
  • Reply 181 of 279
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Try and tell me this one was fixed.

    Just freakin' try.
  • Reply 182 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Yeah, considering the series was already over. You're a ****ing idiot.
  • Reply 183 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Yeah, considering the series was already over. You're a ****ing idiot.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If I were you I wouldn't be calling other people ****ing idiots.

    Bring on the Lakers!
  • Reply 184 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Why wouldnt I be? The Knicks aren't playing the Lakers EmAn.
  • Reply 185 of 279
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Tiger, you really ought to give up this fix crap. Even if you believed it before there's no way you can now-you're smarter than that.

  • Reply 186 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    And you really oughta watch the damn games and realize that the NBA isn't a sport but business. You must be somebody who goes "Hey look Bibby got socked in the elbow by Showbe and the ref was looking right him...nah they couldnt could they...". I'm not going to point to every single ****ing example because it would take a "Mercury Rising (" thread just to fill it....and then some. Just on this series alone. Watch basketball and stop being so naive that they wouldnt try to ix pro sports. It happens, get over it.
  • Reply 187 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Of course the NBA's fixed, all pro sports leagues are now, but that doesn't mean things are fixed. Dumbass.
  • Reply 188 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Umm you just said the NBA is fixed kid. And change your signature to NEW YORK KNICKS LOTTERY PICK.
  • Reply 189 of 279
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    I've been trying to look for things over the course of the games I've watched in the Conference Finals, and to me, evidence just hasn't been there.

    There were possesion-determining calls late in games 5 and 7 in the West that -easily, easily-could have gone either way and the Kings got the call both times. I'm thinking of Webber just dropping the ball out of bounds all by himself in 5 and the apparent air-ball that looked to all the world like a shot-clock violation in 7.

    I'm not baiting you, I just want to know what you think...

    How do those calls go Sacramento's way if the fix is in?


    Edit, the Webber play was in 5, I put 6 at first.

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 190 of 279
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    What about when Kobe got called for running down Kobe? Or when the refs didn't call Kobe getting absolutely mugged by Christie down low towards the end of OT?

    I hate the Lakers.

    I can't even work up fake emotion about you (of all people) calling me a ****ing idiot.

    Do you have any explanation for why the Lakers came damned close to losing many different times that game? No?

    Chris Webber has somehow mastered the art in secret of making 3-pointers roll in and then out.

    You've really got all this figured out. :roll:
  • Reply 191 of 279
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    There is no fix... not in this game.. . . . allthoug there were debatable calls (the shot clock violation was not one of them but rather Divac's last fould out . . .very questionable... and others) but they pretty much balanced out by the end of the game.

    Its part of the game. You have to be able to play the refs; to read them and their testiness; what they tend to call and what they tend to overlook, and be able to use it to your advantage.

    Now in game six, that's a different story . . . mafia all over those refs.....

    Anyway that was a very very exciting game... I really wanted the Kings to win..... oh well.
  • Reply 191 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    quote from grover:

    "Do you have an explanation for why the No Lakers come damn close to losing many different times that game? No?"

    That's about the dumbest thing I think you've ever said, white boy. Should I even comment? Hmm...let's see here...perhaps Sacramento is really winning and are a much better team....perhaps they are kicking the fakers ass no? And perhaps the refs are giving them the games. Hmm, could be. Could it not, cracker?
  • Reply 193 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    That's the whole point pfflam. Game 6 was obvious. I mean people in here don't even see that. It's pretty sad if you ask me. Without that there would be no Gmame 7. This game...still BS calls again, but I think it wasnt as bad. Point is the Kings already won the series twice.
  • Reply 194 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Umm you just said the NBA is fixed kid. And change your signature to NEW YORK KNICKS LOTTERY PICK.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Umm because something's a business doesn't mean it's fixed. And the Knicks suck.
  • Reply 195 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Read your own post again. You just said that it was fixed. Yeah, you weren't saying the same tune before. Funny how a team gets good for 1 season and all of a sudden all of New York & New Jersey are Nets fans. The Nets will get rolled by the Cheaters. Watch it for me and then tell me what you think.
  • Reply 196 of 279
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    If there is a fix the players don't know it.

    And, however much I want to dislike Kobi, everytime I hear him talk he is gracious and thoughtful and shows that he either has learned alot from Phil Jackson's wisdom based coaching style, or, he is actually a mature individual. I don't think he would cheat.

    But I'll definitly watch just to see the Nets win... if they start lossing Im grabbing the remote.
  • Reply 197 of 279
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I see you ignored everything else in my post... because you have no idiot explanation for it.

    What about Kobe getting called for running through Bibby? What about the no-call later on Kobe getting mugged down low? Or after that the no-call on Shaq getting hacked as he goes towards the basket (not the blown dunk)? How about that charging call against Fisher?

    Nope, no explanation for that.

    What of Chris Webber's 3-pointer rolling in and out? Did Stern have him practice, thug life, tiga tiga woods ya'll?

    What of Kobe missing one of those free throws? What about Bibby lighting up the net towards the end?

    Anything? All orchestrated?

    Name a few bullshit pro-Lakers calls in the late 4th quarter/OT. Go ahead. Name one.
  • Reply 198 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Yeah it was all orchestrated.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, wouldnt you s ay so white boy, cracker, honkey, David Duke, grand dragon?

  • Reply 199 of 279
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I am astounded by that well-reasoned response.

    I'm starting to think that David Stern fixed this argument to make you look like an idiot.
  • Reply 200 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Read your own post again. You just said that it was fixed. Yeah, you weren't saying the same tune before. Funny how a team gets good for 1 season and all of a sudden all of New York & New Jersey are Nets fans. The Nets will get rolled by the Cheaters. Watch it for me and then tell me what you think.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> You're such an idiot. What don't you understand? I was a Nets fan before this year. I've always liked Kittles, Van Horn, Martin (last year and this year) and when Marbury was on the team I liked him. And I'll re-read my post later to see what you're talking about.
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