Numerous users are reporting vastly diminshed battery time on both the 3GS and the 4 with iOS 4.
The battery meter on my 3GS with iOS4 installed seems a bit erratic. Some days it seems like I'm getting incredible battery life, and other days, with equal usage, it seems like it's eating through it. It might just be that the power management code is a little wonky in reporting this. I've also had periods before iOS4 where this happened, as well.
This is not to understand for Europeans, really you Americans are real mad, you funny silly crazy people, is money all there is in your heads...? Just get a bumper for the iPhone or, indeed, hold it in another way!
Geez, Americans and their lawsuits!
Sorry if someone else has responded to this hater already, but...
Ok, first of all, I have stated that if the evidence is out there, then a lawsuit may be in order. I have also come out to say that I don't think a money settlement should NOT be the way. I agree that Apple should publicly state they are aware of this issue and provide some marketing to explain the defects that are inherent to this new product. But i also think that a recall may be a very good way to tell Apple to quit hiding.
I find it very ignorant and petty of you to be making such accusations against ALL Americans, for there are some out there that do think it's a crime to award money settlement for spilling hot coffee in thier lap and blaming McDonalds for it.
I agree completely with this. I've been most impressed with the battery life on this phone compared to apple's previous releases
How would anybody know how the 4 works without iOS4 installed since it's the only operating system that it's known
Again, I am reporting what the users are saying. People are reporting 20% battery loss per hour or two on 4. I merely mentioned iOS4 to add in that people are seeing the problem on updated 3GS's. Thus, this may be a software issue.
These are the three big threads and complaints on the Apple forum's.
Hey, everyone who bought an iPhone 4, you still have 24 days to return it for a FULL REFUND! There is no need to sue Apple. Just get your money back and get a life.
Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective. Hence the lawsuit to force them to acknowledge this and deal with it. All of this is Apple's fault, with it's arrogance and belief that it does not have to address the complaints of their consumers. Normally, I'd say fine let the market screw the company as people stop buying their products. Here, aside from the huge cost of the item, people may be stuck with, is the two year contract people will also be stuck with preventing them from getting a new phone for two years without paying hundreds of dollars.
It's too early to say, "Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective." But, if you are affected by the seam problems, then you should probably return your phone within the return window, unless Apple makes a satisfactory announcement related to the issue prior to that. I'm pretty sure that you are not stuck with the contract if you return the phone.
I take it that the 10% restocking fee is the issue? Otherwise, I see no case. There's nothing preventing any company from releasing a flawed product - not saying it truly is flawed - as long as the product doesn't physically harm anyone or financially set anyone back as a result of the flaw.
No restocking fee at Apple stores or Best buy. Funny how the Apple-bashers manage to come up with so many incorrect 'facts' and so few real facts.
Originally Posted by antkm1
Although I've seen this response many times on the forums, it doesn't resolve the principle arguement that the device has a "known" defect inherent to it and should be addressed by Apple.
1. What known defect? Apple has admitted that there's a cosmetic issue of dropping bars and says they're working on it. As for the dropped calls, there is still NO EVIDENCE that this is any kind of widespread problem. If it turns out to be a widespread problem, Apple will undoubtedly address it - as they have other problems in their past.
2. Should be addressed by Apple? How do you know they aren't addressing it? The most rational thing to do is to first understand the 'problem' before attempting to fix it. Research involves a lot of dead ends and data collection. If Apple did that in public, the whiners would be all over them every time a particular thread leads nowhere. Let them identify whether the problem is real and THEN fix it rather than expect them to 'fix' a problem which no one even knows is real.
Originally Posted by johnnyb0731
Battery issue?
What battery issue?
Originally Posted by Captain J
Numerous users are reporting vastly diminshed battery time on both the 3GS and the 4 with iOS 4.
This is exactly the kind of crap that I'm arguing against. Every single published report praises the iPhone 4 for battery life - and says it's a huge improvement over the iPhone 3GS - and also better than the major competition. But one person starts whining about a problem and next thing you know, there will be 50,000 posts from people who don't own one and 1,000 bloggers writing about Apple's defective battery. Stick to the facts, people. Facts.
Ah, I see. You definitely can't get it back. For me, I haven't really had any problems from my phone now on day 2. The thing is, I though about returning my phone and waiting for all this to blow over, but I've quickly become spoiled by the iPhone 4. The thing that bugs me is that my favorite case and screen protector maker doesn't have any product yet and won't for another 2-4 weeks. So my phone goes unprotected from drops and scratches until then I guess.
Yeah if I asked for my phone back it would not be very wife and step daughter would not be happy with me! :-)
From a persoanl preference. I have never used a case on my iPhones. I have ahd the 3G and 3GS and now the 4G. I don't like phone cases. i just put the phone in my pocket. I have never had a scratching or damage to my phones at all. BUT I have seen some very nice cases! :-)
Again, I am reporting what the users are saying. People are reporting 20% battery loss per hour or two on 4. I merely mentioned iOS4 to add in that people are seeing the problem on updated 3GS's. Thus, this may be a software issue.
These are the three big threads and complaints on the Apple forum's.
And after looking through a handful of pages on apple's support forum I see no thread relating to the battery life on the iphone 4
Is it possible that those with battery problems on iOS4 have open programs running in the background and don't know it?
Unlikely. The only programs that would be consuming significant resources "in the background" are things like Pandora, which the user would likely be aware of. Inactive programs are just that, inactive.
You are correct...I could just use a case on the phone. But that is not how the phone was advertised. That is not how it was demonstrated in Steve Jobs keynote presentation. That is not how he used the phone. It was not advertised that you will have to spend another $30 for a case to get full functionality of the phone. They should not blame the consumer of their products for hold the phone wrong.
I agree 100% when it comes to phones which are losing all service when the skin bridges the antenna. But for practical purposes I'm still buying one with a case or bumper the first opportunity I get. I'm happy with my 3GS. When I get a 4G, I may cover up the antenna when I hold it in my left hand and the bars may drop, but if the phone is still getting better reception than my 3GS I won't care.
You are right... I might just have to do that.....I m ight even just opt out entirely...not sure at this moment..... Apple has really handled this whole issue poorly. At this point I don't know if I want another iPhone.....
Don't get me wrong, I really wanted an iPhone 4, and even contemplated braving the lines. But I decided to wait out the chaos and any potential activation server hiccups. Of course I never expected the screen, antenna, and proximity sensor issues. So I am glad I waited.
And, I still have my 3Gs that has been and still is rock solid. I may end up with an iPhone 4 after these issues are sorted out, or maybe I will wait for the iPhone 5 with the all new patented internal antenna , but until I decide to upgrade my 3Gs, it will perform like a champ.
If I'm reading these articles correctly the 4G gets better reception than a 3GS if you buy a case for it. I think that's the route I'd go. It does stink that in some cases folks are having to put the 4G in a case for it to work well for them. It's an inelegant solution. That being said, I've never had an iphone that I didn't have in a case just to protect it from when I inevitably drop it.
Given all the videos I have watched of the iPhone 4 having it's glass shattered, I would probably grudgingly decide to get a case as well, but I think this should be solely to protect from breakage, not to make it possible to make and maintain calls.
It's too early to say, "Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective." But, if you are affected by the seam problems, then you should probably return your phone within the return window, unless Apple makes a satisfactory announcement related to the issue prior to that. I'm pretty sure that you are not stuck with the contract if you return the phone.
Every indication they're giving us is that they consider the users to be the problem. They set the tone of these issues, not me. Two minutes from Job's acknowleding issues and a full fledge effort to solve them would have saved Apple incalculable bad feelings and circumvented the anger and rage from their customers who feel duped and left out in the cold.
This is not to understand for Europeans, really you Americans are real mad, you funny silly crazy people, is money all there is in your heads...? Just get a bumper for the iPhone or, indeed, hold it in another way!
Geez, Americans and their lawsuits!
Hey hey hey!! DON"T generalize, USA customer are one thing but thats not reason for you to say the whole continent of America is greedy or dumb. Please refer to them as USA customer or something else. I live in Panama and I am an American as well. The other hundreds of millions of habitants that share the continent deserve respect and differentiation.
I share 100% your opinion that they only see an opportunity to hit the cash cow, also there is hundreds of cases, bumpers, jackets, etc that can be used with the iPhone 4.
At the end this lawsuit is silly cause they have to prove with facts and scientifically that the device is defective and that is not cheap/easy to do. They will need to hire research firms, universities, etc.
Also involve AT&T and say they "help design and market the iPhone 4" is incredibly stupid, more when Apple holds hundreds of patents and the device is the same for the whole world that includes a bunch of carriers.
Have a nice day waveghel
And for other people here, stop the trolling, makes u look ignorant and dumb.
Every indication they're giving us is that they consider the users to be the problem. They set the tone of these issues, not me. Two minutes from Job's acknowleding issues and a full fledge effort to solve them would have saved Apple incalculable bad feelings and circumvented the anger and rage from their customers who feel duped and left out in the cold.
Yes, they've definitely made some major PR blunders, they really shouldn't have said anything until they were certain of what was going on. But, despite the rage and anger, and feelings of being duped, you might consider that, in all honesty, at the time he sent that private email, Jobs may have thought there were no serious issues. (And I don't consider the signal loss from simply holding the phone, as opposed to bridging the seam, to be a serious issue as most reports indicate that the call quality is fine under those conditions.)
Numerous users are reporting vastly diminshed battery time on both the 3GS and the 4 with iOS 4.
The battery meter on my 3GS with iOS4 installed seems a bit erratic. Some days it seems like I'm getting incredible battery life, and other days, with equal usage, it seems like it's eating through it. It might just be that the power management code is a little wonky in reporting this. I've also had periods before iOS4 where this happened, as well.
This is not to understand for Europeans, really you Americans are real mad, you funny silly crazy people, is money all there is in your heads...? Just get a bumper for the iPhone or, indeed, hold it in another way!
Geez, Americans and their lawsuits!
Sorry if someone else has responded to this hater already, but...
Ok, first of all, I have stated that if the evidence is out there, then a lawsuit may be in order. I have also come out to say that I don't think a money settlement should NOT be the way. I agree that Apple should publicly state they are aware of this issue and provide some marketing to explain the defects that are inherent to this new product. But i also think that a recall may be a very good way to tell Apple to quit hiding.
I find it very ignorant and petty of you to be making such accusations against ALL Americans, for there are some out there that do think it's a crime to award money settlement for spilling hot coffee in thier lap and blaming McDonalds for it.
I agree completely with this. I've been most impressed with the battery life on this phone compared to apple's previous releases
How would anybody know how the 4 works without iOS4 installed since it's the only operating system that it's known
Again, I am reporting what the users are saying. People are reporting 20% battery loss per hour or two on 4. I merely mentioned iOS4 to add in that people are seeing the problem on updated 3GS's. Thus, this may be a software issue.
These are the three big threads and complaints on the Apple forum's.
Hey, everyone who bought an iPhone 4, you still have 24 days to return it for a FULL REFUND! There is no need to sue Apple. Just get your money back and get a life.
Rational comments have no place on these forums.
Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective. Hence the lawsuit to force them to acknowledge this and deal with it. All of this is Apple's fault, with it's arrogance and belief that it does not have to address the complaints of their consumers. Normally, I'd say fine let the market screw the company as people stop buying their products. Here, aside from the huge cost of the item, people may be stuck with, is the two year contract people will also be stuck with preventing them from getting a new phone for two years without paying hundreds of dollars.
It's too early to say, "Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective." But, if you are affected by the seam problems, then you should probably return your phone within the return window, unless Apple makes a satisfactory announcement related to the issue prior to that. I'm pretty sure that you are not stuck with the contract if you return the phone.
I take it that the 10% restocking fee is the issue? Otherwise, I see no case. There's nothing preventing any company from releasing a flawed product - not saying it truly is flawed - as long as the product doesn't physically harm anyone or financially set anyone back as a result of the flaw.
No restocking fee at Apple stores or Best buy. Funny how the Apple-bashers manage to come up with so many incorrect 'facts' and so few real facts.
Although I've seen this response many times on the forums, it doesn't resolve the principle arguement that the device has a "known" defect inherent to it and should be addressed by Apple.
1. What known defect? Apple has admitted that there's a cosmetic issue of dropping bars and says they're working on it. As for the dropped calls, there is still NO EVIDENCE that this is any kind of widespread problem. If it turns out to be a widespread problem, Apple will undoubtedly address it - as they have other problems in their past.
2. Should be addressed by Apple? How do you know they aren't addressing it? The most rational thing to do is to first understand the 'problem' before attempting to fix it. Research involves a lot of dead ends and data collection. If Apple did that in public, the whiners would be all over them every time a particular thread leads nowhere. Let them identify whether the problem is real and THEN fix it rather than expect them to 'fix' a problem which no one even knows is real.
Battery issue?
What battery issue?
Numerous users are reporting vastly diminshed battery time on both the 3GS and the 4 with iOS 4.
This is exactly the kind of crap that I'm arguing against. Every single published report praises the iPhone 4 for battery life - and says it's a huge improvement over the iPhone 3GS - and also better than the major competition. But one person starts whining about a problem and next thing you know, there will be 50,000 posts from people who don't own one and 1,000 bloggers writing about Apple's defective battery. Stick to the facts, people. Facts.
Ah, I see. You definitely can't get it back. For me, I haven't really had any problems from my phone now on day 2. The thing is, I though about returning my phone and waiting for all this to blow over, but I've quickly become spoiled by the iPhone 4. The thing that bugs me is that my favorite case and screen protector maker doesn't have any product yet and won't for another 2-4 weeks. So my phone goes unprotected from drops and scratches until then I guess.
Yeah if I asked for my phone back it would not be very wife and step daughter would not be happy with me! :-)
From a persoanl preference. I have never used a case on my iPhones. I have ahd the 3G and 3GS and now the 4G. I don't like phone cases. i just put the phone in my pocket. I have never had a scratching or damage to my phones at all. BUT I have seen some very nice cases! :-)
Again, I am reporting what the users are saying. People are reporting 20% battery loss per hour or two on 4. I merely mentioned iOS4 to add in that people are seeing the problem on updated 3GS's. Thus, this may be a software issue.
These are the three big threads and complaints on the Apple forum's.
And after looking through a handful of pages on apple's support forum I see no thread relating to the battery life on the iphone 4
Is it possible that those with battery problems on iOS4 have open programs running in the background and don't know it?
Unlikely. The only programs that would be consuming significant resources "in the background" are things like Pandora, which the user would likely be aware of. Inactive programs are just that, inactive.
Its not that easy...If I return my phone. What will I use then? i will have to buy another phone now......
I just renewed my contract for another 2 years with AT&T to get this I am stuck....
No, you are not stuck. You have 30 days to cancel the contract.
You are correct...I could just use a case on the phone. But that is not how the phone was advertised. That is not how it was demonstrated in Steve Jobs keynote presentation. That is not how he used the phone. It was not advertised that you will have to spend another $30 for a case to get full functionality of the phone. They should not blame the consumer of their products for hold the phone wrong.
I agree 100% when it comes to phones which are losing all service when the skin bridges the antenna. But for practical purposes I'm still buying one with a case or bumper the first opportunity I get. I'm happy with my 3GS. When I get a 4G, I may cover up the antenna when I hold it in my left hand and the bars may drop, but if the phone is still getting better reception than my 3GS I won't care.
You are right... I might just have to do that.....I m ight even just opt out entirely...not sure at this moment..... Apple has really handled this whole issue poorly. At this point I don't know if I want another iPhone.....
Don't get me wrong, I really wanted an iPhone 4, and even contemplated braving the lines. But I decided to wait out the chaos and any potential activation server hiccups. Of course I never expected the screen, antenna, and proximity sensor issues. So I am glad I waited.
And, I still have my 3Gs that has been and still is rock solid. I may end up with an iPhone 4 after these issues are sorted out, or maybe I will wait for the iPhone 5 with the all new patented internal antenna
And after looking through a handful of pages on apple's support forum I see no thread relating to the battery life on the iphone 4
No, the ruling would be a recall, replacement or refund required.
Those may be options but the ruling would be whatever the ruling is.
If I'm reading these articles correctly the 4G gets better reception than a 3GS if you buy a case for it. I think that's the route I'd go. It does stink that in some cases folks are having to put the 4G in a case for it to work well for them. It's an inelegant solution. That being said, I've never had an iphone that I didn't have in a case just to protect it from when I inevitably drop it.
Given all the videos I have watched of the iPhone 4 having it's glass shattered, I would probably grudgingly decide to get a case as well, but I think this should be solely to protect from breakage, not to make it possible to make and maintain calls.
It's too early to say, "Apple won't achnowledge that the merchendise is defective." But, if you are affected by the seam problems, then you should probably return your phone within the return window, unless Apple makes a satisfactory announcement related to the issue prior to that. I'm pretty sure that you are not stuck with the contract if you return the phone.
Every indication they're giving us is that they consider the users to be the problem. They set the tone of these issues, not me. Two minutes from Job's acknowleding issues and a full fledge effort to solve them would have saved Apple incalculable bad feelings and circumvented the anger and rage from their customers who feel duped and left out in the cold.
Considering how awkward it is to hold the phone cupped in your left hand while making a call, that's not a huge sacrifice.
How the hell is it awkward to hold the phone in your left hand rather than in your right hand?
This is not to understand for Europeans, really you Americans are real mad, you funny silly crazy people, is money all there is in your heads...? Just get a bumper for the iPhone or, indeed, hold it in another way!
Geez, Americans and their lawsuits!
Hey hey hey!! DON"T generalize, USA customer are one thing but thats not reason for you to say the whole continent of America is greedy or dumb. Please refer to them as USA customer or something else. I live in Panama and I am an American as well. The other hundreds of millions of habitants that share the continent deserve respect and differentiation.
I share 100% your opinion that they only see an opportunity to hit the cash cow, also there is hundreds of cases, bumpers, jackets, etc that can be used with the iPhone 4.
At the end this lawsuit is silly cause they have to prove with facts and scientifically that the device is defective and that is not cheap/easy to do. They will need to hire research firms, universities, etc.
Also involve AT&T and say they "help design and market the iPhone 4" is incredibly stupid, more when Apple holds hundreds of patents and the device is the same for the whole world that includes a bunch of carriers.
Have a nice day waveghel
And for other people here, stop the trolling, makes u look ignorant and dumb.
Every indication they're giving us is that they consider the users to be the problem. They set the tone of these issues, not me. Two minutes from Job's acknowleding issues and a full fledge effort to solve them would have saved Apple incalculable bad feelings and circumvented the anger and rage from their customers who feel duped and left out in the cold.
Yes, they've definitely made some major PR blunders, they really shouldn't have said anything until they were certain of what was going on. But, despite the rage and anger, and feelings of being duped, you might consider that, in all honesty, at the time he sent that private email, Jobs may have thought there were no serious issues. (And I don't consider the signal loss from simply holding the phone, as opposed to bridging the seam, to be a serious issue as most reports indicate that the call quality is fine under those conditions.)