Samsung's global Galaxy Tab sales lag behind Apple iPad at 600K



  • Reply 241 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Doesn't matter. There is no Wifi only version of this Tablet. Even if the retailers bought it that means that expect to sell them. And 600k if the number is ever close is very impressive.

    You can not buy a Galaxy unless you go with a network vendor. There is no wifi only version and based on the latest news there will be no wifi only version.

    That's a big mistake on samsung's part.
  • Reply 242 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its beyond funny. We should start a group for them call the frantic fanboys. They are more worried about everyone else failing that when someone acutally does well they flip out.

    They thought they were finally past it all when MS starting to drop now that Google and Android are doing well the inferiority complex is in full swing.

    the 'frantic fanboys' should start group for you called the 'pathetic losers'. oh wait, you are a founding father of that group...
  • Reply 243 of 337
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    you just commented on this very thread right before that post.

    so what type of 'fanboy' does that make you?

    Im a fanboy of great technology, no matter who makes it. My Macbook Pro, iPad, HTC Evo and Windows 7 gaming system all get along fine and really they don't fight at all.

    They all work together, sync togther, hell I bet I can even have them all sit down for Christmas dinner without any issues.
  • Reply 244 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    IF AI is going to put out thread and news about Android related products what is everyone suppose to do ignore it? Clearly the frantic fanboys can't.

    Yeah and clearly you can't help but come up here and defend the OS you love so much. Clearly the frantic fandriods can't restrain themselves too.
  • Reply 245 of 337
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    WOW! So 2.2 isn't optimized for tablets, and yet the Galaxy Tab performs THAT WELL?

    That Galaxy Tab sure is one hell of a device. Can't wait to see 3.0 on it.

    Thanks for opening my eyes as to how awesome this tablet is. I'm jealous of those 600,000 NORMAL INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE NO MORE OR LESS INTELLIGENT THAN ANYONE ELSE HERE.

    Good God, dimwit.

    Obviously you haven't read some of the reviews - that indicate the galaxy tab is slow as shit.

    2.2 isn't optimized and it shows!
  • Reply 246 of 337
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    the 'frantic fanboys' should start group for you called the 'pathetic losers'. oh wait, you are a founding father of that group...

    If you are going to hang around here you really need to do better then that. You know something that has a little snap to it. That was just a really bad attempt.
  • Reply 247 of 337
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Name them. I've seen reviews that singled out this or that feature or UI bit being noteworthy, without flatly declaring the thing "better."

    DaHarder, on the other hand, waxes positively rhapsodic over the obvious and nearly unlimited advantages of each and every Apple competitor that comes on the market. He consigns each piece of Apple kit to the dustbin of history, having been obviously outclassed and obsoleted by whatever.

    The larger question, however, is that, given these awesome and clearly preferable user experience of these various devices, to what end do people such as DaHarder (or you, much of the time) waste your time posting here?

    What kind of fucked up mental illness is it, exactly that drives the need to constantly refute "fan boys", instead of seeking out the company of people using the equipment you prefer and talking about that?

    LOL, you're forgetting that he supposedly buys every single Apple product only to then buy a competitors product and realize how crappy the Apple product was. You would think that he would give up on Apple altogether by now and just buy the perfect other product.
  • Reply 248 of 337
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    Yeah and clearly you can't help but come up here and defend the OS you love so much. Clearly the frantic fandriods can't restrain themselves too.

    Show me where I defended Android in this thread. You are talking out your ass. Been here a month and you already have no clue.
  • Reply 249 of 337
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its beyond funny. We should start a group for them call the frantic fanboys. They are more worried about everyone else failing that when someone acutally does well they flip out.

    They thought they were finally past it all when MS starting to drop now that Google and Android are doing well the inferiority complex is in full swing.

    In English?
  • Reply 250 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    IF AI is going to put out thread and news about Android related products what is everyone suppose to do ignore it? Clearly the frantic fanboys can't.

    Here you go. Been here for 4 years plus and yet no clue.
  • Reply 251 of 337
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by jca666us View Post

    Obviously you haven't read some of the reviews - that indicate the galaxy tab is slow as shit.

    2.2 isn't optimized and it shows!

    Not at all what I've read, and seeing as how I own a Fascinate still running 2.1, I believe them when they say how quick it is.

    I will say the Fascinate used a bad file system not native to linux, but a fix for this was literally as easy as plugging in the usb, and running a file.

    So if people are complaining about things like applications list taking a second or two to load, they very well could be talking about Samsung's poor choice for the file system (unless they changed it for the tab.)

    Updates for the galaxy S phone apparently deal with this issue, but since I rooted and removed bloatware, I can't apply the update without risking some bad stuff happening (much like someone jumping through hoops to update a jailbroken iphone.)

    If the galaxy tab is as fast as my fascinate, then it's definitely a far cry from "slow as shit."

    I'm going to bed.
  • Reply 252 of 337
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    Yes I meant everyone and that means anyone with proficient English.

    Now do you have anything constructive/intelligent to add to the topic at hand, or is your mission solely to prove every iDevices is inferior compared to any other consumer electronic device?

  • Reply 253 of 337
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder

    One click in Spare Parts and a reboot, and all 224 apps I have installed run beautifully at full screen with no pixelation to be seen (love that nice/tight pixel density).

    Originally Posted by Pomme View Post

    It is a well known fact that Android apps are vastly inferior to their iOS brethren.

    Troll trolling other troll. That's how low this place has sunk to now.
  • Reply 254 of 337
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Pomme View Post

    With a 7 inch screen, the offering from our Korean friends is certain to be dead on arrival.

    Didn't take you long to sign up anew, did it?
  • Reply 255 of 337
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Pomme View Post

    iOS is not fragmented. There is only one version and it works precisely the same on all current iOS devices.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Wrong... Depending on what your definition of 'current' is.

    And again. Poor Daharder.
  • Reply 256 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    LOL, you're forgetting that he supposedly buys every single Apple product only to then buy a competitors product and realize how crappy the Apple product was. You would think that he would give up on Apple altogether by now and just buy the perfect other product.

    There is no 'perfect' product, but I do endeavor to buy/use any/everything that suits my needs/desires at the time... when it's all said and done, that's entirely my right, and none of it (or anything else I do) is remotely any of your business one way or another.

    Maybe you should make a greater effort to lay off the personal attacks/matters and stick to the topic at hand.

    Then again it could be that envy/jealously of those who do have the ability to acquire what they want/when they want has made such rational behavior impossible.

    Either way, I really don't care what you (or any of these other fanatics) think of me or what I have or do.

    Have A Nice Day.
  • Reply 257 of 337
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I have never seen the word "MODERN" actually typeset in Copperplate bold, in all CAPS. You sure know modern when you see it! Apologies to Linotype.

    Had to chuckle at this, nice work.
  • Reply 258 of 337
    and a fair amount of the commentary comes from a collection of individuals that ironically are well-contained on my ignore list:

    appl Archipellago AsianBob bartfat bettieblue blackbyrd Blackintosh Chopper chronster Coolaaron88 cycomiko DaHarder dasanman69 djmikeo erybovic extremeskater Foo2 FreeRange frugality g3pro geekdad gin_tonic grking jayhammy jeffreytgilbert Joe hs joindup knwbuddy kotatsu MenLoveToys mikemikeb Newtron nikon133 Pennywse Prof. Peabody RationalTroll Ricardo Dawkins RichL samab sapporobabyrtrns Scaramanga89 screamingfist SendMe Sensi SHOBIZ Steve-J Superbass Tallest Skil wizard69

    When compacted ignoreds occupy as much space as the regular commenters, it's time to give this forum a rest. You reasonable and enthusiastic folks, keep up the good work - and try to leave some of these less reasonable folk simply echoing in the User CP hallways without response.

    Briefly back on topic: It is a fact that Samsung reports solely into the channel not retails end purchaser sales. And while Apple did blend in the Best Buy channel supplies - they were only a small percentage of the total number sold to customers by Apple.

    So now, I bid you all adieu, may your holidays be as pleasant as you wish them to be.

  • Reply 259 of 337
    Originally Posted by tangomoo View Post

    To be more accurate, Samsung sold 600K to its (tens of) carriers. How many end users bought it or the number in their stock or supplier chain is still unknown. Anyway the 600K looks not that bad.

    Yeah, they probably just stuffed the channel with their initial production run and then announce big numbers.

    Actual sales to end-users would be infinitely more comparable to the numbers that Apple announces, as the vast majority of stuff Apple produces, it sells directly to customers.
  • Reply 260 of 337
    Originally Posted by jca666us View Post

    Just bc ms threw together a press conference doesn't mean anything except that smart people at two different companies came to the same conclusion.

    Bingo... and it's not like this is just an Apple/Microsoft thing either. When you have a single solution that is better than other solutions, different groups of smart people will both independently reach the same conclusion. This happens all the time.

    However, it's even more pronounced with technology because we keep hitting points where certain technologies become economically feasible, so suddenly something that wasn't used by anyone is being used by everyone... and to the untrained eye it looks like a lot of companies are just copying each other.

    Where Apple have the advantage is that one, they sell premium products so their "economically feasible" point for a new technology is earlier than most other companies. Two, they control their products end to end (hardware and software) so it's easier to implement a product line with new technology and three, they have an incredible nimble structure that lets them move from concept to market very quickly.

    Look at the new MacBook Air. It comes standard with an SSD (soldered into the board, but still essentially an SSD). In 12 months when SSD's are economically feasible for the mainstream I guarantee that Dell will offer SSD's as standard across the board.

    Another example. Apple have announced a Mac "App Store" which we will see next year. Microsoft are also working on a Windows "App Store"... but we won't see it until Windows 8 (around 2012). However, and this is something I would put money on, there will be a lot of people saying "Microsoft copied the Mac App Store in Windows 8" when Windows 8 is released.

    That's not to take away from the innovations Apple have made, and there are plenty of them.

    People who look at every Apple invention and say "Apple might have done it first, but it was inevitable anyway" are at one end of the spectrum and those who say "Apple did it first, everyone else copied" are at the other. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
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