Prototype iPhone was left at bar by Apple software engineer



  • Reply 21 of 161
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post

    Hahaha... I can only imagine how his day at work went. I've been chewed out before... but damn that would be something else. I mean, Jobs apparently flipped out over someone tweeting with an iPad prototype. He will probably never live it down. Poor bastard.

    In a way, Apple *should* fire him. After what he did, letting him stay on sends an interesting message that runs completely counter to Apple's policies. You either enforce your policies or you risk others not taking them seriously. You can have your 15-minutes of fame by letting your company's prototype lying around. Not good.
  • Reply 22 of 161
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    For the free publicity, Gourmet Haus Staudt should comp beer to Gray Powell for the rest of his life.

    "Hey Gray, this one's on the house! Say, what's that gadget you got there?"

  • Reply 23 of 161
    stormjstormj Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    If this is the new iPhone, I think it was left intentionally for hype. Apple leaks things for publicity.

    Look, I wouldn't rule that possibility out, but I also wouldn't rule out the fact that it was an accident. The number of people that just assume everything is an Apple plot makes me wonder where I can pick up a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Jobzion.
  • Reply 24 of 161
    soskoksoskok Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    How could they remote wipe an iPad that only has wi-fi? A 3G enabled one yes, but I can't think of a way to disable the wi-fi only one. However, you can also take out the SIM card. Either or.

    mac address
  • Reply 25 of 161
    I really feel bad for this kid and I hope he doesn't loose his job. Although if he hasn't lost it by now. I'm sure apple must have been aware that he lost his phone way before all this came out. It does look promising for him. Just don't go and commit suicide like the Chinese do when they f#%* shit up.
  • Reply 26 of 161
    Why would Apple allow a low level software engineer to take the phone off campus? Unless he's some sort of genius prodigy, a 27 year old is likely only a level 2 engineer... Not someone they would let field test such a high profile device...

    He either stole it (smuggled it off campus), or more likely, this whole story is bogus.
  • Reply 27 of 161
    stormjstormj Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    In a way, Apple *should* fire him. After what he did, letting him stay on sends an interesting message that runs completely counter to Apple's policies. You either enforce your policies or you risk others not taking them seriously. You can have your 15-minutes of fame by letting your company's prototype lying around. Not good.

    I guess. I don't have a copy of his employment contract, Apple's employee handbook that relates to him, or any policies that might apply to him. I mean, if he lost the thing simply by being drunk, then that's bad. If he took it off site without permission and lost it drunk, he probably should be canned, yes.

    None of this means I agree with Gizmodo posting his name. Because they're "journalists" they won't reveal the name of the guy who took it... apparently who was able to find out to whom it belonged and still kept it for profit...
  • Reply 28 of 161
    iguesssoiguessso Posts: 132member
    If the phone is to be released this summer Apple by necessity must have the final design done. However that certainly doesn't mean that this is it - it's a mule for testing.

    I totally agree that Gizmodo should not have outed this poor bastard- if the story is true.
  • Reply 29 of 161
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A 27-year-old Apple software engineer who was field testing Apple's unreleased fourth-generation iPhone left the top-secret device sitting on a bar stool after drinking a German beer in Redwood City, California

    Rule #1: Never take top-secret Apple hardware to the bar with you.


    "He sounded tired and broken," Diaz wrote. "But at least, he's alive."

    Tired and broken? Poor guy probably just got the mother of all ass-chewings!
  • Reply 30 of 161
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by BDBLACK;

    Hahaha... I can only imagine how his day at work went. I've been chewed out before... but damn that would be something else. I mean, Jobs apparently flipped out over someone tweeting with an iPad prototype. He will probably never live it down. Poor bastard.

    Kinda what I was thinking. I bet Jobs is freeking out now.

    It's hard to believe they abandone the phone form factor after a billion docks have been sold. Yeah, they changed between 2g an 3g but this is something the tree buggers would cry about.
  • Reply 31 of 161
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by stormj View Post

    None of this means I agree with Gizmodo posting his name. Because they're "journalists" they won't reveal the name of the guy who took it... apparently who was able to find out to whom it belonged and still kept it for profit...

    I agree with you here.
  • Reply 32 of 161
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Story DOESN"T sound right. Unless this is a marketing stunt by APPLE, It's hard to believe.

    In any case be patient only approximately 60 days to go. More important, lets hope APPLE makes us all ecstatic with the new hardware release when it finally comes out. After all this game playing, I would hate to be disappointed as would everyone else.
  • Reply 33 of 161
    CBS TV ran this story tonight and they questioned the authenticity of this Next iPhone...

    Hopefully the general public, the "civilians", are too busy living their ACTUAL LIVES that they missed this story...

    Meanwhile... The competitors are not gonna be to eager to talk about it because:

    it would again put focus on Apple instead of themselves..

    Video Chat -- so so if the competitors start talking about that, it would encourage people not only to buy iPhones now, but not to buy the competing products either...

    For Apple to have this as as a Planted Leak would be risky, cause it would discourage people from buying iPhones now..., and wait instead, which means that they won't be buying Droids etc. until the actual iPhone is introduced!

    The story about the guy getting drunk and losing it is too stupid to be true, but it might be...

    So, I think that Apple has no choice but to issue No Comment! I agree with them saying NOTHING!!!

    It would be nice if the Mac related media would gang up on Gizmodo, and SHAME them for this BELOW THE BELT PR Stunt!!!! All Gizmodo had to do was to contact Apple OFF THE RECORD, collect whatever $$ AFTER the Next iPhone is introduced, on the condition that they do not make this story public!

    Instead they decided to convict themselves as the LOW LIVES of Tech Journalism!!!! Now all who work at Gizmodo might be guilty by association!!!

    If this Apple Employee commits suicide, wouldn't Gizmodo be at least partially responsible for his death!!! What is Gizmodo gonna do then, issue Condolences Statement to his family, and start a Scholarship Fund in that guy's name!?

    Yes, I understand that Apple's secrets are not like National Security, where irresponsible journalism can become TREASON and cause lives, but still... HUMAN DECENCY should have been considered!!! Gizmodo is now a DIRTY WORD!!! Or maybe it always was a DIRTY word...., and I just didn't know any better... I don't even remember if I've even been to their site!

    It would be nice to see if it's SPONSORS pulled their ads from them... But then, if Gizmodo accomplished more traffic to their pages, the sponsors would have a hard time walking away from all those Eye Balls... Except, if Gizmodo is now a DIRTY WORD, and its PR has been damaged, maybe the sponsors will "Think Different", and walk away from those Gizmodo bastards!!! If the sponsors do walk away from Gizmodo, that would send a good message to others not to do this Low Blow "journalizm"....

    At least, after this incident, assuming it's not a hoax, Apple's Secrecy is even more JUSTIFIED!!!

    And speaking of National Security and ALL OUR PRIVACY -- This is even MORE SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course CBS's JUDGEMENT could be questioned by some who'd wonder if such awareness did more harm than good?

    Gizmodo might hide behind a similar question too, where could wonder if this iPhone story did more harm than good?

    And one can only wonder if today's AAPL dip had anything do with Gizmodo's story....

    Shame on your Gizmodo! Rot in hell...!!!!
  • Reply 34 of 161
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by Soskok View Post

    mac address

    So to disable their iPad, they must get through my firewall, break into my network and then disable the iPad? Sounds illegal to me. I doubt an iPad is communicating on a seperate network broadcasting itself just in case mobileme comes knocking.
  • Reply 35 of 161
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    How could they remote wipe an iPad that only has wi-fi? A 3G enabled one yes, but I can't think of a way to disable the wi-fi only one. However, you can also take out the SIM card. Either or.

    Remote wipe has nothing to do with 3G. They only need an internet connection (3G or WiFi) and an Exchange or MobileMe Account on the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch to perform remote wipe, locate, or password lock. I am interested to know why Apple went directly to remote wipe and never tried to locate it or even call the phone first.
  • Reply 36 of 161
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    This is Apple's way of creating hype months in advance to stop people from buying competing smart phones. Microsoft would do this kind of tactic whether they really had a product or not hence the term vaporware. Apple at least really has a product in the wings. I agree with other that Apple purposely let this one loose. What a lame excuse in losing one's phone. If you had said G4 iPhone that could cost you your job if you lost it that you better believe that thing wouldn't leave your body or your thoughts.
  • Reply 37 of 161
    obs1970obs1970 Posts: 22member
    This is an Apple sponsored leak. Here are the reasons:

    1. The last time I lost my iPhone I found it via the mobile me locate your iphone. I doubt a prototype would make it out of Apple's campus without such ability.

    2. Immediately after or around launch of the iPad, Apple introduces iPhone software 4.0 with developers still trying to get their iPad Apps running.

    For some reason, Apple saw the need to redirect the effort on iphones. Maybe the iPad un-intentionally stole all the limelight and hurt sales? who knows?
  • Reply 38 of 161
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by Cesco View Post

    What's "wench" in German?

  • Reply 39 of 161
    Man this thing is ugly. Looks like a cheap imitation WM device. This seriously can't be the new design.
  • Reply 40 of 161
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    I learned one thing from this whole thing.

    At least there's AT&T cellular coverage at Gourmet Haus Staudt!
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