Microsoft exec compares Apple's iPhone 4 to Windows Vista



  • Reply 81 of 113
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Originally Posted by RaiderSanDude View Post

    The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners

    Epic first post!
  • Reply 82 of 113
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Unfortunately, rebooting did not help me, neither did a full restore. I am a bit gun shy of the method outlined at MacWorld because they said it does not always work.

    Mmm... All your app store and iTunes store purchases are backed up in iTunes on your PC (and ultimately on Apple's servers). If you have MobileMe, that and/or your computer has backup of mail, contacts, calendars. Your computer has backups of your photos.

    The only thing I have ever lost doing a prior restore was the content of some apps-- I had a high score of over 7,000,000 in Bejeweed.

    I haven't looked at the MacWorld article, so I have no thoughts on that.

    I'll google (is that a bad word, now) around and see if I can come up with anything & let you know by PM, if I do.

    BTW, the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G have a different CPU architecture (ARM 6) than the 3GS and iPhone 4 (ARM 7). So, the probable cause of the problem is that iOS4 is not properly handling the older hardware.

    If that is a known issue, Apple will, likely, fix that in an update... so the best thing may be to wait a while.

  • Reply 83 of 113
    Originally Posted by RaiderSanDude View Post

    The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners

    Brilliant! Best post of the day!
  • Reply 84 of 113
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    iOS 4.1 is a developer release of the next version of iOS 4. It is not available to the general public.

    I wouldn't expect 4.1 to address this issue at this time-- it wouldn't be available to those with the problem.

    Usually Apple (and most software companies) fix high-profile issues in an x.y.z numbered release, where:

    x.y is the current release level as in 4.0

    z is the current update level as in 4.0.0

    The "bars" fix is targeted at the current release and will, likely, be released as 4.0.1.

    At the same time they are addressing issues with the current release, 4.0, a different team is adding new features to the next release, 4.1 (called a point release).

    The last thing that is done before a new point release (4.1) is made available to the general public, is to to incorporate any fixes from the prior point telexes (4.0,z1, z2, z3...).

    Otherwise everybody would be running around, getting in each other's way, changing what others have fixed... creating general chaos (kinda' like a thread on AI).

    So the "bars" fix will. likely, be available to the general public, before the next point release (4.1).


    They did do the bars update they've been talking about doing. See here-
  • Reply 85 of 113
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    So, I'm wondering, have the press just decided to turn against Apple, or are Apple losing their press management skills?

    Apple is the Tiger Woods of consumer electronics companies.
  • Reply 86 of 113
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Apple is the Tiger Woods of consumer electronics companies.

    Stop insulting Apple!
  • Reply 87 of 113
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Mmm... All your app store and iTunes store purchases are backed up in iTunes on your PC (and ultimately on Apple's servers). If you have MobileMe, that and/or your computer has backup of mail, contacts, calendars. Your computer has backups of your photos.

    The only thing I have ever lost doing a prior restore was the content of some apps-- I had a high score of over 7,000,000 in Bejeweed.

    I haven't looked at the MacWorld article, so I have no thoughts on that.

    I'll google (is that a bad word, now) around and see if I can come up with anything & let you know by PM, if I do.

    BTW, the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G have a different CPU architecture (ARM 6) than the 3GS and iPhone 4 (ARM 7). So, the probable cause of the problem is that iOS4 is not properly handling the older hardware.

    If that is a known issue, Apple will, likely, fix that in an update... so the best thing may be to wait a while.


    I am sorry I was not clear. I never lost anything, it is all there. It is just that my 3G is slow slow slow, and nothing changed that.

    I am aware of the hardware differences, hence the inability of the 3G to multitask *which IMHO is an overrated function in a smart phone". I upgraded to get the unified in box and folders, but if I had known about the performance hit, I would have passed.
  • Reply 88 of 113
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    Stop insulting Apple!

    I didn't mean it as an insult to either.

    They both were widely recognized as the best.

    They both did something which deeply hurt and disappointed their loyal fans.

    They both have not responded publicly in a way which restores the adoration of their fans.

    They both are being hammered by the opportunistic and bloodthirsty press.

    They both are capable of redemption, in my opinion, and I hope they both turn perceptions

  • Reply 89 of 113
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    They did do the bars update they've been talking about doing. See here-

    Mmmm... Unusual! They slipped it in (maybe) without any mention... Even engadget couldn't find a reference-- just an apparent difference in how the bars are displayed.

    I suspect we'll get clarification in the next day or so.

  • Reply 90 of 113
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Mmmm... Unusual! They slipped it in (maybe) without any mention... Even engadget couldn't find a reference-- just an apparent difference in how the bars are displayed.

    I suspect we'll get clarification in the next day or so.


    Gizmodo says-

    "That little tidbit aside, it appears that the modem firmware has gotten an update as it's now version 02.07.01."

  • Reply 91 of 113
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    I didn't mean it as an insult to either.

    They both were widely recognized as the best.

    They both did something which deeply hurt and disappointed their loyal fans.

    They both have not responded publicly in a way which restores the adoration of their fans.

    They both are being hammered by the opportunistic and bloodthirsty press.

    They both are capable of redemption, in my opinion, and I hope they both turn perceptions


    I was just ribbing you. Tiger has lost a lot of respect and sponsors...not to mention his dominance on the golf course. I believe in redemption but Tiger has a ways to go before he reaches his previous stature.

    As far as Apple's reputation goes, I predict this iPhone flap will be a faint memory before the summer is over. If Apple comes out and admits they lied about the problem, you will owe me an "I told you so."
  • Reply 92 of 113
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Apple press conference tomorrow (Friday)-

    "Apparently Apple has invited select members of the press to a very special press conference scheduled for this Friday. The only bit of information available is that the event is about the iPhone 4."

  • Reply 93 of 113
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    I was just ribbing you. Tiger has lost a lot of respect and sponsors...not to mention his dominance on the golf course. I believe in redemption but Tiger has a ways to go before he reaches his previous stature.

    As far as Apple's reputation goes, I predict this iPhone flap will be a faint memory before the summer is over. If Apple comes out and admits they lied about the problem, you will owe me an "I told you so."

    I thought you might have been just ribbing me. It's all good. I just expanded my comment because I have been struck by the level of disillusionment coming from people on this board and it reminded me of the people who feel that Woods' antics are a personal affront to them. Of course,

    in both instances there were a significant number of haters and trolls around even before the falls from grace. Some of the dramatic heartbreak we read here is not authentic, to put it as politely as I can.
  • Reply 94 of 113
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    At least Microsoft has a permanent solution to the problems with Vista and slow adoption rate of Windows 7 - support for downgrades to Windows XP until the year 2020 -

    What has Apple got to compare to that? A free replacement iPhone 3GS for anyone hot happy with their iPhone 4? I don't think so.
  • Reply 95 of 113
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    Originally Posted by Amdahl View Post

    I actually think Xbox 360 is the closer match to iPhone 4. Both hardware products.. Both having a failure that prevents them from working at their basic function. Both denied by the maker, both facing class action suits for the defect, and then eventually having to capitulate and acknowledge the gadget is just flawed by design. Xbox 360 due to compromises made due to ineptitude on thermal effects and an overly aggressive timetable, iPhone 4 due to ineptitude and a likely refusal to compromise 'the pretty design' with laws of physics.

    Oh yeah, and both costing in the vicinity of $1+ billion to address. (except MIcrosoft still basically didn't fix it for existing owner, hence the '100%' failure rate.)

    Funny, I had a launch XBox 360 and never had any issues with it. None of my friends did either. The one acquaintance I did know of that had an issue sent it back and got a new one. To say they had a 100% failure rate is silly. I think MS did a great job with how they handled the red ring errors even taking them back way after warranty expired.

    I only hope that IF there is a real problem with the iPhone 4 that Apple will handle it the same way. I'm not talking free bumpers either - they are ugly. I'm saying recall the product and fix it. The worst thing you can do is not admit an error and dig yourself into a deeper hole.
  • Reply 96 of 113
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    So what's the problem? There's still a budgeoning iPhone4 market for left-arm amputees Apple just need to re-target. Or maybe Apple could supply a complimentary single white glove? What? has that been done before?

  • Reply 97 of 113
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    Originally Posted by McDave View Post

    So what's the problem? There's still a budgeoning iPhone4 market for left-arm amputees Apple just need to re-target. Or maybe Apple could supply a complimentary single white glove? What? has that been done before?


  • Reply 98 of 113
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    It didn't slip through product testing. It simply isn't an issue for 99 out of a 100 people. If you want thin phones with better reception the antenna has to go on the outside. Most people have to hold the phone in an awkward manner to cause the signal to drop. The drop in signal doesn't mean the phone is going hang up all the time.

    The same is true with other similar phones. That is why you don't see HTC making fun of Apple because it's phone do the same thing.

    Further, I haven't seen hardly anyone who uses the iPhone without a case. You can get a case for five bucks.

    I guarantee there is gorilla war going on here, where Apple's competitors are trying their damnedest to make this a bigger issue then it really is.

    Originally Posted by godrifle View Post

    I have to admit, though, I'm pretty surprised that the antenna "issue", no matter how impactful, slipped through product testing. Given that reception is one of the primary concerns of 3G/3GS owners (warranted or not, whether AT&T's fault or design), I expected Apple would have that aspect sewn up.

  • Reply 99 of 113
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    When this iPhone controversy first started I made a joke that I had read where Apple was going to offer left-handed and right-handed iPhones. Upon reflection some three weeks later I'm beginning to think that might not be a bad solution.
  • Reply 100 of 113
    kzbk81kzbk81 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    What about people like me who have been buying apple products for 25 years? I have no hatred for Apple. But my iPhone 4 had serious reception problems before my pre-ordered bumper arrived.

    The reception problem is a real issue no matter what kind of immature arguments are being waged one way or another. The existence of idiots on either side has no bearing on whether the problem is real or not.

    Apple says just return the phone for full refund (without any deductions of whatsoever) if you are not satisfied for any reason. Micro$oft never had such things - they said downgrade to XP if you are not happy (you still have to pay the Vista price). Even with the Windows 7 - there is a two level downgrade available for the corporate.
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