pen around an already bulky contraption that will certainly need a power cord when leaving the house...because those things are bricks that need power outlets..
  • Reply 169 of 219
    All I want to know is when it will be released in the UK and what the pricing structure will be!!
  • Reply 170 of 219
    chanochano Posts: 51member

    Sorry to tell you this but I just ordered all 7 seasons of Star Trek DS9 for around $22 per season from Amazon UK.


    'more powerful......then the iPad. You can't speak English worth a shit but you're right. Then the iPad came along and wiped the floor with all Wintel Doofus Dimwit wannabes.

    Sometimes you tell it true when you want to lie.
  • Reply 171 of 219
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Extremeskater's just laying the groundwork for the official explanation, should Apple be very successful with the iPad.

    That is, they didn't invent anything or do anything innovative, tablets had been around for a long time, and the fact that they were a marginal market until Apple did it right was just a coincidence of timing or something, since (also coincidentally) a lot of tablets suddenly came onto the market shortly after the iPad that followed Apple's templet. Mind you, that was going to happen whether or not Apple had released a product since, very obviously, the time was right and everybody suddenly agreed that lightweight OSes, well developed ecosystems and highly integrated touch hardware just made perfect sense for such a device, even though no one seemed to be able to figure that out until Apple did it and in fact were hostile to the concept. Until it's an Android or WinMo7 device, at which point it's awesome because it has an additional feature or two or runs on hardware with better specs. The fact that these tablets will look much more like the iPad than any of the "fully featured" tablets that came before will get blurred over in the "Apple didn't invent the tablet" standard talking point.

    You've got places like Engadget declaring this "the year of the tablet" while pretending like they don't know why that should be. All of this, of course, perfectly replicates the iPhone rollout, with a few prior shitty touchscreen phones being endlessly proffered as proof that Apple didn't do anything interesting or new and the fact that virtually every successful smartphone now on the market is clearly following Apple's lead being strenuously ignored or denied.

    I don't know why some people can't handle the idea that Apple actually drives these markets, as glaringly obvious as that is.
  • Reply 172 of 219
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I don't know why some people can't handle the idea that Apple actually drives these markets, as glaringly obvious as that is.

    I can't offer any definitive answer to this question, or anything much on the subject, aside from the observation that the historical revisionists seem to exist for our amusement. The old saying that success is the best revenge also comes to mind.
  • Reply 173 of 219
    Originally Posted by TECHSTUD View Post

    No - that would be Ringling Bros.

    Besides- who want shows? Substance is always preferred.

    Studly darling, the entire company name is Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey's Circus

    now be a dear and go back to making your comments about technology - you are clearly out of your depth here.

    (To the rest of the thread) It's all right, he was confused. He is such the cute little curmudgeon though isn't he?
  • Reply 174 of 219
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    The old saying that success is the best revenge also comes to mind.

    That reminds of Adam Corolla on the Loveline radioshow a long, long time ago telling kids who are "acting out" that the best way to get back at shitty parents is not to frak up your own life but to become successful, then ignore them.
  • Reply 175 of 219
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Studly darling... go back to making your comments about technology - you are clearly out of your depth here.

    He's clearly out of his depth in the technology department, as well!
  • Reply 176 of 219
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Clueless. PC makers have been making Tablets for years and years well before Apple. Look at the reviews on the right does there appear to be a shortage of tablets on the market?

    Oh look!!! A dead horse!!!! Xtreme! Put down that stick!

    Dude. We get it. You've stated that any number of times now and for those of us in technology you sound like a broken record run by an autistic DJ (for the record I have an autistic friend who is an awesome DJ - he gave me that one as a joke!).

    Yeah, tablets and touchscreens have been around for a LONG time. It's just that until now they have been largely niched, and specialized, because, well frankly the average consumer hated the interface.

    Along comes Apple (I know xtreme - I'm sorry, have to use the name) and they offer a multitouch user interface that the average consumer comes to regard as a truly cool and user-friendly interface (judging from the consumer satisfaction reports). And voila! Suddenly you have a large user population primed and ready to use the next "big" thing (pun intended)- 80 million or so users that are well-versed on multitouch, quite a few of which are jazzed about just the concept of the iPad, let alone the user experience.

    So yeah call 'em horse-brained ignorant tools, fanbois, koolaiders, untechy, non-geeks, whatever. They are what drives the market. Apple again has been able to redefine the market, potentially the device category, and it simply pisses you the heck off.

    And well......

    I guess I'm ok with that.

  • Reply 177 of 219
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by msantii

    Apple will have easily over 1 million of these things sold before HP even get their "holy grail" device out.

    The Slate is rumored to arrive in June. About 2 months after the iPad.

    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    I have been dying for a tablet I can literally do some serious sketching/designing/layout/painting. I know there are plenty of other illustrators and designers waiting for the same thing. While the ipad currently probably wont solve that..a serious digital sketchpad that would also run some version of Aperture, sketching and photo manipulation/graphics programs has me salivating.

    The iPad runs on mobile phone level hardware components so is not suited to high-end graphics work as it doesn't have the capacity (RAM and virtual memory) to do it. Even the processor won't rival an Atom except for in battery life.

    The HP Slate is reported to be running on Atom - no surprises really with entry price of 400 euros. If it has a 9400M, it will be great for graphics performance and will run Lightroom as well as hold at least 2GB RAM with virtual memory. I would doubt pressure sensitivity so not ideal for drawing but you never know - they may have a special pen.

    But you can always plug in a screen-less Wacom via USB.
  • Reply 178 of 219
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I can't offer any definitive answer to this question, or anything much on the subject, aside from the observation that the historical revisionists seem to exist for our amusement. The old saying that success is the best revenge also comes to mind.

    Good points.

    I think also that there has always been geek hostility to Apple's emphasis on consumers, ease of use, industrial design and integration and, for lack of a better term, an emotional connection to their devices (although that last, I think, arises inevitably from the first three).

    I think what's heating up now is the way Apple is making a bid to carry its ideas into a truly mass market-- to actually change what we mean by "computing." As long as Apple stayed in its small market share computer niche for posers and fan boys and the easily duped, the vitriol could stay at an almost affectionate dull roar. Now that they're popping up in the hands of millions of average people who have no business even using a computer because they don't do the geek dance some folks are getting a little hysterical.

    It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Ubiquitous, dead simple computing is undeniably the future, and Apple is there first and best. Barring horrible blunders, they have a fair bid to become the majority incumbent of this space. At that point, are most people to be pitied or sneered at? Will it be necessary to despise the whole idea of "what computing has come to", in much the manner of an audiophile bemoaning the rise of MP3s?

  • Reply 179 of 219
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Wow. Three quarters of a ton eh?

    Yes in the case of every iPad is a part of a white-dwarf-star. If you get enough iPads in the single room, a black hole will manifest itself and cause cataclysmic results. So be careful out there.

    HEADLINE : Ohio Starbucks converts into a time-space anomaly, Akron missing.
  • Reply 180 of 219
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    OK - let's get this out of the way:

    The online investor guys are making up the numbers, their methodology is flawed, they are fan boys trying to drive the release of the iPad to success - because we all know the device is an abject failure.

    The iPad suxxors majorly, it doesn't have:

    42 UBS ports

    a Blu-ray drive

    removeable battery

    a front-facing camera

    a rear facing camera

    a cell chip to make phone calls


    support for 1080p

    a real keyboard

    a real processor

    a real OS (just that stoopid pathetic mobile version of OSX)

    enough memory

    enough storage space

    free unlimited 3G

    release with Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, Alltel, Cellular One, Blue Wireless, Bluegrass Cellular, ad nauseam...


    there have been scads of tablet before the iPad


    all these early adopters are fanbois who spend too much money for glitzy tech that is just a toy, nobody besides them or the great unwashed masses of clueless consumers who don't worship at the altar of featuredom will buy this.

    Successful troll is successful.

    Enjoy your windouche 7 phone
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