Apple iPad owners report Wi-Fi connection issues

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Some who purchased their iPad on launch day have experienced wireless connectivity issues with their new device, with reports of weak Wi-Fi reception, dropped signals and difficulty connecting to a network.

Already there are a number of threads with dozens of posts about Wi-Fi connection issues, ranging from a weak signal to an inability to connect to a router. Issues have been reported with a variety of routers, including Apple's own AirPort Extreme.

"I have also noticed very weak wifi signal in my 16GB iPad," user tdbc wrote. "Even when standing in front of the wlan router the signal fluctuates from strong to very weak. The router has very strong signals as every other computer here has full signal strength, even 20-30 meters from the router. So there is definitely a wifi signal issue here with the iPad."

Another user, Dr. JB, said their iPad is getting just one bar of Wi-Fi signal, while a nearby MacBook Pro has strong, full reception. They said their iPad was also experiencing slow downloads due to the weak signal.

A post from powerguru revealed bandwidth data from the application, which showed an iPad with 1.83 megabits per second download, compared to 14.77 megabits on the iPhone 3GS. The user also noted that the iPad uses 802.11n while the iPhone 3GS is 802.11g.

Others said their signal sometimes fluctuated, and some said resetting the network settings or restarting the iPad would temporarily fix the issue. But others who commented said they have experienced no Wi-Fi issues, suggesting the problems are not universal.

In response to some issues, Apple has set up a support document for users who have problems getting their iPad to rejoin known Wi-Fi networks after a restart or waking from sleep. The issue is known to occur with some third-party Wi-Fi routers that are dual-band capable.

To resolve the issue, Apple recommends creating separate Wi-Fi network names to identify each band, such as adding G to the 802.11g network name, and N to the 802.11n network name. It is also recommended that both networks use the same security type, such as WPA. If the issue persists, users can reset their network settings under Settings, General, Reset.

Apple sold more than 300,000 iPads on its first day of availability. Currently, only models that utilize Wi-Fi for Internet connectivity are available for purchase. The hardware starts at $499 for 16GB.

iPad models with 3G connectivity are set to arrive later this month, and will carry a $130 premium. The added wireless radio will offer 3G connectivity with the AT&T cellular network in the U.S. The carrier will offer no-contract data plans starting at $15 per month for 250MB of data, and $30 a month for unlimited access.


  • Reply 1 of 164
    freddychfreddych Posts: 266member
    Was trying to play pocket legends on my iPad the other day and was getting this problem. Ping was fluctuating between 200 and 9000 wildly. Thought it was the server but the other players in my game didn't have any problems.
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  • Reply 2 of 164
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    "Apple <insert_product_name> owners report Wi-Fi connection issues"

    That seems to be the way of things. I've used the iPad on three different WiFi locations. Two private 802.11n with security, one public on 802.11g. No issues so far.
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  • Reply 3 of 164
    I am having a similar issue with my 32GB iPad. It will not connect to my 5Ghz network when I slide to unlock it, I have to manually select the network. If I'm on my iPhone 3Gs talking, then my network cuts on the iPad but once I hang up it works. I'm using an Airport Extreme Dual Band as well. But my 24" iMac doesn't cut out. Hoping they get this fixed as having to switch from a 5Ghz to 2.4Ghz everytime I talk on my phone near my iPad is pain just like having to select the network in general once I unlock my iPad is. I also didn't notice having an issue until after I put on a security code, so I might see if that's the issue.
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  • Reply 4 of 164
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "I have also noticed very weak wifi signal in my 16GB iPad," user tdbc wrote. "Even when standing in front of the wlan router the signal fluctuates from strong to very weak. The router has very strong signals as every other computer here has full signal strength, even 20-30 meters from the router. So there is definitely a wifi signal issue here with the iPad."

    If this is a hardware issue, it is a major blunder. If it is a software issue, it is a major blunder, but fixable.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 164
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    "Apple <insert_product_name> owners report Wi-Fi connection issues"

    That seems to be the way of things. I've used the iPad on three different WiFi locations. Two private 802.11n with security, one public on 802.11g. No issues so far.

    Do you think that the orientation of the iPad with respect to the Wi-Fi unit may be a factor?
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  • Reply 6 of 164
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    "Apple <insert_product_name> owners report Wi-Fi connection issues"

    That seems to be the way of things. I've used the iPad on three different WiFi locations. Two private 802.11n with security, one public on 802.11g. No issues so far.

    Do you believe that the problem is nonexistent, or that it is restricted to certain iPads, with others (like yours) working properly?
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  • Reply 7 of 164
    Good to see they've released yet another product without doing adequate testing...
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  • Reply 8 of 164
    bkerkaybkerkay Posts: 139member
    Used it all day Saturday and Sunday with no WiFi issues. Full bars all the time. And using different WiFi network today and same thing - full bars.

    Everything is working smoothly on my end and with my iPad.
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  • Reply 9 of 164
    I noticed the demo iPad in my local Apple Store would drop to 1 bar of wifi signal frequently.

    Also, the google maps application wouldn't load map data; I just got to smoothly zoom in and out on a grid of gray squares.
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  • Reply 10 of 164
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    If this is a hardware issue, it is a major blunder. If it is a software issue, it is a major blunder, but fixable.

    If it is something as simple as a loose WiFi Antenna connection that is a hardware problem with an easy fix.
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  • Reply 11 of 164
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    May be a issue with the latest OS versions, as Snow Leopard users are reporting the same problems with the latest OS X update.
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  • Reply 12 of 164
    maxmannmaxmann Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by pondosinatra View Post

    Good to see they've released yet another product without doing adequate testing...

    this is consumer electronics not geek ville product.. Go to an apple store and listen to the consumers over and over saying they can't get the wifi to work.. Then, of course, it is a matter of training the pilot to get in the air an then land again.

    if the big problem is getting a wifi connection (can we all guess their componentry is off the shelf here?) then we are not with an unusual problem for the average consumer electronics appliance buyer.

    I have a 32 and my signal never goes over 2 bars - and it is lightening fast!!! the single most amazing thing is the speed as compared to my laptop, iphone etc etc..
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  • Reply 13 of 164
    b realb real Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by pondosinatra View Post

    Good to see they've released yet another product without doing adequate testing...

    agreed... i hope they release an updated iPad within 6 months with a hardware update just to screw with their early adopters.
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  • Reply 14 of 164
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Do you think that the orientation of the iPad with respect to the Wi-Fi unit may be a factor?

    I'm sure. The space for the WiFi antenna isn't great and I have to assume putting your hand over the center back or placing it flat on a metal tablet on a coffee shop* would impair it, which is something I purposely choose not to do at the public WiFi location I was at on Saturday.

    * I won't be going back there. Even with headphones in people are interrupting me to ask questions about it. Oddly, the most common question is "what is that?" I thought most people were at least aware of it.

    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    Do you believe that the problem is nonexistent, or that it is restricted to certain iPads, with others (like yours) working properly?

    I'm sure it exists. WiFi issues exist with all products. From this limited information it sounds like a driver or OS issue, not HW. I'd curious about the 3G version with the plastic stripe. I stated last week that I would expect a little better WiFI with that model.
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  • Reply 15 of 164
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by pondosinatra View Post

    Good to see they've released yet another product without doing adequate testing...

    They batch test condoms before they are sold, there are still known cases of leaky condoms.

    Unless there is a universal observation of the problem, which does not seem to be the case, then your statement has no basis.

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  • Reply 16 of 164
    mrrmrr Posts: 73member
    Yesterday I was at a taco bar in L.A. and I saw my first iPad in the field. A happy couple were playing with their new iPad connected to a weak free WiFi hotspot across the street. It was fast and they were happy as clams. I had an iphone and it barely even detected the hotspot. So watch out, reports like this may be very limited (like the proverbial OS update that "hosed my system") and may not reflect any widespread occurrence of the problem.
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  • Reply 17 of 164
    soskoksoskok Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by maxmann View Post

    this is consumer electronics not geek ville product.. Go to an apple store and listen to the consumers over and over saying they can't get the wifi to work.. Then, of course, it is a matter of training the pilot to get in the air an then land again.

    if the big problem is getting a wifi connection (can we all guess their componentry is off the shelf here?) then we are not with an unusual problem for the average consumer electronics appliance buyer.

    I have a 32 and my signal never goes over 2 bars - and it is lightening fast!!! the single most amazing thing is the speed as compared to my laptop, iphone etc etc..

    How do you people get different speed on devices? My broadband is 50Mbit/s and whatever is connected to wifi router will receive the full 50 unless any other device is downloading anything in this case the speed splits equally between devices that need connection. As my wifi rout isnt capable of more than 54Mbit/s and i only have 50 broadband (which is a lot faster than country's average) i just dont understand how speed can wary
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  • Reply 18 of 164
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    no issues for me whatsoever. i connect to an Airport wifi router.... did not test the N connection. (didn't even know that the iPad did N)
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  • Reply 19 of 164
    I have 2 wifi routers. One is a G router and the other is an N router that is setup to only allow N connections. The G router and N router work perfectly with my macbook air. The iPad works with the G router but the iPad does not work with the N router. The iPad on the N router shows a connection and it shows full bars of coverage but it never gets a DHCP lease.

    Not a big deal for me... I will just use the G router with the iPad until apple figures out what is wrong.

    The G router is a netgear. The N router is a buffalo router.
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  • Reply 20 of 164
    Could easily be a batch of units with a true problem... More so, with such a secretive testing and release process. Otherwise, a simple perception issue is at least possible. For whatever reason, people seem to get fixated on what the connection icon says as if it's a direct and infallible indicator of the link quality. My experience has been that the signal indicator indicates a weaker signal than I'd expect in most circumstances, but that the performance is fine nonetheless. The only problem I've had with sluggish performance, has been with app store downloads. I assumed that was due to high load though. Web performance seems great. Guess I need to break out a benchmarking app.
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