Samsung's global Galaxy Tab sales lag behind Apple iPad at 600K



  • Reply 61 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    All-App Multi-Tasking means just that - The OS allows any/all apps (including 3rd party) to multi-task just as the native apps do.

    My iDevices only allow Apple's native apps, and some select 3rd party ones, to run in the background... All others are simply suspended.

    Wrong again. It's not relegated to select 3rd party apps, it's relegated to any and all apps whose developers are not lazy enough to omit it. Don't blame Apple or the software, blame the developers. I'd rather have multitasking specifically coded for with optimized API's than "true" multitasking that makes my wife's Droid Eris die in 6 hours without a task killer.
  • Reply 62 of 337
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me. I mean. come on, over a thousand posts in just over a year, all negative, derisive. and demeaning to all things Apple. And why do the moderators allow this to go on and on, day after day when the intent is obvious?
  • Reply 63 of 337
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    All-App Multi-Tasking means just that - The OS allows any/all apps (including 3rd party) to multi-task just as the native apps do.

    My iDevices only allow Apple's native apps, and some select 3rd party ones, to run in the background... All others are simply suspended.

    Of course they are suspended. Why would something like a game continue to play when no one can see it?
  • Reply 64 of 337
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by mbarriault View Post

    Two devices, both of which have been discontinued over 2 years ago, don't even come close to dozens of devices that came out in the past couple months that will never get 2.3, some even have 2.1 or earlier. iOS might be fragmented too, but you're comparing a 2000-piece puzzle to 10 pieces.

    Ah, you are off a bit. The iPhone 3G was discontinued in June 2010, with the eventual release of the iPhone 4. Then the 3GS was the discounted $99 version.

    So, the 3G (which I own), does not run all of the new apps, nor does it get all of the benefits of iOS 4, but Apple was selling them less than a year ago. So your statement of 2 items discontinued 2 years ago is wrong.
  • Reply 65 of 337
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me.

    Agreed. Plus, he's always talking about his wife and kids, yet is posting on these forums every single day. I enjoy message boards as much as the next guy, but I know not to let it consume me and take time away from my wife. To each their own, though, I guess.
  • Reply 66 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me. I mean. come on, over a thousand posts in just over a year, all negative, derisive. and demeaning to all things Apple. And why do the moderators allow this to go on and on, day after day when the intent is obvious?

    Sure... Tell my iPad 64gb/Wifi+3g about that 'inferiority' theory - XD!

    Note: (As previously stated) My iPad will serve me well around the house, but my Galaxy Tab's looking to be the superior mobile/on-the-go tablet device, which is why I buy tablets in the first place.
  • Reply 67 of 337
    Originally Posted by briavael View Post

    Supply is the key issue, as you've already identified. Apple is already selling every device they produce without a price cut, so I can't imagine there's need to stoke demand for this season. Apple's new product releases follow a well-worn pattern nowadays, and price cuts generally aren't part of the bargain.

    As far as the Galaxy Tab numbers, I'm impressed. It's a good start, but let's see Samsung's momentum moving forward.

    Well, I've seen the iPad in stock at several stores now, so they aren't immediately selling every single one they make, but supply is likely just meeting demand right now it seems.

    I think what I'm trying to really say is that if Apple really does have the ability to cut prices, I would like to see them do it now to squeeze out any fighting chance the competition has. Competitors only have a shot now because they are using smaller screens to reach similar price points. If they cut the price so most full featured 7" Android tablets or playbook were more expensive, would Samsung be anywhere close to 600k?

    I'm all for competition in the market place, but right now as a Apple shareholder, I want to see them own this market like they did the iPod for decades ahead =)
  • Reply 68 of 337
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    That's a lot more than I expected. Someone's making it interesting. Of course, the iPad got iOS 4.2 today and will get a hardware rev in a few months, so Apple isn't exactly sitting still.

    Considering the usability issues, it isn't a bad start. You have to put this in perspective though. This is an international rollout. Apple rolled out internationally over many months because of demand. Samsung probably has similar manufacturing capability, so they didn't sell out. If there was untapped demand, I think they would have sold more units. Sales will probably drop off now that initial demand has been satisfied. There may be an uptick in sales after a real tablet version of Android is released. It will be interesting to see how this goes though. You get a lot more value for your money with the iPad. A tablet needs a rich app ecosystem. If they can't make a tablet significantly cheaper then the iPad I don't see why the majority would by it over an iPad. They would need to be purely interested in web browsing. I guess RIM is trying to play that angle... I just don't see it working. After all the Blackberry and Android fans are satisfied, I don't really see these getting mass appeal like the Android phone. The Android phone is an easier sell because people who are less interested in apps buy it as a decent phone. I can see Android and Blackberry essentially competing in the space for users who don't care about apps.

    I think that Android (both phone and tablet) has the best chance to be on par with App selection on iOS devices, but I'm not sure if the quality will ever be the same as iOS. There is just a significant push to have b2c apps on the Android platform. Java developers will probably disagree with me because they don't like to learn Objective-C, but it is a much bigger pain to develop for Android. Despite being able to "tweak" the operating system more, the Android SDK is much more primitive then iOS. People may complain about openness, but you can do a lot (and by a lot I mean an order of magnitude) more on Apple's SDK then on the Android SDK. To further develop the Android SDK, Google needs to figure out how to subsidize it. Apple has a whole suite of devices that use the SDK and support its development. Apple isn't sitting still and each operating release (four major releases vs Androids two) they add more features for developers then the entirety of the Android SDK. This isn't bloat if that is what you are thinking. Most of the features are in optional frameworks and should reduce bloat in third party apps. Due to the way that iOS optimizes linking, there is no dynamic linking overhead to use these frameworks. That improves application startup time significantly which is important for a mobile device.
  • Reply 69 of 337
    Originally Posted by tangomoo View Post

    To be more accurate, Samsung sold 600K to its (tens of) carriers.

    Where do you see that?
  • Reply 70 of 337
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me.

    It makes them feel better about their buying decision.
  • Reply 71 of 337
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me. I mean. come on, over a thousand posts in just over a year, all negative, derisive. and demeaning to all things Apple. And why do the moderators allow this to go on and on, day after day when the intent is obvious?

    He generally behaves and doesn't personally attack other users or call them names, he generally stays on topic and does not use foul language in any post I have read. He does like Apple enough to buy their stuff as well as competitors. He does not seem to be married to any particular brand. You can't just kick someone off for having contrary opinion.
  • Reply 72 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Hardly... It has true (all app) multi-tasking, outstanding ergonomics/form-factor..., gorgeous/highly responsive screen, works as a mobile hotspot out-of the-box/with no additional fees, all-day-battery autonomy, choice of cellular carriers, etc.

    As someone who has written a few press releases in my day, I see a familiar, old style....
  • Reply 73 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by cincytee View Post

    As someone who has written a few press releases in my day, I see a familiar, old style....

    What... Attributes based 100% on my actually owning the device in question?
  • Reply 74 of 337
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    He generally behaves and doesn't personally attack other users or call them names, he generally stays on topic and does not use foul language in any post I have read. He does like Apple enough to buy their stuff as well as competitors. He does not seem to be married to any particular brand. You can't just kick someone off for having contrary opinion.

    Absolutely untrue. DaHarder consistently and only declares that he owns Apple equipment so that he can claim creditability when he explains why that equipment is inferior, each and every time, to whatever else has just come on the market.

    The Pre blew away the iPhone, the Zune blew away the iPod, Android blows away iOS, the Galaxy Tab blows away the iPad. Notice a pattern?

    The "just a tech enthusiast with an open mind" stance is the merest veneer of affectation over an unrelenting agenda to trash whatever Apple has on the market. My impression is that he gets off on taunting Apple users because he flatters himself that he's above all that and posting here is a way for him to flaunt his imagined breadth of experience. Call it what you will, it's at least mildly fucked up.
  • Reply 75 of 337
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    He generally behaves and doesn't personally attack other users or call them names, he generally stays on topic and does not use foul language in any post I have read. He does like Apple enough to buy their stuff as well as competitors. He does not seem to be married to any particular brand. You can't just kick someone off for having contrary opinion.

    I think you summed DaHarder up pretty well. I think a lot of people here are bothered by him, or see him as negative, because he is NOT all Apple all the time and is willing to buy non-Apple products, and he is willing to defend non-Apple products as worth buying.
  • Reply 76 of 337
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Absolutely untrue. DaHarder consistently and only declares that he owns Apple equipment so that he can claim creditability when he explains why that equipment is inferior, each and every time, to whatever else has just come on the market.

    The Pre blew away the iPhone, the Zune blew away the iPod, Android blows away iOS, the Galaxy Tab blows away the iPad. Notice a pattern?

    The "just a tech enthusiast with an open mind" stance is the merest veneer of affectation over an unrelenting agenda to trash whatever Apple has on the market. My impression is that he gets off on taunting Apple users because he imagines that he's above all that. Call it what you will, it's at least mildly fucked up.

    This may be news to many here, but quite a few reviewers said that the Palm OS was better than iOS at the time, and many reviewers have also said the Zune software interface is better than the iTunes interface.
  • Reply 77 of 337
    Vote with your wallet. Both platforms offer something for their respective buyers.
  • Reply 78 of 337
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Call it what you will, it's at least mildly fucked up.

    As far as I know, being all that, is still not a violation of the forum policies.
  • Reply 79 of 337
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me. I mean. come on, over a thousand posts in just over a year, all negative, derisive. and demeaning to all things Apple. And why do the moderators allow this to go on and on, day after day when the intent is obvious?

    If he owns and iPad and a Galaxy then he isn't trolling. As long as he owns an Apple device he has just as much right to be here as you do.
  • Reply 80 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Vote with your wallet. Both platforms offer something for their respective buyers.

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