Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 181 of 418
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Very convienent that your decision is on hold, you can't buy them anywhere because they're still sold out.

    The whole issue is bullshit, I've tried it on 3 iPhones so far, it doesn't lose reception, and I guarantee my hands are bigger than yours. I can cover all the metal surrounding the phone, and no signal loss.

    This is a total fabricated non-issue. So tired of pathetic whiners, if it's not Verizon, it's the price, if it's not price, it's some other 'horrible' Apple crime or Steve Jobs related 'crime'.

    You probably were never going to buy one, but here you are groaning about something you know NOTHING about. Or are you here to take out your frustration that you cant buy one without waiting, that you'd rather rain on everyone's parade? Nobody wants to hear what you aren't going to do or what y ou aren't going to buy. Further... I'm sure you're better off not having any communications device, because your 'content' is below par and a total disappointment to those who've been on the recording end. Until you clean up your act and come clean with the flaws in your design, we shouldn't have to be exposed to the obviously flawed product you manufacture.

    The issue is NOT bullshit. You are just looking at the bars. So if you are in a high enough signal area, a drop of 24 dB may still leave you with strong signal.

    Not only can I (an extreme Apple fanboy) duplicate the problem (now that I removed the bumper and held it just so) but a scientific measurement of signal attenuation was performed for multiple phones held in a death grip. (This is much better than simply counting bars.) iPhone 4 was the worst of the bunch, and the attenuation was 24dB. However, I am waiting for someone to do a comparison of how well the phone picks up signals to begin with (before the attenuation). The external position of the antenna should mitigate some of this loss.

  • Reply 182 of 418
    lee1977lee1977 Posts: 11member
    Not sure what all the fuss is about I have had an Iphone 4 since day one and have had no issues with it neither has my brother!!

    I am not using a bumper as I don't like them so if this is such an issue I should have had a problem by now!!
  • Reply 183 of 418
    In other news, Toyota spokesperson Yoki Watsamatta has said that after thorough investigation, the company advises that car owners avoid touching their cars with their feet at, or near, the gas peddle to avoid the sudden acceleration. He emphasized that the problem can only be reproduced if a foot touch the gas peddle, and then not with every car all of the time. However, avoiding the behavior of touching the gas peddle works 100% of the time in not causing the alleged problem.

  • Reply 184 of 418
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by Certified View Post

    i am refering to the bare hand on the antenna issue all 50/50 loose signal and drop calls, we have over 1500 documented calls dropped by iPhone4 phones.

    and Apple/ATT will not exchange or accept a return without a fee.

    You are full of it. They will return your money over this.

    If any of you sad clowns need a refund you can walk into an Apple Store and get one. While you're there, you can try one of the many display phones to replicate the issue.

    Other than that, you may want to think about other areas of your life or character that need replacing. You can also try not talking, might solve a lot of you iPhone and other issues.
  • Reply 185 of 418
    This clinches it. Collectively, iPhone users are officially the whiniest spoiled little assholes on the planet. They have owned the phone LESS THAN A WEEK. Apple could be working on a software fix right now. They are still in the return window. Complain to the right people and you can get that restocking fee waived.

    That and they'd rather scream and cry for a lawsuit instead of hopping on eBay and spending $5 on a case for a $200+ item. You can say that they shouldn't have to buy a case, but if they're this pissed off, I'd think they'd be happy for something that's an easy fix. You don't have to buy the overpriced cases in the Apple Store. Hell, a small piece of clear tape can fix the problem. It's a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place, of course, but seriously, a lawsuit when it's cake to just get around the problem for the time being? REALLY?

    Jobs is playing it down, but it's generally Apple policy to deny there's a problem until they have a fix for it. With all the negative press, you're nuts if you think that they're not working on this as we type.

    If we've become this spoiled then our society deserves to fail. What a bunch of snotty little yuppies.
  • Reply 186 of 418
    Originally Posted by applestockholder View Post

    In other news, Toyota spokesperson Yoki Watsamatta has said that after thorough investigation, the company advises that car owners avoid touching their cars with their feet at, or near, the gas peddle to avoid the sudden acceleration. He emphasized that the problem can only be reproduced if a foot touch the gas peddle, and then not with every car all of the time. However, avoiding the behavior of touching the gas peddle works 100% of the time in not causing the alleged problem.

    You're not going to die and possibly get other people killed when your iPhone drops a call.
  • Reply 187 of 418
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    You are full of it. They will return your money over this.

    If any of you sad clowns need a refund you can walk into an Apple Store and get one. While you're there, you can try one of the many display phones to replicate the issue.

    Other than that, you may want to think about other areas of your life or character that need replacing. You can also try not talking, might solve a lot of you iPhone and other issues.

    ok so 50 different iPhones, ATT and Apple both admit the issue we have it in writing as we are a corporate customer... you are a Jerk and must be sleeping with Jobs.
  • Reply 188 of 418
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    I'm sure the lawsuits coming are not surprising. So what is the fix for those with reception issues? New phone? Just return the phone? Unfortunately there is no money-back guarantee in many countries iPhone will launch in over the next several months. Well, I'm on the sidelines playing with my iPad in the meantime watching this bruhaha. Ireland, oh Ireland, how I knew thee...
  • Reply 189 of 418
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Why do people assume that lefties hold the phone with their left hand? I actually hold my phone with my right hand thus leaving my left hand free to operate the phone. But then, that's just me. If anything, I would think righties would be the ones holding the phone in their left hands.

    Actually, I'm a rightie who holds the phone to my right ear. I think most righties use their left ear so that they can take notes with their right hand.

    But in any event, if I hold the phone in the now legendary 'Death Grip', I can't use the phone, not because of any signal loss, but because that puts my fingers between my ear and the phone.

    I've always held my iPhone in my fingertips for calling, and laying in the palm of my hand for data interaction, not crushed in my fist.

    This whole thing reminds me so much of the old joke...

    Patient: "Doc... it hurts when I do this." (holding arms over head in silly pose.)

    Doctor: "Then don't do that."
  • Reply 190 of 418
    mjpacimjpaci Posts: 79member
    The only people who benefit from Class Action Law Suits are the lawyers. Some of the charges leveled in the suit are preposterous -- it's a fishing expedition.

    Someone always has an axe to grind.

    I am just waiting for my VZW contract to end before I get an iPhone -- only another couple of months.

    (Apparently this is only a problem for left handed people...)

  • Reply 191 of 418
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Very convienent that your decision is on hold, you can't buy them anywhere because they're still sold out.

    The whole issue is bullshit, I've tried it on 3 iPhones so far, it doesn't lose reception, and I guarantee my hands are bigger than yours. I can cover all the metal surrounding the phone, and no signal loss.

    This is a total fabricated non-issue. So tired of pathetic whiners, if it's not Verizon, it's the price, if it's not price, it's some other 'horrible' Apple crime or Steve Jobs related 'crime'.

    You probably were never going to buy one, but here you are groaning about something you know NOTHING about. Or are you here to take out your frustration that you cant buy one without waiting, that you'd rather rain on everyone's parade? Nobody wants to hear what you aren't going to do or what y ou aren't going to buy. Further... I'm sure you're better off not having any communications device, because your 'content' is below par and a total disappointment to those who've been on the recording end. Until you clean up your act and come clean with the flaws in your design, we shouldn't have to be exposed to the obviously flawed product you manufacture.

    I walked into an AT&T store, went to the demo model, and put one fingertip over the antenna gap in the lower left. The bars dropped to almost nothing. Take it off, the bars come up. Put it back, the bars drop. There is certainly an issue here. I'll be getting one anyway because I don't mind buying a case, which fixes the problem, but there is an issue. It's not worth this level of screaming and crying and lawsuits, but it is certainly not fabricated.
  • Reply 192 of 418
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Hey, everyone who bought an iPhone 4, you still have 24 days to return it for a FULL REFUND! There is no need to sue Apple. Just get your money back and get a life.

    Yep and there's no restocking fee as the suit claims. Guess they were too busy looking for proof that this is an inherent and known design flaw to bother checking that factoid.

    Also, did we ever see the actual email that got the 'then you are holding it wrong' reply. I really wonder if the tone of that message put Jobs in a defensive mood and that's why he turned on a little snark with his typical curt tone.

    As for the 'unnatural', clutching it down at the bottom so my fingers or hand are covering the breaks seems more unnatural. As does gripping it like I'm trying to break it. Which is what I've seen in all these videos and photos.

    And with several reports that the bar readout when down but nothing actually happened with the reception. and reports that many of these 'victims' had the same issue with all their phones and/or have crappy reception in general. I really wonder how far these suits will go. Especially without the smoking gun memo from Jobs to the engineers that they are going to release the phone despite a serious issue with the antennae
  • Reply 193 of 418
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    This is getting good

    Steve Jobs to Angry iPhone 4 User: "Relax, it's just a phone."

    "Retire, relax, enjoy your family. It is just a phone. Not worth it."

    Will Steve take his own advice?
  • Reply 194 of 418
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Apple needs to grow up. This is good. In any case, the lawyers will make their money.
  • Reply 195 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by Thefinaleofseem View Post

    This clinches it. Collectively, iPhone users are officially the whiniest spoiled little assholes on the planet. They have owned the phone LESS THAN A WEEK. Apple could be working on a software fix right now. They are still in the return window. Complain to the right people and you can get that restocking fee waived.

    That and they'd rather scream and cry for a lawsuit instead of hopping on eBay and spending $5 on a case for a $200+ item. You can say that they shouldn't have to buy a case, but if they're this pissed off, I'd think they'd be happy for something that's an easy fix. You don't have to buy the overpriced cases in the Apple Store. Hell, a small piece of clear tape can fix the problem. It's a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place, of course, but seriously, a lawsuit when it's cake to just get around the problem for the time being? REALLY?

    Jobs is playing it down, but it's generally Apple policy to deny there's a problem until they have a fix for it. With all the negative press, you're nuts if you think that they're not working on this as we type.

    If we've become this spoiled then our society deserves to fail. What a bunch of snotty little yuppies.

    Is it too much to ask them to at least publically acknowledge there is an issue and that they are working on it and WILL come up with a solution. I think that's all anyone wants or expects. We don't expect perfect phones (although there is certainly evidence that Apple knew this would be a problem before the release, but kept mum and sold it anyway). Instead we get denials that there is an issue, ridiculously insulting emails from Jobs and everyone in limbo wondering what if anything will be done. Apple policy is the problem here, and they're being called on it when a huge issue has come up.
  • Reply 196 of 418
    snookiesnookie Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    LOL this is ridiculous.

    even if you bought the iPhone 4 on the first day, you still have WEEKS of time to return it.

    Have fun explaining to the court why you choose to sue instead of simply return the merchandize.

    But frankly I would not be surprised if there are zero plaintiffs in this case.

    Or you can pay the ETF, sell it on eBay and still make hundreds of dollars over your cost for phone and etf.
  • Reply 197 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Yep and there's no restocking fee as the suit claims. Guess they were too busy looking for proof that this is an inherent and known design flaw to bother checking that factoid.

    Also, did we ever see the actual email that got the 'then you are holding it wrong' reply. I really wonder if the tone of that message put Jobs in a defensive mood and that's why he turned on a little snark with his typical curt tone.

    As for the 'unnatural', clutching it down at the bottom so my fingers or hand are covering the breaks seems more unnatural. As does gripping it like I'm trying to break it. Which is what I've seen in all these videos and photos.

    And with several reports that the bar readout when down but nothing actually happened with the reception. and reports that many of these 'victims' had the same issue with all their phones and/or have crappy reception in general. I really wonder how far these suits will go. Especially without the smoking gun memo from Jobs to the engineers that they are going to release the phone despite a serious issue with the antennae

    Where the hell do you get this? Apple's own website states there is a 10% restocking fee on all open iPhones!!
  • Reply 198 of 418
    snookiesnookie Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    "Retire, relax, enjoy your family. It is just a phone. Not worth it."

    Will Steve take his own advice?

    What if i have a family emergency and can't reach anyone?
  • Reply 199 of 418
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Enough already! I give up. AppleInsider has become a crap magnet for Apple bashing. And any link to Gizcommode is a waste of time to read. They obviously have a vendetta with Apple. If misery loves company, you are at the right place. Enjoy!
  • Reply 199 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by snookie View Post

    Or you can pay the ETF, sell it on eBay and still make hundreds of dollars over your cost for phone and etf.

    You'd need to make at least $750 just to break even.
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