Apple expected to sell 700K+ iPads overseas, beating the Mac



  • Reply 81 of 109
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Extremeskater seems to have avoided the question and pretty much fallen down into switch and bait with casual abuse.

    Anyway.. I accept that your non disclosed usage of computing devices may not find much use for an iPad. You maybe a .net programmer glued to the screen, or a video editor or designing 300dpi+ multilayer print jobs or a 3d animator. It's concievable that you are a balanced fellow and don't spend the non work part of your life at a screen.

    That said, if you have experience then you can also see it's strengths, but for some reason you just feel like being negative.

    I've not seen or used one yet but from observing my changed usage and that of others with an iPhone (not much else to call a usable smartphone in oz) it's bleedingly obvious how interesting the iPad will be.

    I do plan on getting one and with it i know that along with everything the iPhone has taken away from my desktop (mini server) and laptop (17" MBP unibody) I will be adding most word processing, spreadsheets, database entry and calendaring. All that will be left will be dev work. In my case that will be heavy photo work, print design and video editing.

    Don't be too quick to dismiss the iPad's capability for the dev work you mention. There is an iPad app called Air Display:

    It comes with a companion app that runs on a Mac (and soon on Windows). This is the first step in allowing the Mac and the iPad to be co-peripherals to each other.

    What it gives the Mac is:

    -- an additional Display

    -- touch input

    What it potentially gives the iPad is:

    -- a mouse/kb and any other Mac peripherals (scanner, camera, etc.)

    It is totally wireless. It is release 1.0, so it's a little slow and jerky!

    It also needs some fleshing out... but it's a start! I have been able to use the pen (Bezier) tool in both Photoshop and Pages by drawing the points with my finger (or a stylus) on the iPad. You can manipulate the time line in FCP or Motion with your finger on the iPad.

    The apps on the Mac side need to be made more touch-friendly: bigger targets for fingers (buttons, tools, etc.), loupes, etc.

    The Air Display app on the iPad needs a way to handle the kb shortcuts (undo zoom, etc)

    But it certainly is doable.

    Then, there are already some excellent iPad apps for drawing and sketching... you can do things that just cannot be done with a mouse/kb and even some things that cannot be done with a graphics tablet (alone).


    Even having not seen an iPad I am already recommending it in my consultant capacity and the obvious desktop/iPad combo. It is killer across a wide range of industries from server admin to doctor. I will be using it in a business venture to stock take, handle membership, seating plans, present, do email, book acts, manage the online presence and more. I look forward to 2011. Accessories will be out, wired network adaptors, storage, card adaptors and more.

    Those are some excellent iPad app ideas. I've already written a custom iPhone app that allows a mover to wander through your house and tally all the items (pianos, chairs, Pachinko Machines, etc). to be used in preparing a quote. A variant can be used to take menu orders at a crowded drive-in restaurant... where the lines reach far beyond the intercom speakers.

    The seating plan idea is a natural-- you just type up (annotate) little boxes and move 'em around like refrigerator magnets.


    Apple has gone back to the days when companies made computing platforms instead of trying to jam everything into one. It's an important milestone in that respect, it wasn't long ago that people were howling about companies being distracted by feature adding, iPhone OS is refreshing in this way, it allows the soft/hard devs space to make money from extending the device.

    Another more loathed milestone is that the iPad is the first true computing appliance, it's designed for usage not just a workstation that happens to cobble on whatever. Now we finally have three classes of computing device, the server, the workstation (mobile or desktop) and the terminal. True personal computing is the majority of what is done these days. Long gone are the falsely presented romantic days when if you wanted the box to do something you had to write yourself.

    Personal computers, PC's are anything but. They were the rise of the workstation branded as a personal computer to segment the market for business/home. Workstation class computing has a very important role in content creation (Of all types) but the reality is most users are not content developers.

    The even more real truth is that most commentors aren't developers of content either, they pose as such but in the main they are script kiddies, or simply users puffed up cause they know how to overuse filters in Photoshop or learned Flash at school and can't use anything else because sadly they aren't IT savvy. They crap on all right though.

    I for one am grateful for the emergence of true personal computing devices, not scared of it. A true IT savvy person would be aware of the waste of resources and useless complexity that the current workstation class systems offer to achieve quite basic communication and consumption tasks. Such a person, maybe a sys admin would be cheering at how they might implement iPads due to their instant configure, quick wipe, easy lock down, hardened firmware, simple to write corporate access apps, baked in exchange blah blah blah. They would be able to see how using such devices company wide will reduce help desk calls, downtime, service requirents, soe testing and lots more.

    Alas, I'd have to deduce that extremeskater is at the script kiddie level. Enough knowledge to be mildly troublesome and need to have IT fap competitions to prove themselves but not actually very useful or able to think outside their small box provided to them via learning a few applications at college.

    Show us your IT wisdom not your troll twaddle. Show us you can think outside your own trumped up super user facade.

    30 years of IT/media up my sleeve bud. My first computer had a flashing cursor, thank f..k for the iPad, I'm tired of having to be some kind of freak just to read the news or type a letter. Let's me relish the actual times I do hard core dev stuff, the rest of the time I can just get on with the task. Perhaps the computer is about to become an actual tool, not just a foundry for making tools.

    /end story time for the trolls

    Well considered, and well said.

  • Reply 82 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    ...and you wonder why people don't like you!

    When you aren't liked here all that means is you are doing something right. Most of you guys are little whining school girls.
  • Reply 83 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Alas, I'd have to deduce that extremeskater is at the script kiddie level. Enough knowledge to be mildly troublesome and need to have IT fap competitions to prove themselves but not actually very useful or able to think outside their small box provided to them via learning a few applications at college.

    Show us your IT wisdom not your troll twaddle. Show us you can think outside your own trumped up super user facade.

    30 years of IT/media up my sleeve bud. My first computer had a flashing cursor, thank f..k for the iPad, I'm tired of having to be some kind of freak just to read the news or type a letter. Let's me relish the actual times I do hard core dev stuff, the rest of the time I can just get on with the task. Perhaps the computer is about to become an actual tool, not just a foundry for making tools.

    /end story time for the trolls

    Well you have me by a few years and clearly you like to listen to yourself talk but you are still full of shit.

    Having to be a freak just to read the news? Are you joking? The iPad is a toy, it doesn't make technology easy it makes it harder. I has no real file system, I runs an mobile phone OS.

    How freakish do you have to be to understand how to use OSX or Windows? If you have 30 years and its that hard for you to us OSX then someone needs to stop paying you.
  • Reply 84 of 109
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Well you have me by a few years and clearly you like to listen to yourself talk but you are still full of shit.

    Having to be a freak just to read the news? Are you joking? The iPad is a toy, it doesn't make technology easy it makes it harder. I has no real file system, I runs an mobile phone OS.

    How freakish do you have to be to understand how to use OSX or Windows? If you have 30 years and its that hard for you to us OSX then someone needs to stop paying you.

    Point by point:

    Having to wait for your laptop to boot before you can read the news, how freakish is that.

    I can remember, not so long ago, when desktop computers were called toys... I worked at IBM at the time, marketing Mainframes.

    The iPad's purpose is not to make "technology easy", rather its purpose is to make technology get out of the way (to disappear) so the average user can do his thing with his stuff! The iPad, while not perfect, succeeds in this better than any device in history!

    The iPad has a full UNIX file system. The fact that it is hidden from the user is one of the things that makes the iPad easy to use. File systems are in a state of evolution-- metadata, collaboration, cross-application use, cloud computing, synchronization, etc. I think we'll see a different paradigm as files are manipulated and shared in the next decade. Times, they are a-changin... File systems, too.

    The bulk of the earth's billions of people have no need, or desire, to use (or know about) any OS. I can drive a stick shift, but an automatic is more practical for my purposes .

    If you are n years old and so set in your ways that you won't even investigate/consider potentially better alternatives [to your status quo]... then someone needs to stop paying you!

    See how easy that was!

  • Reply 85 of 109
    gariongarion Posts: 62member
    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    If the demand in the international market is any early indicator, they could even exceed that. They've got 7 months left, and they've already sold what... close to 3 million of them?

    Makes me wonder: what's the fastest selling computer or gadget so far? The Nintendo Wii? The Sony Playstation? How many did they sell the first year in the market? And could the iPad break that record?

    The iPhone, which is universally seen as one of the biggest bestsellers ever took 74 days to sell one million. The iPad did that in just 28 days, and it hasn't slowed down one bit. If the iPad does indeed sell 8 million in 9 months wouldn't that be a new record of sorts?
  • Reply 86 of 109
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Garion View Post

    Makes me wonder: what's the fastest selling computer or gadget so far? The Nintendo Wii? The Sony Playstation? How many did they sell the first year in the market? And could the iPad break that record?

    The iPhone, which is universally seen as one of the biggest bestsellers ever took 74 days to sell one million. The iPad did that in just 28 days, and it hasn't slowed down one bit. If the iPad does indeed sell 8 million in 9 months wouldn't that be a new record of sorts?

    Between the iPad announcement and launch many estimated that Apple will sell between 4 to 8 million iPads. The trolls reaction was "it will never happen", "you will be an idiot to buy an iPad", "You guys are living in a dream world", "will never happen", and my favorite "Only fanboys will buy it".

    Now that Apple sold one million in less than a months their reaction is "I don't care", "it doesn't matter", and "I don't base my choice on how many are sold".

    In few years when the iPad growth start slowing, which is normal since the market will reach saturation, they will come back and say "iPad growth is stagnating" and "We've told you no one will buy it", and "it is a flop".

    In short.. Apple is Doomed!?

    This was their reaction to the iPhone and so far it seems we are going the same road again with the iPad
  • Reply 87 of 109
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Between the iPad announcement and launch many estimated that Apple will sell between 4 to 8 million iPads. The trolls reaction was "it will never happen", "you will be an idiot to buy an iPad", "You guys are living in a dream world", "will never happen", and my favorite "Only fanboys will buy it".

    Now that Apple sold one million in less than a months their reaction is "I don't care", "it doesn't matter", and "I don't base my choice on how many are sold".

    In few years when the iPad growth start slowing, which is normal since the market will reach saturation, they will come back and say "iPad growth is stagnating" and "We've told you no one will buy it", and "it is a flop".

    In short.. Apple is Doomed!?

    This was their reaction to the iPhone and so far it seems we are going the same road again with the iPad

    Nice summation of the facts!

    Unfortunately the technobigots lack the perspective and common sense to look beyond their own set of knowledge/beliefs.

    BTW, I am a pretty happy AAPL shareholder!

  • Reply 88 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Point by point:

    Having to wait for your laptop to boot before you can read the news, how freakish is that.

    I can remember, not so long ago, when desktop computers were called toys... I worked at IBM at the time, marketing Mainframes.

    The iPad's purpose is not to make "technology easy", rather its purpose is to make technology get out of the way (to disappear) so the average user can do his thing with his stuff! The iPad, while not perfect, succeeds in this better than any device in history!

    The iPad has a full UNIX file system. The fact that it is hidden from the user is one of the things that makes the iPad easy to use. File systems are in a state of evolution-- metadata, collaboration, cross-application use, cloud computing, synchronization, etc. I think we'll see a different paradigm as files are manipulated and shared in the next decade. Times, they are a-changin... File systems, too.

    The bulk of the earth's billions of people have no need, or desire, to use (or know about) any OS. I can drive a stick shift, but an automatic is more practical for my purposes .

    Oh and to comment on your above post I am also a happy AAPL holder in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    If you are n years old and so set in your ways that you won't even investigate/consider potentially better alternatives [to your status quo]... then someone needs to stop paying you!

    See how easy that was!


    Okay lets go point by point.

    You have to wait for your laptop to boot up? Thats funny have you not heard of sleep mode. You can put any Mac or for that matter any system in sleep mode and it take one click and your system is up.

    Well I still work at IBM installing operating systmes on Mainframes. Its a good job if you can get it. In regards to PC computers they were an advancement in technology, just because something is new doesn't mean its an advancement.

    If technology doesn't make things easier then its not technology. You don't make something to make what you are already doing harder. Lets use Blu ray as an example. When Avatar came out on dvd about half of the Blu ray players couldn't play the disk. So for those people that had to disconnect their player, plug it into their router and download a firmware upgrade, I doubt they thought Blu ray was an advancement in technology.

    The iPad lacks a file system, multi-tasking, Flash support, its not easy to hold, slippery. So to wait an extra 3 seconds for my system to come out of sleep mode doesn't sound like a bad trade off.

    What has happened is the most users have become so dumb down that as long as they get get on facebook or go to all their needs are met. The iPad is great for teens that only do social networks, listen to music or seniors. If you have even mid level needs the iPad does nothing for you.

    Try and get a keynote off your iPad onto your Macbook, it doesn't make the process easier.

    As always on this site most of the people don't even own or have access to the product so they are talking out their ass. They get pissed at me and defend Apple out of blind loyalty.

    Maybe you have an iPad, if you do great then you can debate this with me, but for all the sheep that don't even use the product, just don't even bother posting because you have no clue what you are talking about.

    Its like Windows bashers that haven't used Windows in a decade.

    The iPad is fine. Let me repeat that, the iPad as fine as long as you call a spade a spade. Its nothing more then a big iPod Touch. If you want an iPod Touch with a bigger screen and some extra Apps then its perfect. However lets not call it a computer replacement because it simply isn't.

    The part of me that is set in my way is I only use things that improve upon what I am already using.
  • Reply 89 of 109
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The [spoon] is great for teens that only [eat cereal, soup, or for] seniors. If you have even mid level [cutting] needs the [spoon] does nothing for you.

    You have missed a key fundamental of technology. It's not necessary designed to replace the needs of a different technology, but to accompany it or replace it for very specific uses.

    The Swiss Army Knife fills up a spec list nicely but I can't imagine anyone saying they'd take that over a specific tool designed for specific jobs.
  • Reply 90 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You have missed a key fundamental of technology. It's not necessary designed to replace the needs of a different technology, but to accompany it or replace it for very specific uses.

    The Swiss Army Knife fills up a spec list nicely but I can't imagine anyone saying they'd take that over a specific tool designed for specific jobs.

    You aren't saying anything different then what I am saying. True technology makes what you are already doing easier.

    The iPad is not yet an advancement in technology. People here bash netbooks all the time yet the iPad doesn't even have the power or function of even the most basic netbook.

    That isn't the best example because I know you don't believe the iPad should be running a desktop OS, but the iPad certainly doesn't make easier or more advance for someone like you and I that already own a MBP and a smartphone.

    The iPad as a place as either a luxury add on for users like you and I or it meets the needs of the most basic user and I meand the a very basic user if that is going to be any kind of system replacement.

    Even putting the OS aside the "power" of the iPad. A Slate isn't the most comfortable device to hold or use. That is why Apple has them setup at their stores on perfectly designed stands. A case is pretty much a must as are other accessories. The iPad is fragile, slipper and not the easiest by any means to use long term unless you are sitting down with it at an angle on your lap.

    So thats why I say unless people actually own one and use it one they needs to stop bashing everytime someone doesn't get down on their knees and call it the best device ever made.

    The iPad has some very good points but like I said lets call it what it really is. I wish in the long run Quadra was right and it was more of a system replacement but it isn't by any stretch.
  • Reply 91 of 109
    gchristegchriste Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I wish in the long run Quadra was right and it was more of a system replacement but it isn't by any stretch.

    Please please please... stop lumping US all in with YOU! I personally know several people who since their iPad arrived weeks ago have not had the need to boot up their MPBs since. Yes they will need them for the hard core heavy lifting, programming, video editing etc, sure, but for the vast majority of their leisure time or general web time, no need at all.

    Just because YOU do not see it being a system replacement, do not generalise that there are a whole bunch of people out the for who it is, my folks included!

    All you are trying to do is ram your view of it down our through, and we are trying to do the same back to try and sway your opinion. Let's just all agree that neither side will budge, and stop polluting the informed discussion.

    Edit, just to add to the above, a random quote on my local forums from someone..

    "The opposite. I sold my netbook within a week of getting the iPad and have not regretted it for one minute. Even at over the odds I payed to be one of the first to get it 7 weeks ago."
  • Reply 92 of 109
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Nice summation of the facts!

    Unfortunately the technobigots lack the perspective and common sense to look beyond their own set of knowledge/beliefs.

    BTW, I am a pretty happy AAPL shareholder!


    They feel threatened, I think, by anything that might make their particular skills less valuable or necessary. In a basic way, it's an understandable defense mechanism. Not that we have to accept it. We can still decide who is right about the future and where it is to be found.

    For those of who've been around, we see the familiar refrains -- the technorati are saying precisely the same things about the iPad that they said about the Mac, 25 years ago.

    BTW, good quote from Doc Searles. I met him a number of years ago at MWSF. We had a very nice chat. An interesting person.
  • Reply 93 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by gchriste View Post

    Please please please... stop lumping US all in with YOU! I personally know several people who since their iPad arrived weeks ago have not had the need to boot up their MPBs since. Yes they will need them for the hard core heavy lifting, programming, video editing etc, sure, but for the vast majority of their leisure time or general web time, no need at all.

    Just because YOU do not see it being a system replacement, do not generalise that there are a whole bunch of people out the for who it is, my folks included!

    All you are trying to do is ram your view of it down our through, and we are trying to do the same back to try and sway your opinion. Let's just all agree that neither side will budge, and stop polluting the informed discussion.

    Edit, just to add to the above, a random quote on my local forums from someone..

    "The opposite. I sold my netbook within a week of getting the iPad and have not regretted it for one minute. Even at over the odds I payed to be one of the first to get it 7 weeks ago."

    Hardcore heavy lifting? Its hardcore to even take you seriously. Hardcore like putting something in a folder. How about hardcore like running more then one thing at once. How about hardcore like using sites that require Flash. How about real hardcore stuff like working on a keynote and streaming music at the same time. The iPad can not do any of the above. Also there isn't anything hardcore or even mid level about any of the above.

    These are requirements that my 13 year old daughter needs and wants. They aren't even my requirements. So if you have requirements less then that of a middle school student then who is really the outlier? Certainly not me in this conversation.

    Middle school students these days needs to be able to use file systems, know how to manage folders, create Powerpoints/keynotes and then burn them to disks for their teachers. So an iPad can not even meet the basic daily needs of the average middle school student. It is not a computer replacement.

    Damn that some hardcore stuff.
  • Reply 94 of 109
    gchristegchriste Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Hardcore heavy lifting? Its hardcore to even take you seriously. Hardcore like putting something in a folder. How about hardcore like running more then one thing at once. How about hardcore like using sites that require Flash. How about real hardcore stuff like working on a keynote and streaming music at the same time. The iPad can not do any of the above. Also there isn't anything hardcore or even mid level about any of the above.

    These are requirements that my 13 year old daughter needs and wants. They aren't even my requirements. So if you have requirements less then that of a middle school student then who is really the outlier? Certainly not me in this conversation.

    Middle school students these days needs to be able to use file systems, know how to manage folders, create Powerpoints/keynotes and then burn them to disks for their teachers. So an iPad can not even meet the basic daily needs of the average middle school student. It is not a computer replacement.

    Damn that some hardcore stuff.

    You are kidding with the reference to schools right? The government here has just purchase 500, yes 500, for an initial trial to use them in classrooms to replace textbooks completely. Tell me the school kids are going to say no thanks because the can't access a file system!

    I think you are showing your biases with all this talk about file systems... the mainframe business not what it once was?

    Sorry, should sop stooping to your level
  • Reply 95 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by gchriste View Post

    You are kidding with the reference to schools right? The government here has just purchase 500, yes 500, for an initial trial to use them in classrooms to replace textbooks completely. Tell me the school kids are going to say no thanks because the can't access a file system!

    I think you are showing your biases with all this talk about file systems... the mainframe business not what it once was?

    Sorry, should sop stooping to your level

    WOW a whole 500. That isn't even half the population at one school. The average school in GA as between 1000-1200 students.

    So clearly I am not the one thats having problems understanding what the basic needs of students are these days. Stoop to my level? On your best day you don't have 5% of my technical ability.
  • Reply 96 of 109
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    While I like my iPad and have been using one since the day it was released no matter what the numbers are, it is still just a big iPod Touch that doesn't play Flash.

    Also while it comes in handy at times I use my MBP 98% of the time. The iPad just doesn't really cut it for anything except web surfing and ereading.

    You are borderline the worst poster here. Had to take you off ignore for a minute just to add my two cents to this unignorable post.
  • Reply 97 of 109
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    You are borderline the worst poster here. Had to take you off ignore for a minute just to add my two cents to this unignorable post.

    You didn't even add 2 cent. You said nothing. Which is typical for you.
  • Reply 98 of 109
    gchristegchriste Posts: 43member
    Apple just announced 2M sold in 60 days
  • Reply 99 of 109
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Garion View Post

    Makes me wonder: what's the fastest selling computer or gadget so far? The Nintendo Wii? The Sony Playstation? How many did they sell the first year in the market? And could the iPad break that record?

    This was discussed a month or so ago in this forum. Someone provided numbers for the Wii, Playstation, and xBox.

    I believe that of all electronic gadgets, the iPhone 3GS was the fastest to 1 million sold. The iPad was #2.

    Originally Posted by bartfat View Post

    Actually 10 million looks conservative now, since we're counting internationally. It might sell 15 million by the end of the year!

    I agree that the demand will be there, but I'm not sure that the production capacity is there to meet the demand. It appears that demand will exceed supply for quite a while. Considering that the holidays and back to school are still ahead of us, I suspect that there will be quite a few disappointed people come Christmas.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    For those that would to take advantage of what a desktop has to offer (larger screen) then an iPad would be a good option. I am in the same situation as you, the iPad doesn't really fill a gap for me seeing I am always using my mobile and MBP.

    The reality is I use it because it was given to our group at work. So if someone is going to hand me a 64gb iPad i'm not going to turn it down.

    The reality is that you are completely incapable of understanding someone who is not a geek. No one ever claimed that the iPad was for everyone (except idiot trolls). The iPad serves a great niche both for people who don't have another computer but who has limited needs (typical user: my 80 year old mother) or for people who do have another computer but want a lightweight content delivery device (typical user, my daughter). And the market seems to be agreeing that the demand for this type of device is immense.

    I really have to wonder what kind of psychological disorder creates trolls. It's not hard to understand someone who likes a product and wants to talk about their experiences. But to go to an Apple forum simply to pi$$ and moan about how you think a product is no good and to spend countless hours badmouthing a product that you would never buy (and are proud of saying you would never buy) clearly indicates some kind of psychosis. Maybe it's Narcissistic Personality Disorder (where the person believes that the world revolves around them and that nothing outside of their experience has any validity). Or maybe it's a Sadism complex with the need to inflict pain on others. Or maybe it's simply that you're incapable of dealing with change.

    In any event, it's really sad so see how many people spend so much time spreading lies and FUD about products simply because they're not right for them. Sorry, but there are billions of people in the world and they are not all going to be like you. Thank goodness.
  • Reply 100 of 109
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Started a new thread on the 2 million sold figure...
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