Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 201 of 418
    voltaicvoltaic Posts: 13member
    Maybe it's just me, but no matter what Apple does anymore, the storm of haters with their apparently boundless vitriol seems to just keep growing and growing.

    I think if I were Jobs I'd ditch the Apple CEO gig and go into philanthropy or maybe other kinds of tech ventures...lots of other things he can do that have even more rewards without the ever expanding sh*tstorm of psychopathic customers to put up with.
  • Reply 202 of 418
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    The issue is NOT bullshit. You are just looking at the bars. So if you are in a high enough signal area, a drop of 24 dB may still leave you with strong signal.

    Not only can I (an extreme Apple fanboy) duplicate the problem (now that I removed the bumper and held it just so) but a scientific measurement of signal attenuation was performed for multiple phones held in a death grip. (This is much better than simply counting bars.) iPhone 4 was the worst of the bunch, and the attenuation was 24dB. However, I am waiting for someone to do a comparison of how well the phone picks up signals to begin with (before the attenuation). The external position of the antenna should mitigate some of this loss.


    Oh so in areas with low cell signal, you might drop some calls? Wow, yeah thats a real flaw.

    It will also drop your Wifi connection in areas with poor wifi reception. I'm looking at an iPhone 4 with 2-3 bars. I've wrapped my hands around the whole damn thing for 2 minutes, and no signal loss. No bumpers. Maybe your hands are filthy or excessively sweaty? Maybe you're holding the phone upside down, that might be why you are having trouble making calls. Lying might be the problem too.

    24db? You'll lose 20-30db in call volume by moving the speaker 1/4 inch off center from your ear. Oooo design flaw... Apple is doomed!
  • Reply 203 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Certified View Post

    Confirmed with ATT over air connection lost and call dropped ... you must really love Apple or work for them.. i had less issue with ATT and Apple admitting it is there problem and they are working on it I am sure as we are a very large company and both Apple and ATT make very large sums of money from us they will eventually get over denial and give out free bumpers...

    Well, I don't see how they can refuse to accept returns without fee if you can demonstrate that these are actual dropped calls and in significantly higher numbers than with previous iPhones. They might be reluctant, but I think they'd pretty much have to, especially since you do so much business with them. Who are you actually (or primarily) dealing with on the issue, Apple or AT&T?
  • Reply 204 of 418
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by lee1977 View Post

    Not sure what all the fuss is about I have had an Iphone 4 since day one and have had no issues with it neither has my brother!!

    I am not using a bumper as I don't like them so if this is such an issue I should have had a problem by now!!

    Good for you (both)... as for many others - they're not so pleased.
  • Reply 205 of 418
    Originally Posted by Captain J View Post

    Is it too much to ask them to at least publically acknowledge there is an issue and that they are working on it and WILL come up with a solution. I think that's all anyone wants or expects. We don't expect perfect phones (although there is certainly evidence that Apple knew this would be a problem before the release, but kept mum and sold it anyway). Instead we get denials that there is an issue, ridiculously insulting emails from Jobs and everyone in limbo wondering what if anything will be done. Apple policy is the problem here, and they're being called on it when a huge issue has come up.

    Jobs emails aren't exactly official PR statements. Yes, they wind up everywhere, but they're not official Apple policy and it's silly to take them as such.

    Like I said, there's no way they're just going to deny it until the end of time. You're nuts if you think a solution isn't in the works.

    It still isn't worth the level of crying and lawsuits we're seeing.
  • Reply 206 of 418
    nicolbolasnicolbolas Posts: 254member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    FFS, the iPhone 4 has been out all of a week; if a person is having unforeseen problems, RETURN YOUR DAMN PHONE! If the judges have any sense they'll throw these lawsuits out instantly, knowing full well they're all filed well within the 30-day return period. Lawsuits like these are for products that are widely defective after the warranty has expired, not three damn days after you bought the damn thing. Greedy blood-sucking lawyers.

    A. apple is charging restocking fees on a product that does is not fully functional...

    also to adress other topics:

    1- other phones lose reception if u hold it certain ways.

    reply- these phones do not lose all there reception

    2- its a software issue

    reply- this may partially be true and a update may solve some of these issues, but its

    at least partially software

    3- get a apple bumper

    reply- WTF, WTH DO THEY MAKE THESE, you can get a full case for the phone at under

    $30 in USA, the bumper costs $30 and only covers the sides.

    4- just hold it differently

    reply- here i just freaking wanta cry, you should be able to hold and use a phone

    the way you want to

    5- Judges should dismiss this case

    reply- only if AT&T offers no charge for service and Apple does not charge a restocking


    have a good time... (i do hope that most of these issues get resolved )
  • Reply 207 of 418
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Have you actually determined that the dropped calls are due to the antenna issue and not the proximity sensor issue? The reason I suspect this is a report from someone (I can't remember who, or exactly where) who claimed to have dropped calls due to the antenna issue, yet, an examination of the phone logs showed no "dropped" calls. So perhaps the problem is actually accidental hangups due to the proximity sensor issue. Obviously not ideal at the moment, but that issue will probably be fixed in software.

    EDIT: I notice you say, "1500 documented calls dropped by iPhone4 phones," which may indicate you have determined that it isn't the proximity sensor. Anyway, just curious, how does this compare to the number of dropped calls per phone for previous iPhones, and previous iPhones used by the same people. If the rates are significantly higher/phone for same user phones, I think you could make a pretty strong case for a return without a fee.

    1,500 dropped calls? That sounds like an improvement for AT&T.

    Seriously now, that has been experience. I blamed AT&T because I had full bars on my phone, but it's clear now that it was the proximity sensor no turning off the touch panel causing me to hit Mute or End Call.

    PS: Wait, where is the class action for the proximity sensor? I guarantee that affects more users and that requires me to hold the phone differently on a call to not disconnect it.
  • Reply 208 of 418
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I find it very ignorant and petty of you to be making such accusations against ALL Americans, for there are some out there that do think it's a crime to award money settlement for spilling hot coffee in thier lap and blaming McDonalds for it.

    Actually, there are plenty of people who think it was absolutely proper to award damages for handing scalding liquids, FAR above temperatures suitable for use, to people in a car.

    McDonalds cranked up the temperature to increase throughput, and endangered their customers.

    People can disagree on that, but its been turned into a meme about frivolous litigation without merit.
  • Reply 209 of 418
    Originally Posted by snookie View Post


    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    "Retire, relax, enjoy your family. It is just a phone. Not worth it."

    Will Steve take his own advice?

    What if i have a family emergency and can't reach anyone?

    I guess if you follow Steve's advice you'll just call them on your HTC. It doesn't matter which one you use. It is just a phone.
  • Reply 210 of 418
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by DarenDino View Post

    My girlfriend has one with Orange - and she cannot get a signal when she holds it. So I have gone off buying one now.

    I am staying the fuck on this bandwagon !

    Kids, Kids! No need to argue, it's just a phone! Apple is doomed?
  • Reply 211 of 418
    freddychfreddych Posts: 266member
    Originally Posted by Thefinaleofseem View Post

    Jobs emails aren't exactly official PR statements. Yes, they wind up everywhere, but they're not official Apple policy and it's silly to take them as such.

    Like I said, there's no way they're just going to deny it until the end of time. You're nuts if you think a solution isn't in the works.

    It still isn't worth the level of crying and lawsuits we're seeing.

    The problem with this argument is that it ignores the possibility that Jobs KNOWS that the emails that he sends to individual customers will end up on blogs as a sort of de-facto public statement.

    He'd be very naive to think that these emails were just private correspondence. After all, it has happened many times before and he is a public figure.
  • Reply 212 of 418
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by Voltaic View Post

    Maybe it's just me, but no matter what Apple does anymore, the storm of haters with their apparently boundless vitriol seems to just keep growing and growing.

    I think if I were Jobs I'd ditch the Apple CEO gig and go into philanthropy or maybe other kinds of tech ventures...lots of other things he can do that have even more rewards without the ever expanding sh*tstorm of psychopathic customers to put up with.

    Yeah, it's all sour grapes. Apple is always out to get them, I believe its a personal defect possibly stemming from a combination of isolation and feelings of insecurity. Not having a healthy social life can make it difficult to place calls on an iPhone.

    It's possible that Steve Jobs is some sort of vampire that thrives of the misery of brats with entitlement issues. He probably has a secret volcano island lair filled with products that he hordes to keep the unwashed (and lonely, paranoid, mal-adjusted, sick) 'masses' unhappy. The real iPhone 4, a Verizon phone that only cost $1 for el cheapo babies, an $800 mac pro tower, an Apple TV with DVR capailities, the mythic Powerbook G5 and G6!
  • Reply 212 of 418
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    24db? You'll lose 20-30db in call volume by moving the speaker 1/4 inch off center from your ear. Oooo design flaw... Apple is doomed!

    Are you really trying to compare a 20-30db call volume loss in an earpiece when you move it away from your ear to a critical 24db reception loss for it's cellular receiver due to attenuation ? LOL! This is the funnest thing I heard all day !!! You made my day...LOL !! This shows you are really clueless in cell phone technology. You pull out all the stops to support Apple and it shows !!!
  • Reply 214 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by Thefinaleofseem View Post

    Jobs emails aren't exactly official PR statements. Yes, they wind up everywhere, but they're not official Apple policy and it's silly to take them as such.

    Like I said, there's no way they're just going to deny it until the end of time. You're nuts if you think a solution isn't in the works.

    It still isn't worth the level of crying and lawsuits we're seeing.

    Maybe, but as people only have a limited time to return the phone, are we just supposed to trust Apple that they'll have something for us before then?

    I do think they're trying to resolve it, but I also think there is a decent chance the issue is unresolavable with the current hardware. If so, Apple would be faced with designing a whole new iPhone, manufacturing it and replacing millions of the current ones. How likely do you think that to be. The altenative would be a recall that likely would leave people without phones for a period of time.

    What really bugs me is that signal experts predicted this before the phones were ever released. Apple had to have known there was an issue, but sold them anyway without a word of warning. The bumpers being on sale at the same time, the first iPhone case ever from Apple is also a good indicator they knew they'd be issues. Imagine they designed a case to cover just the part of the phone that causes the problem. Coincidence, I think not.

    Thus, their track record for honesty and integrity is already very much in doubt. Hence the quick lawsuits and customer rage.
  • Reply 215 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Actually, there are plenty of people who think it was absolutely proper to award damages for handing scalding liquids, FAR above temperatures suitable for use, to people in a car.

    McDonalds cranked up the temperature to increase throughput, and endangered their customers.

    People can disagree on that, but its been turned into a meme about frivolous litigation without merit.

    Well, it's also the case that the original award was substantially reduced by the judge, then, the parties settled on some other undisclosed, and very likely smaller, amount. McDonald's could also have simply avoided the whole mess by agreeing to pay the woman's medical expenses, as she originally requested, which only amounted to a few thousand dollars.
  • Reply 216 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Yeah, it's all sour grapes. Apple is always out to get them, I believe its a personal defect possibly stemming from a combination of isolation and feelings of insecurity. Not having a healthy social life can make it difficult to place calls on an iPhone.

    It's possible that Steve Jobs is some sort of vampire that thrives of the misery of brats with entitlement issues. He probably has a secret volcano island lair filled with products that he hordes to keep the unwashed (and lonely, paranoid, mal-adjusted, sick) 'masses' unhappy. The real iPhone 4, a Verizon phone that only cost $1 for el cheapo babies, an $800 mac pro tower, an Apple TV with DVR capailities, the mythic Powerbook G5 and G6!

    Right, considering many of us have been buying Apple products religiously for over 25 years.
  • Reply 217 of 418
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Captain J View Post

    Every indication they're giving us is that they consider the users to be the problem. They set the tone of these issues, not me. Two minutes from Job's acknowleding issues and a full fledge effort to solve them would have saved Apple incalculable bad feelings and circumvented the anger and rage from their customers who feel duped and left out in the cold.

    The 'anger and rage' is largely from people who don't feel fulfilled unless they're feeling 'anger and rage'.

    Nothing Apple or Jobs says could have or would have assuaged those who desperately wanted to find fault with this product.

    Also, the 'anger and rage' is largely on forums such as this, or in articles fed to the NYTimes by Gizmodo.

    Most people understand that moving your fingers a couple of centimeters is not somehow on the par with Toyota or BP as folks on this list seem to think.

    Again, trade-off... the external antenna greatly improves reception, the big source of 'anger and rage' last time around.h
  • Reply 218 of 418
    This could be bad karma for throwing all those china men off of the rooftops. Maybe the people working in the factory got a little payback for being treated like slaves and sabotaged the phones. Yeah it's my first post and somewhat negative,but the truth hurts.......Yes I own an iphone, imac and an ipad and I do not own a pc.
  • Reply 219 of 418
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Are you really trying to compare a 20-30db call volume loss in an earpiece when you move it away from your ear to a critical 20-30db reception loss for it's cellular receiver ? LOL. This is the funnest things I heard all day !!! LOL This shows you are really clueless in cell phone technology.

    And you're going to impress me with 24db loss of a cell phone signal? Move behind a tree? Or your car? Turn your head. Get real "Mr. Wizard".

    Got a problem? Make a Genius Bar appointment and get a clue.

    You're obviously armed with a few sentences of techno speak from some article you just read, why don't you go make cell phone to suit your needs?

    But more importantly, how does it make you feel that your iPhone isn't working, while mine is? Are your partners experiencing a 24db loss of adequacy?
  • Reply 220 of 418
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    What a travesty that people who already buy a case for their phone have to buy a case for their phone. I get BETTER reception with my iPhone 4 than I ever did with my original iPhone. These lawsuits just prove that 1) lawyers always find a way to make money, and 2) how many people have no common sense on how to hold a cell phone. If you smother it in your hand, you will block the signal, on any phone. I palmed my original iPhone and the signal went down. Why didn't anyone sue then? Was it because the black plastic piece actually made your brain understand that the antenna was behind that panel? The iPhone 4 is just too complicated for you to figure out where the antenna is? I hold the phone with three fingers on the right side and my thumb on the left side, and I am not blocking the antenna, and it is not awkward at all.

    This lawsuit will prove what fools people are. The FCC doesn't care how you hold a phone. They require the antenna to be at the bottom of a cell phone, in order to keep it as far away from your brain as possible, because some fool claimed cell phones caused cancer. Apple will prove that the phone meets FCC requirements and will probably settle out so people can get their $29 bumper for free.

    The lawsuit claims people paid a "premium" price for the phone? $199 and $299 is now considered a premium price? That is the same price as every other full featured smartphone, and far less than the original iPhone that required a full purchase price.

    What is really BS is that CA required sales tax to be calculated on the FULL price of the phone, not the $299 subsidized price. Other states do not have that requirement. So how is that for getting screwed?

    Looking at my iPhone 4 now, I have 5 bars with 3G in a rural area outside of Los Angeles. Sorry, I don't see a reception problem.
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