Apple reveals new cloud-centric Apple TV



  • Reply 221 of 378
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    Don't forget that the iTunes versions have no commercials. Yes, you can skip them, but it's still not as seamless as not having them in the first place.

    Quite. I've bought quite a few shows from iTunes, and it's gotten to the point where I can't stand to watch regular television. I refuse to waste 20 minutes of every hour watching ads for Shamwows and Aptivia....

    My time alone is worth the buck.
  • Reply 222 of 378
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    There are so many TV shows on ITS it's ridiculous. Most you can't stream? OK, well the flipside the crux of my problem with the device in general. I guessing that in about 6 months or so we'll see a solid upgrade to the software for the "missing" app support.

    1) this will allow networks to write apps for subscription plans

    2) It will allow for gaming which it seems Apple is finally warming up to (silly it took them so long and continues to do so)

    My biggest bitch is that without local storage I can't make purchases directly from the ATV which then synch to the server. That's one of the best features.

    I suppose I would have to buy from my server now? I don't want to have to go to my laptop and screen share every time I want to purchase something. (I'm definitely keeping my old ATV's)

    Also, not having local storage bites because I like to synch content and not rely on the server at all times. Especially for music which takes up hardly any space.

    Waiting for an update even though the potential is there and the price is right.

    BTW why does everyone think Netflix is going to be free? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to have a netflix account first guys.

    The fact that they've eliminated the ability to purchase digital movies and tv shows on the Apple TV is a testament to just how few people are buying digitally. When it comes to owning movies or tv shows, physical media is here to stay.
  • Reply 223 of 378
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Why pay $99 for this when you can get a blu-ray player this Christmas that also streams netflix and plays your DVDs?

    Oh, and it does Airplay, Youtube, flickr, Podcasts, etc too?
  • Reply 224 of 378
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Hmmm, Airplay reminds me of Zune squirting.
  • Reply 225 of 378
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    My time alone is worth the buck.

    A pleasure to meet someone who actually values the opportunity cost of his time.
  • Reply 226 of 378
    From a computer yes but will it find my hard drive connected to my airport? If it does, even better, all I need to jailbreak it for is to run Boxee and I will be good to go.

  • Reply 227 of 378
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Yes, but to give a preso you need to see the content as well as control it on the iPad-- for example: keynote displaying content on the large screen, while you look at the next content (and your notes), as well as the controls on the small screen; or you highlight something on the small screen and the highlight is displayed on the large screen.

    I don't believe it can do that!


    Instead of making assumptions, why not look into it? This is the current video out interface (note the text instructing you to touch and hold for the "laser pointer"), there's no telling if Air Play would do anything different (or if Keynote will even be supported by Airplay), but there is no reason to assume the most outlandish things like losing control of your iPad if you use Air Play.

    "I assume it doesn't do this, therefore it sucks" isn't the most effective argument. I will admit that there is room for improvement in that keynote UI, but those are design issues with the app, not a fundamental flaw of video out.
  • Reply 228 of 378
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    Quite. I've bought quite a few shows from iTunes, and it's gotten to the point where I can't stand to watch regular television. I refuse to waste 20 minutes of every hour watching ads for Shamwows and Aptivia....

    My time alone is worth the buck.

    DVR it and skip the commercials. I haven't watched live TV aside from the occasional news or sporting event in many years. DVR everything.
  • Reply 229 of 378
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    See, that's what I don't get. All these people suggesting they'll be able to drop cable now? What about live TV (yes, I know about OTA), CNN, ESPN, sports channels, etc? You realize you'll be giving up all live TV that doesn't live OTA, right? And that some programming (from HBO, for example) is not made available immediately and sometimes not until the following season begins.

    Nobody watches the news anymore.

    Sports? Who cares.

    You can stream everything in iTunes to your Apple TV.
  • Reply 230 of 378
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    First, have you ever used the crappy interface provided by the standard cable box? This is simpler than that.

    And as to a Coverflow-only interface... get real.

    There are tens of thousands of movies and TV show/episodes available on iTunes... and you want to browse all of them sequentially with Coverflow???

    I, for one, am glad you're not in charge of UI design at Apple....

    Mmmm.... Have you ever considered an hierarchical CoverFlow?

    Where, say the top level is genre, artist; rating, stars; playlists, etc,

    Then you select, say, artist and the next level is displayed, etc,

    I've done some experimentation on the iPhone and you can quickly drill-down to almost any music or videos (that you have the capacity to store) in 3 or 4 levels.

    The trick is having few covers at each drill-down level and only creating the CoverFlow series needed at the next level, while caching those at the prior level.

  • Reply 231 of 378
    Originally Posted by utnvols1 View Post

    Since when?

    Since people in the US quit giving a crap about the complaining blokes across the pond. We're not trying to screw you, you do that to yourselves; it's called a monarchy. Happy trails.

    Right that's it. Glove across your face. The next time i'm across the pond i'll give you a choice...pistols or sword?
  • Reply 232 of 378
    Originally Posted by cmatech View Post

    What about people who are sick of paying for overpriced & poor service from the cable companies? Think about how much money you could save by just streaming the occasional movie. And what about the savings from not going to a theater with ridiculous ticket prices and costs for popcorn and soda.

    I'd have to say, "Think about how much money you can sink into this little black box" if you watch any amount of TV/Movies.... could make your cable bill look like nothing. I also prefer to buy movies.... don't especially like the model they're pushing here. I see far fewer pluses for the viewer and far more for the seller.

    And are TV shows with our w/o commercials?
  • Reply 233 of 378
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    The fact that they've eliminated the ability to purchase digital movies and tv shows on the Apple TV is a testament to just how few people are buying digitally. When it comes to owning movies or tv shows, physical media is here to stay.

    You still own your media?it?s just digital now.
  • Reply 234 of 378
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    Jailbreak + airplay. Nuff said.

    True, I am drooling too.
  • Reply 235 of 378
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    AirPlay lets you stream music, video, and photos; no hacking involved.

    Key question... can I stream facetime? If that's a feature of the $99 aTV, then that makes for an instant upgrade reason. iPhone4 in my hand, with the camera, family on the couch, streaming to the big screen the PiP view. Passing the laptop becomes a non issue, and group shots just become flipping the camera from front to back.

    if not, then my AppleTV (and egg frying hotplate) will stay in my media stack, and I'll wait for AppleTV2.1.
  • Reply 236 of 378
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    You still own your media?it?s just digital now.

    err, not if you can't buy it... just lease it for a fixed period of time/uses.
  • Reply 237 of 378
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    Do not like the New apple TV. I have the old one and its hacked with XBMC & Boxee witch make it WAY more functional. No way I'm going to pay $1 to rent an episode when can get hulu on computer for free,or even hulu on ipad for $10 a month.

    What apple needed to do was Bring IOS to apple TV (and make the interface work on tv) and let you download apps. That way I could chose the content provider. Also plays games, use Pandora ETC.

    This is a Let down. I guess ill pick up a boxee box when it comes out. (maybe it will cost $99 to compete)
  • Reply 238 of 378
    Originally Posted by tiefling View Post

    What I was hoping from the new Apple TV was a device that would support Apps and that would stream content from your NAS drives or at least from a Time Capsule.

    You've heard of XBMC for AppleTV, right?
  • Reply 239 of 378
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    See, that's what I don't get. All these people suggesting they'll be able to drop cable now? What about live TV (yes, I know about OTA), CNN, ESPN, sports channels, etc? You realize you'll be giving up all live TV that doesn't live OTA, right? And that some programming (from HBO, for example) is not made available immediately and sometimes not until the following season begins.

    I read and watch all my news online. I subscribe to the major sports online tv (mlb, nhl, etc) packages since I don't live where my teams are (STL btw). I don't currently have HBO etc and have very little inclination to sign up for it.

    And yes this is a small sample size, but the majority of people that I work with and play with watch as little TV as I do. For me (perhaps them) this is a great bridge the few times that I want to park my butt in front of the TV and veg out.
  • Reply 240 of 378
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    A pleasure to meet someone who actually values the opportunity cost of his time.

    People that go on about how valuable their time is make me smile. Really, with the exception of maybe a high powered CEO, the majority of people spend huge amounts of their time wasting it.

    As a salaried employee, my time out of work costs nothing.
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