Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 261 of 418
    Originally Posted by NummiNutz View Post

    I've been lurking, for a couple of days, on several of these threads, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of information.

    This is my first post so be gentle!

    We are in the USA and have an att plan

    The little lady and I have ordered replacements for her 3G and my 3GS.

    We are both happy with the phones and plan to sell them on ebay.

    Our orders are both scheduled to ship tomorrow!

    We are concerned that the new phones won't be as satifying as what we currently have,

    We can cancel anytime before shipment.

    We are seeking advice, pro and con on what to do.

    What would you do in a similar situation?

    It's worth mentioning that prior to iPhone 4 antenna hysteria there have been many posts on dropped calls for both of your phones, as well as Nokia's, Blackberries etc.... Phones do drop calls. It's part of life.

    As a 3G and iPhone 4 owner i'm more than satisfied. Connectivity ebbs and flows depending where i am but i'd say, hand on heart, my iP4 is better at connecting, or should i say more sensitive in area's where signal is poor. Meaning i can browse the internet on my iPhone 4 where i can't on my 3G. I think it's this sensitivity on the iP4 antenna which is part of the issue. So it's easier to get the iP4 to lose connection if you want to force it to, although in my experience i haven't had an issue holding the phone naturally.

    So i'd say if you've had no real issues with connectivity with your 3G and 3GS then i'd doubt very much you'll have an issue with an iP4. It's actually better at connecting to poorer networks than either of those two phones. And that's my honest opinion based on humble experience.

    By the way the camera, screen resolution, snappiness and video camera will impress you no end.
  • Reply 262 of 418
    Here's what's going to happen.

    Apple will make sure all units are manufactured with a coating over the stainless steel. They will accept any and all returns, and exchange returned phones with a newly manufactured coated phone.

    Returned phones will be modified with a coating and sold refurbished.

    This will all blow over quickly.
  • Reply 263 of 418
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by NummiNutz View Post

    I've been lurking, for a couple of days, on several of these threads, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of information.

    This is my first post so be gentle!

    We are in the USA and have an att plan

    The little lady and I have ordered replacements for her 3G and my 3GS.

    We are both happy with the phones and plan to sell them on ebay.

    Our orders are both scheduled to ship tomorrow!

    We are concerned that the new phones won't be as satifying as what we currently have,

    We can cancel anytime before shipment.

    We are seeking advice, pro and con on what to do.

    What would you do in a similar situation?

    Welcome to the forum.

    It's possible you'll get a defective device. All CE will have production issues. The more they make the higher number of bad devices will likely be shipped, even if the percentage of bad devices go down. It's the way of things.

    This can be DOA, bad mic, screen issue, touch panel issue, bad battery, etc. The possibilities are virtually endless.

    Since you are on AT&T and using an iPhone currently you can do some testing to see how this antenna issue may affect you. This, of course, is assuming this particular antenna issue is caused by a weak signal (because this doesn't happen with all iPhone 4s). Just go to the Phone app Keypad, type in *3001#12345# then hit Call (this app is not on the iPhone 4). This will bring up a diagnostic app for the phone. You can ignore everything but the Db rating that has now replaced your AT&T bars. Ignore the negative sign, the lower the absolute value to zero the stronger the signal, as seen in the image below.
  • Reply 264 of 418
    kyle76kyle76 Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by NummiNutz View Post

    I've been lurking, for a couple of days, on several of these threads, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of information.

    This is my first post so be gentle!

    We are in the USA and have an att plan

    The little lady and I have ordered replacements for her 3G and my 3GS.

    We are both happy with the phones and plan to sell them on ebay.

    Our orders are both scheduled to ship tomorrow!

    We are concerned that the new phones won't be as satifying as what we currently have,

    We can cancel anytime before shipment.

    We are seeking advice, pro and con on what to do.

    What would you do in a similar situation?

    The phone itself is a huge improvement over your telephones. Screen, speed, camera, hand feel, etc. are all greatly enhanced. I have the antenna problem on my phone, and while it is a slight annoyance, it's not something that isn't easily lived with even without any sort of case. The only thing you might want to consider is whether Apple will put some kind of coating on the metal parts to eliminate the skin contact issue -- and how soon that will be done. Otherwise, the problem, while real, is not major.
  • Reply 265 of 418
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by DarenDino View Post

    Apple need a kick in the bollocks by consumers.

    Jobs is being an ignorant twunt by telling customers 'they are holding it wrong' The iPhone 4 is a defective design and Apple is in denial that it is defective.

    What you want and what you will probably get are two different things. You, the customer, will get absolutely nothing. Class action lawsuits are not about getting justice for the victims. They're about making money for lawyers. While you may find emotional satisfaction in this development it means nothing to Apple, nor will will it have any serious consequences for the company.

    1. These lawsuits will quickly disappear into the bowels of the legal system for years.

    2. Apple and the lawyers will reach a settlement agreement in which Apple admits no wrong doing or liability. Basically Apple will get to say none of this ever happened.

    3. The settlement will pay the lawyers millions of dollars, pocket change for companies like Apple.

    4. The plaintiffs will get some minimum value compensation, in this case probably a $10 coupon for the Apple Store to purchase a bumper or case.

    5. This will happen three or four years from now in which case the iPhone 4 reception issues will long since be forgotten about. By then the iPhone X will be out and the cycle will repeat.

    Class action lawsuits, to my knowledge, have never resulted in any real pain for the defendants. They are simply show trials to placate the aggrieved parties involved. They provide emotional relief but that's it. Apple gets to say nothing happened and you get to say you were David against Goliath for a day. Apple wins, you lose. That's just the way it is.
  • Reply 266 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Here's what's going to happen.

    Apple will make sure all units are manufactured with a coating over the stainless steel. They will accept any and all returns, and exchange returned phones with a newly manufactured coated phone.

    Returned phones will be modified with a coating and sold refurbished.

    This will all blow over quickly.

    I hope you're right. Any don't forget the proximity sensor issue too.
  • Reply 267 of 418
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, other than that you've completely misrepresented the content of my posts on this topic, no, it's not irrational to think there is an issue with the car. It is irrational to become enraged and hysterical about it, especially if you discovered this before buying it.

    Hmm, and how are my posts enraging or hysterical ? I think most of them have been very valid, calm logical thoughts. In fact some people have commented that my posts are very objective and valid. You obviously must have me confused with someone else. Or maybe my valid points strike a nerve with you ?
  • Reply 268 of 418
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    They got their phones returned for the antenna reception problem?

    If they did, give me their names and phone numbers, and I want to find out if what you are saying is true.

    Chances are their iPhones were returned for a completely different reason than the antenna problem. Especially since Apple says they will refuse to exchange any phone because of reception complaints.

    Of course not, but your argument is that "Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone." when that simply isn't true. Have they publicly stated there is an issue with some iPhone batteries, or mics, some just arriving DOA, or many other reasons? Newp! Yet they are replacing these. So not only are you wrong about Apple forcing defective units to have a 10% restocking fee if the box is opened, you are wrong about Apple having to officially acknowledge a HW issue before allowing their stores to return or replace them.

    There is no point in replacing an iPhone with reception issues with another iPhone with reception issues. That just means you have more and more returns and more unhappy customers. The resolution is to fix the problem if it's software, or isolate the production problem if it's HW. If it's the latter, you then figure how many are affected, get the serial number range and issue a recall for those items affected. Until such time as that can be done there is no point in replacing all those phones. However, if you can't wait a few days for them to figure out what the problem is and what the resolution will be, then you can get ALL your money refunded without paying a ANY restocking fee, just as my friends did despite your claim that "Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone."
  • Reply 269 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    NON-DEFECTIVE items have a 10% restocking fee. If you're so sure your phone is defective and can prove it, there's no restocking fee. Seems more than fair.

    Apple says the iPhone 4 antenna is not defective. Thus, it carries a 10% restocking fee if returned. End of story.
  • Reply 270 of 418
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Hmm, and how are my posts enraging or hysterical ? I think most of them have been very valid, calm logical thoughts. In fact some people have commented that my posts are very objective and valid. You obviously must have me confused with someone else. Or maybe my valid points strike a nerve with you ?

    I think there is an obvious tone of hysteria and anger in your posts. However, let's put it to the forum. How many of you think ski1's response on this issue is over the top considering he isn't affected by iP4 issues because he doesn't own one?
  • Reply 271 of 418
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course not, but your argument is that "Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone." when that simply isn't true.

    As far as I know it is. They don't assess a return fee if you exchange the phone which they'll do if they find it defective, but if you just want to return it they will, unless they agree it's defective. So far they are not.
  • Reply 272 of 418
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course not, but your argument is that "Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone." when that simply isn't true.

    There is no point in replacing an iPhone with reception issues with another iPhone with reception issues. That just means you have more and more returns and more unhappy customers. The resolution is to fix the problem if it's software, or isolate the production problem if it's HW. If it's the latter, you then figure how many are affected, get the serial number range and issue a recall for those items affected. Until such time as that can be done there is no point in replacing all those phones. However, if you can't wait a few days for them to figure out what the problem is and what the resolution will be, then you can get ALL your money refunded without paying a ANY restocking fee, just as my friends did despite your claim that "Apple will assess a 10% restocking fee on any opened iPhone."

    There is a big difference between a defective phone and a phone that is returned to the store. A defective phone qualifies for immediate exchange. A phone that is returned opened and with a complaint of an antenna reception problem that these people are experiencing is classified as a non-defective return and requires a 10% restocking fee.
  • Reply 273 of 418
    john galtjohn galt Posts: 960member
    Apple has been, and will continue to be the target of hundreds of lawsuits, alleging various damages ranging from premature iBook logic board failure (Vitt) to several regarding executive compensation disclosure (Baker v. Anderson, Vogel v. Apple, Vogel v. Jobs) Let's not forget iPods that scratch too easily (eight separate actions) and iPod earbud volume (too loud).

    There are patent lawsuits ("Touch Operation Input Device"), antitrust lawsuits (Somers, Tucker, Charoensak), marketing lawsuits (Branning), patent lawsuits (Honeywell) and iTunes-looks-too-much-like-my-way-of-sorting-your-music-collection lawsuits (Individual Networks, LLC). Oh and don't think of making your charger plug light up when it's charging since some guy named Harvey says he thought of it first. Nokia appears to lay claim to every stinking phone ever built and is therefore owned a bunch of money, mostly Apple's. Then there are the totally incomprehensible lawsuits that appear to be written in Engrish: "Protection of Software Again [sic] Unauthorized Use" (Tse).

    Apple has filed its share of lawsuits too, going after every iPhone copycat they can prove infringes upon their (dozens? hundreds?) of patents.

    Litigation is a cost of doing business in the US. It's a cost that rises commensurately with a company's success, and Apple has been quite successful. When the potential cost of litigation rises above the cost of settlement, Apple will settle, like any reasonable person or business would.

    There is nothing new here.
  • Reply 274 of 418
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by Voltaic View Post

    Maybe it's just me, but no matter what Apple does anymore, the storm of haters with their apparently boundless vitriol seems to just keep growing and growing.

    I think if I were Jobs I'd ditch the Apple CEO gig and go into philanthropy or maybe other kinds of tech ventures...lots of other things he can do that have even more rewards without the ever expanding sh*tstorm of psychopathic customers to put up with.

    It's only certain segment of the customers who are psychopaths. It's no different than the user discussion forums where only those with problems show up. They quickly extrapolate their fellow commiserators to include the entire Apple universe, quickly and solemnly declaring their issue to be universal or widespread. They feel more reassured if they are not alone in their fury against Apple. It also masks their inability to actually know what the issue really is.

    So it is with the Death Grip issue. It's almost a certainty that this involves a minority of users. A whole lot of people are running off at the mouth, posting links, furiously ramping up the heat yet don't even own the device. What's up with that? But they are enraged and vocal so it only SEEMS they are the majority. They are not. They are the psychopaths.
  • Reply 275 of 418
    ilovestuffilovestuff Posts: 143member
    I have an iPhone4, I love Apple and the iPhone.

    I have a rubber case for my iPhone4, as I have always had a rubber case for all my ipods and iPhones and Nikons and Cannons and a every gizmo that I need to protect.


    With the case off, if I hold iPhone4 so that my palm connects the two antennas, the 3G signal drops significantly, enough to drop a call. This is unfortunate but I don't care because.... again, I have a rubber case which I always use. With the case on, I have NO problems with signal strength, as a matter of fact I get a higher 3G download speed then what I get from my DSL from Covad.

    This is a great gadget, a great camera, facetime is fantastic, the screen is crazy beautiful, the battery will take me a full two and a half days of use before hitting below 20% and the iOS update is rock solid.

    I think a lawsuit over this issue is a waste of time, but that's what lawyers do.

    Get a case for your iPhone4, so when you drop it, it won't shatter the screen. If you can't manage that, then don't carry around nice things in your pocket.

    I think Apple should give each iPhone4 customer a voucher for a free Apple bumper and be done with this.
  • Reply 276 of 418
    yi just got my iphone 4 today . i had a 3gs before this. Yes it is a problem . I do think apple should give out free bumper cases.

    BUT this did not deter me. Anybody using an iphone without a case is asking for it. These phone will break when dropped no matter what apple states. The cases also gets rid of the problem anyway.
  • Reply 277 of 418
    kyle76kyle76 Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Apple says the iPhone 4 antenna is not defective. Thus, it carries a 10% restocking fee if returned. End of story.

    Don't be an argumentative idiot. I was told when I picked up my phone I had 30 days to return it for a full refund if I didn't like it. Not if it was defective -- if I didn't like it. I am certain anyone returning a phone because they are not satisfied with the reception will have no trouble getting ALL of their money back.
  • Reply 278 of 418
    voltaicvoltaic Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    It's only certain segment of the customers who are psychopaths. It's no different than the user discussion forums where only those with problems show up. They quickly extrapolate their fellow commiserators to include the entire Apple universe, quickly and solemnly declaring their issue to be universal or widespread. They feel more reassured if they are not alone in their fury against Apple. It also masks their inability to actually know what the issue really is.

    So it is with the Death Grip issue. It's almost a certainty that this involves a minority of users. A whole lot of people are running off at the mouth, posting links, furiously ramping up the heat yet don't even own the device. What's up with that? But they are enraged and vocal so it only SEEMS they are the majority. They are not. They are the psychopaths.

    Very good points.

  • Reply 279 of 418
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    First, that's not the Apple retail store policy. That's the online policy. The retail policy is that they only charge restocking on non-defective items. If you're so sure that you can prove that it's defective, then you won't have to pay restocking fees.

    OK. So you finally admitted that you don't own one. So what is all your whining about? If there's a better phone out there, buy that instead. Bitching because the iPhone isn't 100% perfect in every way is foolish. It's impossible to make a phone that can't be improved some day.

    Actually, your explanation is not correct. Apple did not claim that they served it hot to increase throughput (in fact, throughput would be higher if they didn't heat it so high). Apple's explanation is that their consumer research indicated that:

    1. Customers EXPECTED hot coffee to be hot.


    2. Customers preferred it at the higher temperature.

    I think most of the whiners fit into one of the following categories:

    1. They're upset because Mommy won't buy them an iPhone/iMac/MBP/iPad/etc

    2. They're upset because they bought Microsoft stock instead of Apple stock 5 years ago

    3. Their shills with a hidden agenda (like the Adobe employees who keep posting on the Flash issue or Flash 'programmers' posting on the same topic or ties to Apple's competition

    Ordinarily, I would add:

    4. Steve Jobs stole their girlfriend

    but it's obvious that most of these people never had a girlfriend and probably won't until they move out of Mommy and Daddy's basement.

    You really might want to learn what TRUTH means.

    1. Apple didn't throw anyone off a rooftop. Neither did Foxconn

    2. Those employees are treated better than average employees in the area, particularly now that they've had a 100% raise

    3. The suicide rate for those employees was no greater than the reported average for China

    Too bad you couldn't post something useful and accurate for your first post.

    The discussion was about iPhone 4 and someone suggested that anyone not happy with the iPhone 4 could simply return it. You said your wife and stepdaughter would be unhappy. Sounds like you're pretending that they have iPhone 4.

    THAT is exactly why this anecdotal crap is useless. Please either outright lying or presenting half truths intended to mislead.

    Accurate information? From an Apple-hater?

    Yes it is:

    NON-DEFECTIVE items have a 10% restocking fee. If you're so sure your phone is defective and can prove it, there's no restocking fee. Seems more than fair.

    So where's the proof that these phones are dropping calls? I've been asking throughout this thread and no one has provided any evidence that it's a real problem. Anand's tests indicate that the iPhone 4 actually drops LESS calls than previous phones.

    Dude you have my whole story wrong! Do you even know my story. I had a 3GS and never had a problems with it no matter how I held it. When I upgraded to a 4G I gave my 3GS to my step daughter for use with her AT%T account. If I returned my 4G because I wasn't happy with would leave me without a phone. I could not ask for it back! Then my step daughter and her mother, my wife....would not be happy with ME.

    So get the story right before you misquote me or try to correct my statements....
  • Reply 280 of 418
    Originally Posted by Voltaic View Post

    I think if I were Jobs I'd ditch the Apple CEO gig...

    Maybe Steve should just retire, relax, enjoy his family. It is just a phone. Not worth it.


    ... and go into philanthropy...

    "Steve Jobs" and "philanthropy" in the same sentence - LOL
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