Verizon hiring hundreds ahead of iPhone launch - rumor



  • Reply 101 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by samban View Post

    I haven't seen the agreement, but does it restrict apple to make any cell phone for any other provider other than AT&T for 5 years or is it just iphone. My point is if the exclusivity is for iphone then is it not possible that apple makes a xPhone (x = whatever apple names) which runs iOS on a new set of H/W.

    Contracts are usually pretty explicit and will cover all the bases. I have to assume that AT&T?s legal counsel is no slouch.

    Of course, mistakes are made. Just look at Intel and Nvidia?s current issue.
  • Reply 102 of 143
    I'm thinking that att's concession to apple allowing them to drop the unlimited data plans was to shave off a year of exclusivity...
  • Reply 103 of 143
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Contracts are usually pretty explicit and will cover all the bases. I have to assume that AT&T?s legal counsel is no slouch.

    Of course, mistakes are made. Just look at Intel and Nvidia?s current issue.

    Just look at Apple, Microsoft, and windowing technology.
  • Reply 104 of 143
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I'm in this for the money.

    We already suspected you were a paid troll. Thanks for the confirmation .... now all that remains to be answered is ..... who was stupid enough to pay you?
  • Reply 105 of 143
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Verizon does not "need" apple. Nor does Adobe, Java or anyone else. Apple's existence is rooted in their ability to "get along" with the members of the Microsoft ecosystem. When Steve Jobs starts acting like a monolithic elitist, no one will want to have anything to do with him and Apple will wither and die on the vine.

    $20 billion, a $280 billion + market cap (look out, Exxon Mobil), $51 billion in cash, with Microsoft in their rearview mirror, and the resources to do so many things in-house (or make some key acquisitions) says otherwise.

    It's Apple that needs no one, aside from an ocean of developers and consumers ready to line up to buy. That won't change anytime soon. In fact, it's everyone else that either wants to be a part of what Apple is doing, or wants to emulate some key aspect of their business.

    it's seems Microsoft is desperate to "get along" with Apple these days. EVERYBODY in the industry need Apple, make no mistake.

    Consumers decide where the players will move. They've voted with their wallets for Apple.

    Record iPhone sales. Over 14.1 million this past quarter alone, easily surpassing RIM. Record Mac sales. 7 million iPads sold since April. Apple can do very little wrong at this point. iOS is a massive success, and integrating it with OS X is the final move in making the most usable tech across the board in the entire industry. In fact, I can't recall a quarter in recent years that didn't set a new record for the company. Recall that Apple had blowout sales . . . in a recession!

    Seems consumers are not just happy with Apple, they're ecstatic with the company's decisions.

    Take-away from the numbers:

    Conference Call Highlights:

    - CFO Peter Oppenheimer with summary: New all-time records for Mac, iPhone and iPad sales.

    - New Mac sales record by over 400,000 - double overall market growth. Double-digit growth in both desktop and portables, led by iMac, MacBook Pro, and MacBook.

    - Nearly 9.1 million iPods sold. Market share remains over 70% per NPD.

    - iTunes Store revenue over $1 billion for the quarter.

    - "Extremely pleased" with 14.1 million iPhones sold. iPhone revenue reached $8.82 billion, up 92 percent. Average selling price of $610.

    - iPhone has 166 carriers in 89 countries. Very pleased with response in China since recent launch.

    - Enterprise adoption of iPhone 4 continues to grow. 80% of Fortune 500 companies, up from 60% before iPhone 4 launch.

    - iPhone sales very strong, but could have sold more if supply had been available.

    - iPad sales strong. 65% of Fortune 100 companies using iPad. Expanding retail distribution and filling sales channels, but still below desired levels.

    - Have now passed 125 million total iOS devices sold.

    - iOS 4.2 coming in November with AirPrint and other features.

    - App Store: Over 200,000 registered developers. "Very happy" with iAd performance.

    - Retail store revenue at $3.75 billion. 874,000 Macs sold, up 30% year-over-year. 50% of sales to customers new to Mac.

    - First-day sales at new Beijing and Shanghai stores set new records.

    - Average revenue per store $11.8 million, up 52% year-over-year.

    - 74.5 million visitors during the quarter, up 62% year-over-year.

    - Fiscal 2011 will see focus on international expansion. 40-50 new stores, with over 50% outside U.S. Also replacing several U.S. stores.

    - Cash plus marketable securities at $51 billion, up $5.2 billion.

    - Fiscal 2010 saw over 13.6 million Macs sold, 40 million iPhones, nearly 7.5 million iPads, record revenue of over $65 billion. Earnings of $14 billion. 5x the revenue and 10x the earnings of five years ago.

    - Guidance: Revenue at $23 billion, gross margin at 36%, earnings of $4.80 per share.

    Apple doesn't need anyone to work with them, actually. They have $51 billion in cash on-hand, they're debt-free, they're the hottest company in tech, and in due course, will surpass Exxon Mobil as the most valuable company on the planet. They're the master of their own fate. Microsoft is now in their rear-view mirror. They can do so many things in-house if they like already, or simply make a few acquisitions. All Apple needs are developers to be on board and consumers to continue lining up for their products. And they are. That won't change in the foreseeable future. All Apple needs to do is stick to their vision.

    The new low-end for Apple stock is around $300. Did you forget that? Investors seem to think SJ is doing a fine job. In fact, SJ's performance as CEO is widely regarded as unmatched in the industry today. But why would no one want to work with them when Apple gear is flying off the shelves? you can bet there will be no shortage of potential partners for Apple at this rate. Just ask AT&T and Foxconn. See how Apple turned their back on Adobe and Flash? The result: Adobe stock ended up tanking. And Apple ended up selling a record number of iPhones and iPads. No Flash. No consequences. Just a lot of bluster and hot air from wrong-headed analysts and geeks on tech sites. Apple has this habit of proving them wrong every damn time.

    You seem to be living in some other world that has no basis in reality. Look at the what the market is saying, not what geeks on tech sites are saying. AppleInsider and Macrumors and other tech sites are not the place to gauge opinion. They are a barometer of nothing. This crowd doesn't know sweet f all about the market. LOL they're still pining away for some kind of desktop headless Mac you can take apart and play with. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.

    It seems every year for the past 5-7 years we have this sort of conversation. This nonsense from folks who don't "get" Apple really needs to stop.
  • Reply 106 of 143
    Why do some of you guys bother responding to Blackintosh? I have him on Ignore and never see what he has to say unless you respond with his post quoted. He's just trolling because he doesn't have a life to get off on anything else.
  • Reply 107 of 143
    Blackintosh and Whitentosh are the same person. Both accounts banned.
  • Reply 108 of 143
    Used a second account. Banned.
  • Reply 109 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple's success thus far has been based on their willingness to live in the Microsoft ecosystem. Easy networking, compatibility with Word and Pages, mp3 support in iPods, etc etc.

    MS is the creator of ?easy networking?? Explain that.

    Apple wouldn?t exist with Word support? Explain that.

    MS created mp3s? Explain that.


    Now that Apple is getting too big for it's britches, or too big for Steve's ego, they are moving to a more monolithic "my way or the hiway" mentality and what I am saying is that is not going to work. Why? Two reasons.

    1. Apple is not big enough. Yeah, market cap. Jobs said the Mac has a 21 percent market share. Still a niche market in the Microsoft pool. They are not big enough yet to dictate terms to anyone.

    1) You start off saying Apple is ?too big? than you imply that they are very small compared to MS. You really think that makes sense?

    2) You are comparing a marketshare of Mac, a brand of PC to what exactly? As far as I know MS doesn?t make any PCs.


    2. No one likes being told what to do. This "walled garden" iOS mentality that has spread to Lion will alienate buyers. No flash, no porn, apps rejected for no good reason. No one is going to put up with that and that is why Apple will eventually fail. They look good now, but it's coming my dear friends. Oh yes, it's coming.

    Flash isn?t allowed? Explain that.

    You can?t watch porn? Explain that.

    You can?t install any app you wish? Explain that.
  • Reply 110 of 143
    Blackintosh and Whitentosh are the same person. Both accounts banned.
  • Reply 111 of 143
    Originally Posted by whitentosh View Post

    I mean no disrespect Alex, but may I suggest that Blackintosh has as much right to comment here as anyone. If you don't want to see it, can you not just look past it?

    Oh, yeah. We're going to side with you; the person whose name is identical to his and who has only posted seven times.
  • Reply 112 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I never said MS was the creator of "easy networking. I said Apple's success was due to their willingness to co-exist in the Microsoft world. And easy networking made that possible. I never said MS made networking easy. Apple made it easier with Tiger and then Leopard.

    It would be impossible for (what term should I use??) a lot of people to use a Mac if there wasn't support for Word documents in preview and eventually Pages. Surly you don't deny this? How well would Mac's and Pages have gone over if they were chained to their own proprietary format? How well would Mac's have sold if there was no Office for Mac? Another example of "when in Rome."

    I didn't say Microsoft created MP3's. I used MP3's as an example of how Apple tried to co exist in the music player market by offering support for MP3 formatted music. How successful would the iPod have been if it only worked with aac files purchased from iTunes. No support for existing music libraries, pirated or otherwise, or ripped from CD? Remember the old ads, I don't know who the company was, that used to say it would cost 20,000 dollars to fill up a 20 Gig iPod so use our service?

    Jeez, Solipsism, you're way off the beam on this one my friend.

    So what you?ve done is disproven your previous comments about Apple not supporting any other standards except their own and shown, without a shadow of a doubt, that Apple isn?t the ?walled garden? you first made them out to be.
  • Reply 113 of 143
    Blackintosh and Whitentosh are the same person. Both accounts banned.
  • Reply 114 of 143
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I said they were too big for their britches and Steve's ego, which they are.

    I'm not even sure what this baloney even means. Evidence?

    Steve has always had an ego. Today, however, it's dawned on him that Apple is the master of their own fate and they're moving away from reliance on so many other players and beginning to call the shots. The strength of their products allow them to do this. Given their current success with this strategy, there is no evidence this is a negative or ever will be a negative.

    You're talking a lot of nonsense that has absolutely no basis in reality. For one, you're trying to make a case against Apple's obvious success. Which is frankly, insane. It's simply not a viable thing to do at this point, especially when the industry at large is trying to emulate Apple or some aspect of their business.

    As for Macs, Apple owns the Premium end. The entry fee is $1000+. What angers Ballmer so much is that Windows has been relegated to the bargain-bin along with the lousy hardware churned out by the also-rans. People with $$ to spare are choosing Macs and other Apple gear. The cream of the consumer crop is making Apple a boatload of money - and then Apple turns around and offers iPads and iPhones for everyone else. All on the strength of the User Experience provided by the controlled Apple ecosystem. It's a brilliant strategy that is paying off.

    Notice that the more locked-down and controlling Apple seems, the more they seem to sell . . . of everything?

    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    They used to be willing to live in the Windows ecosystem. They do it less and less every day with iOS and the App store.

    Uh . . . that's the whole point, champ. The road to self-sufficiency.

    And it's working.
  • Reply 115 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I said they had a 21 percent market share compared to MS.

    Show us where they compared Apple?s PC sales to MS? OS licensing sales, and not to the sales of other PCs in the US.


    I am comparing market share of the Mac to PC's in general.

    No you?re not, but you?ve either failed to realize because cognitive thinking is an issue for you or you are just trolling these forums, because Macs are PCs. Next time there is informative on PC stats you should realize that Apple makes up part of the numbers hence Macs are PCs. You should also note that MS is not listed in there, it?s Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, etc. because they make PCs. MS doesn?t make PCs.

    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    They used to be willing to live in the Windows ecosystem. They do it less and less every day with iOS and the App store.

    Actually, it?s MS that is willing to work with Apple?s ecosystem because Apple is the only one with a viable ecosystem right now. Windows is just an OS.

    But as for living in Windows less and less everyday, the opposite is true. You just have to look at iTunes and the push to use more and more open web standards that are OS independent to see that. But you won?t.


    I often bore my relatives to death...

    I believe it.


    I still remember Apple Mail in Tiger having a box to check to send emails to Windows users. I don't know what it was for, but it was an attempt to co exist in the Windows world. It aint there anymore is it?

    You act like a troll, but then you post crap like this which makes me think you aren?t very bright. You see some option that you don?t know what it?s for, never googled it, but are now using it as a platform for an argument. Seriously?!

    BTW, it?s to send Windows friendly ATTACHMENTS, and it?s still in Mail under Edit » Attachments, and checked off by default.

    Again you?ve disproven your poorly contrived point that Apple purposely tries not to play well with Windows.

    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Flash was banned from the iPhone for battery life reasons. There was no cause to ban it from the iPad.

    It never existed on iOS, it only came to being this year for a mobile platform, and it?s still only a very small percentage of Android phones. How is that Apple?s fault. If you really think battery life is the only issue or that the battery life on the iPad is so great that it wouldn?t be an issue even if Adobe miraculously had Flash ready for it, then I refer to my above comment about your mental capacity.


    Steve Job's stance on Porn is well known. Look it up.

    Based on your assessment that he?s against Apple directly supporting it, I guess that means anyone who used their system for pedophila, terrorism, adultery, or whatever means that those PC makers or OS makers or app makers support it?


    I never said you couldn't install any app you wish. I said Apple rejects apps it doesn't like for no good reason. Or so I've heard.

    I?ve never had a problem installing an app on a Mac and I don?t expect that to change with Lion.

    Look, despite your curmudgeon jackassary I?m really trying to be easy on you as I assume it must be frustrating to not understand what everyone seems to get. But if you don?t cut it out I will come down on you like a unsold case of Zunes.
  • Reply 116 of 143
    Aren't they hiring for the launch of their LTE network. It's a huge launch, covering 38 cities and 60 airports at launch - meaning a huge 75% of the US population from day one.
  • Reply 117 of 143
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You act like a troll, but then you post crap like this which makes me think you aren’t very bright. You see some option that you don’t know what it’s for, never googled it, but are now using it as a platform for an argument. Seriously?!

    It's not an argument, it's a friendly discussion. Why get so upset? Can't you take anyone else's opinion but your own? Are you that insecure in yourself? Or are you just a fanboy who can't tolerate anything negative about your heros?

    I was expecting you to tell me that you email videos from your iPhone 4 all the time with no problem whatsoever. Don't you?
  • Reply 118 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by retroneo View Post

    Aren't they hiring for the launch of their LTE network. It's a huge launch, covering 38 cities and 60 airports at launch - meaning a huge 75% of the US population from day one.

    Maybe, but that should be mostly transparent to the user and only an issue with people calling to ask about it or buy the handsets that will eventually use it. Aren?t these just call center reps? Wouldn?t their current reps just need to be briefed on what to tell the customers?

    I think that this means they are actually expecting a rush of new customers for specific hardware and I don?t think the new LTE handsets would be that reason as they will pricy and likely very poor the way WiMAX is for Sprint in many aspects. IOWs, they won?t be a huge consumer draw for awhile.
  • Reply 119 of 143
    Originally Posted by Shortest Skil View Post

    I agree with everything you said... and will ever say.

    Totally agree.


    Spot on
  • Reply 120 of 143
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    It's not an argument, it's a friendly discussion. Why get so upset? Can't you take anyone else's opinion but your own? Are you that insecure in yourself? Or are you just a fanboy who can't tolerate anything negative about your heros?

    Yeah, that is pretty weak baiting, but it least it proves you are just trolling. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and falsely assumed that you had to be one or the other, when it?s not crystal clear that you?re both.


    I was expecting you to tell me that you email videos from your iPhone 4 all the time with no problem whatsoever. Don't you?

    I rarely ever use the camera so why would I. I can see you?re pushing to be banned, but I recommend on your next account that you try to act a little more objective.
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