Samsung's global Galaxy Tab sales lag behind Apple iPad at 600K



  • Reply 261 of 337
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    Here you go. Been here for 4 years plus and yet no clue.

    You didn't answer the question. Where in this thread did I defend Android or say it was better then iOS? Which was your big bitch. You couldn't answer the question so you just decided to respond with something stupid.
  • Reply 262 of 337
    I like to think that I'm moderately objective about Android's strengths and weaknesses, just as I am about Apple products. I generally have what some would perceive to be an Apple bias, though that's usually just because the products are better.

    That said...

    I think the Galaxy Tablet is garbage. Well, not garbage, but why anyone would buy this over an iPad is beyond me. I didn't find the user experience to be nearly as functional and elegant as the iPad's is. I felt like I was using a clunky OS, and generally I don't think Android is that bad. It just doesn't feel right on a larger screen and the touch elements simply aren't as natural as that of the iPad.

    And after owning an iPad from day one, I'll tell you that I can't imagine using a 7" tablet. I felt like I was using an over-sized Evo 4G. Some people may like the smaller size, but I was honestly shocked by how dramatic of a difference there was. It just felt too small. If I'm going to go small, I want it to be small enough to fit in a jeans pocket. If I'm going tablet, I'm with Jobs on this one, give me that 10" screen. It's far better for reading, surfing the web, e-mail.

    I'll definitely give the Galaxy an edge for video watching though as you can skip the black bars as it's 16:9. For video, that is nice in this day and age, but for a tablet that will function for more than just video, 4:3 really is a better aspect ratio. I also like that it will work with any carrier. Hopefully the iPad will work that out in version 2, which I will be buying day one once again.

    600k units in the first month is a really respectable start for a product that's clearly launching in the shadow of the iPad, and perhaps more so, the entire Apple iOS line. I am shocked by these numbers to be honest, but good for them. We'll see how it sustains though, as I really believe that the iPad is objectively a far superior product in the majority of ways, and I expect iPad 2 to be even better.
  • Reply 263 of 337
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    Where Apple have the advantage is that one, they sell premium products so their "economically feasible" point for a new technology is earlier than most other companies. Two, they control their products end to end (hardware and software) so it's easier to implement a product line with new technology and three, they have an incredible nimble structure that lets them move from concept to market very quickly.

    Apple never comes to the table with new technology before others. Hell they just started to put quad core in their "desktop" iMacs. Lets talk about RAID. Lets talk about they charge twices as much for a GPU that has been around for a year.

    SSD are offered by almost everyone.

    New technology get real.
  • Reply 264 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You didn't answer the question. Where in this thread did I defend Android or say it was better then iOS? Which was your big bitch. You couldn't answer the question so you just decided to respond with something stupid.

    If you're dumb enough not to see my respond then I guess big bitch applies to you yourself. Your shitting out of your mouth so you just decided to respond with something fucked up.
  • Reply 265 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Personally, I don't care if they sold but one, as long as that one was to me, because I absolutely appreciate mine.

    It would appear that you fail to appreciate that a 7 inch screen is insufficient to properly express tablet applications. This may become increasingly clear as usage is accumulated.
  • Reply 266 of 337
    Originally Posted by jca666us View Post

    I have several videos encoded at 720p which my iPad displays fine.


    Indeed the capabilities of the iPad include the ability to display video content encoded in 720p. The android contingent claims that because the iPad cannot display such content at 720p, it is therefore "not HD". But their semantic considerations cannot overcome the reality of 720p content being displayed by an iPad.
  • Reply 267 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    As an owner of an Android-based device, I couldn't disagree more. And hell, I'm running Android on a device it was actually meant for, not a tablet. I'm amazed you're so blown away by what is essentially an upscaled phone interface.

    Which is exactly what my iPad's UI is... except the excessively wide placement of the icons on the iPad makes it look even less space efficient than on the iPhone/iPod Touch.

    Essentially, iOS works because it's as simplistic as humanly possible, and so familiar to many, though it's hardly ideal or flexible for the more demanding user.

    At least Android allows for the use of live widgets, various home-screen apps, and user selectable icon spacing, and maybe your 'disagreement' stems from a lack of creativity/wherewithal to truly utilize its bountiful customization features/options.

    Oh Well... More for the rest of us.
  • Reply 268 of 337
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,218member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    At least Android allows for the use of live widgets, various home-screen apps, and user selectable icon spacing, and maybe your 'disagreement' stems from a lack of creativity/wherewithal to truly utilize its bountiful customization features/options.

    Isn't it long past time you tweaked your Android's UI, adjusted the power settings, maybe killed a few apps, swapped a battery, or rebooted? Google knows, how you have time to comment here. Seriously. Google also knows when you have time to comment here.
  • Reply 269 of 337
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Slow down a little...

    Yes. Type s-l-o-w-e-r.
  • Reply 270 of 337
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    You almost got me there but just went a little OTT with the "because she found her iPad bit too ungainly/cumbersome to really be considered a true on-the-go device".

    Still 600,000 is pretty impressive.

    He almost had me until he said "the spouse". Never happen.
  • Reply 271 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    He almost had me until he said "the spouse". Never happen.

    Probably for the best given that I Really Don't Want You (or your approval) -
  • Reply 272 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple never comes to the table with new technology before others. Hell they just started to put quad core in their "desktop" iMacs. Lets talk about RAID. Lets talk about they charge twices as much for a GPU that has been around for a year.

    SSD are offered by almost everyone.

    New technology get real.

    So you think Apple doesn't tend to mass deploy technology and ideas before other companies?

    That's funny.
  • Reply 273 of 337
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Name them. I've seen reviews that singled out this or that feature or UI bit being noteworthy, without flatly declaring the thing "better."

    for the interface, which was all I talked about.,1

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The larger question, however, is that, given these awesome and clearly preferable user experience of these various devices, to what end do people such as DaHarder (or you, much of the time) waste your time posting here?

    I have never declared that any other device or item had a clearly preferable user experience. OTOH, I do not take the view, that many here express, that simply because it is not Apple, the item under discussion is a priori worthless and a piece of crap. So, for example, I have consistently said that if one's needs do not exceed that of a High School student then iWork is great, and Office is overkill. OTOH, iWork has serious limitations for more professional work, particularly Numbers vs Excel. Thus, I never said that Office was clearly preferable, I said that it depended on one's needs.

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    What kind of fucked up mental illness is it, exactly that drives the need to constantly refute "fan boys", instead of seeking out the company of people using the equipment you prefer and talking about that?

    There is no drive to refute "fan boys" unless you consider correcting factually incorrect statements a "fucked up mental illness", although in this day and age where facts no longer exist or are at least irrelevant, and demagoguery is king, your statement makes a certain sense. So for example, I posted a response to a post that claimed the iPhones not running iOS 4.2 been discontinued for 2 years. This is not true, as the 3G has not been discontinued for 2 years, but actually less than a year.

    I own only Apple equipment, and there is much to love about Apple, and much that is wrong with other equipment, without the need for blind, mindless Apple is perfect attitude, and the believe that any false statement about other companies (e.g., MS) is perfectly fine.
  • Reply 274 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    No more so than there exsist a solution for the 'fragmentation' that exists for all those early iDevice owners that can't run many of the newer iOS apps.

    Note: It works both ways.

    you mean the first Iphone thats over three years old. Thats a big difference from buying a new phone and 3 months later a new update to the os comes out with new features and you can't update your $500 phone
  • Reply 275 of 337
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    If you're dumb enough not to see my respond then I guess big bitch applies to you yourself. Your shitting out of your mouth so you just decided to respond with something fucked up.

    Okay again. Show me a quote where I was defending Android or knocking iOS in this thread. You yet again said nothing other then making yourself look like an ass. Which appears to be the only thing that comes easy to you.

    "If you're dumb enough not to see my respond "

    LOL, yeah that must be it.
  • Reply 276 of 337
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    No tablet can compare to the iPad launch, since the iPad was first?the one that created the category. After that, anything else is following the trail of an already-accepted product type.

    But the only sales number I care about is the one unit that goes to me
  • Reply 277 of 337
    Originally Posted by storneo View Post

    You have no clue. Are you friends with "Blackintosh" by any chance? Same person possibly? No life? You love your Android device so much yet you hang out on Apple forums? Searching for a Russian bride in between your posts? Hmmmm....

    It is wonderful that those who enjoy Android can be unmercifully insulted here. This is an incredible forum!
  • Reply 278 of 337
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    1. - No it isn't.

    2. - No it doesn't.

    3 - then close it.

    Seriously, you'll lose the multitasking debate... Don't even bother starting it.

    In theory you might be right, but in practice, that simply isn't the case. So many applications are poorly written that, when combined with Android's multitasking, create serious issues in terms of performance, battery life and usability.

    Remember when the Facebook app was overhauled to try to match the iOS version? There was a partial wake lock bug. My Droid dropped 30% battery between 8 am and lunch from just sitting on my desk.
  • Reply 279 of 337
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    No tablet can compare to the iPad launch, since the iPad was first?the one that created the category. After that, anything else is following the trail of an already-accepted product type.

    But the only sales number I care about is the one unit that goes to me

    No tablet? Not even this one?

    DYNAMIC...CUSTOMIZABLE...MODERN!!! That's all that matters, right?
  • Reply 280 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    No tablet? Not even this one?

    DYNAMIC...CUSTOMIZABLE...MODERN!!! That's all that matters, right?

    Sure... Whatever...

    That 'thing' isn't remotely comparable to the Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad, as one must first have a solid hardware foundation on which to build, so even presenting it as such (even in jest) only shows just how much of an unlearned TROLL you truly are.

    Enough Said!
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