Microsoft exec compares Apple's iPhone 4 to Windows Vista



  • Reply 41 of 113
    Originally Posted by Amdahl View Post

    I actually think Xbox 360 is the closer match to iPhone 4. Both hardware products.. Both having a failure that prevents them from working at their basic function. Both denied by the maker, both facing class action suits for the defect, and then eventually having to capitulate and acknowledge the gadget is just flawed by design. Xbox 360 due to compromises made due to ineptitude on thermal effects and an overly aggressive timetable, iPhone 4 due to ineptitude and a likely refusal to compromise 'the pretty design' with laws of physics.

    Oh yeah, and both costing in the vicinity of $1+ billion to address. (except MIcrosoft still basically didn't fix it for existing owner, hence the '100%' failure rate.)

    Except once you get a Red Ring of Death, you can't do anything...ever.....again. The iPhone 4 still works, you just have to hold it a little differently or put a bumper on it.

    What a freaking nightmare though. Fix it soon please, It just needs a coating on the antenna, it can be clear, it will look fine, I promise.....
  • Reply 42 of 113
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Vista (noun): A product that attracts a wildly disproportionate amount of negative attention and yet still sells like hot-cakes.

    Yeah, it's probably an appropriate analogy.

    Vista never sold like hot-cakes.
  • Reply 43 of 113
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Sorry, I have to disagree. In the court of public opinion, the iPhone 4 is already a Vista. EVERYONE "knows" the iPhone 4 is problematic, regardless of whether or not it actually is. Apple has already lost the battle for "common knowledge" on the product; it is permanently tainted in the cultural vernacular. Not everyone knows that Android phones have issues, but even technically-ignorant grandmothers have heard of the iPhone 4's problems.

    I honestly don't know if a recall would help or hurt, but the only way Apple can fruly fix things is to move on and release the iPhone 5. That's what it took for Microsoft with Vista, Ford with the Edsel, Disney with EuroDisney, McDonald's with the Arch Deluxe, etc.

    talk about reality distortion field.. keep dreaming in your own world. anyone who buys android phone knows its no iphone. the phone has been out less than a month and you backbenchers are calling it over? you clearly do not know apple and their customer service. Their customer service alone insures that this is a non-issue. Apple does not need to address bloggers who live in bad service areas vehemently trying to say apple screwed up the design and the phone is worthless.

    well guess what I have been to the apple store and several and not seen one person trying to return their phone or even complained. In fact all i hear are people who have one ordering another for someone else.
  • Reply 44 of 113
    freakboyfreakboy Posts: 138member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Or maybe Microsoft's Kin?

    i read that they only sold like 10k of those, canceled it and THEN i saw an ad on TV for it.

    What a well run company.

    in contrast, apple has sold probably close to 2 million iphone 4s. There are some issues but will likely be solved and there aren't a million people demanding their money back!
  • Reply 45 of 113
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Shorter Kevin Turner: HAHAHA!!! Apple sucks almost as much as we do!

  • Reply 46 of 113
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Sorry, I have to disagree. In the court of public opinion, the iPhone 4 is already a Vista. EVERYONE "knows" the iPhone 4 is problematic, regardless of whether or not it actually is. Apple has already lost the battle for "common knowledge" on the product; it is permanently tainted in the cultural vernacular. Not everyone knows that Android phones have issues, but even technically-ignorant grandmothers have heard of the iPhone 4's problems.

    I honestly don't know if a recall would help or hurt, but the only way Apple can fruly fix things is to move on and release the iPhone 5. That's what it took for Microsoft with Vista, Ford with the Edsel, Disney with EuroDisney, McDonald's with the Arch Deluxe, etc.

    Ok, I am not sure what alternate universe you are living in, maybe the one that the media and this douche from Microsoft have created, but the problem with the iPhone 4 has yet to be scientifically/technically diagnosed or have you not read the other article on here about Bob Egan the electrical engineer who debunked even the Consumer Reports "testing" of the antenna problem?

    Until there is an independent, scientific, properly implemented diagnosis of the iPhone 4 problem and/or Apple releases a fix the jury is still out on whether a recall is even justified.
  • Reply 47 of 113
    Double antenna designs are challenging but surely not as challenging as trying to decide where to put the CTRL, ALT & DEL keys on a phone?
  • Reply 48 of 113
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by mstone;

    And the 3GS will be Apple's XP. Glad I have a nice 32 gig - works great and they still sell them BTW.

    I doubt that apple will be forced to support the 3GS until 2020, when Microsoft can finally stop supporting XP.
  • Reply 49 of 113
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    [Blah, blah, blah? Arch Deluxe?]

    Arch Deluxe! Now I'm hungry!
  • Reply 50 of 113
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member

    What a low blow!

    Have they no shame?

  • Reply 51 of 113
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    Originally Posted by jeremyos View Post

    Double antenna designs are challenging but surely not as challenging as trying to decide where to put the CTRL, ALT & DEL keys on a phone?

    ctrl, alt + del? why would I want three keys on my phone for something i need so often! win-phone7 phones should have a task-manger key on the front; that would be practical!
  • Reply 52 of 113
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    When MS decides to make phone hardware, are they going to put a red ring of lights on it?

    Oh man I busted something!!!
  • Reply 53 of 113
    drk_onedrk_one Posts: 23member
    Another Microsoft douche attempting to divert attention away from his own company's glaring inability to get a solid phone into the marketplace. They're all jealous 'haters'...
  • Reply 54 of 113
    vamp07vamp07 Posts: 1member
    I want to thank Microsoft for making these stupid misinformed statements. Hopefully it will help me load up on apple stock at a cheaper price.
  • Reply 55 of 113
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    So, Vista could have been fixed with a bumper? Man, I'll bet PC users could've used that important bit of information.
  • Reply 56 of 113
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    What is far more intriguing even for Vista they failed to figure out a software fix.
  • Reply 57 of 113
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Not quite ms, the courrier the h slate demoed by your very own gorilla, sorry, ceo, before hp told you to piss off and went with palm, win ce, win me, the zune, so many more to mention, and oh, wait the lovely revolutionary kin withdrawn after 48 days, and 500 bozos that bought it.

    Surely you don't have to go all the way back to vista to compare when you recalled a priduct you advertised the hell out of in all media, 48 days after launch. And it wasn't because of a glitch as the iPhone, it was because it was garbage, as was vista, because unlike apples occasional glitch they don't actually release garbage, you do.
  • Reply 58 of 113
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A Microsoft executive has said that the iPhone 4 could become Apple's version of the maligned Windows Vista operating system -- implying the product could be a misfire that will leave a bad taste in the mouth of consumers. "It looks like the iPhone 4 might be their Vista, and I'm OK with that," Turner was quoted as saying.

    It's totally premature to compare the iPhone 4 to Windows Vista. We have yet to see what Apple is going to do to make this situation right. And besides, Vista was terrible from start to finish; an appropriate assessment perhaps best illustrated by the fact that Microsoft actually provided users ways to downgrade back to XP!

    The iPhone 4 is the best smartphone currently available (Consumer Reports even said so), despite the overblown hype of negativity that Apple haters are stirring up. Whatever the cause of the antenna/reception problem (and there apparently IS one, though I'm not experiencing it at all; sorry others are), however widespread the impact is, however expensive (or not) correction measures will be, Apple will resolve everything soon enough. I suspect the problem(s) is less an overall design flaw and more likely a bad production batch (or two) were distributed.
  • Reply 59 of 113
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Sorry, I have to disagree. In the court of public opinion, the iPhone 4 is already a Vista. EVERYONE "knows" the iPhone 4 is problematic, regardless of whether or not it actually is. Apple has already lost the battle for "common knowledge" on the product; it is permanently tainted in the cultural vernacular. Not everyone knows that Android phones have issues, but even technically-ignorant grandmothers have heard of the iPhone 4's problems.

    I honestly don't know if a recall would help or hurt, but the only way Apple can fruly fix things is to move on and release the iPhone 5. That's what it took for Microsoft with Vista, Ford with the Edsel, Disney with EuroDisney, McDonald's with the Arch Deluxe, etc.

    Gee! I guess the "court of public opinion" failed to notify their constituents-- they are still, blindly, mass ordering iP4s that "everyone" knows are "problematic".

    Either they don't "know", or they don't think it is "problematic".

    Which is it?

    The next time you speak to the "court" why don't you ask them to post their findings for all to see, instead of just being privy to your eyes... Oh, yeah-- tell 'em "Hi" from me!

  • Reply 60 of 113
    rorybalmerrorybalmer Posts: 169member
    lol OK, so I'm in no way trying to say the antenna thing isnt bad for apple.. but is esentially saying "their bad product is starting to look like our terrible product", somehow good for Microsoft??

    And why exactly was he bragging about a call pointing out how their advertising tools showed incorrect information??
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