Samsung's global Galaxy Tab sales lag behind Apple iPad at 600K



  • Reply 81 of 337
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    This may be news to many here, but quite a few reviewers said that the Palm OS was better than iOS at the time, and many reviewers have also said the Zune software interface is better than the iTunes interface.

    Name them. I've seen reviews that singled out this or that feature or UI bit being noteworthy, without flatly declaring the thing "better."

    DaHarder, on the other hand, waxes positively rhapsodic over the obvious and nearly unlimited advantages of each and every Apple competitor that comes on the market. He consigns each piece of Apple kit to the dustbin of history, having been obviously outclassed and obsoleted by whatever.

    The larger question, however, is that, given these awesome and clearly preferable user experience of these various devices, to what end do people such as DaHarder (or you, much of the time) waste your time posting here?

    What kind of fucked up mental illness is it, exactly that drives the need to constantly refute "fan boys", instead of seeking out the company of people using the equipment you prefer and talking about that?
  • Reply 82 of 337
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    As far as I know, being all that, is still not a violation of the forum policies.

    Never said it was.
  • Reply 83 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    That's really part of the beauty of Android... That there's so much flexibility/and customization available, as opposed to being relegated to an endless barrage of poorly-spaced icons.

    Ummm...just what does all that customization give you the ability to DO? I want a computer/tablet/device to help me do productive things...
  • Reply 84 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    All-App Multi-Tasking means just that - The OS allows any/all apps (including 3rd party) to multi-task just as the native apps do.

    My iDevices only allow Apple's native apps, and some select 3rd party ones, to run in the background... All others are simply suspended.

    You DO realize this is to help preserve battery life, right? To me, if an app is doing nothing for me while I'm not using it, i don't want it to drain my battery/CPU. But that's just me being logical.
  • Reply 85 of 337
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Any claims I've ever made have all been 100% factual, and proven on numerous occasions, so take your Hate/Vitriol/Lies Elsewhere...

    EDIT: BTW... I Challenge You To Prove Any of Your Lies.

    OH God People! Please stop feeding the troll. I don't want to scroll hundreds of attempts to beat this guy. Give it a break, please!
  • Reply 86 of 337
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    It makes them feel better about their buying decision.

    The Galaxy Tab on Sprint is 400.00 with a two year contract. Its hard to say that if someone wanted an iPad they couldn't afford the extra 100.00. The old mentality that people have to settle when they can't afford Apple products is a dead myth.

    Same goes with the iPhone, anyone can buy and iPhone. Evo, Incredible, Droid2 Droid X for the exact same price with a two year contract.

    So clearly there are those in the world that would just rather have the Android OS, with no buyers remorse.
  • Reply 87 of 337
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Never said it was.

    I guess I misunderstood when you countered that my statement was entirely untrue when I replied to another poster as to why the moderators have not kicked him off the site.
  • Reply 88 of 337
    Originally Posted by storneo View Post

    You DO realize this is to help preserve battery life, right? To me, if an app is doing nothing for me while I'm not using it, i don't want it to drain my battery/CPU. But that's just me being logical.

    The biggest issue with Android 2.2 has nothing to do with the Apps its mostly streaming video via Flash. I can get a full day out of my Android phone with all the backround apps available and most are inactive its when you start running Flash content you see your battery really start to drop.

    Compared to 2.1, Android 2.2 actually does a pretty good job of managing apps.
  • Reply 89 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by wordwise View Post

    Ummm...just what does all that customization give you the ability to DO? I want a computer/tablet/device to help me do productive things...

    For me, it affords the use of a quick glance at a single screen to see my appointments, Twitter feed, Facebook updates, contacts, et al without having to wade through page-after-page of look-alike icons, or open single stand-alone app.
  • Reply 90 of 337
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Anyway we are all just AI's pawns when it comes to these click bait articles. They do it on purpose. They know how it will turn out. Makes you wonder who the actual trolls are here.
  • Reply 91 of 337
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Anyway we are all just AI's pawns when it comes to these click bait articles. They do it on purpose. They know how it will turn out. Makes you wonder who the actual trolls are here.

    Yeah you notice how the non Apple related articles get the most posts. This thread has been here for what an hour and is already about to have 100 posts.
  • Reply 92 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by storneo View Post

    You DO realize this is to help preserve battery life, right? To me, if an app is doing nothing for me while I'm not using it, i don't want it to drain my battery/CPU. But that's just me being logical.

    Given that the vast majority of these devices have large enough batteries to power them in excess of 7 to 8 hours (in the galaxy Tab's case based on my usage), and many of us charge them nightly, these are no longer legitimate concerns.
  • Reply 93 of 337
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,221member
    I wonder what that 600K sold means. It might just be units sold to resellers in preparation for the holiday season. If that's the case, 600K might be "all she wrote" for the rest of the year.
  • Reply 94 of 337
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    with no other real Android competition, pent-up fanDroid demand, and the holidays Samsung should certainly be able to sell 1 million Galaxy tabs a month worldwide through the end of the year. but then it will drop like a rock as newer Android models and other tabs come to market ... and the iPad 2 freeze-the-market wait begins.

    so Samsung achieved its strategic goal by being the first OEM with something credible. how much that matters next year we'll see

    of course iPad holiday demand will be huge. Apple must be selling 2-3 million per month right now. now that the important 4.2 update is out, expect a massive Apple marketing blitz with lots of new ads. and Apple does that better than anyone ...
  • Reply 95 of 337
    Originally Posted by res08hao View Post

    Seriously, other than shirtless trailer park types

    Who would buy this?

    There will always be a gauche product available for those who have poor taste.
  • Reply 96 of 337
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Yeah you notice how the non Apple related articles get the most posts. This thread has been here for what an hour and is already about to have 100 posts.

    ... and DaHarder is the creater of at least 50% of those!
  • Reply 97 of 337
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    How many iPad users here on AI feel an overhwleming desire to join Android rumor sites and post continually to extoll the superiority of your iPad over Android devices?

    Any ideas why posters like DaHarder do it? It sure sounds like an inferiority complex to me. I mean. come on, over a thousand posts in just over a year, all negative, derisive. and demeaning to all things Apple. And why do the moderators allow this to go on and on, day after day when the intent is obvious?

    Tell me the ones to join and i will back you up. It seems Fandroids have nothing better to do with their time then post on Apple Forums.
  • Reply 98 of 337
    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    I wonder what that 600K sold means. It might just be units sold to resellers in preparation for the holiday season. If that's the case, 600K might be "all she wrote" for the rest of the year.

    I call bullshit on the 600,000 "sold"... maybe 600,000 shipped with only 150,000 actually sold.

    Get ready for deep discounts just before December 25th... and then DaHarder really can own 9 units.

    (I still can't figure out why he leaves the house with 2 different devices... the iPhone does everything I need it to do when on the go and when I get home I can use any number of other Apple hardware to accomplish other tasks.)
  • Reply 99 of 337
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I call bullshit on the 600,000 "sold"... maybe 600,000 shipped with only 150,000 actually sold.

    Get ready for deep discounts just before December 25th... and then DaHarder really can own 9 units.

    (I still can't figure out why he leaves the house with 2 different devices... the iPhone does everything I need it to do when on the go and when I get home I can use any number of other Apple hardware to accomplish other tasks.)

    Firstly: I never said anything about having 9 units, there are currently 3 each Galaxy Tab's in my house, but only one is mine, same situation with the iPad.

    Secondly: No one asked (or cares) if you can or can't 'figure out' what others do with their resources/gadgets.
  • Reply 100 of 337
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    You have the option to arrange it to whatever you feel like it (messy, clean, static, dynamic, hot color, dark color)

    You DONT have that option AT ALL in iOS.

    The iPad your friend has is almost the same as yours, sans background display.

    Wow you can spend lots of time rearranging the 10 useful apps, 9 of which were made by Google. It really does look like a nice device if you want to read email and surf the web on a lightly bigger screen than a cell phone. Not much else is ever going to happen with it though.
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